
Varniel's page

30 posts. Alias of Monkeyfeet228.


Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

Ladies and gents and DM Doomed, I apologize that I haven't posted in so long, and apologize further that that isn't going to improve. I must withdraw from these wonderful shenanigans as real life has decided to skewer me with it's relentless appendages. If need be I can find a spectacular way to die. To all of you, I wish you an incredible game. Varniel out.

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

Still here. Just kinda confused as to what all happened

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

"My sword! Go retrieve it!" Shouted at the dwarf in astonishment.

I'll have to make him pay for that. For now though, abandoning ship when I get the opportunity may be my best option.

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

Cumulative Dex damage I believe

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

Appears we're out of control!

In retrospect, given my character concept it seems just plain strange that I forgot to get handle animal. DM Doomed, mind if I fix that after the match?

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

HP: 10/10
AC: 20 16 14
Fort:+3 Ref:+7 Will:+0
Bombs left:4/5
Extracts Prepared: Shield, Cure Light Wounds
Effects:Dex Mutagen

Fort save:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

5-foot step into Zar'Zan's square
Move: Pick up reigns
Move: Pilot a monkeysheep!(Ride) 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

Whisper to Zar'Zan:

"Take it then, but whatever you do, make it interesting. And I better get it back"

Varniel whispered as he nudged past Zar'Zan and took up the reigns.
"Ya! Monkeysheep! I would love to make you part of my collection after this race!" he shouted, still oblivious to the cold.

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

Is it possible for us to swap positions?

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

What action would it be to hand it off?

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

You have plenty of time heh. Still catching up on the gameplay thread

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

Whew sorry for disappearing guys, leg got caught in a bear trap and had to chew it off and all that nonsense. It seems Zar'Zan got my move right anyway. Thanks!

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

stats & actions:
HP: 10/10
AC: 20 16 14
Fort:+3 Ref:+7 Will:+0
Bombs left:4/5
Extracts Prepared: Shield, Cure Light Wounds
Effects:Dex Mutagen

Fort save from cold:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Balance: 19 = Take 10 + 4(Dex) + 5(Hold on)

Standard:Disable Device:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Move:Hold on
5-foot step

Varniel carefully shifted over to Zar'Zan's side.
"Hold still! While I get you out of these, get that bridge off! And go fast! He shouted.

Then he crouched down low, partly to steady himself and partly to whisper to Zar'Zan.

For Zar'Zan:

We don't want to anger the monkey monsters. They don't like each other.

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

I'm going to leave the cannon ready for loading for future rounds. More pressing matters now that someone punched the bridge through.

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

Would I know I screwed it up if I missed by less than 5?

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

So it seems I sparked some controversy here. Now looking at my turn it does look a little screwed so if DM Doomed would like I have no problem re-doing my turn.

EDIT: I probably should've mentioned this a while ago but this is my first time playing Pathfinder or PbP so if anything I do looks weird, there's the distinct possibility I screwed up.

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

So I posted, though I'm not sure about the action economy. I assumed a full-round action to attempt to prep the cannon and drop a bomb into it. If that's wrong I'll change my action but for now, I must be off to work.

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

Stats & Actions:

HP: 10/10
AC: 20 16 14
Fort:+3 Ref:+7 Will:+0
Bombs left:5/5
Extracts Prepared: Shield, Cure Light Wounds
Effects:Dex Mutagen

Balance: 14 = Take 10+4
Fort: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Disable Device on Cannon:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

"Wind! Why would you throw my bomb at that perfectly helpless monkey monster?! Can't be helped now." Varniel slung back his head as he flipped the mutagen into the air, catching and holding it with his teeth he chugged it down. His body grew slightly, becoming sinewy and perceptibly more agile.

An idea struck him. "Cannon!" Varniel started fiddling with the cannon, then stuffed a bomb into it.

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

Curses. Running the course would've been easy if I'd packed the right extract. Question, does the fire from the bomb do anything to the sleds or does it not matter 'cause of the snow?

Monkey Knowledge Check:

1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Oh and Lorn you're right about the bomb, it's DC15 for half damage (so 3 fire)

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

Woops that bomb missed I believe. Correcting...

EDIT: Fixed and on the map now. Sorry monkey.

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

Stats and Actions:

HP: 10/10
AC: 17 14 13
Fort:+3 Ref:+5 Will:+1
Bombs left:5/5
Extracts Prepared:

Passive Perception check:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Fort save:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Balance:13 = Take 10 + 3

Throw bomb at Lorn: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Damage:1d4 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 fire
Splash for 6 fire

Move action to draw my mutagen.

"Who did this?! How dare you!" Varniel shouted into the snow as he shook his fist. "Wait, cannon, other fighters, a crowd? This is it!"

"That bridge, it has to go! Two birds with one bomb!"

Varniel drew a bomb from his coat and threw it across the bridge at Lorn.

The resounding boom threw snow and bits of debris into the air.

Varniel covered his face as he pulled his mutagen from his coat. "And now for you."


Bomb direction:

1d8 ⇒ 5
To the left of the monkey at B15 it seems

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

Could I put a bomb in the cannon for ammo? Seems like a bad idea but I gotta ask...

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

All good

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

I've got Shield and Cure Light Wounds written in my profile as well as a Dex mut so I'll stick with those

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

Beyond using a bow and sword, I have not.

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

I'd be pretty excited to see us 3 on a team together. With all the crazy in the world on our side, we'd be unstoppable! (And I'm including Zar'zan in the crazy too :p) Thanks for the alchemy list Zib! I might just pick up that roll to pick a target thing at some point if I'm feeling particularly nutty one day...

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

I knew I shouldn't have spent all day at work. Missed montage fun. Dang. But now I have a character who sounds like Sheogorath in my head which is awesome :3

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

"Because I was incredibly bored! Why else would someone become a gladiator?!"

Varniel speaking with very energetically with his hands, "I'll stand out in the arena because I'm here! Standing! What more do you want? Should I kill the other guy?"

"The hardest thing has been spending so much time away from my babies. But I'll soon fix that." Varniel said with a crazed grin, as much to himself as anyone else.

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

After he wiped the vomit from his chin, Varniel wandered in.

Even after running together all day, no one seems to have noticed me. Good.

Noticing another crazed alchemist in his midst, Varniel moved to sit down near Zib such that he could grab some food and eavesdrop on his conversation with the drow.


Bluff1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13

Male Elf Alchemist (Clone Master/Preservationist)

Whew, just finished catching up on everything in a super reading binge. Checking in here, will do so in gameplay in a sec

"Varniel Glassbreaker at your service!" For now the stats are kinda boring but he'll grow into them pretty quick. Everything's filled out now (except dice which will be done by Saturday depending on when i have time) and the missing add-ups for those skills are there (not sure why they didn't copy over from Word but w/e). Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. :) Quick question, how many arrows is the arena providing?

Hey it's monkeyfeet and apparently when I start with the plan to build a sorcerer I end up with an alchemist. The character itself is complete, I just need to finish filling out the magic and equipment which I'll do in the morning (or early afternoon) since I promised myself I'd go to bed 15 minutes ago. From what you can see, how does it look? Apologies if there is any egregious error, this is the first time I've build a character on here.

EDIT: Oh and I checked to make sure there isn't any overlap in changes with preservationist and clone master :)