
Wolfthulhu's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 2,965 posts (4,751 including aliases). 2 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters. 46 aliases.

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Trinam wrote:

Getting a massage soon.

Super looking forward to it. '^'

Also house of wolves, while we're on the subject.

Update is live. 4 hours to playtime for me... May have to call in sick on the 19th.

Which console you on?

The Exchange

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Hmmm... 16007 new posts. Not even gonna try. Sup, Ni...ce folks!

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I skipped the last 8,458ish posts that I missed.

Hope there isn't a test.

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Kajehase wrote:
Oh great, got some juice in the wrong pipe and now I've got the hiccups.

Beats having the choke- to- deaths.

It's all a matter of perspective.

The Exchange

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My prayers for your kids, BT. :-(

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But I still love Arizona.

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The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Wolfthulhu wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Dude, I live in New York State. If I tried that, I would be filling out paperwork for the next 20 years before I could actually start the business, and after that, I would be taxed into oblivion.

You know what the answer is, right?

Move to Texas! :-D

Y'all know my stances on politics and religion. I'd get eaten alive in Texas.

Hahaha... Well, you could always move to Austin.

The Exchange

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The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Dude, I live in New York State. If I tried that, I would be filling out paperwork for the next 20 years before I could actually start the business, and after that, I would be taxed into oblivion.

You know what the answer is, right?

Move to Texas! :-D

The Exchange

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Don't know what your beef is with Perlman, but he's a great actor.

Season 3 has some interesting turns and deveopments, but is kind of a low spot in the series. 4 and 5 are awesome.

I'm re-watching 5 now in preparation for 6 which starts on the 10th. Everything should wrap up next year with season 7.

Donna's death was a b~+&~. As was Sack's. There is a payoff coming though and it is worth the wait.

The Exchange

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Moorluck wrote:
Wolfthulhu wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Residence secured.

Awesome. Townhouse or apartment?

We opted for the townhouse, it's proximity to her work, and the kids school, and the free after school care provided will be worth the $200 more a month we have to pay. With three kids childcare is costly as all get out, and that helps a ton.

Plus I am not an apartment person, I'll be happier with a little more room between me and too many other humans.

And more importantly, no THREE flights of stairs for the move in. :-)

The Exchange

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The Minis Maniac wrote:

Ok then I have a list of demands.

1) I have to eat at least one purely texan cultural meal
2) I have to see at least 1 texan historical site
3) I need one authentic texas souvenir for my trip.

1. Texan cultural meal, you has CHOICES! a) Steak. We're a beef state, baby. b) Mexican/Tex-Mex. You can't throw a stick without hitting a place that serves fajitas and beer. c) Barbeque, because if you do somehow manage to miss, you will surely hit a pit with a brisket smoking away inside.

2) The San Jacinto monument and Battleship Texas park is pretty cool. And of course, there's this little organization called NASA, you might have heard of them.

3) The battle flag suggestion is good. Or maybe some beer glasses from the Saint Arnold's brewery.

The Exchange

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The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
That moment when you're talking with a friend on Facebook, you quote Star Wars, they completely miss the reference, and you realize just how old you are in comparison.

Star Wars transcends age limitations. I think your friends are simply not as cool as you. :-)

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Contrasts! Aeglos!


Constraints! Contracts!

C o n g r a t s!!!

Fun with auto correct. :-)

The Exchange

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I'm sorry Justin. Prayers for your family. :-(

The Exchange

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I am deeply sorry, Patrick. No loss I have suffered can compare to what you are going through now, but I sympathize in what weak measure I can.

Love and prayers, brother.

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Happy Memorial Day, 'Mericans.

May your barbeques be tasty and your beer be plentiful.
Remember the fallen who have lost their lives for our great country.

The Exchange

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Weddings are cool. Geek weddings are awesome!

The groom's vows were a take on a Green Lantern quote (I believe, I'm not a DC fan, so I may be wrong) and the bride's were a variation of the oath of the Night's Watch.

The groom's cake was a dragon fight diorama.

Very fun stuff over all.

The Exchange

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doctor_wu wrote:
I don't like beer either.

All about the rum, baby.

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flash_cxxi wrote:
Longhaired Hippie wrote:
Damn Texan wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
Dammit Wolf! I missed my TotP... :'(
Suck it up, mate!
Dude. That could be taken so wrong...

heh heh

I love that you said "mate". Sooooo Aussie. :)

I'm a total wannabe.

The Exchange

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Moorluck wrote:
A few of the cast members are missing. :(

Sorry about that Mr. President. Had to take a sick friend to the Dr.

Took my PS3 in to see if it can be repaired. Cheaper than replacing it and more likly to workm thay trying myself...

The Exchange

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Great for filing in party gaps. If no one wants to play a cleric or a rogue, then it can be great. It gives the chance for the DM to have a little bit of investment in the PCs, beyond the norm. He just needs to be built and played in such a way that he is NOT a decision maker. Having his own opinion is cool, but should almost always defer to the rest of the party in a disagreement.

I've seen DMPCs done very well and very poorly. Best used with caution.

The Exchange

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Skimmed most of those 2500 posts...

Really, I think you could have done better, FAWTL.

The Exchange

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Facebook DM wrote:

I've given it a lot of thought, and I've decided I like Facebook and Joss Whedon.


Best. Alias. Evar.


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Hazgarr the Dwarven Pirate wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
And yes, unsweetened tea is much better :)
So, you get your Picante Sauce bottled in New York city too?

Git a rope.

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The first Rappan Atuk session went well. No deaths, but at least three separate occasions of negative hit points. I did make one serious tactical error, but in the end it's for the best. Had I played that encounter differently I may have had a TPK...

The Exchange

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Scintillae wrote:
It's official. I give up on Freehold.

Most of us have. He's still fun to have around though.

The Exchange

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British Steel is an epic album.

I'm a huge fan of their early albums. Rocka-Rolla, Sad Wings of Destiny, Sin After Sin.

Last Rose of Summer , not only one of the first metal ballads, but may be the best ballad ever.

The Exchange

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Bitter Thorn wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
TOZ wrote:
Yes. Post count is king.


I know, I fail. :(

For what it's worth, the few times that you have posted in political threads, I found your posts to be well reasoned and substantive.

Quality over quantity. (and you never seem to drunk post unlike me.)


You say 'drunk post' as if it's a bad thing... ;)

The Exchange

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Which brings to mind: One Who Walked Alone.

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I am a man who walks alone
And when I'm walking a dark road
At night or strolling through the park

When the light begins to change
I sometimes feel a little strange
A little anxious when it's dark.

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have constant fear that something's always near
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's always there

Have you run your fingers down the wall
And have you felt your neck skin crawl
When you're searching for the light ?

Sometimes when you're scared to take a look
At the corner of the room
You've sensed that something's watching you.

Have you ever been alone at night
Thought you heard footsteps behind
And turned around and no-one's there ?

And as you quicken up your pace
You find it hard to look again
Because you're sure there's someone there.

Watching horror films the night before
Debating witches and folklore
The unknown troubles on your mind

Maybe your mind is playing tricks
You sense, and suddenly eyes fix
On dancing shadows from behind.

Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have constant fear that something's always near
Fear of the dark, fear of the dark
I have a phobia that someone's always there.

When I'm walking a dark road
I am a man who walks alone.

The Exchange

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Kthulhu wrote:
Kickstarter is kicking my ass. First this, then the Swords & Wizardry one...now there's even a Horror on the Orient Express one.

And the Reaper one. :/

The Exchange

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Aberzombie wrote:
Good morning FAWTLY Folk! Happy Monday!

No. It's not. Try to enjoy it anyway. ;)

The Exchange

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Freehold DM wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Dude, I had the Dragonzord action figure, with the miniature Green Ranger fig that slotted into the head. It was awesome.
god, I hate Power Rangers.

God... I hate it when I agree with you.


The Exchange

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Freehold DM wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Maybe it's the fact that Jason David Frank was at Space City Con, but I'm now imagining Freehold standing on the head of his HATETRON(tm).
I would stand on th shoulder of my giant robot, while looking at the horizon. I am a veteran giant robot pilot and would stand upon it accordingly - - only green horns stand on the head!

I do NOT understand how a guy can be famous and have such a following for being on that crappy show... :/

Although, he did seem like a really great guy. So there is that.

The Exchange

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A bit of fawsome news. One of our gamers just brought his wife in from Scotland. No, not like that, he's Scottish too.

Anyway, there was some concern about his continued participation with her close by.

BUT she has decided to give gaming a try. Has even gone so far as to visit a local gaming store a few times, but the atmosphere was too loud for her, as she is still adjusting to hearing English all the time. He is going to help her play an 'easy' PC and the group remains at 5 players + GM.

The only thing that makes me nervous is that I am running Rappan Athuk. I may have to pull some punches for awhile.

Now, if a certain LPM and Mrs. would make their move I could field an optimal table of 7 and wreak true havoc!

The Exchange

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Moorluck wrote:

As great as Freehold's visit was, I truly do wish he could have stayed for the events of today.

** spoiler omitted **

Sure am glad that noon appointment canceled and I was sitting at the gas station across from that townhouse. O_o

The real question here is...


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TriOmegaZero wrote:
Sparhawk is how I play paladins.


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Underwhelmed by what exactly? The product descriptions? A handful of forum posts? The Players Guide? At least let the first volume get out before you decide you know how it's going to play out.

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I'll be happy when we get access to the derned PDF.

Any day now...

The Exchange

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Moorluck wrote:

Got rained out today, can't do termite jobs in a thunder storm.

Kind of a troublesome week from the news we've gotten...

** spoiler omitted **

Sometimes I wish our legal system was a little movie lenient towards vigilante justice.

The Exchange

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Cccccccc...combo breaker!

The Exchange

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The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Awake for close to 48 hours this weekend, made a f~$%load of money, got really drunk last night, went to bed at 9:30, and then somehow woke up at 4 AM feeling like a million bucks. This is f%*~ing bizarre.

Ah... youth.

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Straightens leathers. Smiles.

The Exchange

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Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

This may (or may not) answer some questions.

Totally disagree about what comprises a "good" lawyer, though.

Unless you're talking about alignment...

Alignment-wise, there are no Good lawyers.

The Exchange

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Widow of the Pit wrote:

Bad puns and movie quotes define me. With my friends, there are heaps of both! (And bless them for it!)

I think this one applies to most gamers. :D

The Exchange

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Charlie Brooks wrote:
Whether Pathfinder is outselling D&D really doesn't matter all that much. The importance of the figures is that they indicate that Pathfinder is definitely selling very well, which is extremely heartening.

Considering that the position in question is the #1 spot for RPG sales, against the previously unassailable champion, I'd say it actually matters quite a bit.

I strongly suspect that if direct sales and subscriptions were counted, this wouldn't even be a close contest. But, that's just speculation. We also won't know what effect 5th edition will have on the market yet.

In the mean time, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being proud of our favorite system for doing well.

The Exchange

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Scintillae wrote:
Panel 3 is the best way to smile for the camera

One of my favorite pics of me is from when one of the teens in the church youth group grabbed my camera and said, "SMILE"!

I went for the 'bare your teeth' look. A lot of people say I look mean in it, but what the hell do they know?

I'll have to put it on fb one of these days.

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Paul Watson wrote:
Bardess wrote:
Iomedae is LG and LGs can't kill kittens.
Unless they're evil kittens.

Cats are evil, kittens are small cats. Kittens may be cute, but still evil.

I am a Paladin, by the way. Now you know the why of things...

The Exchange

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Written by a Slaad!

That took entirely too much effort to type...

The Exchange

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Hitdice wrote:

So this thread is turning into, "It's so sad the way a dozen people were killed, but the media doesn't even know which guns they're talking about!"

Shifty, BT: the difference between fully automatic and semi automatic, and which of those should actually be called an assault weapon is just about the least important part of what happened.

Actually, Facts are supposed to be the very heart of journalism. If the can't get the type of firearm correct, which they rarely do, how can you be sure the rest of what they are reporting is accurate?

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