
TurtleBranch's page

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I've just got my pdfs late last night and haven't had much time to read, but it looks really exciting. They are definitely leaving Breachill's inhabitants up to GM description, which has helped me be a bit more confident in my planning.

Also, I'm not sure if theres any benefit to multiple people participating in the downtime events to clear out the castle. It takes 8 days to clean but it doesn't seem to say if there's a mechanical difference between one person doing it themselves, or if the whole party goes hog wild cleaning up the place. However I was very sleepy reading the rules through so i could have just missed that.

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It's in my pending orders!!!!

slightly unrelated question: does the Adventure path begin in 4719 AR. I'm just trying to pre-plan what my groups kingmaker kingdom is at the time the AP starts.

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There's one question a player of mine is dying to know the answer to. Can you sneak attack with alchemist bombs?

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As an American who moved to Europe and had to start using Celsius, I am so entertained at everyone who is mad at Fahrenheit. It's such a small thing to get mad about when neither of them make any sense haha

Could you share the beastiary stats and any cool abilities for kobold(s)?
I have a player looking to play one in Age of Ashes. Thank you!

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Hello all, on the back of the most recent blog post, I thought making a thread here for any of the first time GMs here running a campaign in 2e could ask their newcomer questions and share some advice.

I'm running my first campaign and don't have any questions yet but I'm looking forward to it!

The Gleeful Grognard wrote:

I prefer landscape, they are shorter and there is less ambient shadow thrown on the interior of the screen from where the light is usually situated for me.

Be aware that we are getting an advanced screen early next year.

I'm waiting for the advanced one so I can have all those tasty tasty extra rules. My players love customizing things so i'm sure it will come in handy

oooh thank you! I'm looking forward to running this as it will be the first AP I'll be running properly.

meanwhile i'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs til i can download the pdfs since I couldn't stomach the cost of shipping it across the ocean. I'm so freaking jealousssss!

I've already added it to the cart!

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Kungfu_elvis wrote:

I'm eagerly awaiting the release! to the point of endless refreshing of screens to see if it is time yet.

Going to be my first shot at DMing a path.

It's going to be my first time as well for a full campaign and I am so excited

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Finally another monk of the Sisterhood of the Golden Erinyes! I'm playing an aasimar monk in hell's vengeance just now who is going down the devil bound route so that could actually be pretty similar to what I end up looking like.

I do like how they're wrapping up the APs into cannon. If your table has a continuity you can obviously add in those details yourself, but if paizo did that it couldn't be right for anyone really.

Gorbacz wrote:
Wait, did anybody pick anything different from Reactionary and Rich Parents? Crazy people!

I think as well if you have one player in your regular group always making optimized choices it discourages from you making choices that make sense for your character and actually build your background. (no i'm not talking about someone I know, why would you say that) Otherwise reactionary and something else always gets picked because you don't want to fall behind in combat and have to put up with grandstanding.

I think the 2e system is going to help with that a great deal. There will definitely be "better" options but basically you're always going to be getting a stat boost.