Attack Roll
An attack roll is a d20 roll that represents your character’s attempt to strike another creature in combat.
A check is a d20 roll that may or may not be modified by your character’s statistics or another value. The most common types are skill checks and ability checks (which determine whether you successfully perform a task), and initiative checks (which determine when you act in combat).
I believe this distinguishes an attack roll as different than a check. They are defined one after the other without saying one is the other. Attack rolls are more common than initiative rolls, or at least just as common and are not mentioned as among the most common. Also, nowhere have I seen an AC listed as the DC of an attack roll or attack check. Also, within the strength and dexterity descriptions they mention attack rolls and skill checks separately.
Whether or not there is an explicit listing, I haven't found out yet.
Since you've been on the gaming scene for a while, let me pick your brain regarding something that goes all the way back to TSR: Some screwing around with Google Translate has revealed to me that the Chinese word for "wizard/sorcerer/mage" is "Wūshī" - do you have any idea why D&D's Oriental Adventures always went with the term "Wu Jen?" I ask in particular because I've looked before for the term "Wu Jen" used anywhere and in any way besides the D&D class specifically (including trying to plug it into translation engines), and come up with nothing.
Have you tried variant spellings that may sound similar? Since the asian languages don't use our alphabet there are often a variety of ways a translation into English is written.
Wu comes up as shaman on wikipedia from a google search and that is half-way there. That came up by searching for Chinese sorcerer
Some possible variant spellings of Jen would be:
1. Jian- chinese double edged straight sword (wikipedia) or long sword (oriental adventures p. 21)
2. Jien- a Buddhist Japanese poet
3. Chin- state of Chin
Using Jian could give sorcerer sword or perhaps martial sorcerer
Using Jien would just be throwing in a historical name
Using Chin would basically be saying Chinese Sorcerer or Sorcerer from Chin(a)
(Edit: I bet the chose Wu Chin and just altered the spelling to make it not so obvious. I know I do things like that with names.)
I think that makes a pretty compelling argument but is on;y a guess as I have no connection to Wizards or TSR or any of those guys
Side Note: When searching google for "translate jen from chinese to english" this was one of the following results:
Chinese Language « Jen In Translation {樊珍婷}
Aug 16, 2007 - Meaning: Literally, this phrase means “Take off pants. Fart.” Figuratively, it indicates that someone is doing something unnecessary.
And Wu Jen became a "sorcerer so powerful he will take off your pants" in my head.
Of course, the link was to blog by a woman named Jen who studied in China...
Could a merchant journey over one way one year and then come back the other way the next?
Back and forth in the same year with an early start?
But, if your current elaboration is all you wish to go into, the time is appreciated regardless.
Note: This is basically part of a fanfic idea where this particular jaunt before a character is introduced is a point where the journey is just a journey rather than an important part of the story as in Jade Regent.
I suspect it's possible to make the journey and back in a year... but again... I haven't made the measurements or run the numbers.
Part of the task of creating tales in Golarion (or any world for that matter), be they stories or adventures, is research. Grab a map of the Crown of the World, measure the distance, apply the appropriate travel modifiers as detailed in the Core Rulebook, and that should give you the numbers you need.
Thanks again for the tip/pointing back in the right direction regarding taking the time to do research on this particular item.
I've actually learned a fair bit about Japanese history on this particular time killer of mine.
Also, I've relearned how much I hate PDFs. I always view them to fit page width on my small screen rather than whole page and thus didn't realize some of the maps I was looking at actually had a scale in the legend. Stupid me.
My apologies if this has already been asked. I was not sure how to phrase a thread search.
How long, under good conditions (not necessarily the best but also not as many grand obstacles as occurred during the Jade Regent path) should it take to travel from Hongal to Karlsgard?
Pathfinder #51 is an entire adventure about answering that question, and other than just measuring the distance between those two locations and doing the travel math (which anyone can do), I can't really answer this off the top of my head, and since I kinda want to race through the other questions here before I run out to grab lunch... that'll have to do for now.
Jade Regent is the only adventure path I have had the opportunity to both start and play to its conclusion.
But, I don't remember how long it took plus there was the incident of stopping the plan to bring on a global ice I am not sure how long a typical journey would take.
Fortunately, I'm not looking for anything near exact.
Could a merchant journey over one way one year and then come back the other way the next?
Back and forth in the same year with an early start?
But, if your current elaboration is all you wish to go into, the time is appreciated regardless.
Note: This is basically part of a fanfic idea where this particular jaunt before a character is introduced is a point where the journey is just a journey rather than an important part of the story as in Jade Regent.
I ran Jade Regent in our group's world instead of Golarion. I kept the mileage intact, though. From what I remember, it took the group seven months to get from Sandpoint to the capital of Minkai.
Outstanding and thanks.
I was looking for a time from Karlsgard to Ordu-Aganhei in Hongal and hoped to figure out a time from Ordu-Aganhei to Magnimar.
This info puts a cap on the length of time involved that fits my plan.
My apologies if this has already been asked. I was not sure how to phrase a thread search.
How long, under good conditions (not necessarily the best but also not as many grand obstacles as occurred during the Jade Regent path) should it take to travel from Hongal to Karlsgard?
Hello again, James. I have a couple of questions (regarding Rise of the Runelords and Jade Regent) I was hoping you could answer for me.
1. The Jade Regent Player's Guide says about Ameiko that "Her parents and older siblings have met unfortunate ends over the past several years, leaving the young woman as the sole remaining Kaijitsu in town."
However, I thought Tsuto was supposed to be her younger brother?
Is he actually the younger brother with their being other unnamed older siblings or is he the older brother with their being a mistake in the PG, or, something else?
2. Looking through some sources and timelines I came across Tsuto's birth date as 4686 (correct?) which would be 25 years before 4711 when I think Jade Regent started.
Roughly how old is Ameiko supposed to be when Jade Regent starts?
Are there populations of the typical humanoid races there?
Or is it undefined with the possibility of them being there or is the continent mostly undefined with such populations basically decided to not be present?
1. Use legend lore to allow one to learn about the creators of various devices.
I'm not sure legend lore would be all that useful in most cases. I imagine most technology from the ship is probably mass produced, fairly commonplace where it comes from, and is not really considered of "legendary importance."
There might be some key items- equivalent in tech to artifacts and major magical devices- that would count, but most of the stuff shouldn't garner any more notice from the spell than would a crossbow, or a dagger.
Then, too, even if you could garner enough info to make a simulacrum, it's kind of a big step from that to actually having the technology to create the materials they would need to create these devices. Frankly, a lot of the technology they use is so commonplace to them that they might not know precisely how to create the most basic elements of any particular device in the first place.
1. re legend lore
Considering the importance of the star mount, I think the creators of the star mount would be legendary enough.
2. re simulacrum
The point of the simulacrum is to give understanding and a source of the needed skills so that others can learn the skills needed to build a workforce. Also, as demonstrated above, with a character coming from WotR at level 20 (alchemist) with 10 divine ranks...20 ranks knowledge engineering +3 class (trait) +13 (easily) intelligence +13 intelligence (mindchemist) +20 display intelligence +6 skill focus = +75 knowledge engineering. the simulacrum can give enough info to reverse engineer an item. For lower level PCs, it would be necessary to nickel and dime.
3. re "nickel and dime" process
Making simulacrums of engineers will result in those who understand better than assembly line technicians. These engineers may also have enough history to know those who made breakthroughs. More simulacrums (of those who made the breakthroughs) to bring the PCs and workforce up to speed. Nickel and dime to learn what needs to be learned and how to do it until you build the equipment you need to have in order to build what you want. Spaceships would be too large a scale and need a huge support infrastructure, IMO. Weapons and maybe simpler computers, not so much. Note that the use of fabricate (and modify matter for psionic use) can be used to eliminate needed equipment such as CNC machines and the like and reduce fabrication time.
I guess one other thing - do keep in mind that in terms of game mechanics, a knowledge check with a DC higher than 10 normally can't be attempted untrained.
I'd also expect the check to reverse engineer a starship computer from scratch with no prior relevant training to be prohibitively high (35+), even for those rare individuals that could attempt the check untrained (bards and loremasters, pretty much).
The notion that someone without a single bit of relevant training could crack open a computer, look at the motherboard, etc., figure out what the heck they're even looking at (remember, Golarion doesn't even have microscopes), and then build working copies without the facilities that are needed to make any of the parts indicates a lack of understanding of how damn complicated computers actually are.
Even a fabricate spell still requires a craft check. Good luck with that!
And if, perhaps by an actual miracle, they actually managed to build one, they'd then need to program it.
I'd also expect that the crap on the starship is way more complicated than Earth technology, since it's several steps past our current tech (autonomous sapient killer robots, and actual nanomachines, among other things).
Now, pacifying the Starmount and actually be able to get in there to study it might make certain things possible. I wouldn't be surprised if the "Continuing the Campaign" for Iron Gods includes the possibility of the party, now having mastered Numerian tech, starting to proliferate it.
There are ways around many of these problems.
1. Use legend lore to allow one to learn about the creators of various devices
2. Use simulacrum to create (lesser versions of) these creators.
3. Then either use these simulacrum to create the devices if still powerful enough or use them to begin training individuals (PCs or followers) to do so.
4. With skill ranks in a craft skill, one can aid in the production of magic items to give skill bonuses to. Such as a +5 bonus for 2500 gp to a particular skill. Also, if one were to create a +2 intelligence headband (base 4000 gp, cost 2000 gp) one could make the associated skill gained to be one useful in the creation of items and made using the simulacrum as the skilled source. Using the headband would grant the skill at a number of ranks equal to the wearing character's hitdice. This could also be used to gain piloting skills of spacecraft.
6. Coupling skill ranks with high intelligence scores plus boosted intelligence (magic items up to +3 bonus, cognotagens +4 bonus) plus spells such as crafter's fortune (+5 luck) can go a long way to making very high craft skill bonuses.
7. Although not a part of Iron Gods, having a mythic character who has display of intelligence can add another +20.
Really high bonuses used in conjunction with a fabricate spell can give one the equivalent of using a CNC machine. :D
I think the necessary steps would require step by step making a number of devices (various machine tools, lathes, CNC devices) in order to create the workshop to build the devices. However, in general, I think the use of craft construct to create robots could be justified as learning the appropriate skills to use magic for many small scale crafts such as 2m soldering and building processors and boards.
So, yes, those are things I would like to engage in if adventuring in Numeria.
Another spell (cast by an invisible sprite or fey...) that is fun to use against characters and could be very useful against the archer is...Mad Monkeys.
School conjuration (summoning); Level bard 3, druid 3, sorcerer/wizard 3, summoner 3
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S, DF
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect swarm of monkeys
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
You summon a swarm of screeching, mischievous monkeys. The swarm understands and obeys your commands and has the statistics of a monkey swarm. Creatures failing a saving throw against the mad monkeys' distraction attack are deafened for 1 minute as well as nauseated. The monkeys attempt one disarm or steal combat maneuver each turn as a free action against any creature that begins its turn in the swarm, using your caster level plus your casting ability score bonus (Intelligence for wizards; Wisdom for druids and oracles; Charisma for bards, sorcerers, and summoners) for its CMB. Recovering an item from the monkeys requires a successful disarm or steal attempt against that CMB + 10. An object stolen by the monkeys takes swarm damage each round the swarm is in possession of the object.
What if you'd had to listen to "Lord Elrond" drone on and on about it for a century to you hit adulthood?
You know Elrond was a Half-Elf, right?
Technically not so. He was born of a human male and female elf yes. But he was granted the choice of living the life of man or elf, as was his brother, and he chose eleven life. So there is no distinction between him and all the other Noldor elves except for experience.
Actually it is not quite that simple.
Going back through Elrond's ancestry shows multiple interracial offspring on both sides...
As a former math professor, I'm not surprised at all, because they're taking a fairly tricky problem (converting square feet to square yards) and trying to trivialize it by implying that Americans can't figure out total cost from area and price per unit area (a simple problem).
Even engineers make stupid unit errors. Anyone remember the Mars Orbiter? Billions of dollars lost because one team was using metric and the other English measurements?
I spent a HUGE amount of time teaching my classes, "ALWAYS get the units the same before doing anything else!", and it's a surprisingly difficult concept. My students always wanted to do all the math first so they could just apply the unit conversion at the end because it's "easier" and "faster". Even though it's wrong. The notion that it's wrong is HARD.
So the suggestion that an American couldn't calculate the before-tax price of a 9-square-yard carpet at $12.50 per square yard is ridiculous. The notion that an American can't calculate the before-tax price of an 81-square-foot carpet at $12.50 per square yard is absolutely reasonable: The person looking at the quiz is going to see "square units" and "price per square units" and multiply without checking the units. Was there any penalty for being wrong? Any reward for being right? Or was it just a man-on-the-street quiz people were taking for fun?
I suspect many other cultures (especially western European) would get similarly poor results on such a "trick" question.
I think this can also be related to the quantities mentioned by Krensky.
It is quite possible the ones who wrote the test are not carpet-layers.
For instance, IIRC, the typical widths of rolls of carpet are 12', 13'-6", and 15'.
So, how one would decide to tackle the problem may depend upon how one actually decides to lay the carpet.
Although not a carpet layer myself, I think the best bet might be to get a 10' long piece of carpet that is 13'-6" wide, cut out a 4'x4' spot in the appropriate area then either cut 6" off the width before laying it or cut that (approximately) 6" against one wall out last (after tacking/gluing most down) with a box cutter (or whatever) to perfectly fit it in place. Having your room laid out with one piece of carpet rather than multiple cobbled together pieces would look better and more professional, IMO. If pieces are going to be cobbled together it might be best to try and hide such areas beneath couches and such.
Point here is that there is an enormous number of people who have either worked in home construction some time in their lives, worked in commercial or industrial construction who will look at things in such a manner, or who have spent most of their lives as do-it-yourselfers. These people will approach a task differently than those who have no such experience or say someone who looks as it strictly mathematically without bothering to relate it to the real world job being described.
Edit Note: you MIGHT want to remove the baseboard to in order to set the width exactly if cutting last. Also, is the 13x10 room measured out to be 13x10 or is that center to center of the studs at the corners? Or, something else?
Mainly, I am looking to what would be necessary to start a colony in an airless or near airless environment such as an asteroid of the diaspora.
IOW, game mechanics to meet the basic necessities of such a venture.
Things such as (air) life support and protection from vacuum.
1. Denizens to populate or at least build until it has self-contained life support?
2. Magic spells and items to make use of?
3. Technology?
4. 3rd party spells, equipment, classes?
5. Trying to minimize cost but if really expensive is the only way...
My general thoughts/plans for starting:
1. Portal or interplanetary teleport
2. Make simulacrums (sp?) of the robot gearsman as they would work best in such an environment. Undead may work fine but intelligent undead with the proper skills and a willingness to work unsupervised my be difficult to arrange...
3. Build greenhouses enclosed using the gearsmen. Basically pay outright for the price of the building (Ultimate Campaign) and have it built underground by the robots.
4. Greenhouse(s) would need light...everburning torches (cheap), item to have daylight (expensive) in continuous operation; possibly a heat source
5. Means of an airlock for going in and out? Or perhaps something like a two way dimension door portal so that an airlock would not be needed?
Just looking for ideas onn problems that would need to be addressed and means to address them.
3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
So, perhaps this needs an FAQ in the form of a question.
share spells is as follows:
Share Spells: The wizard may cast a spell with a target of “You” on his familiar (as a touch spell) instead of on himself. A wizard may cast spells on his familiar even if the spells do not normally affect creatures of the familiar's type (magical beast).
1. If a spell is normally only target "you" it can be used by a wizard on his familiar.
2. If a spell is normally target "you" and does not normally affect creature's of the familiar's type, it can be used by a wizard on his familiar.
But, do the two sentences work independently?
If a spell does not target "you", does share spells allow a wizard to successfully cast a spell on his familiar that normally does not work on the familiar's type?
No it doesn't, Enlarge Person only affects humanoids, tieflings and aasimars are outsiders
but they are half human?
The spells work based upon "type", a game mechanic.There are various types: humanoid, outsider, dragon, undead, etc.
Despite being part human their type is outsider rather than humanoid. Game mechanics. Charm person and enlarge person work on type: humanoid but not type: outsider.
A slayer must have the firearm training talent to select this talent.
So, does this mean if one gets the feat exotic weapon proficiency firearms via another method (such as the feat available for being a third level character) that the character doesn't qualify for the grit talent because he has the EWP firearms feat but not the firearms training talent?
Note: I recognize that the rogue talent has the same restriction. Has this been addressed somewhere?
Anyone care to make a page of conversions? You could post it on d20pfsrd or in the Pathfinder community use section of game references as there is a procedure for doing so. link Also, it could be posted in the game aid section (under gamemaster tools) of the Pathfinder database. link
The point being that although the page might not hold the monetary incentive for Paizo to personally expend effort to put up the page online, it could be accomplished by the fanbase and made available to everyone.
I guess I should go ahead and buy the one or two I don't already have. :D
Is it 2014 yet? I'm looking to buy this. :D
I also like that this will allow for people from pre-apocalypse times to be seamlessly inserted (after waking from cryo-freeze, etc.) into the WotA setting using the anachronistic adventurers and their archetypes.
And I wonder when father will pester me again about taking away work from DSXMachina...
** spoiler omitted **
Yeah, that is always a joke over here about the number of Polish builders. Of course my gaming group did have a Irish/Polish chap, so it is quite regular in actuality.
Polish joke following:
Why Ancient Egyptians were building single pyramid for 25 years?
Because they hired Polish workers.
How did they finished building?
They told the workers that TV reporters will come and record progress.
Although it does depend on the exact living costs and circumstances.
But as a member of the EU visa issues are less of a problem than from US citizens.
Anyway :( @ being hassled.
My parents would provide me with place to sleep and food. While advantageous financially, I don't want to live with anyone and especially not my father.
Government worker (of which I am one) joke following.
Q. How many government workers does it take to change a screw in incandescent light bulb?
A. At least 5 spread over three sites.
Sadly this isn't a joke.
I work with an AN UDM 1B gamma range.
The control panel has a variety of indicator lights.
In order to change one the following mechanical steps are necessary:
Turn off and unplug the unit.
Pop the lens cover off the light with a bad bulb.
Unscrew bulb.
Screw in replacement bulb.
Replace lens cover.
Plug unit back into outlet.
Re-energize system.
But, the required procedure at my base goes something like this:
1. Operator of unit must stop work and notify calibration lab supervisor.
2. Supervisor must place out of order sign (different wording) on unit and notify the base's Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) on the floor below or one of his assistants (ARSO).
3. Supervisor must notify the In Service Engineering Agent (ISEA) at their work-site in Yorktown Virginia.
4. ISEA then must notify someone in Washington DC although I am not certain who.
5. At the ISEA's direction, we fill out paperwork and fax it to them.
6. ISEA signs and faxes back.
7. We change bulb as stated above and test unit.
8. We gain clearance from ISEA.
9. We notify the RSO (or an ARSO in the absence of the RSO) and await him to finish all the paperwork and give us written permission to start back up.
Well, actually I'm not, but my character (Otto Otto von Kielson) was named captain last night in Skull and Shackles, and that is definitely as good as staying at a Holiday Inn Express.
I come here representing my interdimensional merchant house.
I was wondering if perhaps you would prefer to sample some our wares for possible future purchase.
Would something such as this lower end model be to your liking?
Or, perhaps you would prefer to check out our high end model
I am intrigued. How do those tools work against Asmodeus lackeys, I wonder?
With proper eqipping (adding silver plus enchantments) the former model can be very effective against denizens of the infernal planes.
The daisy cutter would probably not be so effective against devils due to it being a fuel air explosion and thus fire which the devils would be immune to.
It is quite possible that one of our nuclear devices would be quivalent to fires of heaven (similar to superpowered flamestrike) and thus inflict massive damage upon even archdevils and such.
But, I think it might be simpler to use something such as the A-10 Warthog. With proper ammunition (silver or perhaps depleted uranium) they would inflict immense damage upon such creatures.
Our A-10 stock is beginning to age and can thus be gotten at reduced rates. However, your demon minions will need solid training to use them and that expense may add up.
However, for a finder's fee, we could probably put you in contact with an interdimensional mercenary company who specializes in such endeavors.
WASHINGTON A baby born with the virus that causes AIDS appears to have been cured, scientists announced Sunday, describing the case of a child from Mississippi who's now two and a half years old and has been off medication for about a year with no signs of infection.
There's no guarantee the child will remain healthy, although sophisticated testing uncovered just traces of the virus' genetic material still lingering. If so, it would mark only the world's second reported cure.
Specialists say Sunday's announcement, at a major AIDS meeting in Atlanta, offers promising clues for efforts to eliminate HIV infection in children, especially in AIDS-plagued African countries where too many babies are born with the virus.
"You could call this about as close to a cure, if not a cure, that we've seen," Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health, who is familiar with the findings, told The Associated Press.
Challenges abound as researchers search for rare disease treatments
How they survived the plague: The battle for AIDS research
A doctor gave this baby faster and stronger treatment than is usual, starting a three-drug infusion within 30 hours of birth. That was before tests confirmed the infant was infected and not just at risk from a mother whose HIV wasn't diagnosed until she was in labor.
"I just felt like this baby was at higher-than-normal risk, and deserved our best shot," Dr. Hannah Gay, a pediatric HIV specialist at the University of Mississippi, said in an interview.
That fast action apparently knocked out HIV in the baby's blood before it could form hideouts in the body. Those so-called reservoirs of dormant cells usually rapidly reinfect anyone who stops medication, said Dr. Deborah Persaud of Johns Hopkins Children's Center. She led the investigation that deemed the child "functionally cured," meaning in long-term remission even if all traces of the virus haven't been completely eradicated.
Next, Persaud's team is planning a study to try to prove that, with more aggressive treatment of other high-risk babies. "Maybe we'll be able to block this reservoir seeding," Persaud said.
No one should stop anti-AIDS drugs as a result of this case, Fauci cautioned.
But "it opens up a lot of doors" to research if other children can be helped, he said. "It makes perfect sense what happened."
Better than treatment is to prevent babies from being born with HIV in the first place.
About 300,000 children were born with HIV in 2011, mostly in poor countries where only about 60 percent of infected pregnant women get treatment that can keep them from passing the virus to their babies. In the U.S., such births are very rare because HIV testing and treatment long have been part of prenatal care.
"We can't promise to cure babies who are infected. We can promise to prevent the vast majority of transmissions if the moms are tested during every pregnancy," Gay stressed.
Doctors claim to have "functional cure" for HIV
Timothy Ray Brown, man thought to be first "cured" of AIDS, says he's still cured
Man "cured" of AIDS: Timothy Ray Brown
The only other person considered cured of the AIDS virus underwent a very different and risky kind of treatment — a bone marrow transplant from a special donor, one of the rare people who is naturally resistant to HIV. Timothy Ray Brown of San Francisco has not needed HIV medications in the five years since that transplant.
The Mississippi case shows "there may be different cures for different populations of HIV-infected people," said Dr. Rowena Johnston of amFAR, the Foundation for AIDS Research. That group funded Persaud's team to explore possible cases of pediatric cures.
It also suggests that scientists should look back at other children who've been treated since shortly after birth, including some reports of possible cures in the late 1990s that were dismissed at the time, said Dr. Steven Deeks of the University of California, San Francisco, who also has seen the findings.
"This will likely inspire the field, make people more optimistic that this is possible," he said.
In the Mississippi case, the mother had had no prenatal care when she came to a rural emergency room in advanced labor. A rapid test detected HIV. In such cases, doctors typically give the newborn low-dose medication in hopes of preventing HIV from taking root. But the small hospital didn't have the proper liquid kind, and sent the infant to Gay's medical center. She gave the baby higher treatment-level doses.
The child responded well through age 18 months, when the family temporarily quit returning and stopped treatment, researchers said. When they returned several months later, remarkably, Gay's standard tests detected no virus in the child's blood.
Ten months after treatment stopped, a battery of super-sensitive tests at half a dozen laboratories found no sign of the virus' return. There were only some remnants of genetic material that don't appear able to replicate, Persaud said.
In Mississippi, Gay gives the child a check-up every few months: "I just check for the virus and keep praying that it stays gone."
The mother's HIV is being controlled with medication and she is "quite excited for her child," Gay added.
I hope everyone had an excellent Christmas and New Year.
I made it back from Kentucky yesterday after spending some needed time with my Mother and my sister's family. But, it was a hard, whirlwind week or so for me.
The Good:
I arrived Friday evening on the 21st. Saturday morning I got up, went downstairs and had some cereal thanks to the "hotel help yourself" atmosphere my sister has made for her house.
While eating my Mom came in and we had a good long conversation about a variety of things. Very pleasant, especially so, since my sister later said it was rare to see such conversations with my Mom's Alzheimer's worsening and such conversations being few and far between.
The Bad:
That Saturday, after eating, I went upstairs and started to take a shower when my 13 year old nephew came in, excited, and asking me to watch "Total Recall". I said sure and proceeded to hold off on my shower until I found out that it was still up in the air if we were gonna watch it.
I proceeded to go ahead with my shower by starting with brushing my teeth but I heard a commotion downstairs. The troubled voice I heard said something about grandma (my Mother) being hurt and I ran downstairs, scared to death as I heard the waling begin.
But, as I got downstairs and around the corner I saw my Mom standing, although visibly shaking. The wailing was my nephew. While playing with the dogs he had ran into my Mother, hitting her in the nose with his head and he was terribly upset.
After getting over the shock, her eyes started to tear up and we weren't sure if the small bend in her nose was entirely due to a break she had when a kid or if it was again broken. So, we ended up taking her to the hospital and they determined that her nose was broken but didn't need resetting.
After leaving the hospital, we (my Mother, my sister, and myself) went to a local Mexican restaurant for lunch and then to Wal-Mart to pick up some things and a prescription.
The Ugly:
When we got home from Wal-Mart, I helped my Mother out of the car like always, and then helped her up the few stairs into the house, even with a couple of bags of groceries in my hand.
After clearing the dogs away and setting down the bags, I took my jacket off with intentions of putting it upstairs in the bedroom I was staying in. But, my nephew stopped me to my frustration, insisting that I watch him win a race in his Dragon Vale phone game.
That's when we heard it. The unmistakable sound of something (someone) crashing to the ground. We all instantly raced around the corner knowing Mom had fallen.
I will be blunt. Nothing has ever made my heart sink like the sight of my Mom lying on her back on the floor, with her eyes glazed, and a pool of dark blood growing under her head on the hardwoord floor.
Don't worry! She's "OK".
She was initially a lil groggy and she was not even responding (squeezing back) when I held her hand and gently squeezed it. 911 was immediately called and we took her to the hospital ourselves after she was examined by the EMTs and the decided she was OK for us to take rather than go in the ambulance.
Results: No signs of concussion and the MRI came back good. The ulna of her left arm was broken (the left hand was the hand I was gently squeezing but feeling no response) and my mother had to get some staples in her head to close the laceration. The staples were taken out today.
But, no broken hip, no hurt back, and no concussion. Fortunately, she had lost her balance on the first step and the injuries were minor compared to what they could have been.
I decided to proclaim my Mother the luckiest unlucky person alive.
Broken nose from a collision with her grandson while he was playing with the dogs (four of them) and when she returned home from the hospital, she had not been home five minutes when she fell. The fall could have been much, much worse than it ended up being (despite how bad it actually was) and she still made it back from the hospital at exactly four o'clock. That was just in time to watch our beloved University of Kentucky Wildcats (my whole family has been raised as fans by our Mom and she is the biggest fan of us all) basketball team play the hated University of Louisville Cardinals. Great luck and timing dampened by the fact that we lost. :(
My Mother is the luckiest unlucky person alive. :)
There is a lot more to the trip (good, bad, ugly, frustrating, funny, etc.) but that is all for now.
there seems to be quite a number of historical examples of non-contiguous countries throughout history, especially if one counts territories.
Any suggestions/ideas (even just starting points) on how to incorporate such things into the kingdom rules since those rules are pretty much based upon controlled areas of land being contiguous?
Probably, and it's b+*~$@~%. Not only are Sikhs not Muslim, it wouldn't make them the enemy if they were. Look at Indonesia. The biggest Muslim country around, and they haven't blown up any Americans, nor do they seem inclined to.
Agree that attacking Sikhs because thinking they are Muslims is BS
Agree that being Muslim does not make people our enemy.
Disagree on Indonesian Muslims not being inclined to kill Americans.
Remember the Bali bombing? Seven Americans dead at the hand of Muslim terrorists who bombed the night clubs to attack foreigners (i.e. Americans among others). This was related to Jemaah Islamiyah (terrorist group)
Just pointing out that there is some serious Islamic terrorism going on in that region. US work after the tsunami (Aceh held one of Jemaah Islamiyah's training camps) has done some to mitigate its spread, but it is still a terrorism hotbed.
But, reiterating again, Muslim or Sikh, makes no difference. No justification, this never should have happened.
They used to get food stamps. Take the kids down to the lil champ to buy bazooka bubblegum with a food stamp dollar, get US money in change, and get beer $ that way, because you can't buy alcohol with foodstamps.
Now you get food stamps on a card, so you have to buy food product and sell it at a reduced rate for beer $.
You can resell unopened baby formula for 50% of the list price without even blinking.
Another popular option is to visit the grocery store with the person your reselling to and purchase their groceries. You can usually manage better than a 50% resale on this option but it is harder to arrange.
Is there a system that's completely ungameable? No there isn't. I will tell you that even on the poor streets of Paterson, I've never heard of that particular example. Beliefs have a way of spawning their own tales which get passed around until they evolve as articles of faith. I will say that if you have a determined enough belief, any belief, you'll find "facts" to support it. These tales get support because culturally, America is extremely hostile to it's poor.
I will say that the more extreme stories I hear from a person without hard corroboration, the less credence I give to each.
I'm done with this thread. There is enough Class Warfare in this country that it does not need my contribution to it in this venue.
These facts get support because they are true. It is not this b!&*!#!+ you are trying to fly that we are hostile to the poor. I grew up poor with poor friends and spent a good chunk of my life working in an environment containing a lot of poor people and spending a whole lot of time with them.
People have been giving corroboration of what they personally see and experience. That is solid corroboration. Try reading.
Bravo to Tim Tebow for many reasons such as graduating with a degree (family, youth and community sciences) in three and a half years (while playing football which is taxing in and of itself) and doing an enormous amount of philanthropic work such as getting a children's hospital built in the Phillippines among other things.
Broccoli casserole in the oven right now for d20 Star Wars game day tomorrow. Would be better made hot right before the game but...potato salad is starting next and then baked beans and then more stuff...No need to work myself to death trying to fix it all hot right before the game.
I kind of want to take the trip just for the food.
Broccoli casserole done. The kind with the crushed and buttered ritz crackers browned on top.
Potatoes cooking for potato salad. Eggs already boiled and onions ready to go too.
Soon, it will be time to fry bacon to go in the baked beans. I might have to fry a few extra slices... :P
I am going to try something I haven't cooked tomorrow. Baking a ham with a brown sugar/pineapple juice glaze and pineapples stuck to it with toothpicks. Should take about three or a little more hours once in the oven but we are not playing til around four. so, that gives me plenty time tomorrow.
Note: It isn't so much that I just want to spoil my fellow gamers but that cooking for them gives me practice time to get my skills in line for Christmas dinners and New Years, etc.
Perhaps sometime I will have the opportunity to cook for the Fawtlites.