Newbie question about XP rewards...

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

It's been 15 years since I have ran a game as a GM and I just ran my first game recently. Needless to say everyone had a good time. I have so many modules that in order to squeeze everything I can out of them and still challenge the players I am using the "slow" exp ladder (3000xp needed for lv2). As I thumb threw the "Crypt of Everflame" module, which they still have not completed I see alot of CR xp rewards for the encounters. So let me get this straight, when the players "complete" an encounter, I take the listed CR xp reward and divide it by 5, since there are 5 players (I am giving out xp as we go, and then extra xp rewards at the end of the session.) It seems however though when they get around to completing this module, evn using the slow xp system that all the players will be well past 2nd level. Since this is my first adventure, maybe I underestimated the amount of xp a module really gives. Am I doing this right? Is the listed CR xp reward the set reward per encounter? I want my PC's to crawl to each new level, fighting tooth an nail, but just one module will give them almost 2 levels.

Liberty's Edge


...look over here... *cough*

I don't have the module in question, but I suspect you're doing it right. It's not uncommon for a module starting at level 1 to go up to level 3 (or almost).

Most of the module, I believe, are geared to give characters approximately enough XP for 2 levels. I ran through Crypt with a group of 4, and it was more than enough to take them from 1st to 3rd.

The XP given in the title of each room gives you the amount for the entire room if you clear all the mobs and traps.

If you're used to 1st or 2nd edition leveling, things are much, much different now. I am currently running my first 3.5 game (started 2 years ago), and the leveling is insane compared to what I was used to (1st ed till then).

Some folks on the boards have indicated a preference to not actually give out XP, but just tell the players when they level up. Personally, I don't like this option, but it works for some.

If Slow progression doesn't work for you, you can add two additional options as such:

  • Really Slow: Have players use the Medium XP chart, but reward 1/2 XP for all encounters
  • Crawling: Have players use the Slow XP chart, but reward 1/2 XP for all encounters.

    Under Crawling, it will take approximately 60 "level appropriate" encounters to level. 72 for a group of 5. I'd suggest "Really Slow", clocking in at 40 encounters to level. In practice, that will work out to more like 20 actual encounters (some being harder, some being easy).

    For comparison, if a group of four 1st edition characters needed an average of 2000 xp each to level (amount needed for a fighter from 1st-2nd and 2nd-3rd, cleric's 25% less, magic-users 25% more), they would need something like this:
    2000 gp in treasure (including magic items)
    200 Orcs killed
    20 Orc leaders
    8 Orc sub-chiefs
    2 Ogre guards
    1 Orc Chieftain
    & a 1500xp story award for saving the village

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