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Organized Play Member. 126 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

Just saw a thread where it was stated that HOA could easily be
deflected by Deflect Arrow Feat, but in the feat section it was
stated it cannot deflect a spell like effect, is HOA made useless
by this feat, because it is a supernatural ability? Opinions,

I am probably going to get jumped about this, but, are there more
people out there who thinks this to be be fixed, I think if you
have a feat like this, it should work all the time the armor is being
worn, ie, you have been trained in this, your training does not
just kick in when you think about it, besides, it is a pain, and
takes time to announce swift action active armor.
Basically, you have to remember to announce it and go from there, and
if you are thinking about what your next action is, you can forget, at least, I do, and that does not seem like something the character would forget, they have it on, you do not. What do you think?

As the Feat is, it is not KISS.

First, let me say YEAH!! to a d6 hit dice this is great, and the Mage Hand for Universal is awesome, but, considering that wizards have a low hit dice and fort & reflex saves because, they supposedly have the one of the greatest firepower ability,is no longer true. Fighters on average do more damage than the wizard per attack, Pathfinder does try to buff the wizard more, but, for example, the fighter types get a special ability every level, sorcerers get more feats, more bloodline powers, & more spells, granted the variety is more limited, but, 5 5th vs 3, wins any day, normally. I have seen melee types (12th) do an average of 40 points per attack. And, we will not even discuss clerics or druids, or melee types with casting abilities so, can we even the scales a bit? I would love to see my favorite class, be a bit better, maybe school powers at similiar levels to the sorcerer's bloodline, more spells per level, some without study, or supernatural abilities? Please, help the poor wizard.