James Jacobs wrote:
Not to weird anyone out... but there could be a spider INSIDE of your monitor.
True story.
About a month ago, I was watching TV. My TV is pretty big at about 50" widescreen or thereabouts, and as I was watching it from across the room seated comfortably on the couch, I noticed something strange.
There was a weird black splotch on the screen up along the upper edge, about in the middle.
At first, I thought a big chunk of dust or something had gotten lodged at the edge of the screen. Then I became worried that a fingernail sized chunk of pixels had died. That possibility made me sad.
And then, suddenly, the black splotch moved. And I could see individual legs wriggling. From across the room.
I got up to investigate, and Lo! there was a spider IN MY TELEVISION!!!! It had gotten inside somehow and had crawled up between the picture tube and the glass/plastic/whatever covering in front of the picture tube, wedged its body up there, and its legs and half its body was hanging down over the screen. I tapped the top of the TV just above my visitor and it moved. I tapped again and it moved again. Eventually I got the spider to climb OFF of the screen and into the TV's internal workings. It's probably still in there, for all I know. I'm okay with that, though, since he's no longer in the way of my entertainment.
But he's still in there. And he probably has friends.
Checks spider drone currently monitoring the Jacobs' residence. Signal strong. Much data on file.