Mathus Mordrinacht

WerePox47's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 1,199 posts (20,529 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 18 Organized Play characters. 63 aliases.

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The party has just hit 12th level and we are just starting book 5. The party currently consists of an Slayer(archer), a Druid, a Bloodrager/Dragon Disciple, and a Sorcerer. The person who just left was a Wizard/Cleric/Mystic Theurge who's main role was party healer.

With that in mind they need someone that can heal and possibly provide casting support. They need not being a mega focused healing machine, but just a class with strong heals.. This is a beefed up campaign so damage taken can be rather high..

Build Info
12th Level, Mythic Teir 4
25 point buy
2 traits, 1 must be campaign

Core plus Ifrits, Oreads, Sylphs, and Suli.
Any none evil.
All classes are gtg except gunslingers and summoners..
WBL for 12th level, crafting is allowed, but don't abuse it.
Max HP at 1st, Half +1 after.

We are anxious to get started on book 5 so this will not be a long recruitment. Thanks for your interest!

Inner Sanctum

"Strange winds blow down from Droskar’s Crag, bringing on an early winter. The ground crunches underfoot with thick frost, and autumn surrenders without a fight. Days grow shorter and stars hold court in the darkness reigning above. An unnatural cold permeates the town, and the Foam River’s jubilant voice is frozen under the ice. Birds abandon their nests for warmer climes, their songs silenced by winter’s grim embrace. But the frozen riverbank now hosts a shimmering respite from the gloomy cold in the form of garish tents, joyful shouts, and sumptuous smells. Quinn’s Carnival has come to town."

Welcome to the Carnival of Tears! I will be your host for the massacre to come! Feel free to dot and give intro's, descriptions of yourselves etc. You have been an adventuring group for quite some time so while your characters know each other we do not however.

After many weeks on the road the adventuring group called, insert name, returns to Falcon's Hollow for some well need RnR.. Upon arrival you all notice there's a carnival being set up at the outskirts of town. The town is alive with the talk of the return of Namdrin Quinn and his Carnival! You find yourselves in the standard bar/tavern eating breakfast after a long nights sleep in an actual bed. And Go!

Inner Sanctum

Feel free to discuss things here..

Please make a status header for your character so that I can keep up easier. Please format it as following:

HP / | AC | T | FF | CMD | Fort + | Ref + | Will + | Init + | Perc +

Please keep this updated while in combat. Also a spoilered list of active spells/effect would be nice.

Hello potential carnival participants! I am going to be running the one shot module Carnival of Tears slightly modified. Im looking for 4-5 folks, depending on strength of builds and submissions to try and save the town of Falcon's Hollow! For those of you who might have ran this before please leave OOC knowledge out please.

Post requirements:

One post a day minimum is required, excluding weekends/holidays. If you cannot commit to this don't sign up please. Id hate to have to murder hobo you, but I will so be warned.. That said I understand RL happens, so please leave my a message in discussion tab if your going to be absent. I will try to do this as wel..

Game info:

Character level 7th - Being a 1 shot dont plan for the long haul. An efficient 7th level character will be best..
Alignment - No Evil
Races - Core only.
Classes - Any Paizo minus Occult/Unchained stuff. No summoners.
Stats - 20 point buy, Only one stat below 10 period.
Traits - Two, no campaign traits.
Hps - max 1st, half +2 after, so a fighter would get 5+2 or 7 from dice each level etc.
Skills - As normal, but 1 extra per level.
Wealth - 25k, no crafting period, if your class gets a bonus craft feat ask me about a replacement. Wizards get spell focus instead of scribe scroll at 1st.
Each player will recieve a bonus feat at 1st level. Only feats available are ones that can only be taken at 1st.

A backstory will be required but try not to overdo it. Something that explains traits, bonus feat, and class stuff will suffice. Also you all will be an adventuring group just returned to Falcon's Hollow for a break.

Just as a heads up there will be some roleplaying parts of this module, but for the most part it will a roll playing game. That said non-combat skills will still be useful.

Any questions feel free to ask!

"Dark, hate filled eyes watch in anticipation"

We've had a player become non-posty due to RL and are in need of a replacement arcane caster for the group. The group is in book 4 of 6 and are currently 10th level with 3 tiers of Mythic as well..

The point buy is 25 with 2 traits, one must be from the camp traits.. You also have 2 mythic tiers so please have a backstory explaining how you acquired these. You might wanna have something on why your are in Wati.. I will handle the intro to the group.. You may have 55k to buy gear, no crafting to start.. No summoners.

The group only needs an arcane caster so don't throw out other builds please.

The Exchange

My group and I, all 17th level, are looking for a GM to run the last Mod of Reign of Winter as a PFS Gameday 3 game. We are all experienced players and have been playing together for quite some time. Our posting frequencies are moderate to high so there shouldn't be an issue with completing it.

We would highly apprciate someone helping us out. Thanks and good gaming!

Inner Sanctum

Ok so I vote we seek a new GM and have them start past the Treant fight since it would be moot to redo it.. Any other thoughts or suggestions?

What about leveling to 6th since we should be that level at this point in the adventure?

This is a faster pace game with a post requirement of 3/day-1/day weekends, so if you can't meet ot at least get close to that dont apply.. I will bot you in the case of absence, as i understand this is a game and RL happens, but if it becomes an often thing you will be replaced..

A bit about my GM style.. Im a fairly laid back, knowledgable GM and my players are as well.. If I make a mistake feel free to call me on, just dont be a turd about it.. I tend to move through the RP parts rather quickly in favor of the combat parts.. Ill give you the gist of the npcs, but im not gonna sit down to diner with your characters a share lifestories.. I hate to railroad it like this, but imo to much rp makes the game bog down on pbps.. If at any time u wish to know more about an npc feel free to ask them more about themselves.. If you dont than ill assume you care not about them and give you the pertenant info about said npc.. With that said I do incourage a little RP as just rolling dice can get old. The game is/can be rated R at times so if your squeamish than this might not be the place for you.. I play rough and challenge my group, but with great risk comes great reward. Do not expect a easy going free ride to the end.. I will murder your character if he/she makes poor decisions.. Im not going to put you up against unbeatable odds but it will be tough at times.. So just be warned.. Now to the good stuff..

5th level, we are roughly 1/2 way through book 2.
25 point buy
2 traits, 1 must be campaign
Core plus Ifrits, Oreads, Sylphs, Undines(with a good backstory seeing as your in a desert), and Sulis.. If you wanna play something else ask and we'll see..

As far as alignment goes all good and neutral are ok..

All classes are gtg except gunslingers and summoners.. If your playing one of the new hybrid classes make sure you have the most current verison from the newly released ACG.

WBL for 5th level..
Hp are max for 1st, Average +1 after or if you play the odds you can roll, but you keep what you roll. No redo's or deciding to go average after..

Bonus feat based on backstories..

I would advise downloading the free players guide and reading up..

One last thing.. Im tweaking this module a bit and adding 5 tiers of Mythic, 1 at the end of each book, to the PCs.. I like running things hard and this gives me a guilt free concious for murdering you all.. So with that in mind your characters will be 1st tier mythic.. Since your new to town I expect to see how you gained this mythicness in your background..

Any other questions feel free to ask..

PS - Please do not apply with off the wall maybe it might work melee guys.. The group needs someone upfront that can take hits and dish em out.. Doesn't have to be min/maxed but does need to work properly..

We've had a member of our group have some RL issues effect his gameplay lately and as such we are looking for a melee frontliner/tank to fill in.. The original player was running a Bloodrager.. This is a fast pace game with a post requirement of 5/day-1/day weekends, so if you can't meet ot at least get close to that dont apply.. I will bot you in the case of absence, as i understand this is a game and RL happens, but if it becomes an often thing you will be replaced..

A bit about my GM style.. Im a fairly laid back, knowledgable GM and my players are as well.. If I make a mistake feel free to call me on, just dont be a turd about it.. I tend to move through the RP parts rather quickly in favor of the combat parts.. Ill give you the gist of the npcs, but im not gonna sit down to diner with your characters a share lifestories.. I hate to railroad it like this, but imo to much rp makes the game bog down on pbps.. If at any time u wish to know more about an npc feel free to ask them more about themselves.. If you dont than ill assume you care not about them and give you the pertenant info about said npc.. The game is/can be rated R at times so if your squeamish than this might not be the place for you.. I play rough and challenge my group, but with great risk comes great reward. Do not expect a easy going free ride to the end.. I will murder your character if he/she makes poor decisions.. Im not going to put you up against unbeatable odds but it will be tough at times.. So just be warned.. Now to the good stuff..

4th level, we are finishing the first book soon..
25 point buy
2 traits, 1 must be campaign
Core plus Ifrits, Oreads, Sylphs, Undines(with a good backstory seeing as your in a desert), and Sulis.. If you wanna play something else ask and we'll see..

As far as alignment goes all good and neutral are ok..

All classes are gtg except gunslingers and summoners..

WBL for 4th level..
Hp are max for 1st, Average +1 after or if you play the odds you can roll, but you keep what you roll. No redo's or deciding to go average after..

Bonus feat based on backstories..

I would advise downloading the free players guide and reading up.. Like I said the group is just finishing up the first book and will be start Empty Graves soon..

One last thing.. Im tweaking this module a bit and adding 5 tiers of Mythic, 1 at the end of each book, to the PCs.. I like running things hard and this gives me a guilt free concious for murdering you all.. So with that in mind your characters will be 1st tier mythic.. Since your new to town I expect to see how you gained this mythicness in your background..

Any other questions feel free to ask..

Cheers! Or in case your a Mummy a deep moan will suffice..

Inner Sanctum

For the DOts!

Inner Sanctum

For Dottings..

A private recruitment for the AP The Mummy's Mask..

Inner Sanctum


Inner Sanctum

Dot Dot

Going to be playing in a Way of the Wicked camp soon and was trying to flesh out an Inquisitor of Asmodeus. We used the suggested method for rolling scores and i did exceptionally well. The current attempt is as follows.. Any advice would be appreciated..

Half-Orc Inquisitor 1(Infiltrator)


Trait: Not sure here, maybe indom faith or a +2conc or intiative one
Crime of the Forsaken: Heresy

Feat: Weapon Focus-Falchion (chose this to help make up for 3/4 bab and was planning on him being upfront for the most part, or possibly a switch hitter)

Also considered power attack and ferocious resolve (i know most half-orcs either take the bite attack or +1saves, but with the ability to heal myself i thought id keep ferocity)

Inquisition: Heresy (this was a tough one, as i was back and forth between this and Persistance)

0-Detect Magic, Guiadance, Stabilize, and Daze
1st-Bless, Cure Light

Sense Motive
(i plan on splashing afew points ard as i level)(another question here.. The ability, Guileful Lore, reads: She adds her Wisdom modifier on Bluff and Diplomacy skill checks in addition to the normal ability score modifiers. Hesresy Inquisition swaps cha for wisdom when bluffing.. So would i add my wisdom bonus twice for bluff? My first response was no until i reread the statment "in addition to the normal ability score", this made me think you would since wisdom is the norm ability score now..)

Again any thoughts or suggested changes on race, scores, feats, skill, etc etc are apprciated.. Thanks..

Building a 12th level support character that also has great ac and saves.. Here's what i came up with so far.. Feel free to make other suggestions etc etc.. Rules are anything pfsrd, 20 point but, 2 traits, wbl(108k)..

Capt. Support
Dwarf Cleric(Evangelist)11/Holy Vindicator 1

Str 14/16
Con 14/16
Dex 10/12
Int 10
Wis 20/24(16base+2race+2level)
Cha 12/16(13base-2+1level)

AC: 28(10+11armor+1dex+2NA+3shield+1insight)/37 with Vind Shield and SoF
Saves: Fort +16 Reflex +9 Will +20 (+5 vs Spells/SLAs)(+3 vs Poison)
Attack: +13/+8 1d8+4

Traits: Glory of Old, Exalted of the Society

1st-Lingering Performance
3rd-Combat Casting
5th-Craft Wonderous
7th-Alignment Channel
9th-Steel Soul
11th-Divine Interference

Domain: Glory/Heroism Subdomain

+4 Headband of Wis/Cha and Phlactery of Positive Channel
+2 Belt of Physical Perfection
+5 Cloak of Resistance
+2 Dwarven Plate
+1 Hvy Steel Shield
+1 Warhammer
+2 Amulet NA
Ring of Sustanance
Dusty Rose Ion Stone
Eyes of the Eagle
Winged Boots
Ghostvision Gloves
Mitre of the Heirphant
Spellguard Bracers
Handy Haversack
Quick Runners Shirt
Wand of Cure Light x2
Cure Lt pots x afew

His Inspire Courage is at +3 and his channels are 6d6. He has Aura of Heroism as well.. His AC and Saves are strong, and his hps should be pretty good too(dr 3/- helps as well).. Overall pretty strong support/survivalist i think... Thoughts?

So im in the process of building a 12th level Wayang F/W/EK and i wanted to base him ard the Dimensional Agility feat tree. My question is under Dimensional Dervish feat it reads:

You can take a full-attack action, activating abundant step or casting dimension door as a swift action. If your do, you can teleport up to twice your speed (up to the maximum distance allowed by the spell or ability), dividing this teleportation into increments you use before your first attack, between each attack, and after your last attack. You must teleport at least 5 feet each time you teleport.

Would this allow for the spell to be cast off of a wand or scroll? Or is it just from memorized spells?

Im currently gming a beefed up Thornkeep Module and plan on having the party compete in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament after the conclusion of it.. So I bought the PDF and have been working on beefing it up as well.. The party is are 30 point buy gestalts, so the challege has to be significantly bumped up.. I plan of them being 12th maybe 13th by the end of the module for this fight.. For any who have ran this before u know about the bbeg's and this is my take on them.. Any critique is welcomed.. I bumped them up to 25 point buy and changed them up a bit, here goes:

Wu Dizhen, Human Female-Neutral Evil
Staff Magus 16/Crossblooded-Tattooed Sorc. 1(Green Dragon/Earth Ele)


Initiative +11 Perception +23, True Seeing
HP 199(with false life), DR 10/Adamantite, 50% Concealment
AC 42(11armor, 5dex, 3deflect, 4NA, 8shield, 1dodge)+1 vs. Chaotic
Fort +19/24(spells) Reflex +15/20(spells) Will +16(21spells)
SR-23, SR-25 vs. Chaotic, Resist Acid 10
If struck by a Chaotic creature DC 27 or slowed
CMD 35/39 vs Trip
CMB +26/+36 Trip
Full Attack +26/+26/+21/+16 1d6+12/1d6+14(2hand)
Power Attack -4/+8 or +12(2hand)

Arcane Pool 18/day(+4)

Magical Lineage: Shocking Grasp

Tattoo Familiar: Greensting Scorp. +4 Initiative

H-Combat Expertise
1st-Improved Trip
3rd-Weapon Focus: Quarter Staff
5th-Weapon Spec: QS
7th-Arcane Strike
9th-Tripping Staff
11th-Combat Reflexes
13th-Greater Trip
15th-Furious Focus
17th-Tripping Twirl
Bonus 5th-Power Attack
Bonus 11th-Intensify Spell
Bonus 1st-Varisian Tattoo(Evocation)

3rd-Maneuver Master(trip)
6th-Arcane Accuracy
9th-Close Range
12th-Enduring Blade
15th-Spell Blending(false life & heroism)

Gear: Its a Boss so great gear!
+5 Mithril Breatplate
+4 Belt of Physical Perfection
+6 Headband of Vast Int
+3 Ring of Prot
+3 Amulet NA
+3 Cloak of Resistance
Robes of Arcane Heritage
Boots of Speed
Spellstrike Gloves
and a Staff of the Magi

Magus: Caster Level 16/17(Evoc.), DC 16+Level
1st: 7/day
Shocking Grasp x4(intensified)
Obscuring Mist
Magic Missle

2nd: 7/day
Bladed Dash x2
Mirror Image x2(cast)
Scorching Ray x2
False Life(cast)

3rd: 6/day
Fireball x2
Lightning Bolt

4th: 5/day
Demension Door
Fire Sheild(cast)
Stone Skin(cast)
Intensified Fireball x2

5th: 4/day
Corrosive Consumption
Greater Bladed Dash x2
Monstrous Physique III(Casting 1st Rd. with or w/o spell combat)

6th: 2/day
True Seeing(cast)

Sorceror: 4/day True Strike

Main goal is to stay between party and he sister, using blast spells and tripping any and all that get to close...

Wu Jefeng, Human Female-Neutral Evil
Air Elementalist Wizard 17

Dex-14/24(cat's grace/ele body IV)
Con-14/18(bear's end)

Intitiative +9 Perc. +18 Darkvision, True Seeing
Hp 168(with false life/bear's endurance) DR 5/-, DR 10/Adamantite
AC 37(5armor, 7dex, 3deflect, 7NA, 4shield, 1dodge)+1 vs. Chaotic
Fort +16/20(spells) Reflex +18/22(spells) Will +17/21(spells),
SR-18, SR-25 vs. Chaotic
Immune: Crits, Bleed, Sneak
Mind Blank, Globe of Invul., Spell Turning, Mirror Image, Sheild of Law
Comp. Languages, Tounges, Telepathy 100'
Contingency: Break Enchanment
If struck by a Choatic creature DC 27 or slowed
Ranged Touch +18

Arcane Bond-Ring of Prot

Magical Lineage: Ball Lightning

H-Improved Intiative
1st-Combat Casting
3rd-Spell Focus(evoc.)
5th-Empower Spell
7th-Spell Spec-Ball Lightning
9th-Greater Spell Focus(evoc.)
11th-Preferred Spell-Ball Lightning
13th-Quicken Spell
15th-Spell Perfection-Ball Lightning
17th-Quicken SLA-Cyclone
Bonus 5th-Intense Spell
Bonus 10th-Heighten Spell
Bonus 15th-Dazing Spell

Staff of Defense-7 charges
Black Robes of the Archmagi
+3 Ring of Protection
+3 Amulet of NA
Gloves of Storing
Lesser Elemental Rod-Elec.
Lesser Extend Rod
Lesser Quicken Rod
+2 Belt Dex/Con
Wand of Bear's End-12 charges
Wand of Cat's Grace-14 charges
Spindle of Perfect Knowledge

Caster Level 17, DC 19+Lv./21+Lv.(evoc.)

1st: 8/day
Magic Missile x4
Obscuring Mist
Feather Fall

2nd: 7/day
Resist Energy
Scorching Ray x3
Mirror Image x2(cast)
False Life(cast)

3rd: 7/day
Lightning Bolt
Pro Energy
Communal Resist Energy
FireBall x2

4th: 7/day
Ball Lightning
Greater Invis.(cast)
Dazing Magic Missle x2
Intense Lightning Bolt x2

5th: 7/day
Overland Flight(cast)
Break Enchantment
Wall of Force
Quick Magic Missle x3

6th: 6/day
Chain Lightning
Globe of Invul.(cast)
True Seeing(cast)
Dazing Fireball x2

7th: 5/day
Elemental Body IV(cast during timestop 1sr round)
Spell Turning(cast)
Quick Lightning Bolt x2

8th: 4/day
Summon Monster IIIV(cast during timestop for elder air ele.)
Mind Blank(cast)
Protection from Spells(cast)
Quick Dazing Magic Missle

9th: 3/day
Mass Suffocation
Time Stop
Meteor Swarm

Her objective is to time stop, summon and buff.. Then start dropping quickend and dazing ball lightnings each round, backing it up with other blaster spells till everything is dead...

Third designed replacement character and i think its taking the lead so far.. Designed to be a heavy 2 hand hitter with alot a abilities that make allies and badguys reroll d20s.. My main questions are if proper revelations were selected, which revelation to add the +1/2 fav class bonus(leaning towards Combat Healer or Fortune), which other trait to select, general feat and gear selction and anything esle constructive.. As others stats are custom houserule, anything pfsrd is open.. here goes:

Lawful Good Female
Angel Blooded Aassimar-Oath of Vengeance Pally 4/Oracle of Battle 12(Dual Cursed-Toungues as main, Haunted)


Fav Class: Oracle +1/2 to 1 Rev
Vairant Ability: 1/day cast Cure Desease
Alternate Physical: Beautifully Proportioned, Metallic Nails and Lips, Halo, Stigmata Hands, Hairless with a Goloden Cross on Forehead..

Magical Knack-Oracle

1st-Power Attack
3rd-Extra LOH
5th-Extra LOH
7th-Extra Revelation
9th-Critical Focus
11th-Fearless Aura
13th-Divine Interference
15th-Staggering Critical
at 17th im thinking Quicken Spell

1st-Weapon Mastery
3rd-War Sight
7th-Battlefield Clarity
11th-Combat Healer

Gear: WBL of 315k
+5 Nodachi
+5 Mithril Fullplate
+6 Str/Con Belt
+6 Headband Cha
+5 Cloak Resistance
+3 Ring or Prot
+3 Amulet NA
Silver Smite Bracers
Rod of Extend
Rod of Lesser Extend
Wand of Lesser Resto
Wand of Cure Light x4
10500ish gold left for w/e

Divine Interference allows forced rerolls of attacks by enimies, Misfortune allows forced rerolls or enemies or allies d20s, Fortune allows rerolls for me, as does Battlefield Clarity.. Unbuffed attacks will be +30/+25/+20 for 1d10+19 15/20x2, saves at F+21, R+18, W+25 unbuffed, AC33 Unbuffed, Smite 3/day(+9hit/+8dam), LOH 15/day(extra smites), 20' Fear Immune Aura(Age or Worms has alotta stuff that fears)...

Designing replacement guys for my on going Age of Worms Camp and heres the 2nd one for critique.. First one was a Ranger/Fighter/RMA..

Drow Blooded Half-Elf Fighter 16(2Hand Archtype)
We do 4d6 reroll 1s with a +1 to all scores at 6th,12th,18th level plus norm 4 level adjustments.. Standard Weatlh +2 Traits.. Anything PFSRD


Dual Mind Alt Racial
Traits-Dangerously Curious, Indom Will

1st-Big Game Hunter
2nd-Power Attack
3rd-Weapon Focus-Nodachi
4th-Weapon Spec.
5th-Iron Will
6th-Furious Focus
7th-Improved Sunder
8th-Greater Sunder
9th-Critical Focus
10th-Greater Weapon Focus
11th-Sundering Strike
12th-Greater Weapon Spec.
13th-Staggering Critical
14th-Improved Iron Will
15th-Blinding Critical
16th-Critical Mastery

+5 Adamantite Keen Nodachi
+5 Mithril Fullplate
+6 Belt Str/Con
+4 Headband Wis
+5 Cloak Resistance
+2 Amulet Natural Armor
+1 Adaptive Comp LB
Gloves of Dueling
Boots of Striding/Spring
Wayfinder with Clear Spindle
Wand of Fly
Wand of Haste
Wand of Heroism
2250gp left for potions probably

His AC is low for his level(29 vs evil), but he hits like a Mac Truck(well over 50 per hit power attacking), and has good saves for a fighter +22fort/+13reflex/+19will.. His unbuffed CMB for Sunder is +41.. His UMD for wands only fails on a nat 1 so he can decently buff himself if needed.. Thoughts on making him better?

Ok so ive been mulling over a few replacement builds for an Age of Worms campaign and id like yalls opinion on one of the forerunner builds.. Currently im playing a Kensai Magus and i like gish type guys so here goes:

LE Half-Elf Ranger 7(guide)/Fighter 3(weapon master)/RMA 6


stats are generated via homebrew style and include magic gear adjustments with +2racial to str and +2 class to str and cha..

Alternate Racial - Dual Minded

Feats: *denotes bonus, +1 extra from a flaw(cannot lie)
*exotic weapon - f1
*power attack - f2
*two weapon fighting - r2
*imp twf - r6
*endurance - r2
*alertness - ion stone
*weapon spec - rma1
*greater weapon focus - rma5
weapon focus - 1st
iron will - 3rd
critical focus - 9th
improved critical - 11th
staggering critical - 13th
two weapon rend - 15th

So i need feats for 5th and 7th level plus the bonus at 1st.. considering two weapon defense, dodge, imp intitiative, or toughness.. any other suggestions are welcome..

I have 315k to spend on gear and this is what ive decided on for now.. Again any suggestions on better stuff is welcome:

x2 +4 saw tooth sabres
+5 imp shadow, light fort, mithril breastplate
gloves of dueling
+5 cloak of resistance
+4 str/dex/con belt
+6 cha headband
ebon wayfinder with dark blue ion stone fitted
wayfinder with clear spindle fitted
goz mask
vest of escape
wand of displacement
wand of shield
several wands of cure light..

I have a 11th level Dwarf Ranger with a Leadership Score of 12, so by the book my cohort would be 8th level. Now im considering paying for an Awaken Spell to be cast on my tiger companion that has boon companion making it 9hd.. Now my question is how many pc levels should i give the cat to make it an 8th level cohort? I was thinkin monk levels for ultimate flavor..

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Ok so the spell allows you to teleport 30' as a move action. Could you teleport using this a make a full attack? Additionally can anyone tell what the cast time is on this spell.. It doesn't state it, so i assume its a standard but itd be nice to know for sure..

In another thread i asked for critique for a 10th level fighter build and caused a small storm over if Tiger Style/Tiger Pounce was usable with a weapon.. The majority of responses concluded it was legal by RAW, because there's no statement limiting it to just UAS, such as Boar's Style has.. The Fluff text was clearly apparent that its use should be for UAS only and most agreed this fell into the RAI category not RAW.. Regardless i wanted to expound further to possibly entice a DEV to give their response on how it was ment(RAI) to work and how the text(RAW) says it works.. Yall feel free to post ur own thoughts on this matter, but please try to keep it civil as the other thread was getting borderline.. As always thanks for any responses.. Double thanks to any DEV that cares to chim in with his/her thoughts...

Merry Xmas and Go NERDS!

Ok so were 10th level in a ROTRL camp and im currently playing Dwarf Ranger and i was just fleshing this guy out as a replacement if the Dwarf gets killed. Any opinions are welcome, Thanks!

Human Fighter (2Hand) 10th


H-Power Attack
1st-Weapon Focus-Nodachi
2nd-Imp. Unarmed Strike
3rd-Tiger Style
4th-Weapon Spec.
5th-Iron Will
6th-Tiger Claws
8th-Greater Weapon Focus
9th-Tiger Pounce
10th-? Opinions plz

+1 Keen Nodachi
+4 Belt of Str.
+4 Cloak of Resistance
+2 Breastplate
+1 Ring of Prot.
+1 Amulet of NA
Gloves of Dueling

Indom. Will
? Opinions plz, maybe reactionary or armor expert

Currently his attacks would look like
1st- +24 1d10+25 15/20x2
2nd- +19 1d10+29 15/20x2

Saves look like
Fort +13
Reflex +9
Will +11

For 11th + level feats i was gonna start into the crit chain
11th-Crit Focus(I suppose this could be taken at 10th)
12th-NVM i forgot abt G. Weapon Spec
13th-Staggering Crit
14th-Critical Mastery
15h-Blinding Critical

Thanks Again!

Im abit of an optimizer with my pcs, so it inherently makes its way over to when im making npcs for the games i run... Im designing a cr8 fight with an alchemist 8 with a mithril cobra pet(some of u might recognize this as a modified from a recent module release)..
Anyways is this guy to tough? Im showing the version of him fully buffed with cognatogen drank..

Human Alchemist(Mindchemist) 8

str 8
dex 16
con 14
int 18/22 with cog
wis 10
cha 8

AC-29 (10+3dex+4armor+1dodge+1haste+5na(cog/barkskin)+1size(reduce)+4shield)

HP-88 (40class+8fav+8toughness+32con(with bears end))

Intitative +9 (+3dex+4imp int+2reactionary)

Saves Fort+11

Imp. Initiative
Point Blank Shot
Extra Discovery

Explosive Bombs
Precise Bombs
Smoke Bomb
Stink Bomb
Fast Bombs

Attacks Bomb +15/+15/+10 4d6+7 20'range touch 10'Radius Splash
Splash 11dam DC-20 Reflex

BAB +6/+1, +1 haste, +1 reduce, +1 bombers eye, +2 heroism, +1pbs, +3dex
Haste and Fast Bombs give 3attacks a round correct?

Extracts Drank bombers eye, haste, reduce person, shield, exp retreat,
bears end, barkskin, fly
Potions Alchemical Allocation with CL 8th Heroism Potion

hes got afew cure extracts memorized on top this and a gaseous form for escape

Gear +1 stud leather
+1 cloak resist
+2 headband int
potion heroism cl 8th

And then hes got the mithril cobra with 3 attacks at +6 and is basically there to get in the way

I figured id start combat with a stink bomb dc 20 and follow with 2 fire bombs.. Consecutive rounds will prob be this combo or maybe 3 fire bombs.. I think it just might be to much damage for the party to handle.. Thoughts? abt the build or the cr plz.. Also i considered doing displacement extract over fly and just use levitate, but i figured this would be overkill for sure..

Forgot Reduce gave +2dex so ac 30 and +1more to hit...

Ok so im in the process of building a hardcore dungeon for high level play and i was wondering about how to calculate the cr of a group.
For instance the room im currently building will have a fight involving a 1 CR 22, 1 CR 20 and 4 CR 19s..

Are they usable together? Friend has a halfling ninja using agile wakizashi's and already has risky striker.. can he take piranha strike and stack the damage?

So mithril chain chirt has an armor check penalty of 0. Not being proficient with armor gives you a penalty to attacks equal to the armor check penalty. Does this mean that somone could wear a mithril chain shirt, not be proficient with it and take abs. no penalties? And is so would this work for mithril shields as well? I have a kensai magus that is using bracers of ac and ive been unable to find any above +2 so i was considering getting set of this enchanted and just eating the 10% spell fail... Thoughts?

First of all i would like to thank everyone for the info on previous builds and discusions. Im helping my friend build a ninja for an ongoing campaign that were switching over to pf. There are some houserules and allowances by the dm that i will get too. I just wondered what the community thought of what i came up with for him.
A little history the character used to be a rogue/servant of domiel in 3.5, so i took the sanctified archetype for flavor and was allowed to spend 2 master tricks to get him divine grace. We have 1 additional feat due to a flaw taken and our base reflex save is added to our initiative. Also weapon finesse was free to anyone and i got the extra ninja trick feat oked as well. Were playing Age of Worms, so dm doesnt mind us being a little above average.

Halfling Ninja 15 (sanctified)


bonus-weapon finesse
flaw-two weapon fight
1st-weapon focus: Rapier
3rd-piranah strike
5th-risky striker
7th-open for now
9th-imp. twf
11th-imp crit: rapier
13th-extra ninja trick
15th-g. twf

flurry of stars
offensive defense
vanishing trick
acrobatic master
invisible blade
divine grace

Vow of Truth-+3ki

traits: +1ki/day, +1dam while flanking

+1 rapier of speed
+1 fire burst rapier
+4 dex belt
+4 cha headband
+2 ring of prot
+2 mith chainshirt
+3 cloak of resist
vest of escape
boots of striding and spring

Looking to upgrade weapons to agile asap

Thoughts on overall build?
Thoughts on level 7 feat? Extra Ninja trick again?


Ok so in 3.5 i played a duskblade in an age of worm campaign that made it too 15th level before everyone moved away, but recently all of us purchased fantasy grounds 2 and were starting in back up as pathfinder. My dm ok'd me to rebuild him as a magus and since he was more weapon based than spell i chose to make him a kensai. I have him done besides feat selection and was wondering what yall though about my choices and if any could be better. Thanks..

bonus-weapon focus-scimitar
Human-power attack
1st-spell penetration
3rd-greater spell pen.
5th-improved familiar(hes getting one threw magus arcana)
5th-intense spell
7th-weapon spec- scimitar
9th-critical focus
11th-greater weapon focus- scimitar
11th-improved critical
13th-extra magus arcana
15th-staggering critical

at 17th i plan on taking stunning crit and critical mastery stacking stag/stun. He uses a +4 shocking burst scimitar thats also a legacy weapon...

Any advice would be great!

I wish to create an NPC based on Brunner the Bounty Hunter from warhammer fantasy and i was wondering what yall about his class makeup.
For those of you that havent read the books i can give you a basic rundown of him. He's very much a self above others person(i see him as chaotic neutral), he only cares about 1 thing and thats gold in his pocket. He'll take any job provided its not suicide and always gets his man. He uses an assortment of weaponry and doesnt mind playing unfare when using them. He uses hand and heavy crossbows, throwing daggers, swords, pistols, and lastly the Headsman(large serrated dagger for cutting heads off mostly). He also carries a heavily enchanted dueling type sword called Drakesmalice. His fighting style usually involves a sword/dagger mainhand and a pistol offhand. This screams of sword/pistol style feat so i was try him as a gunslinger/inquisitor and class features wise it fits him.. The only thing i cant get around the diety involvement of the inquisitor. Brunner dispises dieties so i was wondering if i should just reflavor it w/o the diety involvement or try somthing else? Opinions? I also tried him as ranger, but again the diety came into play.. So as a basic he needs to use the weapons mentioned and be really good at tracking/catching his man.

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Walk through Space

School conjuration (teleportation); Level alchemist 6, magus 6, sorcerer/wizard 7, summoner 6, witch 7

Components V, S, M (a wren's egg)

Range personal

Target you

Duration 1 round/level

When under the effects of this spell, you can teleport up to 30 feet as a move action. You must end this movement in an unoccupied space that you can stand on within line of sight. Alternatively, you can spend a move action to teleport to a standing position from lying prone. Teleporting does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

I see no casting time here anc was curious, as im looking to taking this next level with my kensai magus... Anyone know?

My paladin is coming upon 7th level and im going to possibly take Unsactioned Knowledge as a feat and i was wondering what yall thought were the best spells for this.. I have some ideas but was curious about yalls.. A little info: his group atm consists of a healer oracle, bard/cavalier mix, ranged inquis, ninja, and a sword/board fighter. As working people with kids etc etc, not all of us are present each week.
Were playing Rotrl module
With that said my thoughts:

1st- expeditious retreat, vanish, moment of greatness
2nd- invis, mirror image, silence, gallant inspiration
3rd- good hope, dispel magic
4th- freedom of movement, greater invis, demension door

Im leaning towards exp retreat or moment of greatness for 1st as i wear fullplate, but i also have touch of rage from eldritch heritage- orc.

For 2nd i like silence or gallan inspiration the most

For 3rd im pretty set on good hope, because i already have a haste type spell in blessing of fervor and the bard in the grp will likely never reach 3rd level spells(hes doing the battle herald prc).

For 4th im liking freedom of movement best atm with demension door a close 2nd.. I would hate to gt held/paralysed etc in a crucial fight

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I was reading up on the blackblade and i was curious about somthing..

Senses: A black blade is aware of everything around it like a creature that can see and hear. It can be blinded and deafened as if it were a creature. It uses the saving throws of its magus, even if the magus is not currently wielding the black blade.

Does the blackblade get perception checks? And if so using the wielders ranks?

5 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.

Example: A ranger of 12th level has favorerd enemy evil outsider and some evil outsider bane arrows. Now he targets a dragon with instant enemy spell and set it too evil outsider. It reads:

With this spell you designate the target as your favored enemy for the remainder of its duration. Select one of your favored enemy types. For the duration of the spell, you treat the target as if it were that type of favored enemy for all purposes.

Since im treating the enemy as a evil outsider for all purposes as long as instant enemy is going, does the bane arrows do the extra 2d6 damage?
Also if i fired a bane arrow out of a +2 holy bow, do i add the bonuses to = +5 to hit, or just take the higher of the 2 for a +3 to hit?

After much dileberation i have retweaked my build as follows. Any addtional advice would be nice. 20point buy, 2 traits, Worlds Largest Dungeon Campaign. Objective is to make the highest damage dealer possibly with the build.


dex-16+2,+1 4th,+1 8th,+4belt = 24 or 30 with mutagen
con-14,+4 belt = 18 or 22 with mutagen
int-14,+4 headband = 18
wis-12 or 10 with mutagen
cha-7 or 5 with mutagen

H-weapon finesse
1st-two weapon fighting
3rd-sap adept
5th-craft wonderous
7th-sap master
9th-extra discovery
11th-improved twf

2nd-feral mutagen
4th-vestigial arm
6th-vestigial arm
8th-combine extract
9th-infuse mutagen
10th-crippling attack
12th-greater mutagen

indomitable will
one the gives acrobatics as class skill(cant rem name)

gear-110k wonderous at 1/2 price from craft wonderous
x2 +1 cold iron, agile, merciful light maces
agile amulet of mighty fists
+4 dex/con belt
+4 int headband
+5 cloak resist
boots of speed
celestial armor
x8 elixur of tumbling
potion of heroism CL(12th)
1000gp for additional mutagen

So this guy should have great attacks for alotta sneak attack damage, with decent hp and ac. The only weakness i see is a low will save, but he should invis for the majority of combats.


The alchemist in question is 12th level, so under the effects of his mutagen he would gain 3 effects from beast shape 2. My question is if he also quaffed an extract of beast shape 2 would he gain additional abilities or just the bonus to dex etc.. Additionally if he has the vestigial arm discovery would his new form also have the arms?

Is there a way to convert Bite and Claw damage to the Bludgeoning type? I ask because im interested in using the Sap Adept/Master feats with natural bite/claw attacks.

Ok so ive heard/read some on this subject and i just wanted clarification. Lets say for example i wanted to play a ninja/monk combo, but take an archetype that takes away FOB. Now lets say i take TWF and Imp. TWF as feats. Can i attack with imp. unarmed strike and make 2 mainhand and 2 offhand attacks? FOB states that it wokrs like TWF, so i assume u can, afterall it doesnt make much sense to me why u could make 4 attacks with say short swords and not drop said short swords and make 4 attacks with ur bare fists. Have i dreamt up this idea that u can only make 1 natural attack with each hand unless ur a monk? Please help me clarify this and if so help me to understand why a hand holding a sword is diff from a hand not holding a sword, but is instead balled up...

New character for a campaign where my previous guy has died. Level is 13, 20 point buy, 2 traits, wealth 120k. We're playing a modified worlds largest dungeon, so being fairly optimized is essential. Planning a taking leadership for an arcane caster cohort.

Race Tengu
Monk 3(4winds/master many styles)/ninja 10(sanctified)
str 9
dex 18 +1 4th, 8th, 12th +6 belt = 27
con 14-2 = 12
int 10
wis 18 +6 headband = 24
cha 7

Bonus: Skill Focus - Acrobatics monk
Elemental Fist - monk
Imp. Unarmed Strike - monk
Disorienting Maneuver - monk
weapon finesse - finesse rogue
knockout artist - combat trick
1st twf
3rd piranah strike
5th dodge
7th leadership
9th Itwf
11th Sap Adept
13th Sap Master

rogue talent- finesse rogue
combat trick - knockout artist
rogue trick - offensive defense
vanishing trick
invis blade


Ok so im making a ninja/monk combo and i had a question about vow of silence. Can you communicate via telepathy to say a cohort thats a arcane caster?

Human- Beastmorph Vivisectionist 12


H-weapon finesse
1st-weapon focus- lt. mace
3rd-two weapon fighting
5th-piranah strike
7th-imp. twf
9th-sap adept
11th-sap master

2nd-spontaneous healing
4th-feral mutagen
6th-healing touch
8th-combine extracts
10th-infuse mutagen
12th-greater mutagen

x2 +1 Agile Merciful Lt. Maces
Celestial Armor
Belt Dex +4
Headband Int +2
Cloak Resistance +3
Potion of Heroism (CL 12th)

1st-Cure lt.
negate aroma
reduce person
true strike
comp. lang

alchemical allocation

3rd-amplify elixur

4th-freedom of movement
greater invisbility
universal formula

Traits: Indom Will
Dirty Fighter

Idea is reduce, invis, with some defense stuffs and bludgeon things to death...
Thoughts or Suggestions?

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Me and my buddies are going to start an online game, so we can continue our game from the 90s lol. Anyways i was wondering what the best system for online tabletop etc etc.. Ive read some of the campaigns off this website and was wondering what they use? Ive also heard alot talk about this Herolab, whats it all about? Any help would be much appriciated.


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This is a backup toon to a ongoing campaign. 20 point build, 2 traits, 12th level with 100k in gear. Going to use craft wonderous to get more bang for the buck out of that 100k. Going to make a dex build with agile weapons. We use the d20pfsrd, so anything from there is a go.
Heres my build so far:

Human Beastmorph Vivisectionist 12

Str 7
Dex 26/32 with mutagen
Con 18/22 with mutagen
Int 18
Wis 12/10 with mutagen
Cha 7/5 with mutagen

As you can tell his obvious weaknesses will be ability drains, but im making a pure damage dealer and not worrying about that atm.

Craft Wonderous
Brew Potion
Throw Anything
Weapon Finesse
Two Weapon Fighting
Imp. Two Weapon Fighting
Double Slice (house ruled for dex)
Piranah Strike
Extra Discovery

x2 +1 Cold Iron Agile Daggers
+5 Celestial Armor
+5 Cloak of Resistance
+4 Belt Dex/Con
+4 Headband Int
Boots of Speed
Handy Haversack
Muleback Chords
Agile Amulet of Mighty Fist

My plan is to use alch allocation/amp elixur for heroism pot cl 12th, reduce person, haste, imp. invis/mutagen and go crazy with piranah strike backstabs.


Im abit confused on how this works. I assume you get to add a new formula every level, but the wording makes me think this happens only after you get 2nd level spells. Is this right?

Alchemist: Add one extract formulae from the alchemist's list to the character's formulae book. This formulae must be at least one level below the highest formulae level the alchemist can create.

See it reads must be 1 level lower than highest level know, so that tells me until u get 2nd level spells its better to take the hp/skill.
Is this right or am i interpreting it wrong?

The Adopted trait puzzles me and i need to clarify somthing. It reads

Adopted: You were adopted and raised by someone not of your actual race, and raised in a society not your own. As a result, you picked up a race trait from your adoptive parents and society, and may immediately select a race trait from your adoptive parents' race.

Now i read that as picking any of the adopted racial traits. My question is if you were adopted by a human could you take the extra feat racial trait? Or hell even their +2 to any stat? Human racial traits are

Human Racial Traits
+2 to One Ability Score: Human characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.

Again with the way the Adopted Trait reads i would have to say yes as a dm. This seems abit to strong. Has it been clarified somwhere?

Additionally nowhere in its entry does it state that you cannot take alternate racial traits and although their alternate its still a racial trait.. Toothy for example..


Will the horizon walker's favored terrain, terrain mastery and terrain dominance work the deepwalker's deep knowledge ability? I realize deep knowledge replaces favored terrain, but at the same time is very much the same thing just more specialized. Thoughts? And if so would at deepwalker 6/horizon walker 3 with boots of freindly terrain(underground) would he/she be setting at +10 hit/damage/initiative/pertnant skills to anything native to underground? Also in the beastiary's "Monster's by Terrain" are mooks listed to be found in "Any Terrain" included in this +10 you die scheme?


Im sure this subject has been talked about before, but i can find it no where so here it goes. I have a wizard coming up on 7th level pretty fast and im goin to take improved familiar and get a Faerie Dragon. My question is that by the wizards chart it would have a 9 int, but as base the faerie dragon has a 16int, so did i just find the dumbest dragon in the woods or is there an errata/fac or w/e saying this chart only applies to familiars with lower ints like the animals etc. I assume you would take whichever is higher because it doesnt make much sense why a wizard would take a sub optimal/retarded version of the species for his familiar. Thoughts? Or possibly a link explaining this?