Torsin's page
Organized Play Member. 126 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
Bertious wrote: The level thing was deliberate however you can change the lay on hands requirement to mercy class feature with little problem :)
@Torsin divine bond is not needed it's gained in a more limited fashion than the full paladin (can only enhance the arcane bonded weapon or allow a familiar to "level up" as if the character was gaining wizard levels)
I misunderstood then, the correct level,would be 7 for pal/wizard then,
I thought you needed Divine Bond, my bad.
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote: The Palizard wanted to make note that the class has a higher requirement than the EK. The Arcane Templar generally requires 2 additional level no matter the class combination. I am a little confused, does the Paladin require Divine Bond for this
class? If so, the Paladin level is 5th not 4th. That is why I said 2
additional levels, but, having read the requirements and Templar's
Bond I am confused.

DrowVampyre wrote: Seldriss wrote: The slower spell progression of the sorcerer reflects his instinctive access to the arcane arts.
Not being an academician, diligently researching in libraries for years like his cousin the wizard, he doesn't progress as fast in his spells.
In the old time, in previous editions, he might have used a slower experience table than the wizard's, but now he just get his spells slower.
However, a more academic sorcerer (like a "guild sorcerer") would deserve the same progression as the wizard.
And he could still remain a spontaneous caster, being considered as a prodigy by his brothers.
I'm sorry, but that makes no sense to me whatsoever. How does having magic in your blood, and that being your focus, somehow make you learn slower than the people with no magic in their blood who have to try to copycat you with books and bat dung?
I say go for it. This is the single biggest disappointment I had with Pathfinder - until sorcs get their spells known at the same level, they are and will remain significantly weaker than wizards.
And the more spells per day thing? Currently, wizards are almost equal at every level (specialist wizards here, but most are), but some of those spells are higher level slots, which are much more valuable. Not to mention the other bonuses. Skill points? Wizards win. Skill range? Wizards win again. Want to craft things? Go to the wizard. Need an obscure spell for something? Yep, wizard again - sorcs can't afford to take situational spells. Not to mention that wizards can scribe scrolls of their spells (feat's free after all) if they're afraid of running out, while a sorc has to buy scrolls of situational spells, which costs double. I Totally disagree, you are overlook the blood line abilities, more spells a day definitely counts, 4-6 spells vs 2 at 1st level is definitely a plus, skill points the wizard gets 2+IQ mod, same as
sorceror, free feat eschew material-sorceror, wizards get 2 spells
per level for free, they PAY for anymore spells than that, they can
not Afford situation spells either, they if lucky they get, 2 spells,
per level/day period. Sorcerer gets 3+charisma mod AND bloodline feats, making magic items, they can take the same feats to make items, and if a wizard wants a spell they need and don't have, they buy it, too.Sorcrers are overpowered next to a wizard as it is, with he bloodline abilities.
Yasha wrote: Hey there Torsin, long time no see! Glad to hear you are still around.
I'm very much looking forward to seeing how this campaign continues to develop.
Hi, Thank you! It will be interesting, sorry, not to have gotten back to you to say hello. And, thank you for remembering me. :)
Turin the Mad wrote: Torsin wrote: Turin the Mad wrote:
Since Ineptus was not going to get a "personal item" for his replacement character - although Da Pimp IV is not getting one for his new character either - he indicated that he intends to continue playing Da Cultist.
Not to disagree with the GM, but after talking with Da Cultist I convinced him that it would be most proper for a cultist to want to spread his religion to as many people as possible. Having succeeded in our original city, it seemed only logical for him to move to a new one. Ah - well, that also makes sense. In the context of the last e-mail from Ineptus' player, however, that is the impression I have. He has been stressed, lately, and giving the wrong impressions, he had not mentioned changing, before, that game, but, as I pointed out, his cleric would want to spread the word, so to speak. And, I do not think, the Book would let him stay either.
Turin the Mad wrote:
Since Ineptus was not going to get a "personal item" for his replacement character - although Da Pimp IV is not getting one for his new character either - he indicated that he intends to continue playing Da Cultist.
Not to disagree with the GM, but after talking with Da Cultist I convinced him that it would be most proper for a cultist to want to spread his religion to as many people as possible. Having succeeded in our original city, it seemed only logical for him to move to a new one.
Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote: Turin the Mad wrote: Da Monk's name when she was a he : Zin Sern.
Upon becoming female : Zin Serina.
Da Monk's player never assigned a name or anything else significant to the character's bard cohort, so he gets the option to adapt Molly Missy the same as Da Cultist got Mr Straw, Torsin IV got Draggy and so on. Ah okay, sorry, didn't know that Zin changed her mind about the cohort. Please, forgive, Sir Hexen is brain seems to not working, he has been
working on a project, too long, and the template. I think he misunderstood about the bard amd Molly Miss
What/where is the Advanced Simple, please? Congs, by the way!

A Man In Black wrote: Netromancer wrote: While I understand that an Eldritch Knight takes time and patience to reach it's potential, I feel that is the point of it. It's a very rewarding path, but it's not meant to be instant gratification. I hear people talk of hitting level 10 or 15 and the rewards for it in one thread, but then hear people unable to wait beyond level 1 for a character to come into his/her own in another. Most people would like their character to be doing level-appropriate things at every level, rather than doing Sudoku in combat for 9 levels. The whole point of a level system is that each character is contributing in a level-appropriate way.
Describing the desire to have fun while playing a game as part of some sort of "MTV, Microwave dinner" mindset should make you feel ashamed. I agree, I am playing a Paladin, till 7th, then switch to Wizard, for
5 to 7th, I do not mind the time, but, it would be nice to have a
non-Prestige class, fighter/wizard. And, I am sure others would as well.
Someone just deleted theirs???
Rubia wrote: Torsin wrote: Rubia wrote: I'd be happy to be the recipient of such a pdf document. I think I assumed that it would be taken.
Best regards,
Do you still need one or did someone respond, let me know, if you
still need one I will pay for one for you.
Hey Torsin, I could still use that. I'm not sure how to send you a private e-mail, but I can be reached at agupta[dot]cs[at]gmail[dot]com.
Rubia Sorry, hon, have been away for abit, do you still need it?
Legacyblade wrote: Torsin wrote:
No, problem. I am going to get in connect with Customer Service and try to set it up if push comes to shove I will just send the money for it,
to you through Paypal, if you have an account, if not, we will figure
out something else, ok? Thank you, this will really help me and my friend out. I got your e-mail and responded. Since you're paying for this, just do whatever is most convenient for you. And thank you again, this is very generous of you. Hope it helps and have fun. You are very welcome.
Legacyblade wrote: sure, it's
I really appreciate this :)
No, problem. I am going to get in connect with Customer Service and try to set it up if push comes to shove I will just send the money for it,
to you through Paypal, if you have an account, if not, we will figure
out something else, ok?
Legacyblade wrote: Wow that was really cool of you BenS, and to all of you willing to buy PDFs for those who can't afford them, that's just cool. Also, if anyone is still willing to give PDFs to people who can't afford them, I have a friend who's been wanting to get into roleplaying for a long time, but his family isn't exactly up there on money (most of the clothes he's worn throughout his life have been hand-me-downs). If any of you would be willing to purchase a PDF for that fellow, you can get me a copy and I'll give it to him. That's if there are any open offers for a PDF though. Can I get your e-mail or something to get the PDF to you? I think
Paizo has done this before, so, there should not be a problem.
James Jacobs wrote: I thought I'd create this thread to find out what everyone's favorite level to play and adventure are at! Please drop in a post here and answer the following questions if you're interested:
1) What's your favorite experience level?
2) Why is that your favorite experience level?
3) What's your favorite adventure, and what level was it for? Why is it your favorite adventure?
I love playing higher levels 19+
You can do sooo much more, and do so much more, I like challenging
big monsters and unhappily most GMs will not do higher levels AND
there are not many modules out there for higher levels
Savage Tide, I forget the levels. We actually hit epic.
Rubia wrote: I'd be happy to be the recipient of such a pdf document. I think I assumed that it would be taken.
Best regards,
Do you still need one or did someone respond, let me know, if you
still need one I will pay for one for you.
Hi, I am late coming in, but, I do not like what they did to the
Univ. Wizard, they are nerfed to the whaazoo, and no 20th level
ability either.
You all are great!! I can pay for two PDFs as well, if anyone wants
them, and can't afford them, just let me know.
Callous Jack wrote: Kyle Baird wrote: I refuse to post in this thread because certain people are posting in here! Flagged for hateful speech towards other posters (except for yoda8myhead, he probably deserves it!) I am a nobody, doe that mean I should not post here?
I play wizards because of their flexability, however in most
games I do not know what we are going to run into, so, prepare what
I think of as good versality spells, Plus,try to have at least one of
different energy types, focusing mainly on sonic & force, then if I am
of high enough level, buffing for the party. Yes, wizards CAN have
alot of spells, BUT, only if they find some way of gaining extra, ie
the GM allows it and THEN only if they have the gold to pay for it,
except of cost findig someone elses spellbook and keeping it, even,
then it takes time to learn the spell. Wizards do not have anywhere
near the cast times of sorc or with the bloodlines the powers, but,
I will crawl along with the Wizard, ie, Univ. School, because of the
flexability, and sidenote, I do believe sorc. have to pick their
spells too, they can't just pick them out of the air according to the
Greg Kilberger wrote: I have had a question come up that I would love to hear an "official" answer for. One of my players is a Mystic Theurge (cleric/sorcerer). He had a question regarding the Spells per Day of the Theurge and how they effect the sorcerer side; specifically in regards to bloodlines.
I understand that the MT class would not grant any of the bloodline feats/powers, but does it allow the character to gain the bloodline bonus spells? His reasoning is that they are spells he would have gained as a sorcerer, and since the prestige class specifically states that only spells are gained from other casting classes, I think this seems to fit the bill.
The class description states that you gain spells in the spellcaster
ad cleric as if you have gone up a level, BUT No other benefits,
ie no bonus spells.

Caladors wrote: Also I like my encounters to be leathal this way the adventures can come through by the skin of there teeth rather than just swinging on home.
Making a leathal adventure for a first level adventure is easy.
Easy is not when it is fun for me.
But on the otherside of the table I see people write up epic back story, some aren't so epic but there still emotionally invested in a charater.
I don't want my first adventures to always be so leathal that everyone dies and players become apthatic when it comes to first level adventures.
I know some people like the otherside of the coin but am I really a minority on this?
No you are not, I do not like play 1st levels characters, they die too
easy, and I have invested time and emotion in making my character, at
lower levels one bad die roll and you are gone. Some GMs are know as
killer GMs and they seem to be proud of that, but, GMs that create
and run a fun game I like better. Personally, a character needs as
many HPs as possible, because, it is sooo easy to kill them.
Adam Olsen wrote: My Universalist is a Necromancer, just don't tell him!
I do think there's a problem with the Wizard, but it's that specialist and universalist should be in different classes. If you want to play a Wizard, suck and up and play a specialist.
What if we do not want to "suck up" and play a specialist? I do not like
to be resticted and like versality, I like playing a Univ.
Note: The HoA can be deflected.

WotC's Nightmare wrote: Charles Evans 25 wrote: I am disappointed with the universalist wizard. The class lacks a capstone, has no abilities which scale with level except the severely weakened 'cannot boost a spell above the level you would normally be able to cast' Metamagic Mastery, and now seems to me to be very much the poor relation to specialist wizards (no longer so severely penalised in their opposition schools and with level-scaling abilities and capstones) and sorcerers (funky bloodline powers). In fact sorcerers are now the 'true' masters of magic, it seems to me, with at least three of the bloodlines boosting the DCs of some of their spells in a manner that stacks with Spell Focus and Use Magic Device playing to their natural strongest ability stat if they need magic to do something outside their repertoire of spells known.
It might have something to do with the fact that 1) You are just about the most powerful class in the book, and 2) You aren't giving up stuff like the specialists are. The wizard is one of the few classes that can end an encounter with a single spell from the beginning of play. So don't gripe too much, because the universalist wizard is already "uber" from the start. As has been pointed out Specialists can now use scolls, wands, ect from
prohibited schools without penalty and so what, if it takes two slots
for a prohibited schoolt, that just means the poor Specialist only gets
3 spells that level, the same as the Univ, the Univ. gets nothing really
good everything for them got nerfed, Uber? Only at getting nerfed.

Studpuffin wrote: Torsin wrote:
If a Univ Wizard is using it with a melee weapon, it can be deflected,
and you only have X number of rounds, you only get Int for hitting,
and Str (a dump stat, normally for Wizards) for damage, if I have a
choice of something that can be deflected, and one that can't be to
use, I will use something that can't be, also, it is a supernatural
effect, which with everyone else, is more powerful than spell like
How many opponents do you expect to face with Deflect Arrows? I'd be more worried that my base attack bonus was still too low to actually hit anything even with my intelligence bonus added. In that case, Deflect arrows is virtually useless.
Also, there are 10 classes other than monk that would have to take improved unarmed strike and deflect arrows with their valuable feat slots. I really don't think you're going to have to worry about this.
OR You can always just cast Magic Missile with your Arcane Bond instead. :p Quite true, but, if you are out of spells which, at lower levels,
happens quickly what then? In Beta, it was a nice back up, now, it
is has changed.
Studpuffin wrote: Torsin wrote: Studpuffin wrote: Torsin wrote: Just saw a thread where it was stated that HOA could easily be
deflected by Deflect Arrow Feat, but in the feat section it was
stated it cannot deflect a spell like effect, is HOA made useless
by this feat, because it is a supernatural ability? Opinions,
please. It appears that HOA is considered an attack with a thrown weapon in the description, so it is deflectable it appears. That makes it TOTALLY useless. In what context? If a Univ Wizard is using it with a melee weapon, it can be deflected,
and you only have X number of rounds, you only get Int for hitting,
and Str (a dump stat, normally for Wizards) for damage, if I have a
choice of something that can be deflected, and one that can't be to
use, I will use something that can't be, also, it is a supernatural
effect, which with everyone else, is more powerful than spell like
Studpuffin wrote: Torsin wrote: Just saw a thread where it was stated that HOA could easily be
deflected by Deflect Arrow Feat, but in the feat section it was
stated it cannot deflect a spell like effect, is HOA made useless
by this feat, because it is a supernatural ability? Opinions,
please. It appears that HOA is considered an attack with a thrown weapon in the description, so it is deflectable it appears. That makes it almost TOTALLY useless, after 3rd or 4th level. The
Univ Wizard keeps getting kicked.
The black raven wrote: While reading the description of the paladin's Smite Evil, I realized that there is nothing to prevent a high-level paladin from choosing the same target again and again, thus cumulating part of the effects of the smite.
Admittedly, the deflection bonus to AC would not stack, but the bonus to damage definitely would and maybe the bonus to attack too.
Or am I reading it wrong ?
Smite Evil last until the target is down, and it is like casting
Haste on one target, multiple times, sort of silly.
Just saw a thread where it was stated that HOA could easily be
deflected by Deflect Arrow Feat, but in the feat section it was
stated it cannot deflect a spell like effect, is HOA made useless
by this feat, because it is a supernatural ability? Opinions,
Personally, I do not tend to use Metamagic Feats that much, while
I do like Craft Weapons & Armor, and some of the items feats, I would
like to choose my feats, not be limited. And, as for wizards be more
powerful, clerics and druids use to top wizards by a lot, and some
games I have played in fighters were doing 100+ damage at one time,
sooo ---

Lord Fyre wrote: Dennis da Ogre wrote: The metamagic power is great... wizards no longer need to memorize still/ silent version of key spells. That IMO is awesome. I was one of the folks who suggested that wizards being able to cast 13th level spells at 17th level was bogus and I still think that's the case. I don't suppose that it would be kosher of me to buck the trend.
The fact is, that because the Beta Universalist was SO grossly overpowered, that bringing the class back into better balance was going to be painful.
But, I still think that the Metamagic power is awesome as written, and certainly worth staying in the Universalist Wizard Class for.
As to the "Hand of the Apprentice," since it does not have a weight limit, it logically applies to any weapon the mage can actually use. Forgive me then for buying Martial Weapon Proficiency with Greatsword ... or taking a level of Fighter. ;D Is that an arguement for or against? I agree about the Hand, that is great but, the Metamagic Feat, your
are 10th level before you have 2 slots, so, if you want to do a Feat
that raises the spell by 2, you wait till 10th and go without for the
rest of the day. Specialist as a basic gets 3 times + Int Mod for
number of times they use their abilities AND get with Int mod 4 spells
per level, Univ. with Int mod get 3, and in a Duel, Univ again come
off second because of this PLUS the Specialist could have a spell for
a prohibited school, or a wand, scroll whatever and use that
The Far Wanderer wrote: When I originally posted I hadn't even considered the merits of switching to a PrC because a core class wasn't worth it.
Now I'm a bit shocked to find that it would make sense for the PF generalist not to bother sticking it out. That's pretty dire - the whole point of PF was to make every level worth taking.
I've never liked the limitations on wizard bonus feats (at least put Spell Penetration / Greater SP in there) and metamagic mastery isn't floating my boat so... Good grief that's a disappointment.
I think the ball has been seriously dropped here.
I tend to agree with you.

The Far Wanderer wrote: Wizards.
Generalist wizards.
I love them. I really do.
I played several in 3.5.
And now I'm looking at converting my most recent one to PF.
And I can't help but be a bit, well... meh.
Don't get me wrong, we all knew that the generalist wizard, like the cleric, can dish out a whole heap of hurt after 7th level so the other classes needed a boost. And the Beta generalist was just unbalanced compared to specialists.
So the PF book is out and Rogue players are running round the room like kids on sugar and Paladin players have stopped doing that and are now giggling like maniacs. And the Cleric players have checked out the new domain spells and figured out that heck, they don't automatically need to be clanking around in full plate to have a good time. And if anyone playing a Fighter hasn't found the new Critical feats then Christmas will be coming early for them.
The PF book has, in short, brought goodies for everyone.
Except the generalist wizard.
Again, this isn't a moan - I will be playing a PF wizard but I thought I'd make some observations. After reading the Beta and seeing a surprisingly unbalanced set of new stuff being given to the generalist I suspected that the final game would have to pull back.
And the longer we waited for the Ezren preview the more concerned I became that he would be backpeddled to 3.5. So while I know the wizard remains powerful bear with me if I look at the PF generalist wizard vs her 3.5 cousin:
Most of her 3.5 cousin's spells are from the Spell Compendium and PHB2 because frankly there's a lot of must-have stuff in there. Her 3.5 cousin prepares the Cloud of Knives spell, for example, which casts a bit of a shadow on the Hand of the Apprentice ability. I kinda hoped there'd be maybe one new wizard spell per level in the PF book (note that Clerics got the excellent Breath of Life spell so there is a precedent for new spells being added). And yes, there's backwards compatibility, but saying that you can always date other people behind your...
I agree with you, Univ. Wizards do not get a bonus spell at new levels,
the Metamagic is weak, and no capstone ability and 20, and the schools
can get access to every other school, so, they get nerfed. However, the
Hand is now not limited to 5lbs which I liked, but, not happy otherwise.
Specialist 4 spells per level and access to all, plus school abiliies,
Univ. 3 spells per level, no capstone ability, and nerfed abilities

lastknightleft wrote: lastknightleft wrote: Torsin wrote: lastknightleft wrote: Torsin wrote: Can you use the Paladian class, instead of the Fighter class? My
husband says, no, but, I do see why not, he said you could not get
the fighter feats, opinions, please? Tell your husband he's being silly. Even if you couldn't take fighter only feats you could still get the bonus feats, not all combat feats are fighter only. Yes you can use the paladin class. The bonus feats for his class aren't fighter bonus feats, just bonus feats. And Diverse Training specifically says that if you have no levels in fighter, your EK level is considered your fighter level, so if you were a paladin 4/wizard 5/eldritch knight 5 to qualify for fighter feats you would treat yourself as a fighter 5. and I have the final in my hands so trust me on this. Thank you, you just made my day!
PS He says he was basing it off the Beta, but, you get all the weapon/ armor requirements from Paladin as well as Fighter, so, it still
did not make sense. But, thank you, Knight, you, as I said just
made my day/week! Glad to be of service and tell him even in the beta you were right ;) even in the beta you could take the class, you just couldn't qualify for fighter bonus feats depending on their interpretation of diverse training. But remember, not all combat feats are fighter feats Thank you for defending my choice, I tend toward characters that are
off the wall, that people say will not work, but, they do. I like the
idea of Paladin/wizard/EK. Thank you, again!
PS I got my book!
Got mine, too!! YEAH!! My husband did not, tho.
I have the next two weeks, starting on the 15th, so, not Thursday,
but -----, my supervisor will have kittens if I took off Thurs

lastknightleft wrote: Torsin wrote: Can you use the Paladian class, instead of the Fighter class? My
husband says, no, but, I do see why not, he said you could not get
the fighter feats, opinions, please? Tell your husband he's being silly. Even if you couldn't take fighter only feats you could still get the bonus feats, not all combat feats are fighter only. Yes you can use the paladin class. The bonus feats for his class aren't fighter bonus feats, just bonus feats. And Diverse Training specifically says that if you have no levels in fighter, your EK level is considered your fighter level, so if you were a paladin 4/wizard 5/eldritch knight 5 to qualify for fighter feats you would treat yourself as a fighter 5. and I have the final in my hands so trust me on this. Thank you, you just made my day!
PS He says he was basing it off the Beta, but, you get all the weapon/ armor requirements from Paladin as well as Fighter, so, it still
did not make sense. But, thank you, Knight, you, as I said just
made my day/week!
Can you use the Paladian class, instead of the Fighter class? My
husband says, no, but, I do see why not, he said you could not get
the fighter feats, opinions, please?
Sean K Reynolds wrote: Shortly before we finished the RPG, Jason realized he hadn't included the SRD rules about stairs (moving half speed, etc.), and mentioned it an interview or a blog post. Some people on ENworld went a little kooky about it... I can't remember if it was more "OMG THESE MORONS DIDN'T INCLUDE RULEZ FOR STAIRS GAME IS BROKEN" or "LOL UR GAME HAS RULEZ FOR STAIRS." Either way, it was annoyance for annoyance's sake and the tempest in a teapot quickly petered out.
So I made a little joke here about the most important rule being about stairs....
ThanK you!
The most important rule of all, Have Fun!! It is only a game,
you are suppose to enjoy yourself?
PS What is the Stair Rule?
Watcher wrote: MisterSlanky wrote: Taliesin Hoyle wrote: I think it is strange that anyone should demand that Paizo release the PDF file, just because other people got their copies early, due to the vagaries of different shipping methods. I expect to wait a month for the shipment, and I am fine with that.
A release date is a clear time for the launch of a product. Let them stick to it.
I am happy people have gotten their books early, do, I wish, I was
one of them, yes, but, the release date is the 13th, so, I will
wait, I have gotten my shipping e-mail already, and deliver is after
the 11th, I think they have done a great job, it is difficult to put
a new produce out on the market and try to make sure everyone who
wants it receives it at relatively the same time.

Mon wrote: If you don't like the swift action dealie, how about replacing arcane armour training/mastery with something like...
You have learned to accomodate the problems of casting arcane spells in armour.
Prerequisites: Armour Proficiency (light)
Benefit: You can disregard arcane spell failure for armour that is one category heavier than you could before taking this feat, as long as you are proficient with that type of armour.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.
Far less bookkeeping and consistent with the way bards deal with arcane spell failure. A sor/wiz can potentially cast in full plate, but there is a pretty steep cost for doing so - either 6 feats, or 1 caster level and three feats.
Just putting it out there.
I like this idea, I personally, have never used full plate, I like
a chain shirt, and I would definitely give up, a level and three feats
to do that.
Spells are great for buffing for 1 fight, but, in games, you keep
tracking of the rounds and how long you do things, sometimes, a day
has more than 1 fight, and I want to keep my party alive, so, do
I use my spells to buff me or help them? I choice to get spells to
assist the party and not just myself. And, having to use three or more
rounds before hand to make my AC decent, when I can be help fight the
people attack, does not seem right.
And, classes, like the EK, should be able to do things like wear armour
and cast, without a problem. I do not care if it is mithral chain or
dragonskin, for example, but, sometype of armour without problem.

Torsin wrote: Auxmaulous wrote: It's called a class trade-off. Do you think wizards should also get d10 hp so they can stand toe-toe with beef? I don't.
Each class has their own pitfalls and difficulties, part of choosing a class an hopefully rounding out a party.
What you are gripping about, in effect, is the fact that a an armored mage has to use a swift action to cast a spell to avoid the arcane failure chance, swift being something not even listed in the original core rules (it was a fill-in addition action). So what are you losing for the round?
If he wants to cast a quickened spell on top of another spell while in armor, then yeah - having to make an arcane check is more than fair an generous. Sorry if I am short on sympathy, mages are by far the most powerful class in the game so one that wants to wear armor while having full casting ability because of one feat is not going to make me feel bad for imposed limitations.
You could always rule that if they want to cast a full round spell, or a quickened spell that they are denied all other actions -even a 5 ft step. I wouldn't for my game, but it could be a fix.
Why wouldn't mithral be available, it is in the SRD and was listed as having the same abilities in the beta as it did in 3.5?
Excuse me, but, clerics and druids tend to be the most powerful, not
wizards, and some clerics can take on same levels fighters with no
problem. And, until I see the book I, nor anyone who has not seen it
does know what is or is not in it, mithral probable will be, but, I
do not know for certain.

Auxmaulous wrote: It's called a class trade-off. Do you think wizards should also get d10 hp so they can stand toe-toe with beef? I don't.
Each class has their own pitfalls and difficulties, part of choosing a class an hopefully rounding out a party.
What you are gripping about, in effect, is the fact that a an armored mage has to use a swift action to cast a spell to avoid the arcane failure chance, swift being something not even listed in the original core rules (it was a fill-in addition action). So what are you losing for the round?
If he wants to cast a quickened spell on top of another spell while in armor, then yeah - having to make an arcane check is more than fair an generous. Sorry if I am short on sympathy, mages are by far the most powerful class in the game so one that wants to wear armor while having full casting ability because of one feat is not going to make me feel bad for imposed limitations.
You could always rule that if they want to cast a full round spell, or a quickened spell that they are denied all other actions -even a 5 ft step. I wouldn't for my game, but it could be a fix.
Why wouldn't mithral be available, it is in the SRD and was listed as having the same abilities in the beta as it did in 3.5?
Excuse me, but, clerics and druids tend to be the most powerful, not
wizards, and some clerics can take on same levels fighters with no
Xaaon of Xen'Drik wrote: uh, mage armor lasts 1 hour per level...not a short while...
it's shortfall is the current limit of +4 AC.
Shield is the short duration spell.
When your adventure in game last a full day, a hour is not long.

Auxmaulous wrote: Morgen wrote: Actually I think the idea of you having to take a swift action to be able to ignore your spell failure is a good mechanic for balancing out the fact your now in armor.
Keeps things from getting too out of hand. If you need to use your swift/immediate action for something, then you just have to deal with arcane spell failure for a round.
Agree 100%, it's called balance. Compared to an arcane caster who forgoes armor this is a non-issue gripe.
One feat shouldn't make an uber character and make conventional casters worthless, get over it. How is this any different from umber clerics or fighters, that have
AC of 30+, and can jump off cliffs and not die, or fight a dragon or demon, and not get hit? Come on, this feat would only give any caster
the ability to have decent AC, without have to spend out the behind,
wizards all ready have to pay for components and more spells, if they
want more than the 4/level, Bracers of Armor are way expensive, why
not allow them light armor, so, they can have a decent change of
surviving? In 3.5, I used mithral chain suit with Twilight when I got
afford it, but, is Twilight going to be available? Is mithral, going to
be available? We do not know, Mage Armor is very efficient, but, only
last a short while, so, do you want you caster to survive or not?
Auxmaulous wrote: L. Ferguson wrote:
Also, now that mithril breastplate is medium armor, I can't see a way to abuse this.
Doesn't mithril as a composition material automatically make it one class lighter plus masterwork? Thus a mithril breastplate would count as light armor, yes or no? No, in Pathfinder the type of armor is what governs the classification,
ie, chain suit is light, breastplate is medium. plate is heavy, no
matter what the material is. While, this was not in the Beta, Jason,
has said, I am told, is the way it will be, in the Core Book.
stardust wrote: Ack, Aroden's death effected more than just prophecies. Now magic doesn't even work right...
Hmm, my suggestion: save up money and get a gun.
I would, but, I do not think my GMs allow guns.
In general, yeah we should I guess wait till the book comes out.
Keep this thread in mind if this feat turns out to be a problem though please.
We are also neglecting all those magic items that work off of swift actions that one might use for spells.
Dorje Sylas wrote: While agree that making it constant and a non-action would make it simple, and something that will likely get worked into some form of house rule in my games... there are ways to avoid the 'what if I forget to announce it ever turn" gotcha that some antagonistic DMs like to do.
For example, simply stipulate that by default, whenever your character casts a non-swift spell he use AAT. There are many other similar situations through the rules structure where players can simply state at the start of session, or in general for the campaign, what their characters typical default actions are in a given situation. It both saves time and allows provides the DM with some practicably to player actions when planning encounters.
Thanks for the idea, I have not thought of that. But, what if you,
what to use another swift mage action, AND because, you did not,
use AAT, you fail because, of Arcane Spell chance failure?