Durkon Thundershield

Heinrich von Hexenhammer's page

4 posts. Alias of ChazzAtron5000.


Having arrived early, Heinrich was beginning to grow impatient for the proceedings to commence. To better maintain alertness - because you never know when overtly suspicious may show themselves - he reached into a pouch for a pinch. Human chewing tobacco was weak compared to the Dwarven fungus versions, but at least it didn't cause him to sneeze from the spores. After a minute, he realized it would be... inappropriate to begin spitting all over the floor, and someone would likely object if he used one of the flower vases. Oh well, best to keep up appearances and gut it. Don't want to miss out on the Professor's repayment following that gnome after those circus gnomes...

Heinrich shifted back and forth on his feet while the images of those foul gnomes and their incessant laughter replayed in his mind.

As the human approached him, Heinrich faintly smelled something familiar about the lad...

Ah, yes, the smell of dried urine. This poor boy must be exceptionally callow, even by human standards. Hopefully he doesn't wet himself right next to me.

As Heinrich was about to respond to the boy's inquiry, a few others began to arrive. It was easy for Heinrich to see this human didn't feel safe with crowds, as he immediately retreated. Heinrich considered saying something, but he knew this was a somber affair and picking on a young boy wouldn't go over well. Plus, who was he to say anything when he had arrived early only to find the best position to observe the other attendees? Tactical sense or no, fear was still the primary motivator. Difference is, that poor kid seems overwhelmed by it. Looked to be clutching a holy symbol of some kind too... hard to pick out with how hard he was holding on to it. You would think his human gods would grant more strength.

Then there was the elf. Though there was the age old "feud" between elves and dwarves, Heinrich had never had issues with them as a whole - just a few of the non tax paying witch kind. Judging by that elf's sword, it's unlikely he's a witch - but that doesn't rule out that he might owe back taxes on something. But the situation calls for decorum, so no investigating... yet.

Heinrich arrives early, which suits him. He takes up a spot to better put his Stern Gaze upon the others to arrive, to see if any may be hiding something. Though the invitation made no mention of foul play, to simply assume nothing awry was afoot is not something Heinrich is capable of doing. Besides, what better place for someone involved to be than at the murder of their victim, in some sort of attempt to cover their tracks. The Professor had made more than a few enemies during his life for sure, ruffled too many feathers in the world of academia to simply pass on peacefully.

Hmm... this odd sorting of peoples here is certainly not outside those the Professor would have encountered... elves, rats, one of those who believe a little too much about reincarnation... they all SEEM to be legitimately here... but I better keep an eye out for trouble.

Giving everyone the stink eye as they arrive (sense motive): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

Inquisitor Heinrich von Hexenhammer is mostly an average dwarf... mostly. He is taller than most, but very lanky - as if he's always missed his last few meals. While many non-dwarves would conclude his attitude is what they see as "typical", dwarves would hardly agree. He is strict to the extreme, especially concerning the topics of debt, vengeance, and witchcraft.

The first two make sense enough, if one were to recognize the holy symbol to an obscure dwarven deity scarred on his forehead. Dranngvit is seldom worshiped even among dwarves, though many pay her lip service concerning her portfolio of debt, pursuit, and vengeance. The few actual worshipers of her are considered less then mentally stable when it comes to enforcing their beliefs.

Heinrich's issues with witchcraft stem from a vision he received from Dranngvit during his seminary, which urged him to travel to Ustalav and purge the lands of those using foul magics. Though the true purpose of that mission has yet to unfold, Heinrich is affirmed in his belief that he's on a mission from (his) god and can do no wrong.

In the mean time, Heinrich has been working as a tax collector for various Ustalavan lords to better finance his witch hunting. As it is well known that witches seldom pay their taxes, the two work well together.

Ah yes, the Professor. It's been a few years since I last consulted him concerning witchcraft in the area, and even more since our first encounter when that tax evading witch attacked him. He had proven a stalwart ally in my quest, and it would only be right to pay my respects. Besides, he does still technically owe me for that other time involving those gnomish circus clowns... looks like he's finally going to pay that debt, and I intend to collect in full.