Quest for the Stone

Game Master Mystic Ankh

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Hello. I came to the boards recently, looking to get my nerd imaginative fantasy fix satiated after having largely been out of RPGs for about four years. Posting history is important here, however, and I have none - something I would like to remedy. It was suggested that a good way to build a count is to run a game - and that made sense. Browsing through here, I saw a couple of people run solo/duo games, and feel like that would be fun and intimate, allowing me to get back into the swing of things while also telling a nice story.

I would like to recruit one - or two - player(s) to join me in a largely Theater of the Mind vignette, "Quest for the Stone."

A traumatic event has recently come to pass, and your character sets off to carve their gladringgar into the deepest part of the Darklands they can muster, to cope with their emotions.

I only have a few rules for now - I'll flesh out full character requirements should there be interest.

- We will start at level 6 - probably end at 10.
- Your character must be a Dwarf, or a Dwarf Blooded Oread, raised in and following Dwarven traditions. I would consider an Adopted character from another race, but your presentation will have to be exceptional. In the case of an Oread, you may take the Dwarf Blooded feat, or this new alternate racial trait (but you must have one or the other, or both):

Mostly Dwarven:
A few oreads have appearances much closer to those of their dwarf ancestors; in fact, they may not even realize their true race. Such geniekin appear to be dwarven, save perhaps minor features like unusual eye color, and they count as humanoid (dwarf) as well as outsider (native) for all purposes (such as humanoid-affecting spells such as charm person or enlarge person). These geniekin do not automatically gain their associated elemental language (but may select it as a bonus language if their Intelligence is high enough), gaining Dwarven in its place. This ability alters the geniekin’s type, subtype, and languages.

- I will only accept two applicants if you apply as a pair, with a shared background.
- I do not care where you are from, or what you have done - so long as you live with other dwarves in a community of dwarves. There are ample areas in Golarion with different varieties of Dwarf detailed - your application will likely appeal to me more if, say, you're from the Mwangi Expanse and the Taralu dwarves, rather than if you're just another resident of Five King's. Extra bonus points if you're not from the focused areas of Avistan/Northern Garund, and you'd have fairly open creative license to make those dwarves as you'd like - but you will also have to tell me what makes them different from the standard, and how they ended up where they are.
- That is not to say this is unimportant, only that you could be from anywhere. Tell me your story. I know what will happen to your character from this point forward, but the experience will be better for everyone if you're invested in the character as a living, evolving line of text person. The level of detail presented, and the general appeal of the character, are the primary factors by which I'll make my decision.
- I will use third party archetypes only, and only on a case-by-case basis. I'm behind enough with my Paizo material, I do not have the time to learn other systems right now, and I'm not familiar enough with the other publishers to know if their content is balanced or suffering from 3.5 Syndrome. Otherwise anything Paizo is acceptable without scrutiny.
- The "traumatic event" will not happen until gameplay starts, so don't write one for me.
- Probably one post/two days. I want lengthy expositions between us, not bumper text and die rolls. (Almost) Every combat will have meaning, and when it is serious I'll provide a map - but otherwise this is all in our heads and as words, so I would prefer those interested in flexing their wordsmith muscles over numerical munchkins.

That's all for now. When/if a few people express interest, I'll fill out the Campaign Info with creation guidelines.

Welcome to the boards!

I'd potentially be interested. I know the Pathfinder rules pretty well, but I'm less familiar with the details of Golarion - so I can't, for example, tell you the difference between the various groups of dwarves mentioned in the OP.

I've been playing on the boards for a while. My posts do tend to run on the shorter side, so this would be something of a stretching-my-limits exercise for me - one I'm definitely interested in, however! A multi-paragraph post every couple of days should be doable.

As far as a character....hmm. What about a priestess of Torag, religious leader of a small clan of dwarves somewhere far from their homeland? She's older, a traditionalist, trying to keep their group together and maintain the traditional dwarven ways.

If that sounds interesting, I can flesh things out over the weekend.

Very interested.

I mostly only run Solo games (you can look at the list in my profile. I just had a few pass the 2 year mark). It can be hard to find people willing to run them however so your post is of great interest to me.

I post everyday (or just about, sometimes I miss a weekend day) but I have my own games so breaks are rare. I know the lore very well (as I only run my own games in Golarion) and have always been fascinated by the Darklands.

This is probably the best example of my writing- One Out Of Many. You can see I'm not afraid of large posts and really enjoy character development.

Also, Mystic Ankh, I can offer you a possible deal. If you like, I can run a Solo Game for you in exchange for this one, assuming we can come to a campaign idea we both enjoy?

For this game, I am thinking of a dwarf following an unusual faith, perhaps something as obscure as Brigh?

Dotting for interest. I don't think I've ever played a dwarf before.

Campaign Info has been updated with creation rules.
If I forgot something, please let me know.

Sbodd wrote:

There are several wikis that have details on these Dwarves if you'd like to look up more about them - but you don't have to, you can make some random other location and just use "normal" Dwarves, as you'd like.

GM Mowque wrote:

I won't hold you to hosting a game for me, as well, unless you particularly want to! However, that won't be a quality of selection for this. If your character is appealing and we can come to a decision, I wouldn't be averred to running this twice - but I'll get to that when we get there.

As far as Brigh or anything else obscure, I'm 100% okay with all of that. Paizo has a lot of material, and so frequently very little of it actually sees use. I enjoy seeing things I haven't seen before.

E: If you would like to see any of the other variant rules Paizo has released being used (Stamina, Equipment Tricks, Skill Unlocks, etc), make a note of that and I'll check it out - I like most of them, but to include everything right off the bat is not only a bit much, but might also be dissuading to people not intimately familiar with all of the options. The only one I know I do not wish to use is the Hero Points system.

Likewise, if you'd like to be Mythic, I would consider that as well - though your "moment of ascension" will come in-game - just note that, as well as what path you'd likely take.

Grand Lodge

Dot. Thinking about a Pahmet dwarf involutionist spiritualist named Padrym with a splinter of his soul named Padmyr. Sound like it may fit as a concept?

Xazil wrote:

Sounds fine for now - it all depends on how you present it.

YOU Questions:
1. What is your age and time zone? 

28, EST

2. What is your experience with Pathfinder? Note that I do not mean this site - I can't rightly judge someone on criteria I myself do not possess - but the game in general. 

Been playing for about half a decade now, mostly GMing Solo games on this site. Several have passed the multi-year mark, really enjoy it. All PBP, have never really played a live game.

3. Is there any particular topic that makes you uncomfortable? I will not tolerate this turning into Erotic Roleplay, but would have no qualms about a character seducing an NPC or having intimate relations - the details will just be off-screen. On the same lines, sexual assault will not be included in this game. However, Darklands denizens are by-and-large truly Evil, so scenes of violence, torture, slavery, and the like will probably come into play. I also appreciate vivid combat descriptions, so details of how your axe strike injured your opponent should be expected. 

Eh, this site is PG-13, so anything in those bounds is fine for me. Have no problem with combat descriptions although keeping them up in high combat games is more work then one might think!

4. What scares you, the player? Note that it seems as though the majority of people on here are working adults, so the answer to this should not be as simple as "spiders" or "snakes," but more along the lines of "I'm worried I've wasted the best years of my life playing fantasy games instead of developing genuine relationships with people in the real world." :) 

I have a pretty severe phobia of mind control, senility, brain damage or anything that messes with mental function. You can use it in the game however, if you want.

5. What, if anything, would drive you to take the life of another person? Again, in the real world. Would you kill? For what?

I'm a literal pacifist so, in real life, I think all killing is wrong, always. Period. Of course in games, my characters have a wide range of moral codes. I tend to check my own morals/ethics at the door for games and get into my characters.

Vonoid Backstory:
Visheksrad is the largest city in the Crown of the World, the frozen arctic of Golarion. An imposing dwarven citadel, it stands surrounded by fields of refuse and slag heaps, indomitable. Steam and smoke from the mighty iron forges wafts into the sky day and night, blackening the pristine northern sky. A nexus of the trade routes Visheksrad is a wealthy and powerful city home to thousands of dwarves, fed by both the nearbye Shining Sea and vast underground fungus farms.

But not all get to share in this bounty. Among the polluted and broken landscape of the slag pits, the refuse chambers and mine tailings some families are forced to scrape a living, forced as an underclass due to ancient shames or indiscretions. In many cases the exact reasons for this status are long forgotten, condemning generations to toil in filth and squalor.

Vonoid Grovid-slagdam (slagdam a mark of shame, given to Dwarven families without honor) was one of these, born into a small family with few options and less comfort. Vonoid was soon part of the family 'business', scraping a living by digging through the leavings of the forges, searching for the odd bit of usable metal or salvageable ore. Dwarven forges are notoriously efficient but even they left behind some waste. The Grovid-slagdam family then sold these pitiful craps to the traders and merchants traveling on the Path of Aganhei. Even dwarven garbage was worth something so the family, survived barely. Vonoid became quite adept at navigating both the surface plains of steaming waste as well as the underground tunnels full of acidic mine leavings and putrid forge ash. Not only was the polluted environment hostile, but strange and foul things lurked there, aberrations. It was a harsh place and Vonoid grew up fast, tough and durable.

It was just as he was turning into a young adult that Vonoid met Aletta Greenspiner, a half-elf druid with an adventuring party. They were passing through Visheksrad and had heard of the ruined landscape below the surface. Aletta visted and was moved to tears by the senseless waste and destruction of the environment. Vonoid found the half-elf crying, circled by heaps of shattered stone and rust. The dwarf had little to say but learned much about the Green Faith, a religion based around the balance of nature and the world. Where one looked to solve the horrors like the slag heaps and not merely live among them.

Long after the druid had moved on, Vonoid was still turning over the idea in his mind. He sought out information from the bustling markets of the city, asking whatever questions he could get away with. Slowly he left his family's (rather half-hearted) belief in Torag and fell into the Green Faith. While this caused some strain (especially with his youngest sister Iskia) it became a strong part of the young dwarf's identity. While certainly no druid, he began to see the greater pattern that created the horrible landscape around him. Yes, the dwarves could generally deal with the horrors that the waste and pillaging of nature created, but they never saw the real problem.

Voinoid dedicated himself to that, and to physically fighting the terrors he could. At first he found far more success at the latter then the former. Few dwarves cared about the environment as a concept and saw little wrong with established practice. What did they care if they filled tunnels with refuse or covered acres of land with steaming slag? Even those who may have listened had no time for a slagdam and his ranting. So he focused more on physical prowess, at fighting and killing the aberrations and other strange and foul creatures that dwelled in the castoffs of Visheksrad. Soon Donoid was traveling for miles under the surface, chasing such things far and wide, clad in armor and wielding a sword. While his family had no martial training, he learned from the exotic Tian Xian caravan guards how to fight, how to be brave, how to win. Perhaps some of the lessons learned were not standard to dwarves (he grew to love the foreign katana and not the axe) not one who saw the bearded figure, clad in armor, confused him with any other race. Even his detractors had to, begrudgingly, admire his tenacity in defending against evil creatures. Dwarves admire unyielding certainty and tenacity in face of life's problems, no matter what they are. Still, prospects of real reform or change looked bleak.

A change came one day while Vonoid was crossing a particularity dangerous underground chamber, half-full of burning, smoking debris. The sulfur waste had been burning for years, mixing with toxic gases, creating a befouled place, reeking of death and evil. Vonoid hated the place and had often warned the city about it, but had been ignored. Today however, he heard sounds above, coming from the hard rock ceiling. It only took a moment to realize what was happening. Clearly dwarves were mining a new gallery above, unaware of the polluted chamber below, where Vonoid was. The young samurai cursed, knowing most ignored place like this, if maps even had them. Before he could do anything however, there was a rending sound of cracking stone as the ceiling gave way and an entire mining party tumbled into the burning wreckage.

Loud sounds are dangerous in the deep place of the world, and the foul stretches of dark below Visheksrad were no exception. Vonoid knew that the burning sulphur and shimmering gases were the least of his troubles. Even as the mining crew got their bearings, a loud sound filled the chamber, of a dozen mouths full of clashing teeth. Long experience told Vonoid was what coming, even as a slithering, bulbous shape emerged from a side tunnel. A gibbering mouther, a heaping mass of sticky flesh, covered with dozens of eyes and mouths. Sensing prey it moved quickly, the mutterings of maddness echoing in the chamber. The mining crew, stunned and befuddled would have been easy prey but for Vonoid who charged with youthful abandon, feet flinging up sparks of brimstone.

With his first blow, the glittering katana slices off a hunk of quivering flesh, which burns and writhes on the toxic ground. Grunting he turns his armored shoulder to the beast, letting the mouths chew on the impervious stoneplate. He shouted to the mining crew to run, trying to give them directions to escape. Instead they just watch Vonoid, stunned into surprise. The battle goes on, the dwarf slashing with his long sword, the gibbering mouther trying to engulf him. Finally, the abberation causes the ground to shift and slide, and Vonoid falls to his knees, grunting heavily. The mouther looms, looking to engulf the would-be hero. But at the last moment one of the mining crew, a youthful looking dwarf with a gold-braided beard, pulled out of the way of the hungering jaws. Rallied, the dwarves banded together and fought off the aberration, then made their way to safe levels, guided by Vonoid.

Soon Vonoid discovered that the gold-braided dwarf was heir to the powerful and wealthy Karazak Clan. Overjoyed at the return of his son, the elder Karazak offered Vonoid three favors. The young dwarf first asked his family to be given honor and status, to be allowed to return to the city. This was given and the 'slagdam' was purged from the name (although Voboid himself kept it as a badge of honor). The second favor was to ask the city to begin the laborious process of cleaning up the waste sites dotting the ground beneath Visheksrad. While far more expensive, this too was done with Vonoid being place in charge of the process.

It was a large scale project, requiring tons of slag and waste heaps to be moved, processed and refined. However it soon payed for itself as new ground was open for use, forges became more efficient and dangerous creatures deprived of foul lairs. Within a few years Voinoid was in charge of a small team of explorers and miners, cleaning up old sites and preparing for cleaner, better situated new refuse pits. While he was never able to fully bring everyone into his Green Faith, at least he wasn't laughed at anymore.

The last favor he kept unused, never knowing if he would one day need the help of the Karazak Clan again. For now Vonoid was pleased with his rise to influence and prestige, and enjoyed spending time with his growing family. While he was yet unmarried (devoted to his ever growing work) most of his sisters and brothers were married now, as well as tending to his aging parents.

Voniod Grovid-slagdam Crunch:
Dwarf Samurai (Sovereign Blade, Order of the Green) 6
N Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +6 (+6 when underground); Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1

AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+8 armor, +2 Dex, +1 Feats, +1 Deflection, +1 Enhancement)
hp 64 (6d10+18)
Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +3; +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities, +2 vs good, evil, chaotic, lawful spells;
Defensive Abilities

Speed 20 ft.
Melee Katana +10/+5 (1d8+9/15-20x2)
Special Attacks Sovereign Breath 1/day (3d6 sonic, 30ft cone)

Str 18, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12 (level6 stat is Str)
Base Atk +6; CMB +10; CMD 22

Traits: Caretaker, Tunnel Fighter, Unintentional Linguist

Feats: Improved Initiative, Fight On, Ironhide, (Samurai Bonus Feat)

Skills: Bluff +5, Climb +8, Craft (Traps) +4, Diplomacy +13, Handle Animal +5, Heal +2, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4, Knowledge (geography) +0 (+2 when underground), Knowledge (nature) +6, Linguistics +1, Profession (Political Reformer) +5, Perception +1 (+3 disguised/hidden abberations; +3 when underground), Sense Motive +8, Stealth +4 (+6 when underground), Survival +12 (+14 tracking aberrations/undead; +14 when underground), Swim +7

Languages: Common, Dwarven, Terran

SQ Favored Terrain (underground)


Combat Gear-
Keen Katana

Magical Items-
Ring of Protection +1 (Ring)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (Neck)
Traveler's Any Tool
Horn of Fog
Bag of Holding 1

Mundane Gear-
Deluxe Dungeoneering Kit (This bundle of essential supplies for exploring ruins and abandoned cities includes two candles, chalk, a hammer and four pitons, 50 feet of hemp rope, a hooded lantern with 5 flasks of oil, two sacks, two torches, and four tindertwigs. A deluxe dungeoneering kit contains two candles, chalk, a hammer and four pitons, 50 feet of silk rope, two sacks, three sunrods, four tindertwigs, and an everburning torch.

Kit, Entertainer’s)
Alchemist Fire (5 flasks)
Vermin Repellent

cash-3,265 gp

Dwarf Racial Stuff:

Iron Citizen: Dwarves with this racial trait gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks, and Diplomacy is a class skill for such dwarves. This replaces stability.

Sense Aberration: Dwarves with this trait gain a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks and on Perception checks to notice disguised or hidden aberrations. This racial trait replaced stonecunning.

Slag Child: Dwarves from dishonored families must append “-slag,” “-slagsun,” or “-slagdam” to their surnames to indicate their shameful status. These dwarves are commonly banished or ostracized; they are forced to eke out a living at the fringes of dwarven settlements or in bleak wilderness areas. They gain a +2 racial bonus on Stealth and Survival checks. This racial trait replaces defensive training and hatred.

Samurai Stuff:
Resolve 3/day: Regains one daily use of his resolve, up to his maximum number of uses per day.

Determined: As a standard action, the samurai can spend one use of his resolve to remove the fatigued, shaken, or sickened condition. If the samurai is at least 8th level, he can alternatively remove the exhausted, frightened, nauseated, or staggered condition. If the condition has a duration longer than 1 hour or is permanent, this ability removes the condition for 1 hour, at which time the condition returns.

Resolute: Whenever the samurai is required to make a Fortitude or Will save, he can spend one use of his resolve as an immediate action to roll twice and take the better result. He must decide to use this ability before he rolls the saving throw.

Unstoppable: When the samurai is reduced to fewer than 0 hit points but not slain, he can spend one use of his resolve as an immediate action to instantly stabilize and remain conscious. He is staggered, but he does not fall unconscious and begin dying if he takes a standard action. He does fall unconscious if he takes additional damage from any source.

Weapon Expertise: At 3rd level, a samurai gains an unparalleled expertise with his chosen weapons. At 3rd level, the samurai selects either the katana, longbow, naginata, or wakizashi. The samurai can draw the selected weapon as a free action as if he had the Quick Draw feat. In addition, whenever he threatens a critical hit with the selected weapon, he gains a +2 bonus on the confirmation roll. Finally, his samurai levels count as fighter levels and stack.

Banner: At 5th level, a samurai’s banner becomes a symbol of inspiration to his allies and companions. As long as the samurai’s banner is clearly visible, all allies within 60 feet receive a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls made as part of a charge. At 10th level, and every five levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by +1. The banner must be at least Small or larger and must be carried or displayed by the samurai or his mount to function.

Order Of the Green:

Edicts: The cavalier must know his place in the natural order and strive to defend the balance of nature.

He must be willing to allow nature to take its course without interference, as well as stop all those who would do harm to its delicate balance. He will not tolerate aberrant creatures, undead, or the irresponsible and greedy consumption of natural resources by “civilized” peoples. He may be farsighted and seek to establish agreements that lead to lasting protection of the natural world, but resorts to violence if it is the most effective way to enforce such protection.

Challenge: An order of the green cavalier can’t issue a challenge against any creature of the animal or plant type.

Whenever he does issue a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls against the target of his challenge. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels the cavalier possesses. If the target of his challenge is of the aberration or undead type, he can roll his first attack roll each round against the target creature twice and take either result.

Class Skills: An order of the green cavalier gains Knowledge (nature) and Survival as class skills. In addition, whenever an order of the green cavalier attempts a Survival check to track foes of the aberrant or outsider type, he receives a bonus on the check equal to 1/2 his cavalier level (minimum +1).

Order Abilities: A cavalier belonging to the order of the green gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Favored Terrain- At 2nd level, an order of the Green cavalier chooses a favored terrain from the list of ranger favored terrains. He gains this as a favored terrain, as the ranger ability of the same name. At 8th level and every 6 levels thereafter, he selects another favored terrain.

In addition, at each such interval, the skill bonus in any one favored terrain (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by 2.

Archetype Stuff:

Dogmatic Denial (Ex)
A sovereign blade gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells with any of the following descriptors that don’t match part of the character’s own alignment: chaotic, evil, good, or lawful.

This ability replaces mount.

Golden Armor (Su)
At 4th level, a sovereign blade can spend one use of her resolve to cause her armor to become golden for 1 round per class level, gaining energy resistance equal to 1/2 her samurai level against one energy type of her choice.

Sovereign Breath (Sp)

At 6th level, the sovereign blade can issue forth an immense roar similar to the breath weapon of a sovereign dragon. This functions as dragon’s breath, except it deals sonic damage in a 30-foot cone and has a caster level equal to half the sovereign blade’s samurai level. The sovereign blade can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 12th and 18th levels.

This replaces the bonus feats a samurai gained at 6th, 12th, and 18th level.

Any update on this, GM?

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