Fey Friend

Colorfoot's page

Organized Play Member. 97 posts (739 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 6 Organized Play characters. 5 aliases.


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I get that these were designed with foundry in mind, but do they work for other systems?

@PWGM - Per my DM, I'm withdrawing my application for this one. Thank you so much for the chance to apply and for your thoughtful feedback on Afterthought. I had fun making him.

Best of luck to you in all your villainous endeavors!

Okay, I will likely post a little later today (I'm in AZ, so we're on MST, which currently aligns with PDT because we don't believe in daylight saving out here).

Just a note: "Afterthought" was already taken on the server, so my character name will now be "Discard" instead.

Poor Wandering GM wrote:


re: Lair. Check the Campaign page for details. And Karma's amazing map.
As far as rule details see SPC3 pg 21-27 extra points details on pg 22 under Powerful.

** spoiler omitted **...

Thank you! I should go make an alias, and I'll answer your questions on his character sheet.

And yep, I'm totally okay losing the device at some point. Wouldn't be a fun hindrance otherwise. :)

Re the base: I will need to read up on that. I'm not familiar with how that works.

Second verse, sort of like the first!

Afterthought (He/Him)

Novice Human

Attributes: Agility d8 (2), Smarts d6 (1), Spirit d8 (2), Strength d8 (2), Vigor d8 (2)

On Attributes:
I raised 2 attributes with Hindrance points and then raised 2 more with super powers.

Skills: Academics d4 (1), Athletics d8 (2), Common Knowledge d6 (1), Driving d4 (1), Fighting d8 (3), Focus d8 (3), Intimidation d4 (1), Language (English) d8 (0), Notice d6 (1) [+2 for Hearing], Persuasion d4 (0), Shooting d4 (1), Stealth d6 (1), Thievery d6 (2)
Skill Points:
17 total Skill points. 15 are from the More Skill Points setting rule and 2 are from Hindrance points.

Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 12 (2)
Hindrances: Bad Luck, Dependent (minor), Transformation (minor), Secret Identity (minor), Heartless (minor)
I used Hindrance points to raise 2 Attributes and gain 2 Skill points.

His secret identity isn't so much his civilian name; he doesn't care about that. His secret identity is that he used to be the sidekick of the Knight Owl, who some of his new compatriots may have tangled with back in the day. Maybe that's more Secret (minor) than Secret Identity? To be clear: I'm not trying to keep a secret from the other players at the table. My character is trying to keep the secret, not me.

His dependent is Damian, the NPC kid he connected with in the answers I gave to the setting questions. As far as stat blocks go, I don't suppose the new book has a thief or common criminal NPC?

I swapped Loyal for Transformation (minor). Much like Hal Jordan, Jason needs to activate his ring before it will work. And I gave him Heartless to round out the set.

Edges: Danger Sense (N1 Advance), Martial Artist (Novice Human Edge), Super Powers (45)
Armor: Body Armor, Ballistic Vest (torso only) ($200)
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str+d4, +1 to Hit), Melee Attack (Magic Ring) (3; Magic) (Range Melee, Damage Str+3d6+1d4, AP 4, +1 to Hit, HW)
Gear: Boots, hiking ($100), Camouflage (Urban) Fatigues ($20), Comm Link ($100), Smoke Grenade ($50), Night Vision Goggles ($500)
Language: English (native, d8)
Current Wealth: $30

Powers (45 points)

  • Regeneration (13 points; Magic): Make a Focus roll every round as a limited free action. Success heals one Wound, and a raise heals two. - Device (-1): Magic Ring, Hero ignores one point of Fatigue penalties. Can still be Incapacitated if pushed beyond Exhausted - just ignores the penalty., Treat all permanent injuries as temporary unless caused by acid, fire, or damage caused by a Power Type matching their Environmental Weakness, Power Negation, or Vulnerability Hindrance. [10 for power, +2 for Relief, +2 for Regrowth, -1 for Magic Ring device]

  • Flight (11 points; Magic): Pace 360 (240 MPH), -4 Attack Penalty - Device (-1): Magic Ring [12 points for power, -1 for Magic Ring device]

  • Melee Attack - Ring Powered Punch (9 points; Magic): - Can "charge up" her attack form as a limited action, adding +1d6 to the first damage roll made in next action (or +1d10 if combined with an All Out Attack (page 30), +4 AP, Device (-1): Magic Ring, Heavy Weapon (1) [6 points for power, 2 points for +4 AP, 1 point for HW, 1 point for Charge, -1 for Magic Ring device]

  • Damage Field (4 points; Magic): Activating the field is an action, and it remains on until the super terminates it. At the end of the super’s turn, every adjacent character must make an Evasion roll or suffer 3D6 damage. - Device (-1): Magic Ring, Attack is inherently deadly - no non-lethal attacks, Heavy Weapon (1) [5 points for power, 1 point for HW, -1 for lethal, -1 for Magic Ring device]

  • Toughness (3 points; Magic): +4 toughness - Device (-1): Magic Ring [4 points for power, -1 for Magic Ring device]

  • Super Attribute (2 points; Intense Training): Boost Strength by 1

  • Super Attribute (2 points; Intense Training): Boost Vigor by 1

  • Heightened Senses - Hearing (1 point; Intense Training): +2 to Notice rolls based on hearing.

Starting Bennies: 2
Novice Advances
Edge: Danger Sense

Current Load: 14 (61)

Here be Afterthought. His "biological" powers come from his training as a sidekick in his previous life. I attempted to answer the question: what would happen if one of the batfam somehow inherited a green lantern ring?

If the Flight power is too fast (too speedstery), let me know and I can drop it down a point or two.


Seasoned (He/Him) Human

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d10
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d4, Fighting d8, Focus d8, Intimidation d6, Language (English) d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d4, Stealth d6, Thievery d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 13 (2)
Hindrances: Bad Luck, Dependent (minor), Loyal, Secret Identity
Edges: Danger Sense, Martial Artist, Martial Warrior, Super Powers (45)
Armor: Body Armor (Armor 2)
Weapons: Unarmed (Range Melee, Damage Str+d6, +2 to Hit), Melee Attack (Generic) (3; Magic) (Range Melee, Damage Str+4d6, AP 4, +2 to Hit, HW)
Gear: Comm Link, 2x Smoke Grenade
Language: English (native, d8)
Current Wealth: $100

Special Abilities

  • Languages Known: English (native, d8)

  • Regeneration (3; Magic): Make a Focus roll every round as a limited free action. Success heals one Wound, and a raise heals two. - Device (-1): Magic Ring, Hero ignores one point of Fatigue penalties. Can still be Incapacitated if pushed beyond Exhausted - just ignores the penalty., Treat all permanent injuries as temporary unless caused by acid, fire, or damage caused by a Power Type matching their Environmental Weakness, Power Negation, or Vulnerability Hindrance.

  • Flight (7; Magic): Pace 360 (240 MPH), -4 Attack Penalty - Device (-1): Magic Ring

  • Melee Attack (Generic) (3; Magic): - Can "charge up" her attack form as a limited action, adding +1d6 to the first damage roll made in next action (or +1d10 if combined with an All Out Attack (page 30), +4 AP, Device (-1): Magic Ring, Heavy Weapon (1)

  • Damage Field (2; Magic): Activating the field is an action, and it remains on until the super terminates it. At the end of the super’s turn, every adjacent character must make an Evasion roll or suffer 3D6 damage. - Device (-1): Magic Ring, Attack is inherently deadly - no non-lethal attacks, Heavy Weapon (1)

  • Toughness (4; Magic): +4 toughness - Device (-1): Magic Ring

  • Super Attribute (1; Biological; Strength): Boost Selected Attribute by 1

  • Super Attribute (1; Biological; Vigor): Boost Selected Attribute by 1

  • Heightened Senses (Biological): Hero has heightened senses.

Starting Bennies: 2
Novice Advances

  • Edge: Danger Sense
  • Raise Attribute: Vigor
  • Raise Skills: Intimidation/Academics

Seasoned Advances

  • Edge: Martial Warrior

Current Load: 7 (61)
Books In Use: Savage Worlds: Adventure Edition, SWADE Super Powers Companion (2021)Setting Rules: Born a Hero, Larger Than LifeValidity: Character appears valid and optimal

Created with Savaged.us

Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Colorfoot, Evindyl The easy entry window closes this weekend. Quick as you can please.

Roger that.

Nice! Will there be room for both of us, GM?

Evindyl wrote:
Colorfoot wrote:
Check out savaged.us for a Savage Worlds character builder.
That is REALLY cool, thank you!

Happy it helped!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Check out savaged.us for a Savage Worlds character builder.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

a) What is your concept? Give me a one or two sentence description of your character.

Jason, aka Afterthought, is the failed sidekick of a B-list hero. After a couple of years on the streets with his mentor, fighting the good fight, he was threatened by one too many psychopaths in clown makeup and hung up his tights.

His mentor didn’t survive long enough to stand up on the stage with Champion for the V’Sori betrayal: the old man died in one of the early battles against the Fins.

The day after his mentor died, Afterthought woke up to find a ring hovering above his bed. His mentor’s ring (and source of power) seemed to be calling Afterthought back to the life. To the fight. To the heroics.

Afterthought ignored that call. He kept the ring but hid it, keeping himself far from the fighting, until the V’Sori took Star City. Then, it became survival of the fittest, and he dug out the ring and did what he needed to stay alive.

b) Do you have, or will you pledge to get if selected, access to: The Savage Worlds Adventure Edition rule book (AKA SWADE), The Super Powers Companion Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (AKA SPC3), and the Necessary Evil Players guide? I can help if you are not sure where to get these.

Already got em. No problem here.

c) What do you look like? Hair/eye color? Height and Weight? Costume? Think of your mug shot/wanted poster.

Afterthought is exceptionally ordinary. He stands about 5’ 10” at a buck 60. His eyes are brown and his hair is black.

When he is in costume, he wears black combat fatigues, like you could get at any army/navy surplus store. He wears what looks like a paintball mask when he fights. Think Netflix Daredevil in season 1 vs. when he gets the spiffy super suit.

d) What can you do? What separates you from the masses? Brains? Training? Acidic blood? Magic tea cozy?

Afterthought wears a magic ring that enhances his physical abilities. Speed, strength, toughness, the whole lot. He can also heal wounds that should kill normal people. And thanks to his time trying to make it in the big leagues, he's had some training, to boot.

e) What have you done? What separates you from a random survivor? Describe a typical crime. There is a reason you could not be at the welcoming ceremony with Champion. If you are a hero give me an example of your heroism and tell me why you were not incinerated for standing up for Earth?

Make no mistake: Afterthought was trained as a hero, but he sees himself primarily as a survivor.

His most common crime is a protection scheme. In his territory, he collects from the local residents and shops and comes running when someone harasses his people. Of course, for those who don't pay, things can get a little dicey.

f) How familiar are you with Savage Worlds as a system? Note familiarity is NOT required. It is not a highly complex system but it does have its rough points. I and the other players are more than happy to lend a hand.


g) What have you been doing lately? How have you spent the last two years under V’sori occupation? The campaign starts the players as prisoners of the V’sori invaders. Were you a prisoner? If so what was the V’sori attitude to you? Indifference? Interest & Interrogation? Experimentation? How long were you in captivity? If you remained free how did you manage that? Friends? Luck? Blending in to the general population?

Afterthought has been living in the shadows, stealing whatever he can whenever he can and generally using his training to stay below the radar. He was not captured by the V'sori, because they would not have known to care that he existed.

h) The game is largely set in Star City and you will start there. Is this your home? If so how long have you been active as a meta-human in the City? Do you have family or friends here? If home is somewhere else where is it and is getting there important to you?

Star City is home. Afterthought was active for a couple of years maybe 8 years or so ago, but got out of the game. He's only been back at it since after the V'sori takeover, probably only six to 8 months.

i) What have you seen in the world? Detail a hero or a villain or an ordinary person you have ran into, worked with, fought, or just heard about. Maybe a member of Alpha Squadron you tangled with. Maybe a criminal mastermind you worked for. Maybe a taxi driver or whoever ran the newsstand near your old lair. Make them interesting. Think of yourself as pitching a 1 or 2 issue special series for the Necessary Evil comic book we are all creating.

In the aftermath of the V'sori occupation, Jason has befriended an orphan kid named Damian. Damian is a hard case, eager to fight and way too vocal about it, who squats wherever he can. On occasion, Damian has crashed on Jason's couch, and Jason knows better than to ask too many questions. He finds himself going out of his way to check in on the kid, who has fallen in with a rough crowd. Jason sees a lot of himself in Damian, except Damian is a lot angrier than Jason was at that age. Having your world occupied and your sense of self-realization taken away will do that to you though, Afterthought figures.

j) What is the greatest thing in life? What is your desired end state/goal. Tell me what is important to you.

Afterthought just wants to get back to where he can hang up his costume again and go back to sleeping in on Saturdays and watching cartoons. He is not, at his heart, a complicated man.

k) You are a member of the Omega resistance movement led by Dr. Destroyer (Think Marvel’s Dr. Doom). What do you think about this? Are you a willing member? Blackmailed? Given the choice of joining or being sold out to the V’sori to provide a distraction? Maybe you were part of a cell that was destroyed? Have you met Dr. Destruction?

This is a continual head trip for Jason. Dr. Destruction is one of the scariest people in the world, and suddenly Afterthought is Destruction's errand boy. He has not personally met Dr. Destruction, and is not keen to. He got roped into the Omega movement because one of Dr. Destruction's goons started making a lot of trouble in Jason's territory and threatened to tip off the V'sori if Jason didn't decide to help.

Greetings, villains! Count me as interested.

Looking through the current characters, it looks like you guys could benefit from a wolverine-style scrapper, maybe? I'm going to look through some archetypes and see what inspiration strikes. If anyone has suggestions, I am open.

Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Colorfoot wrote:

@Poor Wandering GM Ooh, what game?

I have a couple potential characters I've submitted for traditional PF games. Once I hear back on how many (if any) of those get picked, I may have room to take on another game. I definitely have interest.

Looking for a few bad people... The overall story is Iron/Bronze age aliens invaded a late silver age world. (iron/ bronze and Silver refer to comic eras. Feel free to ignore) The heroes resisted and got squished. The major villains were hunted down and squished/vanished. You are what is left. B-team heroes and also ran villains. A bit tougher than kite-man but he is much closer to you than say Nightwing.

Can you free the earth? Do you want to?

Give it a look.

Oooh, Necessary Evil! Nice.

I ran the Breakout campaign years ago but have never been able to play in a NE game myself. I will look into that.

@Poor Wandering GM Ooh, what game?

I have a couple potential characters I've submitted for traditional PF games. Once I hear back on how many (if any) of those get picked, I may have room to take on another game. I definitely have interest.

Poor Wandering GM wrote:
Colorfoot wrote:
I am so very in. I'm thinking about a rogue or a druid for this character.
Looking forward to your interlude. Want me to draw you a card or can you cover this using your book?

I'll work on that today. :)

I've got it covered! This will be my submission for the game: Meet Merri

For anyone having trouble with putting a character together, savaged.us is a handy tool. It's not quite as polished as Pathbuilder or Wanderer's Guide, but it is still really helpful.

ZenFox42 wrote:

I have yet to buy any of the books, so I can't even guess what kind of class I'll take, so...I drew a Queen of Hearts.

Also, for summoning or shape-shifting, what bestiaries are available? SWD Core? My understanding is that the Pathfinder Core Rules have a pretty limited bestiary? Do any of the supplementary books have more?

Hi, there! I'm not the GM for this game, obviously, but I'm pretty familiar with the system so I can try to assist (as long as GM does not mind me jumping in).

The Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Core Rules does have a bestiary, but it is not huge (though it does have some expanded options you won't find in the Savage Worlds Core Rulebook).

There is also a Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Bestiary, which has a ton more options.

I am so very in. I'm thinking about a rogue or a druid for this character.

Interested! So interested! Could not be more interested!

I'm running the Curse of the Crimson Throne AP for PFSW on another site, and I have been itching to play myself.

I will play anything the party needs. Just hand me that wild die!

I see Ouachitonian is doing a halfling mounted on a dog. I shall pick something other than a doggo for my animal buddy, then!

Hmm. How about a druid with a doggo? You really can't go wrong adding a cute animal to a group.

What info would you like from us to apply, GM? Would you like us to make characters?

I'm interested! I typically prefer support characters and can typically slide into whatever role the party ends up needing.

I would be interested!

Been continuing to poke around the Eberron books. It's quite the pulp action setting.

CynDuck wrote:
Recruitment is closed. Also sorry for taking so long to get this set up, I've been dealing with some irl events that popped up pretty suddenly and it might take a bit more time before I'm ready. I am still really wanting to run this campaign, it just may be longer than I was expecting until it starts.

Real life comes first. Hope everything works out well for you, GM.

Here's what I have so far. I opted to go with a half-orc instead a full-blooded orc because I really liked the potential RP opportunities, especially with a full orc (potentially) joining the party, too. The prejudices are more or less the same, so I think my concept still works.

Brias, Half-Orc Witch:

Brias' story is an unusual one. His father, an orc from nearby Belkzen, fled Belkzen as a child with one of his cousins and a mutual friend. Hopelessly naive and disgusted with their own war-like families, the three expected to be welcomed in Ustalav as fellow victims of a shared legacy of war. Unfortunately, the people of Ustalav were not nearly so accepting as all that, and within only two years, Brias' father lost both his cousin and his friend.

He met Brias’ mother while hunting. She was a skilled witch of Kellid descent, and saw in him a kindred spirit. The two fell in love and married in secret, and she initiated him into the secrets of witchcraft. They moved away from civilization, using their powers to keep each other safe and to disguise his father’s nature from any passers by.

When Brias was born, they became a coven of three. When he became old enough, his parents indoctrinated him and he attracted a familiar of his own.

As the young tend to do, he got wrapped up in an idealistic cause, helping others of non-human descent navigate the difficulties of life in Ustalav. He set himself up as a local healer for the “normal” human population (as many witches in Ustalav do), but it is something of an open secret that he also cares for people that humans might find objectionable.

What is not an open secret is that Brias is himself not fully human. He guards that secret very carefully, judiciously employing the disguise hex to keep his true nature hidden from his neighbors. Lately, though, he has struggled with loneliness and wanderlust, and he is starting to look for opportunities to move on from his self-imposed hermitage.

Half-Orc Traits
- +2 to any one Ability Score
- Medium
- Base Speed 30 feet
- Darkvision 60 feet
- Scavenger: +2 on Appraise checks and Perception checks to find hidden objects (including traps and secret doors), determine if food is spoiled, or identify a potion by taste (replaces Intimidating)
- Orc Blood: count as humans and orcs
- Sacred Tattoo: +1 luck bonus on saving throws (replaces Orc Ferocity)
- Weapon Familiarity: greataxes and falchions
- Languages: Common, Orc and choice of Abyssal, Draconic, Giant, Knoll, and Goblin w/high enough INT

Ability Scores
- STR: 14 (5 points)
- DEX: 14 (5 points)
- CON: 16 (10 points)
- INT: 18 (5 points, +2 free points from half-orc, +2 from leveling up)
- WIS: 12 (2 points)
- CHA: 8 (-2 points)

- Inspired by Greatness: a certain spell is always cast at +1 CL
- Courageous: +2 trait bonus on saving throws vs fear effects
- Focused Mind: +2 trait bonus on concentration checks
- Classically Schooled: +1 trait bonus to Spellcraft, Spellcraft always on class list

- Additional Traits: +2 Traits (Level 1)
- Dodge: +1 dodge bonus to AC (Level 3)
- Spell Penetration: +2 to defeat spell resistance (Level 5)
- Improved Counterspell (Level 7)

Class Features
- Favored Class: Witch (+1 hp or +1 skill rank/level)
-Patron: Transformation
-Familiar: Fox
-Hexes: Disguise (level 1), Cauldron (level 2), Evil Eye (level 4), Flight (level 6), Ward (level 8)

I still need to flesh out his familiar, pick his spells, and buy him some gear. I had a lot of fun with the backstory and the background Traits. If anyone has suggestions, I'm open to them.

Has anyone ever played with the transformation patron? That seems like it could be a lot of fun. Sort of a cross between a wizard and a druid.

I've never played as a witch before, but I've been itching to try one for a long time.

The Lobster wrote:
Firmly interested! I was also thinking of a full blooded orc.

Orc buddies! Maybe being around your character long term will give mine the confidence to be himself more often.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM Kartari wrote:

Great! I look forward to your submissions. :)

Colorfoot, I like the concept, and it fits well with the suspicious and prejudiced culture of Ustalav. I do have one concern that should be addressed. You probably have this in mind already, but if not, I would suggest that you go in with the idea that your orc witch would decide to be honest with the party at the start. Maybe the witch recognizes the party is no ordinary bunch of locals, afraid of their own shadows. Perhaps finding common cause with them would also lend itself towards some trust. Otherwise, I don't expect it would work out if your character decided to deceive them. On a practical level alone, the deception would be short-lived: one of the party members has a really high perception and is very suspicious and wary, so you'd need, like, over +35 in Disguise to reliably keep up the illusion.

No problem, there. I am a firm believer in being above board with other players/characters during character creation. And his hex only keeps him disguised for his level in hours, so I'm pretty sure the group would have figured out the secret very quickly if he had tried to keep it.

How about an orc hermit witch who regularly uses the disguise hex to look like a typical Varisian? He's part of an underground of sorts that helps those (like him) of non-human descent whom the human populace views with suspicion or outright hostility.

As his cover, he provides remedies to his human neighbors, and he has come to like them in spite of himself. His relative seclusion and generally unsettling witchiness (which he plays up) help ensure any interactions he has with his human clients are shorter than the length of his disguise.

If all that sounds generally okay, I'll get to work on building the character. I have only played a little 1e before, and it's been a while, so I am very open to advice and feedback on my build.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am extremely interested! I will read up on the materials you posted and put together a submission.

Arthain is now geared up for adventure! For his level 2 item, he chose a hand crossbow +1 and for his 2 level 1 items he now has a ring of discretion and a navigator's star (made too much sense for an air sailor to pass up).

Arthain's Character Sheet

I'm in a couple of 5e real time games, but no PF ones.

When my current 5e campaign ends, I plan to run the Beginners Box and then Abomination Vaults for my group. Mwahahahaha!

Kobold Catgirl wrote:
Mostly, no. Rogue really needs a Sniper racket.


Nothing on Pathdfinder Infinite, either. Maybe I need to write one.

Yeah. Maybe Mastermind is better, for flavor if for nothing else. He does not want to be stabbing people. Blood is gross and hard to get out of clothes.

Collie Shepherd wrote:

Colorfoot, are you sure Thief is the right pick for your concept? I ask because of the Thief's biggest advantages is Dex to melee damage, which won't come up with a ranged weapon. It's very good for having a backup melee option, though, so I'm definitely not saying it's a bad call!

** spoiler omitted **...

Alas, I don't think any of the rackets give much of a bonus with ranged weapons. Unless I am missing something, which is very possible. I am 100% open to suggestions.

Okay, here is Arthain! He’s a half-elf rogue who can pass for a full-blooded elf. He’s a thief and a skill monkey and a surprising sharpshooter, which might just be my favorite archetype of all time.

He’s here to spy for House Lyrandar but *not* to sabotage he mission or hurt anyone. He wants to help the mission and the crew because he thinks his House can benefit from this field test of a new type of ship.

He’s also a veteran sailor of airships (I gave him the deckhand background for this), which should help him get hired on. And his elfish looks may give him plausible deniability if confronted about his house allegiance (Lyrandar is a half-elven house, after all).

He still needs gear, but everything else is there for your consideration.

Thank you!

Link to sheet: https://wanderersguide.app/profile/characters/347070

CynDuck wrote:

Really sorry for not responding to questions over the past couple days, I was too busy to be able to but I should have the time now.

Colorfoot wrote:
If you’re still actively considering character submissions, I will put one together ASAP and get it over to you.
It's still open, I think I'll be closing it on Thursday though. I'm also fine with allowing a second archetype with eldritch trickster like what Philo mentioned.

Okay, cool! I’ll get a character sheet over today. I may go with something a bit simpler, but I’m happy to hear recruitment is still open!

That recruitment for this game is still open is the best news I've seen all day. I'll put together a submission post haste.

Philo Pharynx wrote:

Rules as written, eldritch trickster doesn't work with free archetype. Most GM's allow this to allow a second archetype. You can't just take wizard feats - You have to take the archetype feat to get wizard feats.

Many GM's house rule this to either allow them to take basic arcana at 2nd level or to have two archetypes. But they need two feats from each before getting a third.

Eldritch Trickster is definitely a bit underpowered, though if we only go to 10, you won't see the worst part of it. Since they get their spell proficiency from archetypes, they will be numerically a bit behind using spells. And since their primary stat is their spellcasting stat, they are a little behind in weapon combat. It can be overcome by smart play, but you'll definitely want to focus on every advantage you can.

Hmm. This is good to know. Before I get married to a build for my submission, I shall wait to see how the GM would handle this particular conundrum. Thank you for the helpful feedback!

Oh, wait. Can you take wizard Feats if you have the Wizard dedication? Because if so, I retract my question. :)

Kobold Catgirl wrote:
Oh, I'm a total dummy. x3 In that case, the free archetype feat you take will have to be from that archetype, unless it explicitly says otherwise.

Good to know!

Follow up question: what do I do if there is only one level 2 feat for my archetype? The wizard dedication, for example, is the only one I could take in that Feat tree.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kobold Catgirl wrote:

Rackets aren't archetypes, so you're fine! They're actually called "subclasses", though most people just call them, well, rackets, in the rogue's case.

Basically, an archetype is a set of feats that you can only take after taking a special dedication feat. They're usually totally distinct from the class you have--a barbarian could take the Ritualist archetype, while a wizard could take the Fighter multiclass archetype. Once you take a dedication feat, you have to take two feats in that archetype before trying out any other archetypes.

A subclass is a choice from a set of options a given class gives you. Like, eldritch trickster rogue, wild order druid, illusionist wizard. It's similar to how archetypes worked in PF1, where you pick one and you stick with it for the rest of the run.

For sure; I only ask because the eldritch trickster racket gives a dedication feat.

I haven't played PF1e before (unless you count a partially complete save file on the Kingmaker CRPG), and it has been many years since I played 3.5e.

With those caveats out of the way, I am interested in learning more if there are still spots open.

Should you decide to switch back to pbp for whatever reason, consider me very interested.

Query for those who are more familiar with the system than I: if I build a rogue with the Eldritch Trickster Racket (to represent a hidden dragonmark, natch), how does that play with the Free Archetype rule? Do I need to pick a different archetype (so my character would have two dedications)? Or would I select a second dedication feat?

(My background is more Savage Worlds and 5e, but I am slowly and surely learning Pathfinder 2e).

Philo Pharynx wrote:
Hmmm... Maybe somebody could play a gnomish elemental wright trying to determine what secrets they stole to build this knockoff vessel?

I'm thinking this, except an agent for House Lyrandar.

Nothing like a little corporate espionage to spice things up!

Hmm. I see what I missed! The Crystalmark is an airship-like vessel, not a traditional airship.

Hmm. That’s a good point. Wouldn’t they still need someone from Lyrandar to fly the airship?

I’m picking up the lore in real time (I’m going through Rising from the Last War now), so it is highly likely I’m missing things.

Also, the art in this book is positively Pathfinder-y. Love to see it.

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