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I would like to have
1) Revised action economy + swift action

2) Automatic bonus progression

3) Background skills

4) Spellcasters can use higher-level spells from casting ability stat on lower l level spells. 1/2 max spell they can cast rounded down minimum 1.

5) Scaling cantrips. 1dX damage for every spell level you can use.

6) Classes balanced around 6 level spell caster casters.

7) Rebalance the spell lists. Nerf some of the more power full spells.

8) Remove feat taxes

9) all classes should have something they can do in and outside of combat.

10) classes should have some class features they need to pick. rogue talents, revelations, and so on.


1) Support for words of power.

LordKailas wrote:

It's not a guide exactly, but I do have a searchable summary of the abilities granted by various gods. Its based on the information found on the Archives of Nethys Deities pages. They are difficult to search though so I'd developed the tables to make it easier to figure out what bonuses are available for any particular build I'm considering.As a result they are part of my character concepts document. I recognize people looking at this thread are probably only interested in the Obediences portion though, so I've extracted those tables as its own document and put it here.

If you want specifics you'll still need to look at the related page on AoN.

thanks this is extremely helpful :)

Are there any new fun or powerful ones put there?

is there a guide with all/most other obediences.

You will need to house rule what type of action it is to use spell combat.

We play it as
2 acts 1 spell and 2 attacks at 0/-5. then you can use your 3rd act to move or attack at -10 or move or attack before spell combat and gain a -5 to hit.

We also play with 3 acts + 1 swift action + some free action.

giving the player 2 extra attacks will Be very powerful.

what I would do is when he rages. the size of dice for the claws with the biggest damage dice increases one step.

do you have a class that you think is underrated by others?

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Samurai Warrior Poet and Ward Speaker.
It's a new class XD

Any new good ones?

What happens if you are stunned and then dragged into water?

Can you hold your breath?

Do any condition stop you from holding your breath?

I have no idea what you are asking about. I can't tell you what is best for you i don't know what you want to do.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Playtest document.

thank you :)

kevin_video wrote:
Draco18s wrote:
Some of the 3PP are likely we'll situated to being able to do this and it wouldn't surprise me if someone is already working on a PF1 cleanup and revision "just in case" PF2 sours people.
Purple Duck Games is currently doing their playtest for PF 1.5, and have just completed their 14th version of the pdf (updated spells). A few of the original Core classes were cut (ie. bard and ranger), but improved versions might come back in a later book (ie. like a version of the APG).

Where can i find information about this?

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Tryn wrote:

I'm missing some 0-level spells which actually scale with the level (like in 5E D&D).

Currently, especially at the lower levels, the spellcaster don't really cast spells in combat but use sub-optimal weapons to try to do some damage. If they use spells they are completely depleted after 1-2 fights, while the fighter still can deal his 1d8/2d6 damage each round.

I think all casters should have some sort of 0-level spell which does some moderate damage and scale with level, so they have some magic backup instead of rely on a sub-optimal ranged/melee weapon with poor attack stats.


Ray/Orb of [Element/positive Energy/negative Energy]
Level: Sor/Wiz 0
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action / 1 Full Round Action
Components: V, S, M
Range: close or touch
Duration: instant
Saving throw: none
Spell resistance: yes
The Spell damage of it's choosen damage type which must be choosen when the spell is learned, you can learn another damage type each 5 Levels.
To deal damage the caster must succeed in a ranged touch attack, if he does the spell does 1d6+Int/Cha damage.
Once the caster reaches level 5 he can choose to cast the spell for one full round to launch a second orb/ray to the same or another target. For every 5 Level thereafter he can launch one additional sphere (3 at level 10, 4 at level 15, 5 at level 20).

Special: This spell can also be used in melee without provoking an attack of opportunity.


my group has a house rule that makes all damaging cantrips scale with maximum spell level you can use. 1 extra dice of damage per spell level you can cast. So a 17 level wizard can use acid splash that deals 9d4 damage.

you are talking about.

Spell Tinkerer
The arcanist can alter an existing spell effect by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir. To use this ability, she must be adjacent to the spell effect (or the effect’s target) and be aware of the effect. She can choose to increase or decrease the remaining duration of the spell by 50%. This ability can be used on unwilling targets, but the arcanist must succeed at a melee touch attack, and the target may attempt a Will saving throw to negate the effect. This ability cannot be used on a given spell effect more than once. This ability has no effect on spells that are instantaneous or have a duration of permanent.

Armored Mask
By expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir as a standard action, the arcanist grants herself an effective illusion of armor.

She gains the benefits of mage armor with a caster level that’s equal to her arcanist level and appears to be wearing light or medium armor of whatever design she chooses when activating this ability. At any time while this effect is active, she can expend 1 additional point from her arcane reservoir as an immediate action to also gain the benefits of shield of faith with a caster level equal to her arcanist level.

I have no idea on how to focus on them. One of them is basically mage armor. + immediate action shield of faith. this part is actually good.

Spell tinker is a worse extend spell pretty much and lowering an enemies buff duration is not that good.

If you want to focus on abjuration. Pick counterspell.

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umbrella cantrip.

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I hope that there will be a lot of changes to the rules in the final release.

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Jeven wrote:

The Starstone Cathedral is also described in Mythic Adventures although it is rather underwhelming.

After completing a personalized Test, you appear before a panel of all the gods for an interview. If you pass the interview, one of the gods sponsors you, granting you a mythic rank.

Then you go out, do stuff and level up (using the Mythic Adventures rulebook) and perhaps one day become a real god. E.g. Iomedae was just a mythic hero NPC for a long time after the test (immortal & able to grant some spells), until Aroden died and she received her promotion.

So to succeed at the Test: (1) practice your interview skills! and (2) suck up to someone on the panel!

https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_RPG/comments/a9aqsq/mortals_could_becom e_gods_over_the_dumbest_things/

Ah. The reason I was confused is that we just retconned that retcon, or at least I did when I recently did a Pathfinder Friday Twitch interview about the Starstone last week. That regrettable section in Mythic Origins somehow slipped past my attention (I was supposed to review everything we said in print about Aroden or the Starstone, but someone failed to flag this one) during that book's production, and I was pretty livid when I came across it.

The Test of the Starstone isn't about jockeying for the attention of some other god to sponsor you into godhood. It's about taking your destiny by the throat and propelling yourself into divinity.

So yeah, that was dumb, and we've publicly signaled our intention to change it. When we actually detail the Test of the Starstone for real (in the course of an adventure, not four pages of filler), I can assure you the Starstone will work as originally intended, not as presented in the unfortunate resource you cite, which also made me mad. :)"

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use a stick and hit them in the face.

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if you had one in real life you would probably live forever or a lot longer.

But in the game, you die of age. you can be in perfect health and still die of age in PF. And it's a random dice rule.

Oooo I misread the question.

I don't think so.

"A barbarian can enter rage as a free action"

What are you trying to do?

I hope that he can change his stat placement.

Using monk unarmed damage instead of the weapons normal damage is not a virtual size increase for the weapon.

It just changes out the normal base damage this means that the size increase would affect the damage dice.

the 2 big things are

Automatic bonus progression
3 act system with 1 swift action and ? free actions a turn.

I like the idea of the serial number thing.
What do the numbers/letter stand for?

It should think it's one of the most important arbiter's in the world.

So my character will get an improved familiar at level 7

But I don't know what to call it. Name/title

I think it should be something like.

I'm ???? the Diplomat of the Transcendental Council of the Defined Infinite,

Can change out Transcendental Council of the Defined Infinite ts the Godmind of Axis

Something that sounds extremely important.

Any ideas?

do I have too many dispelling focus things?

Melkiador wrote:

You're a seeker of truth and knowledge on a journey of discovery, and a student of the arcane arts. You may even style yourself as a priest of Nethys.

I don't feel like you have to explain all of your abilities. You can do what you can do, because you're magic.

thanks that sounds pretty good.

Basic character information

Elven Immunities, Keen Senses, Fey-Sighted, Fey Thoughts, and Darkvision.

Stats (4d6-3 3 times pick the best one)
Str 7
Dex 18
Con 12
Int 20
Wis 12
Cha 16

Warrior of old, Spell Dual Prodigy, Bitter (Might change this one) and Lore Seeker (Dispell magic, Grater Dispell magic, and ???)

Arcanist Twilight Sage
Level 1 Quick study and Twilight Barrier
Level 3 Potent Magic and Dimensional Slide
Level 5 Spell disruption and Counter Spell

Level 6 Familiar (Ioun Wyrd) (I Can pick Halflings FCB [House rule])
Level 7 Spell penetration and Dispel focus (pick quick study as an exploit and retrain the feat automatically [House rule 2])
Level 9 Improved Familiar (Inevitable Arbiter)[House rule 2])

Level 11 Grater Counterspell and Twilight Transfer
Level 12 Improved Counter Spell [House rule 2]
Level 13 Destructive Dispel and Counter Drain
Level 15 Parry Spell ane Grater spell disruption

Level 17 Grater Spell Penetration and Siphon spell.

So I'm going to play an optimized Dispeller. I know that they are not that strong but I think it will be fun.

I'm thinking of retraining out of Twilight Sage at level 13 when my character can fill his point pool by counter spelling.

Explanation for traits and stuff
Warrior of old, Spell Dual Prodigy
Home land Kyonin
Lived in Erages, worked at Erages Academy’s library as a bookbinder for 40 years. I studied spell dueling as well as working with all the books.

Lore Seeker
Traveled mostly by boat to Sandpoint to study old thasalonion ruins and try to learn old and forgotten spells.

What I tell people will be something like, I can see in the dark because I spent so much time I spent reading and working in dark libraries.

Works like arcanist exploit to See magic for us but it's permanent. So no need to roll and keep track rounds. Don't have an explanation for this but I think it's cool and fitts for a master of the arcane arts.

Nethys god of magic and knowledge

Want to find a way to use arcane magic for healing.
Will try to collect all arcane spells in a spellbook collection. Will need 6 blessed spellbooks. (GM told me that if I finish the collection it will turn in to an artifact. Suggestions about what the artifact would do would be appreciated)

LN (For rules purposes, We play with the loyalty system)
I think I'm bad at picking loyalties, so suggestions would be great.

The Ioun Wyrd can turn in to the Inevitable Arbiter. I think it's fun to have a logical almost Immortal familiar. I would like it to have some quirks that make it a bit more interesting to RP with my scholarly character. Name suggestions would be amazing.

Character quirks
Obsessed with books especially spell books.

The other characters in the party
Goliath Druid
Ranger divine marksman
Kineticist Fire
Rogue Sylvan Trickster
and sometimes a Swashbuckler will join us.

I'm going to have to introduce my character to the other players and I'm usually terrible at it so this time I want to be prepared. So I want some help. How would you introduce this character?

Competitive +1 to every skill?

You grew up and were raised around fabulous sporting events, and your youth was consumed with a driving need to be better than everyone else. Any hint of a contest spurs you to your greatest heights of potential.

Benefit(s): Whenever another creature within 30 feet attempts a skill check and you attempt a check with the same skill before the start of that creature’s next turn, you gain a +1 trait bonus on your check (this includes attempting an opposed skill check against the creature).

to looks like to me, that would get +1 to almost everything. Buy just rolling after a player. Or how do you read it?

what do you think about removing one talent and evasion?

So they don't stack. How would you remove to make this combination balanced?

The closest thing to this would be hexcrafter magus I think.

If you have used this system. Did you find any problems with it?
How could you solve the problem?

One thing that could be seen as a problem is that mental stats are being boosted first.
So this could be improved by picking if you get mental or physical bonuses first.

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warrior poet is awesome as well

Anything new in the last few years`?

blahpers wrote:
Filled out. Good luck!

thank you :)

avr wrote:

Yeah, but the spell also has to affect them, and of course a solid mid-level spell which affects a spellcaster may well be able to stop them casting spells anyway. I'm not saying it's useless - a spell like disruptive ice storm might be useful in the right situation - but you might find that a hold monster spell or something would work better.

Also, remember that there are items which can boost concentration checks. They're rare on NPCs, true.

Looking for a meta-magic feat to add to greater dispell magic. I did not find many that are fun and good :(

BlarkNipnar wrote:

EDIT: I goofed. I thought "pawns" was another word for models. I'd mention that a similar product could be card-boxes, but I think I no longer have relevant points to make. I've taken your survey anyway.

Also note, this could be on purpose but, the "Are you interested in purchasing a box like this?" only has "Yes" options.
While I don't wish to discourage you if you truly want to produce this; there are a great many of products that exist in this realm; as my single amazon search shows.

Why do I mention this? Well, aside from understanding you have a lot of competition in this realm already, it's worth looking at their products since they are already market-tested. The evolution that occurs when people market products naturally trims out the weaker product lines; so seeing what survived and then seeing if you can improve upon it is a good strategy.

Personally when I need to move/store them I tend to cut up foam and tightly fit things into plastic bins. When I have them around the house I have them on shelves for easy access when not in storage.

Thanks for taking the servey I will take a look at that question.

It was a typo. Now it's fixed.

I'm a Swedish pathfinder player and student studying product development and design.

I designed my own Pawn storage box and I'm now wondering if I should bring a similar product to market. It would help me a lot if you fill in
this survey.
(it should take 4 minutes or something. 10 questions)

If you don't want to fill it in I would like to hear, how do you store your pawns?

What problems do you have with storing pawns?

So a level 10 character can cast this with a 4 level spell.

the DC could be
10+4(Spell level)+6(Int)+2(Greater spell focus)=22
If the target tries to cast a level 5 spell the DC would be 26.

If the target is level 10 as well it would have a bonus of. 10(Level)+6(int)

So a 50% chance of making the save.

I'm guessing that the chance will stay around that at earlier or later levels.

DeathlessOne wrote:
Zautos' wrote:
Elves of golarionis a 3.5 book. So this might not be true.
While that may be true, both the Inner Sea Guide and Campaign setting make reference to the same story and destination/origin of the elves. Since Elves of Golarion goes into more detail, and nothing else I have seen conflicts with this information, it is the most reliable source. The book was written to be compatible with the 3.5 system, yet used the Pathfinder game system and world setting. Unless there is newer information, there is no reason to discount or question its accuracy.

From a different thread

Bob Bob Bob wrote:
For completion's sake, James Jacobs' response.

For example. Inevitable, Arbiter has SR 13 (11+HD)

From familiar on d20pfsrd Hit Dice: For the purpose of effects related to number of Hit Dice, use the master’s character level or the familiar’s normal HD total, whichever is higher.

Would this SR increase with level?

DeathlessOne wrote:

The book "Elves of Golarion" goes into more details

Sleep wrote:
Though elves are immune to magical sleep effects, the idea that they never rest is a myth. Instead, though they do not fall unconscious the way other humanoids do, elves may enter a deep trance that has the same refreshing effect on the mind as human sleep. An elf only needs to meditate in this fashion for 4 hours per day, though some prefer longer periods...
Elves are actually aliens to Golarion.

Elves of golarionis a 3.5 book. So this might not be true.

The only books you need is the adventure.

You can find all the rules you need at d20pfsrd.com or aonprd.com

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All sorcerer/wizard spells.
Lv 0 27
Lv 1 168
Lv 2 238
Lv 3 219
Lv 4 189
Lv 5 158
Lv 6 118
Lv 7 98
Lv 8 63
Lv 9 55
Total 1333

The total amount of pages to store them all 5267
Normal spellbooks needed 53
The total cost of scribing them the normal whey 276155gp

Blessed spellbooks needed 6
Cost to purchase 75000 gp
Cost to craft 37500 gp

Time to scribe 251 days when working 21h/day with help of a ring of sustenance.

Or 132 work weeks for 8h/day 5days/weeek

Blessed Spellbook at later levels.

1000 page spellbook for 12.5k

You will need 6 to know all spells on your spell list.

2 pathfinder pouches to store them in as well.

avr wrote:

There's not a lot which can be applied to supernatural abilities, no. Each one is its own special snowflake so it's rare that a developer will be brave enough to allow something which could have weird synergies.

The closest to what you want might be to get a conductive whip. It's not ranged but it would get 15' reach. It'd hit normal AC rather than touch though.

Thanks. That's better than nothing but hopefully, there is something better out there.

or a way to change the ability so it's a ranged touch attack instead.

Is there a way for a familiar to deliver stuff like Spell Disruption [Arcanist Exploit]?

Spell Disruption (Su)
"The arcanist can temporarily disrupt a spell by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir and succeeding at a dispel check against the spell, asdispel magic. This ability suppresses a spell effect for a number of rounds equal to the arcanist’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). If the spell affects multiple creatures, this ability only suppresses the spell for one creature. At the end of this duration, the spell resumes and the suppressed rounds do not count against its total duration. This ability can be used on unwilling targets, but the arcanist must succeed at a melee touch attack, and the target may attempt a Will saving throw to negate the effect. This ability has no effect on spells that are instantaneous or have a duration of permanent."

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