Low Templar

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Organized Play Member. 43 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Liberty's Edge

Cheapy wrote:

Spirited charge just triples the damage after all is said and done.

So...you crit. 1d8+3 x 4. Or 4d8+12.

Now you triple that. 12d8+36. This averages to 78 points of damage. Yes, a lance is going to hurt a lot. Yes, a critical hit lance strike will make the target paste. This is normal and expected.

Throw in Power Attack for more fun.

Not sure if you can Power Attack on a Charge, or can you?

Liberty's Edge

GM and I having a bit of trouble calculating what exactly happens when I land a critical hit on a mounted charge...

*I have the Feat Spirited Charge, when mounted and using charge action double the damage, or triple with a lance. (Corebook p134)

*I am using a Hooked Lance for d8 dmg, crit on 20 x4 (Ultimate Combat p131)

*My lance has been recently imbued with the Thundering magical quality which adds an additional 3d8 sonic damage on a crit (Corebook p472)

*All that aside, the lance itself is a +1 magic weapon as well, and I have a +2 Str mod, so what happens when I crit?

Spirited Charge says that I triple damage...
The Hooked Lance critical dmg itself is quadruple...

I understand adding the 3d8 sonic dmg at the end of it all but how do I calculate this? Do I stick to the general concept in that anytime you hear "double, triple, etc" dmg that you really should just be factoring in additional dmg dice? I.E. a weapon that hits normally for d8 dmg would be rolled rolled 2d8 for double dmg, not d8x2 because when you multiply once, then have another factor multiplying again you get a ridiculously high number. (Imagine Spirited charge for d8x3 and I roll a 6... then you have 18dmg but wait, Hooked Lance crit dmg is x4, so 18dmg times 4 = 72... and I'll just stop there)

What I am thinking is this:
Lance is d8 dmg, when using Spirited Charge its 3d8 (basically just add +2d8)
Lance is d8 dmg, on a Crit its 4d8 (so your adding +3d8dmg)

That being said, when using Spirited Charge AND landing a Critical Hit you have...
1d8 (base dmg)
+2d8 from Spirited Charge
+3d8 from Critical Hit
for a total of 6d8 base dmg, right?
At this point we now all mods like +2 Str and +1 Magic Wpn. bonus
so....... (6d8+3 Physical dmg) + (3d8 Sonic dmg from Thunderous)...

9d8+3? that's a kick in the pants, assuming this is all done correctly.

Any input would be appreciated.

Liberty's Edge

I believe this and Dragon Empires
would both form a solid backbone to the new Jade Regent Adventure Path!!


Liberty's Edge

At last!

My life is complete. :)

Liberty's Edge

Finally an Adventure Path that is "somewhat" Linnorm Kingdoms themed!!

Gypsies, Vikings, and Samurai! Oh my!


James Jacobs wrote:

Nope; not Baba Yaga. She's associated with Irrisen, not the Crown of the World

She is somewhat related to the Crown of the World. Correct me if I am wrong but I believed it was her that marched from the Crown with a massive army of baddies to conquer half of the Linnorm Kingdoms, which is how Irrisen came to be.


Dark Mistress wrote:

Guy on the cover looks cool.

That's what sold me, I have been waiting for *something* Linnorm Kingdoms/Ulfen'ish in their AP product lines.

Liberty's Edge

Oops! I tend to check posts that have been bumped to the top and forgot to notice the date this time.

I am not new, but I dont frequent these forums very often.

My apologies!

Liberty's Edge

For all my 15 years of GMing (taken with a grain of salt please) I have always allowed 1st level characters MAX hit die for two reasons.
1) Nobody wants to play a level 1 Fighter (w/whatever con bonus) if they roll a 1 on their hit die.
2) Said nobody will tempted to make a new character just to get a better roll.

Also, when they level up, I allow them to REROLL their hit die if they wish, but must keep second result.

Level 1 Fighter w/his 10 hp (con bonuses aside) roll's 1d10 for his 2nd level of hit points and rolls a 4... he decides the odds are good for a better result and rerolls, but rolls a 2. He must keep that 2. This is the worst case scenario of course, but all in all, it gives the players a slight edge on survivability. Good for new players or small groups.

Also, what I did for my smaller group is gave them extra feats, 1, 2, 3, you decide how many. I also gave them a "GM feat" which is something at the end of character creation (usually after I think about the character for a bit) is simply just a Feat that I chose for them, not player chosen.
I find saying, at the end of character creation "I am also going to give you ______ because the way you described your character _____ blah blah" feels pretty good, and I have never had a player not be excited with what I chose for them.
I know some GM's are noobs and would be tempted to give their player a useless feat, if you do, just.... stop GMing please lol.

You can add or mix into this TRAITS as well, entirely your show.

For example, I have one player who is a half elven fighter, his human ancestry being Ulfen and being raised himself in the Land of the Linnorm Kings I gave him the regional feat "Berserkers Cry" cause to me as a GM, it made sense with his character.

Take from this what you will, and have fun running your game!

Liberty's Edge

kahoolin wrote:

Yeah, that's all fair enough, and like you said classes are based on fantasy archetypes, but the problem is that there isn't even a fantasy archetype of samurai wielding two swords.

Niten Ichi-ryu, which can be loosely translated as "the school of the strategy of two heavens as one", is a koryu (ancient school), transmitting a style of classical Japanese swordsmanship conceived by the famous warrior Miyamoto Musashi. Hyoho Niten Ichi-ryu is mainly known for the two-sword—katana and wakizashi—kenjutsu techniques Musashi called Niten Ichi ("two heavens as one") or Nito Ichi ("two swords as one"). (copied from wikipedia, but there are many references to his two sword style, especially in his Book of the Five Rings

That being said, any two sword wielding samurai IS indeed extremely rare, but not as far fetched as a samurai wearing plate mail and using a shield, yet they have those proficiencies!

It's a broken class yes, but I have faith it will be polished by the time Ultimate Combat is release.

Liberty's Edge

Cydeth wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
And if you can't handle that, maybe you shouldn't be GMing.

(Emphasis mine).

The key word is: Master.
Too bad eight years of explicitly taking that power away from GMs weakens that statement. It's a player driven game now, GMs (unless they're lucky enough to be game designers or never have to scramble for players due to circumstances) are just there to read the boxed text and roll the dice.

That is probably the most ignorant comment I have ever read.

*Pulls out Longspear of Trollslaying +5 and braces for a charge*

Liberty's Edge

omega9 wrote:
If you're not too keen on the fluff of a class, then refluff it.

That's basically the short version of my previous post lol.


Liberty's Edge

I don't really know much about the mechanics of these new "classes" but I would like to discuss my theory and how they could work...

When I say "Ulfen Ninja" what is your first initial thought?

Sounds silly right? You might think about Viking inspired warriors or the north, singing songs as they go into battle and reeking of honey mead? And when you hear Ninja you think of a japanese man in black pajamas wearing black paint over his skin, a cold, silent killer.

Lets try not to view these classes on how WE look at them stereotypically, but rather, as a "template". Forget all the "lore/fluff" that comes with it and lets just crunch the numbers.

I imagine the ninja class focuses on, well... assassination?

Now historically the germanic tribes (which has many overlapping Ulfen themes) either fought in open battle with the Romans, and usually lost, but also fought guerilla warfare at night (see Battle at Teutoberg forest).They wore little to no armor, painted their bodies black, and used wooden weapons to emphasize stealth.

See where I am going with this yet? Rolling a character that might have been part of a forward scouting group/guerilla warfare/terror tactics who happens to be Ulfen, and who wore little to no armor, painted his skin black, etc etc etc can also overlap some of the themes a "ninja" class brings to the table. A cold silent and utterly ruthless killer.

I guess what I am trying to say is to not use the imagery we know words like "ninja, samurai, gunslinger" and instead just take the core mechanics of this class and look at it as a template.

The GM sits down with all his players and goes around the table asking a bit about their new characters they made for a fresh starting game.
GM: "So Jake, what character are you gonna make?"

Jake is about to respond "Ulfen ninja!" but to avoid the possibility of ridicule he instead says...
Jake: "I made an Ulfen who focuses on guerilla warfare and assassination tactics. In short, and Ulfen with the ninja template".

Sounds reasonable to me. Try not to view these new classes as added foreign ingredients to a very rich Golarion, but instead, try to pull from the culture Golarion already has, and view these classes as a "template" and not a class. (though mechanically theyre the same, I'm just trying to apply a psychological philosophy to this.)

I hope all my gibberish made sense.

Liberty's Edge

Cartigan wrote:
Ravingdork wrote:
If you've roleplayed long enough,

Or you know, just played the game.

surely your friends have approached you asking you to play a certain role in the party because it (1) hadn't been filled yet and (2) they felt it was absolutely necessary to the party's survival.

I generally choose my class last and volunteer to fill any role missed by the party.

I for one do not believe that any one class is necessary for a party's survival (or even a certain class combos) if the PCs are played intelligently and to their strengths.

If they are varied mid level Wizards...

Got a party of rogues? Don's sit around and let the earth elementals bash you to bits like idiots. Run away and set up traps.

Did setting traps suddenly become an easy thing to do on the run like in Neverwinter Nights?

Be sneaky and inventive like rogues are want to do. You're faster and smarter than they are. Pull an ewok.

Then you get punched in the face because sneaky doesn't work against Elementals.

A bunch of physical types against a spellcaster? Rush him. He can have a bunch of buffs up that make hitting him in melee or at range incredibly hard, but he can't cover all of his bases at once.

Oh yes he can.

If the party asks me to make a rogue because they have no way of dealing with traps, I may just make a rogue with the scout/thug archetype and let them think their way out of the traps (mage hand and knock goes a long ways towards opening trapped doors).

I read this as "If my party asks me to play a character that they find they need, instead of explaining my opinion of 'necessary roles' in the game and my baseless hatred for needing them, I decide to secretly create a Rogue that - on purpose - can do nothing my party asked of me without telling them."

I wouldn't put up with that crap, I'm surprised your party does.

Either your trolling with that post, or just plain rude.

To the OP poster, I agree with you for the most part. This is not World of Warcraft, you don't necessarily need the archtype Tank, Dps, Heal combo. But variations of that tried and true setup do work. Then again, in a game thats a gazillion times more open and freeform than a linear game there are many work arounds.

A party of wizards? Not that far fetched, suppose you were the most recent graduating class from the Whatever College of WIzardy and "stuff happens" (GM, your up) that puts that group in a situation where they are stuck with eachother without the luxury of fine tuning a group. Your group is the guy/gal standing next to you. Either way, it depends on the style of the players and the GM, and as Cartigan wrote above, he does make some valid points if your one of those types of groups. In closing, i think a group that is lacking in many roles isnt always a bad thing, the game is about fun, and those challeneges can make change the game dynamically and could be quite interesting.

side note: Icewind Dale 1&2 with all melee (fighters, a fighter/rogue, and paladin) wasnt too hard and was alot of fun. Thats a video game, were talking about a game where your only limited by your imagination.

Thumbs up to the OP.

Liberty's Edge

It also say:

"but you pay only the standard cost at character creation."

standard as in NORMAL price of a normal weapon?

or the standard masterwork price? (i think thats +300g)

Liberty's Edge

Then what's to stop one from just using Cleave all the time (with Overhand Chop and Vital Strike "plugged in") and hoping for the best?

Visually I see the fighter having two choices, Overhand Chop for a nasty vertical strike doing high single target damage, OR using Cleave as an area-of-effect horizontal attack.

Liberty's Edge

That question has led me to to create this post in the first place...

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

I have seen various posts about this already so my forward apologies if I am just not understanding the interpretation.

Question #1:
Can you use Power Attack w/Overhand Chop?

Question #2:
Can you use Power Attack w/Overhand Chop while Charging?

Question #3:
Can you use Cleave w/Overhand Chop?

Question #4:
Can you use Cleave w/Overhand Chop while Charging?

Any clarification on this would be greatly appreciated.

Forgive me if I am confused on some of the rules, I have just recently began a new game and have to have a refresher course on the rules before we play our first game.

Liberty's Edge

Wolfthulhu wrote:
Willing to glue/paint or are you looking for prepainted plastics?

I play Warhammer 40k, or rather, build armies for the hobby of it rather than play it as much. I take a little pride in doing custom work for every model in my armies, from the Big Badd Ass hero (HQ) to the lowly grunt. So yes, I'm ok with doing a little surgery on my minis :)

Liberty's Edge

In short, I am having a difficult time finding minis for my PC's as they are all quite unique.
The party consists of...

*A human male bard, with 1 part shortsword, 1 part whip, 1 part Dragon Disciple
*A half-elf male monk (I've already found some potentials for this one)
*A half-elf Ulfen based ranger with two swords
*A young human male wizard with a cane (this one isn't as difficult as they others)
*A human male rogue, 1 part Chelish nobleman, 1 part archer
*A female gnome (halfling models will work too) from Alkenstar, who uses a giant rifle.

Any suggestions would be highly appreciated!

Liberty's Edge

In short, I am having a difficult time finding minis for my PC's as they are all quite unique.
The party consists of...

*A human male bard, with 1 part shortsword, 1 part whip, 1 part Dragon Disciple
*A half-elf male monk (I've already found some potentials for this one)
*A half-elf Ulfen based ranger with two swords
*A young human male wizard with a cane (this one isn't as difficult as they others)
*A human male rogue, 1 part Chelish nobleman, 1 part archer
*A female gnome (halfling models will work too) from Alkenstar, who uses a giant rifle.

Any suggestions would be highly appreciated!

Liberty's Edge

I have been inspired by this all female coven of bad ass monk/ninja chicas but there is such limited info on them.

Sure, there is the Red Mantis, who are cool except for those ridiculous masks which I will most likley just "write out" of the fluff of my game and give them shrouds instead. However, the Red Mantis are way too far south of where my campaign is taking place, my primary focus now is the struggle between Andoran, Taldor, and Chelix, as well as the surrounding regions.

I cannot find anything official on this faction except for a simple stat block in the NPC guide.I have been slowing tying a monk character in my party to this group of sisters through the form of flashback sequences but I have been leaving them extremely vague. If anyone has ANY suggestions for me, PLEASE help meh!

For the time being, I am going off the assumption they have the attitude of the Mord'Sith from Legend of the Seeker, but going to give them sort of a crude ninja'esque look to them, using a variety of really nasty weapons. Afterall, they do mimic the combat style of Bearded Devils, who are some pretty ugly suckers.


Liberty's Edge

Asgetrion wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Page 83 of the Campaign guide mentions the devil nuns in passing.
I have personal... er, experience about this particular subject. Wonderful people... and very dedicated to their cause! >;)

I would LOVE to hear you spill your secrets my way, or at least where you have found more sources on them, if any. I have a monk player who has posed interest in having a little romp with them, however you want to spin that.

But in all seriousness, is there ANYTHING out there on the (let me correct myself) Isgeri Devil Nuns, AKA, Sisters of the Golden Erinyes?

Please tell meh!

Liberty's Edge

Cry? No, but some songs stir me up for sure...

(maybe use this in game for some legendary band of bards?)

(I plan to use this as a "rallying" moment to the Andoran army against ______)

and lastly from the movie
(I plan on using this in an Andoran tavern where the bartender's daughter is asked to sing after a rather bloody encounter the heroes and citizens endure prior)

ENJOY!! :)

Liberty's Edge

"I would use cleave as normal and simply DESCRIBE it as having hit with one or more weapons."

That's exactly the way I GM... in the beginning I ran into that problem when I was too narrative for a character that was simply attacked by a skeleton that didnt hit her. "Your at this point creating a wall the skeleton cannot get through as it begins tryng to clamber OVER your shield"
My player heard this and said "I drop the shield"... which put me into a pickle when all that happened was the skellie simply missed with its attack roll on her.

So make sure you make it crystal clear to your players the difference between "narrative" and "mechanical" combat.

I literally say things like "mechanically, you hit once with your main weapon once, but miss with your off weapons and deal X dmg to Orc, who now has 2/12 hit points."
but I usually follow up with something to the group in the lines of "Ok so the ranger is still dancing around in between and around the orcs, parrying strikes, and exchanging minor blows until the ranger lands a deep wound across the orcs chest, it kicks the ranger back a moment in frustration and flies into a frenzy as it hangs on to its last moments in life"
That of course is a very drawn out description, but you get the jist.

As long as your players are comfortable with it, which my players eventually did, and everyones on the same sheet of music as far as what numbers are crunching behind the curtain, then you can add some flare to it. I have also noticed that some players get really amped into it and sometimes if they have an idea thats "breaking the rules" but just adds to the cinematic moment, i will sometimes give it. It encourages fun and intersting moments, but your playing with a delicate BEAST, take baby steps...

Liberty's Edge

A ranger in my group wants to CLEAVE with BOTH of his weapons... I dont believe its possible, though the concept is cool. The description of the Cleave Feat says "You can only make one additional attack per round with this feat"
this xtra attack they are referring to is the one given by use of cleave? also, even if its against the 'rules', has anyone allowed it in a homebrew and if so mind sharing me your balancing of this?

Also, I assume you can use PWR ATTACK and CLEAVE together, I dont see why not, but now I am second guessing myself.

Thanks in advance!

Liberty's Edge

You could also swing down into Redmond on Sunday for the Mac and Jacks brewery tour... they have growlers of good frothy beer there too...


Liberty's Edge

Come to think of it, this could be a decent option... though its more of a large resteraunt with good beer type of atmosphere than that seedy tavern vibe you might be gunning for.


Liberty's Edge

Lori B wrote:
The grocery store diagonally across the street from the hotel (Whole Foods) has a great beer selection. Grab some bottles and load up that mini fridge in your room.

Sadly, as a Bellevue resident there are no good pubs in the area, you'd have to go outside the city to find anything decent, Rogue Brewery in Issaquah is decent. However, as the post above says, there is a GREAT selection of imported this thats and whatever's available. "The Hobgoblin" is a kick in the pants, and can't forget the "Arogant Bastard" :)

Liberty's Edge

Evil Lincoln wrote:

I've just read several threads where people are dealing with players with astronomical Ability scores.

I've been trying to use a 15 point buy in all my new games, and I still get push back from the players.

I just don't get it. All high scores accomplish is more paperwork for the GM and/or ruining the experience for all involved.

So to all you players out there, I beg you, take the 15 points. Your GM can then build encounters super-easily, and you'll get to play more! Anyone can make a "powerful" character by writing down big numbers rather than small ones, but you cannot make an awesome character in this way.

*steps down from soapbox*

I tried something to keep my players, whom are mostly "power gamers" to stop crunching the numbers so much and focus on character development. I could go in detail about why this has worked for my campaign very well, but in short, this is my "homebrew", give it a try?

The first thing I asked my players before they made their character is to choose what sort of starting "Edge" they would prefer... to put it simply...

Edge 1: "STATS"
*roll 4d6, ignoring lowest die for Ability Scores
*1 Trait
*starting Gold is rolled for as normal
(the Monk, the Druid, and the Cavalier in my group went for this)

Edge 2: "ORIGIN"
*roll 3d6 for Ability Score (then +1 to any attribute regardless of any racial bonuses, no stats above 18)
* 3 Traits (one from each Trait sub-category: IE Combat, Magic, Faith, etc)
* starting Gold maxed
* item(s) of the player's choice... GM approved of course. (Since the player's Ability Scores are going to be "lower" that will have very dynamic affect on their overall character in everything they do, so I would suggest to be generous, but reasonable. I found making custom items per the players wishlist that would "grow" with them as they level is in short, quite an fun experience so far =)

Liberty's Edge

You could always take inspiration from Lord Soth's story from Dragonlance, or even Darth Vader. To err is human. I think Fallen Paladins make for a great story, but then again, it depends on how hard you want him to fall.

Even Lancelot I would consider a fallen pally... he gave into his passions, and doomed Camelot as a consequence. The kicker is how (if) that said Paladin goes about seeking redemption... or not at all!

Liberty's Edge

I have been tossing around the idea of picking this module up for a few reasons. Mainly it's because I have the modules Hollows Last Hope, Crown of the Kobold King, Revenge of the Kobold King, and Hungry are the Dead. Which all all basically revolve around Falcons Hollow, so squeezing this in the mix seems appropriate. However, I am not a big fan of slasher films, but I have never ran a module such as this and I constantly am looking for ways to rattle the cage of my gaming group, who are all primarily power gamers (ones even a lawyer!). I really want my players to see the animosity the fey have developed from having their homeland ravaged by the Lumber Consortium, and this seems my chance to do it. I want them to feel that the forest denizens are no joke, not a bunch of "silly fairies". On a side note I am even trying to have the Ice Queen Elvannia digging her icy claws into the feys hearts and minds, wresting control of the fey from Syntira herself, and this seems a great jump off point for this.

I really want a module that snaps them into the position of attention and feel truly vulnerable. Im a big fan of happy endings, and putting the heroes in the spotlight when they do so, but this module seems to turn that skin outside out. It seems this module really stands apart from other modules in a darker way. Its hard to know if i should pick this up without having the ability to thumb through it myself.

I know that if I am just not feeling the mojo of a module, I will probably run it poorly and would rather avoid this. Yet I want to really shake up my gaming group a bit with this one and grab their attention. I see alot of great reviews, but the one review said the citizens of Falcons Hollow ultimately either die or become corrupt, and this is my PC's base of operations! Worth picking up or no?

Liberty's Edge

I'd like to see something on the Long Axes; Ulfen elite mercenary bodyguards to the Taldoran Empire. Reminds me of the historical Varangian Guard: Viking bodyguards of the Byzantine Emperor.

Also the Chelish Devil Nuns seem like an interesting and dark twist on the "monk" concept. Similiar to the Mord'Sith from Legend of the Seeker maybe? (from the show, not the books)

Regardless, I imagine a product like this a great way to bolster the foundation of any new Pathfinder campaign, or a great way to flesh out one already in the works.

Love the lore, keep'em coming! :)

Liberty's Edge

By Odin's Beard!!!!! Paizo presents: "Real men of Genius"

Liberty's Edge

Interesting... though I owned Dragon Mountain some many years ago, I never had the chance to run it. Since the PF game I am running now is almost completely revolving around Andoran (mainly Darkmoon Vale) and its neighboring countries this is an excellent idea! I look forward to hearing about the progression of this ambitious project. I'd lend a hand, but my knowledge of game mechanics was and always is a bit blurry :)
You could even link the chain of modules listed below with this...
Hollows Last Hope... Crown of the Kobold King... Revenge of the Kobold King... and lastly, Hungry are the Dead.

Liberty's Edge

yoda8myhead wrote:

Is September due time enough for you?

Yep, thats the one! As soon as its out, it leaves my cart and comes flying to me ;)

That's 1 module...

Liberty's Edge

Zaister wrote:

You might want to check out the Whitethrone write-up in Cities of Golarion.

I have this already, and though I highly recommend it, to me, its just not enough :(

I have just a little over 10 modules, and more than half of them take place directly in Darkmoon Vale and thereabouts, which is a great backdrop for new and rising heroes, but so far I have found only one module so far for Irrisen. Maybe in due time..?

Liberty's Edge

From the day I first picked up the Campaign Setting I have always wanted to see and know more about the lands of Irrisen, ruled by the Witch Queen Elvanna and the surpressed Ulfen. I have always let the mind wonder about the possibilities for adventures set in a very winter driven campaign. I have been running many adventures in Darkmoon Vale and there is a witch (forget her name) that is said to be one of the daughters of the Witch Queen (or was it Baba Yaga?) and I also have the module "Realm of the Fellnight Queen" which takes place i the Verduran Forest just east of Darkmoon which I someday wish to tie in to the Witch Queens of the north, yet there are so few modules out there available for this region.

Liberty's Edge

I was wondering if anyone else GM's in the sort of style that I do, where I try to rely on immersion and imagination entirely to paint the scene of whats going on. This I have learned can be very hit or miss. I choose not to use use map layouts and miniatures because for one, they all cost more money, and two, the more proxies you use, the more you deter from the feel of what is actually going on. I try to keep combat very, as I say "conceptual" letting players who charge headlong into melee know they are "engaged" by X amount of baddies, and those that are at a range casting spells or firing off arrows or what not are given a range of where the actual melee is taking place. I always hear suggestions to use a "whiteboard" but I find that combat can sometimes become more dull, and I end up feeling like John Madden drawing circles and X's and arrows and all that jazz and that tends to deter the whole "immersion" effect I go for...

Any suggestions to this style of GMing would be greatly appreciated.

Liberty's Edge

This player is what one would call a "vet" to this genre with lack of a better term, and I admire that sort of "out of the box" thinking so I let him get away with it. Just wanted to see what you guys thought, seems my judgement was spot on ;)

Liberty's Edge


...look over here... *cough*

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

I had a particularly crafty player, a level 1 Wizard purchase a simple patch of hard leather, approx 1sqr foot. Along with some thin rope he rolled this leather into a 'tube' and capped one end, leaving the other open. Then by wedging a stone inside this he now has a leather tube with a rock in it. When it come time to dungeon crawling, he cast LIGHT spell on the rock, essentially funelling the light out of the tube? I instead allowed the light given off by the spell to be be funneled in a 'cone' shape, rather than a 'radius'.

What do you all think about this?

Liberty's Edge

It's been 15 years since I have ran a game as a GM and I just ran my first game recently. Needless to say everyone had a good time. I have so many modules that in order to squeeze everything I can out of them and still challenge the players I am using the "slow" exp ladder (3000xp needed for lv2). As I thumb threw the "Crypt of Everflame" module, which they still have not completed I see alot of CR xp rewards for the encounters. So let me get this straight, when the players "complete" an encounter, I take the listed CR xp reward and divide it by 5, since there are 5 players (I am giving out xp as we go, and then extra xp rewards at the end of the session.) It seems however though when they get around to completing this module, evn using the slow xp system that all the players will be well past 2nd level. Since this is my first adventure, maybe I underestimated the amount of xp a module really gives. Am I doing this right? Is the listed CR xp reward the set reward per encounter? I want my PC's to crawl to each new level, fighting tooth an nail, but just one module will give them almost 2 levels.

Liberty's Edge

Overall these cards are pretty cool, but will there be more? Or is this it?