
Tsu Kaori's page

41 posts. Alias of Peebo.


Female Human Druid 7

I will post more once i have had the time to re-read the thread again, refresh my memory and brush up on past events. but for now...

"All this talk is getting us nowhere fast, I say that we have numbers on our side if anything happens. Let's go up into the mountains, i can navigate, as I have an accord with nature, and may be able to get us out of hot water if we encounter anything not that hungry."

With that, Tsu reaches down and scratches Kiara behind the ears and awaits her companion's thoughts and decisions.

have we had time to rest yet? I would really like to know if i can prepare my spells.

Female Human Druid 7

So tempted to re-join, nobody is looting my characters! hehe, if i can rejoin, then i would be more than happy to, i just have to ask a friend if i can borrow a PHB.

Female Human Druid 7

I apologize for dropping out of the game, truthfully i was avoiding any contact with the real world, and only now have i gotten back into PbPing, i have been reading through the thread, and will be following the thread.

Tsu Kaori & Kiara

Female Human Druid 7

DM, a few things have come up, so could i ask you to please DMPC my character as healer/buff caster, and my companion as melee attacker for a little while, no longer than a week.

thank you.

Female Human Druid 7

DM, a few things have come up, so could i ask you to please DMPC my character for a little while, no longer than a week.

thank you.

Female Human Druid 7

"As I said, my curiosity tends to get the better of me somtimes. I ask because my mentor always taught me to stike an accord with the fey and their kin whenever you can, as they make our life easier. But as you say, you were born near a Sylvan forest, not in. Don't fear, I just thought that a fey may be able to make life a little more bearable here. That's all."

Tsu mentions that the tracks lead to a point 30 yards away from visual distance from the cave, and then disappear.

"Did anyone actually know the man at all, would he have been able to protect himself on his own here? Or on the other side of the coin, was he a man of a kind and good inclination, or is he prone to spouts of murderous rage?"

Tsu looks around for any sign of the man, even looking up to see if he was grabbed by some large tree dwelling predator or enemy.

Spot Roll: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

Female Human Druid 7

Tsu is amazed that the man she was following has disappeared, defaulting to her wilderness knowledge and affinity, Tsu automatically traces his tracks if there are any, and tries to pinpoint the exact moment he disappeared.

Tracking Roll: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

After pointing out the tracks to her companions, Tsu, Hoping to get some time alone with Ayla, drops back a little to talk with her, her voice low enough to not be heard as people talk about what could have happened to the old man.

To Ayla:
"I noticed something, not sure if I am correct, but I have dealt with the fey and their kin before, and your name strikes me as familiar. Your name is Sylvan, am I correct? Don't mind my curiosity, sometimes it tends to get me into trouble."

Female Human Druid 7

Tsu wonders if this is really a good time to talk safely.

"Is there anywhere we can go that might be a little more safer, I am feeling a little worried about having my back to the jungle, and I'm not sure what actually happened to those big predatory lizards that were heading this way went."

Tsu dismounts from Kiara and takes not of her surroundings, looking for the danger that a large amount of small prey, like themselves, yould attract.

Spot Roll: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

Female Human Druid 7

I have to agree with the DM here...I had to think hard about how to respond to your post, Jimpy, and I still don't know how to approach it...awesome post, if this board allowed sigs, your post would be my new sig. +1

Tsu is taken aback by the halflings amazing ability to speak without feeling the need to draw breath between sentences.

Senseing that Kiara is uneasy in front of this hlafling, Tsu copmmands her to "Come" "Stay" and "Down" to make sure that she won't attack anything without Tsu's command.

"Little one, I think I will answer all of your questions, I am getting the feeling that you are the sort of halfling that would prefer that to being talked down to, no pun intended."

Tsu takes a large breath and proceeds to answer the halfling's questions.

"No, my tiger, her name is Kiara by the way, does nto eat people, although occasionally she does rend their flesh with her teeth, when needed. Kiara certainly does not wear bandanas, or anyother clothes, other than her saddle, which allows her to make sure I am safe on our journeys, also, my horses tend to disappear, so I took to riding Kiara instead. I am a wild person yes, I live in the wilds, but not on this island, I am a tourist here, not unlike yourselves. And yes I wear pants, infact the pants I am wearing now are the best pair I own, made entirely from Dragon Leather. Oh, and if you wish to pat Kiara, then be careful, but go ahead."

Hoping that this sates the little halfling's curiosity for the time being, Tsu motions to the rest of the new group, and introduces herself.

"I am Tsu Kaori, and this here is Kiara, we were marooned here, and are a little worried about the local fauna, it seems to like man flesh."

Female Human Druid 7

No problems, DM, I was assuming that we were all waiting for the Christmas/New Year thing was done before we were all posting as per normal, the holiday season can be pretty hectic.

Anywho, Happy New Year to all!

Female Human Druid 7

Riding atop Kiara, Tsu whispers into her companion's ears.

"Stay alert, Kiara, there may be enemies at any time."

Tsu Spot Check:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Tsu Listen Check:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

Kiara Spot Check:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
Kiara Listen Check:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Female Human Druid 7

Tsu, glad that she will get the chance to meet the original pair of people she was tracking, climbs out of the tree and down to the ground.

Climb check1d20 - 7 ⇒ (13) - 7 = 6
Kiara Climb Check1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Tsu manages to climb down to the ground without much help this time, rolling out of the way as Kiara jumps down from the tree top gracefully.

Kiara holds still patiently as Tsu buckles everything down on Kiara's saddle and mounts the large beast.

ride check1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

Female Human Druid 7

Tsu points excitedly in the direction of the man, almost falling out of the tree in the process.

"Hah, there, another man, over there, in simple clothing, he just looked at us, as if curious about who we are, and then he just headed off in that direction, do you think we should follow? More people means more of a chance of surviving this place."

Tsu then waits to hear what everybody else has to say before making her decision.

Female Human Druid 7

sorry about the hiatus, medical problems, I can post now though *shudders at the thought of more needles*

Tsu doesn't laugh at Marco's attempt at humour, instead, scoffing at his blatant unhappiness in his current surroundings.

"I'm afraid to say, that despite this place being populated by overgrown lizards, this place might even be hospitable for a while...I suppose I shall see what happens as it comes."

spot check:1d20 + 11 ⇒ (15) + 11 = 26

Female Human Druid 7

Tsu laughs at Selyne's comment about feeding her companion halflings, and continues to scratch Kiara under the chin.

"No, no, Kiara and I usually hunt for our food, people aren't on the menu, mainly any animal the size of those lizards that attacked us before."

Tsu the realises that Selyne mantioned a halfling, a dwarf and an elf.

"The reason I'm asking, is that I was tracking them before, if they were nice enough, I was thinking about maybe staying with them until I can get home."

Tsu then gestures around the small impromptu party they have banded together and smiles.

"But I can see that the people here are going to be more than enough to survive. For a little while at least."

Female Human Druid 7

Tsu takes meassure of her new found companions.

"A roof, quite simply Selyne, is a covering above you to keep the rain out."

Tsu absent mindedly scratches Kiara behind her ears.

"So, now I can explain a few things, Selyne." Tsu takes a deep breath and tells her tale to Selyne, explaining the event which led to the island and the injustice done to her.

"In short, people seem to be using this island as a prison, a place to send people they don't want. And we seem to be some of those people."

Intelligence check to remember what Tsu was doing before meeting Selyne 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

During her recollection of her tale, Tsu recalls that she and Kiara were tracking a heavy humanoid and child like tracks.

"Selyne, have you seen anyone else go past here? I saw tracks in the ground as I was approaching, like a stout or tall person, and someone the size of a small child."

Tsu silently accuses herself of idiocy at getting distracted.

Female Human Druid 7

"Very Well, Selyne, lead the way, although, we may have a small problem, both Kiara and I aren't very proficiant in climbing."

Tsu looks abashed and embarrassed.

"You see, Kiara and I are ground based beings, the trees don't seem to agree with us very much."

Intelligence check to remember something1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

"Hmm...something in my memory eludes me, I was doing something before, i just can't remember what it was."

Tsu srugs and motions for Selyne to lead the way to safer ground to continue their conversation and perhaps even to answer all their questions.

Tsu sees the trees that Selyne points out and decides that now is as good a time as any to try and get into the tree. Tsu then commands Kiara to climb the trees and attempts to climb the large piece of vegetation as well.

Tsu Climb Check (untrained and assisted by Selyne)1d20 - 7 + 2 ⇒ (16) - 7 + 2 = 11
Kiara Climb Check (untrained)1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

Female Human Druid 7

Kiara growls at the show of defence, but Tsu stops Kiara with a scratch behind the ears.

"Easy now, I was the one who yelled, I'm not going to harm you, nor is Kiara here, I only wanted to stop you because those reptiles look hungry and angry for some reason. Running off alone after them is probably not a good idea."

"Kiara. Stay!

Tsu dismounts Kiara and walks closer to the man, arms held out, showing no hostility at all.

Female Human Druid 7

"hmm...yes, she is amazing, she will not attack anyone who is not threatening to us, though, you are safe to come closer."

Tsu decides it is about time to get the attention of the male running after the large reptiles, she cups her hands while riding Kiara, and yells.

oops, I forgot to post that I was riding Kiara on her exotic saddle that she has on, sorry, I will make ride checks accordingly

ride check to chase:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
ride check to let go of the reigns:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

"You there, human male, if you are friend, then please slow down, those lizards look hungry!"

Tsu hopes that she can get the mans (Marco's) attention.

Female Human Druid 7

I'm still around, just a tad busy, oh and sorry about the avatar change there, I was informed by Selyne's player about 12 hours after I posted, and I couldn't edit it :(

Tsu stops at Selyne's side, glancing around for the unidentified man who was chasing the large reptiles.

"Hmm...where is that man who was running, a friend of yours, Selyne?"

Spot check:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

Female Human Druid 7

Tsu stops for a moment to think.

"No I dont recognise him, but it might be an idea to 'circle around the herd' as you put it, what do you think Dao?"

Tsu readies anything needed, such as her wand of healing and her scimitar, and get ready for the jouney.

"I think I may be able to help, I've been known to be able to track things in the wild, helps with hunting."

survival check: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31

Female Human Druid 7

my internet is back up and running, so i will be able to post mroe regularly now.

Female Human Druid 7

"Okay, time to run, Dao, lets get away from here."

Tsu commands Kiara to "Come" and runs after Selyne.

Female Human Druid 7

got my internets back, YAY!

Tsu takes out her wand and touches Dao with it a few times until her wounds magically disappear.
Wand of cure light wounds 5 charges on Dao.
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

"I am Tsu Kaori, she is Selyne, am I pronouncing that correctly? And this is my friend and companion, Kiara, how-" Tsu is cut off by the deafening roar.

"Selyne, um, quick question before we scarper, would smaller predators, hunters, run toward a sound like that normally?"

Turning to Dao, Tsu explains briefly their situation.

"Kiara and I are stranded on this island, probably like yourself, and Selyne here is a native, seeing the size of those creatures, I would assume that there is something that eats them, and is probably bigger than they are. I am following Selyne, mainly because she knows this area and she knows where is relatively safe, but if you wish to stick with us, I can't speak for Selyne, but Kiara and I would feel a lot safer having a melee fighter along with us."

Turning to Selyne adn really noticing the fear in her eyes, Tsu decides that she and Kiara should go with Selyne now and not ask questions.

Tsu calls to Kiara "Come!" and follows after Selyne.

Female Human Druid 7

Db3: im assuming that the creatures aren't standing in the same 10 ft square, so i will post Kiara's attacks as if she was charging at the final creature. If i am wrong, then just apply the first claw, grapple and first rake attack.

Tsu sees the girl get sliced by the reptilian predator and yells to Kiara "Attack, Kiara!"

Kiara charges at the creature, a threatening roar filling the large cat's lungs, almost as if the large cat were challenging this reptile derictly.

claw 1: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23 Damage: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
claw 2: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24 Damage: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
bite: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 Damage: 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (2, 1) + 5 = 8
Improved Grab: Grapple 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27
Rake 1: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19 Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Rake 2: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (20) + 11 = 31 Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Tsu moves towards the still unidentified woman, noting a large heavy gash on her body.

"if you come over here, i will heal you, but in return i ask your name please."

Tsu pulls out a wand and awaits the woman's reply.

Female Human Druid 7

Knowing that her companion is quite well off on her own in battle, Tsu draws her scimitar and prepares to defend herself against these large predators.
Fighting defensively, AC is now 20 = 10 + 6(Armour) + 2(shield) + 2(defensive)

Kiara still on attack command attacks the nearest creature.

Claw: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30 Damage: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Improved Grab(Ex) as free action
Grapple: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34
Rake: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21 Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Still having internet troubles, my telephone company hates me, sorry.

Female Human Druid 7

Hearing Selyne's warning, and acting quickly, Tsu tells Kiara to "Defend"

Initiative check 1d20 ⇒ 18

Tsu casts the alrady prepared spell, entangle Reflex save DC 15 to avoid on the group of lizards.

Knowing that all to well that her companion is larger and tougher than normal tigers, Tsu then casts magic fang on Kiara and tells her to "Attack."

Battle explanation for Kiara:

Pounce[ex] at nearest enemy creature


claw 1: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20 Damage: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
claw 2: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15 Damage: 1d8 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
bite: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 Damage: 2d6 + 5 ⇒ (4, 5) + 5 = 14

Improved Grab: Grapple 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 15 = 26
Rake 1: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21 Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Rake 2: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14 Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Db3: I was a little unsure about the whole full attack thing and the rake ability, but this should be correct, if not then just disregard anything that is incorrect and I am sorry in advance.

Female Human Druid 7

yeah, sorry guys, as mentioned, i am having internetproblems at the moment,hope to have it fixed by next monday.

Tsu Kaori :D

Female Human Druid 7

Sorry Dao, I was still in Pathfinder mode, I was getting ready for my CotCT game and I thought it was still Monks Robe not Monks Belt. My bad.

Female Human Druid 7

Sorry for not posting, but as mentioned, my router all but died, I am currently leeching off of Selyne's internet.

Also this may be a little abbreviated, I'm trying to catch up on posts. sorry.

Tsu, is a little taken aback by the native being able to speak a common tongue with her.

"Yes, i am following...wait,a halfling, i thought it was a child..."

Noting that the entity now known as Selyne cut her off and has told her to be quiet, she does so, giving Kiara the command "Heel" and "Defend" and staying a distance away from her, but not so far as to lose the native, as she would obviously know the lay of the land better than Tsu does.

Move Silently 1d20 ⇒ 7

Survival(Track) 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

Tsu not very stealthily,manages to keep up with the amazonian native. Still staying 80 feet away from Selyne, Tsu watches for any other incoming danger.

Spot 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

Tsu notices the human female emerge from the brush, a little wary of Tsu, Kiara and her new aquaintance.

Taking note of the woman's garb, she definately see that this person is out of place on this island, if Selyne is anything to go by, noting her mundane robe, Tsu assumes that this person is probably some kind of preist or acolyte.

Dao wrote:

"I think your friend is in trouble."

She takes off at a run in the direction of the noise.

"Well, I assumed is was to happen at least once. Kiara, Heel, Defend!"

Tsu runs off after the woman in the direction of the noise, careful to prepare the spell entangle on the way.

Female Human Druid 7

Spot Roll 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

I assume you weren't trying to be sneaky Selyne, you didn't mention if you weren't or not.

Tsu notes the noise behind her and before her companion can react, Tsu issues the command "Down, Kiara."

Tsu turns around to face whoever had just swung down from the trees, only to stand face to face with a 6 ft amazon.

"Hello, my name is Tsu Kaori, I seem to be stranded here, and a little local knowledge would be greatly appreciated. but firstly, do you know who went through here, there seems to be 3 people, one seems to be a young child."

Tsu motions for the stranger to come forward.

"Kiara, Down, Stay! Don't worry, Kiara isn't all that dangerous, just over protective."

Tsu scratches Kiara under the chin, knowing all to well that Kiara likes that alot.

Female Human Druid 7

Tsu Kaori Listen Check: 1d20+9=16

Tsu hears the sound of something coming from the direction she was already heading. Not wanting to expose a native lookout and due to the lack of response she recived she decides that the best course of action is to head in the direction of the tracks of the 3 people.

"well if you don't want to talk, that is fine, but if you do, i will be heading over there, but dont sneak up on me, Kiara is not one for surprise meetings with strangers."

Tsu stands and brushes off the dirt and grass and starts to head off in the direction of the tracks she was following shortly before.

"Kiara, Come, Defend."

Female Human Druid 7

Tsu realises that Kiara has noticed something, and due to her previous command to Kiara, the tiger drops into a semi-crouch and growls in the general direction of the new scent.

Tsu clears her throat and speaks loudly and clearly in common.

"I know you are there, I do not know if you can understand me, or if you even care, but I do not mean you any harm."

giving her companion the command of desist, the tiger stops growling, but eyes off the direction as only a predator can.

"If you come out we may be able to talk, and you may be able to help me, im stranded here, and some shelter and company would not go unwanted. Animals can only say so much."

Tsu sits cross legged, facing the direction of the scent Kiara noticed and awaits patiently for a reply.

Female Human Druid 7

okay, that would be good, Kiara has the scent ability as well, so it will make sense that she would notice, and i am looking for people, makes sense

Tsu makes sure to take note of her surroundings, there is no use in getting ambushed by cannibals, this island may be even worse than just uninhabitable.

"Look alert Kiara, look for any sign of ambush."

Tsu Kaori Spot roll: 1d20+9=15
Kiara Spot Roll 1d20+3=20

Female Human Druid 7

same, getting the dot.

Female Human Druid 7

sorry for taking so long to post, i had job interview stuff to do

taking note of the child's tracks, Tsu follows the tracks, keeping in mind that though these people seem like 2 adults and a child, she should never assume anything, sheathing her weapon and getting her wand out of her pack.

wand in her belt, she approaches the space between the trees with empty hands.

"Kiara, stay on edge, we may have to defned ourselves at a moment's notice."

knowing that Kiara probably can't understand much, Tsu always feels better talking to Kiara instead of treating her like a dumb animal, because on some level, Kiara is just as smart as her master.

don't worry, i worked out that you are about GMT -7, so that puts you roughly 17 hours behind me.

to put it simply, i am a little over 12 hours ahead, so my night is your day.

Tsu :D

posted, um, question what GMT are you, i just want to know, so that i can gauge when you will be posting, i am GMT +10 hours.

Tsu Kaori :D

Female Human Druid 7

Introductory time!

Tsu Kaori was dumped unceremoniously on a sandy, salty beach, tied, gagged and blindfolded, she heard a thump coming from nearby, like a large something was dumped alongside her. straining her ears, Tsu manages to get access the Flint and Steel in her left boot, letting them fall on to the sand. Waht seemeed like a simple idea to her turned out to be far more complicated than she planned for, but eventually using the flint, she manages to cut the rope binding her hands. quickly taking off the blindfold and getting herself loose, Tsu waits a moment to let her eyes adjust to the bright sunlight.

The first thing she sees is Kiara, her animal companion, tied up and duped alongside her. Finding all her belongings still attached to Kiaras saddle, she quickly takes her Scimitar and carefully cuts Kiaras bonds. letting her friend a moment to be free to stretch and yawn, Tsu stops Kiara to get her equipment, donning her clothing and equipment, Tsu notices signs of recent activity on the beach, as if people had been here, but have gone.

"Well Kiara, whoever it was isn't here now, lets go and see if we can find some sort of cave that we can stay in for a while."

TSu stops to take a further look at the signs of recent activity.

"Hmm...Kiara, i think we will follow these tracks, it seems as though there are 3 of them, and they arent all the same either."

I have no idea where to host my dice results, so I did it at home, I hope it's okay.

Survival: 11 + D20(6) = 17

moving slowly into the treeline, Tsu follows the tracks into the forest.

I'll leave it there so that the GM can decide on whether or not i successfully follow the tracks, or i get eaten by a big beastie.

Okay, my spells prepared are finished.

Tsu Kaori

heya, as Selyne mentioned, im interested in the PbP, i have a character ready, and just wondering if you have too many people yet?

if not, then that is awesome, my character is up now, and i hope to play soon if i can. XD

Tsu Kaori :D