
Yuko's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Kamicosmos.


I placed an order, and it's in my SideCart. I don't know if it matters, but I won't have any subscriptions coming, since my only active sub is for the Card Game, which has nothing coming. (Possibly For Ever, sadly)
So, if you could move that out of the sidecart if neccessary, I'd appreciate it.


The Discussion Thread!

This thread is for Players to talk about the game, ask questions, talk about strategies, character level up choices, splitting up loot, all that kind of stuff.

We now return you to our previously scheduled campaign: Hell's Vengeance. Book 3 already in progress.

A trickling stream forms a small waterfall as the ground dips low to meet a serene pond in this tranquil forest grove. Glowbugs and moths float lazily above the shallow body of water, and a small island of earth peeks out of the center.
On the island stands a magnificently tall white oak, its bark covered with emerald green moss and its abundant branches spanning the entirety of the pond.

Map image link will be here soon

This is serving as a placeholder till I get all of this set up. Then I will direct my players here.

1/5 * Venture-Agent, Missouri—Blue Springs

I'm going to box run the 1st scenario of Season of the Runelords in a few weeks at a Con. I then plan on continuing it at home solo and/or with my wife playing a character as well.

I have these Decks available:

Original Rogue Deck
Witch Deck
Hell's Vengeance 2
Ultimate Magic
Ultimate Equipment

I've been playing Raheli through Season of Plundered Tombs. While she is awesome, I'm ready for someone else. Plus she's still engaged in that campaign anyway.

I'm tempted to try Merisiel with the UE deck just to see how she does. I also want to run Nyctessa, cause Necro and honestly, might be easier/less Confrontational to run her (or one of the other evil characters) in a solo game rather than Society at large. Probably mix the UM deck with her. Perhaps they might be a decent duo?

What are your suggestions out of the above decks? And/or recommendations on mixing in the Ultimate decks, unless the arcanist and ninja are just that awesome on their own?

(and finally, if there is some Uber Solo/duo character that is perfect for Runelords that I don't have, feel free to suggest it as well. But I'd prefer to stay with the decks I already have.)

Yes, another AP Loot vs Wealth by Level question!

My group is about to start book two. So far, they're behind the WBL chart quite a bit. They're not terribly grumpy about it, but the two meleers are dreaming of nicer armor and weapons. (Especially after getting their butts handed to them by the Angel Knight!) I figure when Fex gives them the 1,000gp 'advance' I can bump that up if needed, compared to just hand-waving it and giving them "Money For Nothing".

Those of you further in, how does the loot flow rate go? Should I add more in now (Each PC only has acquired about 1500gp each), or does everything work out As Written in the modules? If you adjusted the loot, how much did you add and/or did you just add cash, or did you fine tune the 'drops' so the actual items were more useful to the party?

Just in time for my group's start this Saturday!

I also picked up a refurbished Surface Pro 2, so now I can take HeroLab to the table and use all those handy GM functions!

(And, you know, handy at Society as well. Yes I have all my official PDFs on it too.)

I've been waiting for this! I did give in and pick up Merisiel's issue when I spotted it at a con, but I was really hoping for a hardbound collection, and here it is!

(Apologies for bringing up another 'interrupted charge' question. I have been researching it, but I have yet to figure out how a basic interrupted charge scenario would actually play out at the table.)

Fighter sees a magic user standing 60 feet away.
Fighter Charges the MU. Normal terrain. Fighter base move is 30'.

At 35' into the charge, a 20x20x20 pit trap opens up under him. (incidentally, the MU is standing so that there is a 5' square between him and the edge of the pit.)

1) Fighter gets a reflex save?

a) if he passes, what happens? Does he stop on the edge of the pit? Does he get an acrobatics check to dodge to the side, or even jump across? I am assuming not, since Charge is a full round action.

2) I assume he wouldn't get a Perception check to see the trap, since he is Charging. But, players always complain about not getting to do something retroactively like a Percep check after a trap goes off...

3) Would Haste make any difference? Would that somehow grant a 'free' action to do a perception or a jump check? I wouldn't think so.

As GM, I am inclined to say no other actions can happen, since the Charge is full round action. You either fail the save and fall in the pit, or you pass the save and in my opinion you stop, teetering on the edge of the pit, your turn is done. (And, now the MU is up, and he blasts you with some nasty spell, of course)

Goblin Squad Member

So, I realized the other day it's been over a year since the kickstarter got funded. I have other kickstarters going, and the email I use for that stuff is...we'll just say very active. So, I changed my email address to a less busy one.

Anyway, my point...I don't recall ever getting a Backer Survey. I dug through that email looking for the link and/or the response email, but don't see it. I also see mention of people getting some of the PDF downloads, but all those threads are from early 2013. I've been very busy with work, including moving 400 miles away from home, so I have fallen behind on keeping up with some things.

Now, I'm thinking I have been missing out on a lot of my pledge rewards!

So...where do I go from here? I emailed the kickstarter via kickstarter, but haven't heard back yet. I've been digging through threads here, but every seems to be from early last year. I don't even have my Goblin Squad icon yet. :(