The page gives some sample daily diets (with nutrition, including calories) as well as individual breakdowns of the nutrition supplied by the individual items. The site also has some info on caloric expenditures.
Also, as a side note, there is a difference between getting enough calories in a day to maintain weight and getting proper nutrition. With a well developed aerobic energy system, one can be very capable of burning stored fat for energy, within limitations. "People", like adventurers, who would quite possibly get most of their calories from breads and fats as opposed to sugar and corn syrup like modern people. Thus, the average player character will probably be far superior to metabolizing fat stores than your average player. So, some eggs everyday (supplying a lot of nutrients) coupled with a limited calorie intake might not be too bad for a limited duration. Here is a quick synopsis on energy systems. There are more detailed links, but this was just to give a quick synopsis.
Stat Buy
You can ether,
Roll 3d6+7 x6 [take away lowest die from each roll]
21 point Buy, at one for one point, 1:1. If you don't know what that is someone will tell you. Cap of 18 before race and other Bonuses, you can drop a base stat to no less than 8 to get 2 points etc.
NOTE: When you pick you must KEEP what you pick, so pick well.
The sentence regarding a cap of 18 appears to only apply to the point buy method. Does it apply to stat roll also?
Is the 16,000 gold meant to cover a full set of magic gear that stopped working last week? 16,000 gp worth of non-magical equipment is a wagon-load of stuff. (Unless there's some sort of psionic gear that replaces magic items. I'm not familiar with the Dreamscarred Press psionic rules.)
Also, for a little fun, you could buy a ship and use the purchase costs (when not using skills to gain goods, capital, etc.) from UC to have it filled with a crew.
10000 gp Sailing Ship
00360 gp crew of 20 (4 sets of sailor teams, 5 NPCs each, for 90 gp ea)
00380 gp warriors to guard the boat (1 elite archer team, 5 warrior 3)
00200 gp shipwrights (1 craftspeople team) on board for general repairs.
We could have a fleet of ships (five characters and five ships) with psionic captains and a (mostly) psionic crew via NPC classes with the psionic talent or wild talent or whatever it is called class.
We could recruit psions as the Ultimate Campain "mage"-the wording says typically a 3rd level bard, sorcerer, summoner, witch, or wizard. Typically means not always and with how spellcraft is used for both magic and psionics, it seems a pretty fair trade.
Or, given the setting does not appear to start on the water's edge, we could build our own fortress to rival the monastery of the mind.
Is the 16,000 gold meant to cover a full set of magic gear that stopped working last week? 16,000 gp worth of non-magical equipment is a wagon-load of stuff. (Unless there's some sort of psionic gear that replaces magic items. I'm not familiar with the Dreamscarred Press psionic rules.)
I have a question...would it be possible to play a modified form of an alchemist or investigator that replaced extracts with psionics?
Just as the psion and wilder classes are analogous to the wizard and wilder class with their "spellcasting progressions" (1st level speels powers at first level up to 9th level spells/powers at 17th/18th levels respectively), the psychic warrior and dread have available powers ranging from 1st to 6th level to complement their class abilities with the same progression as that of alchemists and investigators who have extracts to complement their class abilities.
Basically, the idea is to use the psychic warrior psionic ability progression chart for power points, number of powers known, levels of powers known, and (i guess) powers to choose from. Or perhaps use psion only for power levels 1 to 6. It seems to me to be a fairly straight forward exchange that isn't any different in power scale for the entire class than other psionic classes.
The general gist of the character idea is a character (human, or perhaps half-orc) who is reincarnated from an individual who was a space traveler and some of his genetic material got mixed into the gene pool on Golarian after the spaceship crashed in Numeria several millennia ago. Thus he would have an unusual set of skills and powers.
If not the psionic investigator, I just might use the same reincarnated theme with a soulknife.
Perhaps the ending of magic caused his former life memories to resurface. Naturally, the character will most likely have the faith category reincarnated trait.
question: If it truly eliminates all EX and SU abilities as well, most classes will be rendered useless.
barbarian rage powers are mostly nullified
Bard abilities are gone
already eliminated sorcerer, wizard, cleric, oracle, magus. ranger, paladin, bloodrager, plus more I am sure.
the setting though allows other classes, it leaves only psionics as a viable choice. with the exception of fighter, and rogue.
even though the rogue abilities of evasion, uncanny dodge, trapsense are all Ex abilities.
Fighter: Bravery, armor training and weapon training are all Ex abilities.
so if ALL Ex and ALL Su abilities are gone then are these?
I'm thinking that there were some typos due to posting from a phone or something similar.
The OP had these two phrases:
"All divine magic the game, But Ki, Psionics and other 100% none magic powers and ability's DO work."
"Whole magic races just ended, magic SU EX stopped, summoned things popped out of existence, Summoners cried, Mages wept, Clerics begged. "
With magic SU EX listed as one piece with no commas separating them, I believe they were being referred to as such things which were based on magic of that variety not working. That is actually a bit at odds with what the definition means with respect to EX abilities but not with supernatural powers. IOW, I think he was just trying to cover for any EX power that may have a magical case it exists. That is how I read the second statement in the context of the first of the two statements posted above.
Basically, I'm thinking of rehashing an older character idea of mine.
Darius Flood is a half-orc gunslinger (pistolero) who plans to eventually build a weapons manufacturing company. :D
1. Is the plan to use the original leadership roles or those included in Ultimate Campaign? IIRC, they are somewhat different...
2. As characters' equipment value increases, will gunslingers have the opportunity to upgrade to revolvers and such?
3. I will be switching to working back 12s (1800 to 0600) for a period of time most likely starting this Thursday and lasting two to three weeks. Is that a problem?
I am terribly sorry for my complete lack of absence, I had a class that demanded my complete attention and have been only to vaguely work on this game. That said my class ended and now I have time to work on it again.
1) You wrote a double negative.
2) Checking at the posting history of your other aliases, you are active in at least 2 other PbP, so I don't think time is the only reason.
2.B) Sorry for the stalking part, but in the past few years, we have had a lot of DM/GM/ST/etc doing recruitment threads then vanishing without a word, starting a campaign then vanishing without a word, or have us make characters for a game he/she is playing somewhere else. So if you don't think you can do it now, just plain tell us.
Dotting for interest.
Thinking of putting together a neutral evil alchemist (half-orc? tiefling?) with the long term player goal of usurping Baalzebul's power.
I guess I will try some rolls and possibly revert to point buy unless the "reversion" is only possible for really bad rolls...
general but not dully completed Otto Otto von Kielson
background and appearance:
Otto is the most recent in a long line of half-orc sons named Otto who have a most unusual past. This past started with a human naval engineer from another world named Otto who came from a city named Kiel in some land referred to as Imperial Germany (thus the name Otto von Kiel). During a hurricane he was thrown overboard off the coast of a place called Africa during a hurricane (in the year 1907 AD) and was deposited, half drowned, in the Shackles as the Eye of Abendego formed and rent reality asunder.
Otto was saved by a female orc shaman who nursed him back to health as the Eye raged in its throes of formation. Eventually, marooned on the island with no way home, Otto did what many men would do. He made do with the woman he had, despite that she was an orc. Thus started a lineage of half-orcs named Otto von Kiel. Through the happenstance of language, people would point to one of the half-orcs in the line and ask, "Who is that?" The response would be "Otto, the son of Otto von Kiel." That eventually morphed into "Otto, Otto von Kiel's son" and then finally into the current form of the name "Otto Otto von Kielson".
The current Otto Otto was raised by an orc shaman who did her best to raise the buried memories from within his head. She succeeded to a degree. Although not living fully in thought as his ancestor, he has all the knowledge and benefits as if he has received an advanced education during the pulp fiction era of pre WWI Europe despite growing up in the Shackles.
Otto Otto is a tall and slim half-orc sailor with steel blue eyes. Unlike many other half-orcs he keeps an immaculate appearance and is almost always wearing an old, but refurbished dark blue cap. This creates a stark contrast to his gaping toothy maw which somehow looks more goofy than intimidating. He also has on his chest a tattoo of a great eagle.
His old refurbished blue cap is the Imperial German Navy officer's cap worn by the original Otto. His tattoo is of the Imperial German war ensign.
not fully completed stat block w/o extracts and equipment:
1. faith- reincarnated
2. regional- Sea-Souled (Coastline or Island, Ultimate Campaign): You are at home at sea. You receive a +1 trait bonus on Swim checks, and you can always take 10 while Swimming.
3. S&S campaign trait- Besmara's Blessing
shaman's apprentice endurance
1st storm lashed or perhaps skill focus profession (sailor) or skill focus knowledge engineering
or razor tusk (if sacred tattoo is taken)
later investigator talent
Expanded Inspiration (Ex): An investigator can use his inspiration ability when attempting Diplomacy, Heal, Perception, Profession, and Sense Motive checks without expending uses of inspiration, provided he's trained in the skill.
Took a fair bit of work. Luckily we were only at page 4 I think when I compiled it. Now I keep a notepad file open on my desktop so I can update it easily.
What are the numbers by the armour in Campaign Info?
the first is armor bonus, followed by maximum dex bonus you can get to your AC while wearing it, and then the armor check penalty applying to various physical skills. The humber followed by a % is the chance of spell failure if you are casting arcane spells while wearing it. The two numbers followed by "ft." are respectively movement rate for a medium creature, one with a normal rate of 30ft, followed by the movemnt rate of a small creature, normally 20 ft. The last is weight.
Okay, so I'm still new to these boards, but is there any way to be notified when a thread updates? Not knowing whether a thread has been posted in is really annoying.
Also, if you look at the top of this thread, there are a host of link tabs.
Save one of those links (other than recruitment, discussion, or gameplay) as a boomark or pin the tab if you have chrome.
Then, when you go to that link, the links connected to one of the three previously mentioned threads (recruitment, discussion, and gameplay) will say "3 new" or something to that effect if there are new posts.
If you bookmark/pin one of the threads, the tabs will probably not let you know there are new posts in that thread as using the link accesses the thread and leaves no more new posts.
Okay, so I'm still new to these boards, but is there any way to be notified when a thread updates? Not knowing whether a thread has been posted in is really annoying.
refresh the "viewing forum" screen.
Any threads you have looked at will have something like "3 new" or the like if something has been posted in it since you last looked at it.
If you post in a thread, a dot will appear by it to make it easier to find again.
if you are looking for somewthing like e-mail notifications, I don't think there are any such features.
This is how we are going to do gold and starting equipment.
I suppose take 3 levels of starting wealth. Assume you spend 1/2 on weapons, supplies and armor and the other half you lost wenching, gambling or whatever it is you do for fun.
In Sword and Sorcery, most characters are fast and loose with their booty. Buy what you need, food and supplies will be necessary too. If you have a weapon, item or piece of armor ties to your back story, PM me and we can talk about it. I really just want this to be fun and exciting with a much different feel from the usual Pathfinder settings. Can't wait to play!
I'm a little unsure as to how you wish to do this as it seems others have interpreted this differently than I read it...
Does "take 3 levels of starting wealth" mean take the value from the link and triple that value or does it mean the standard gp value in equipment for a 3rd level character?
A Heroic Path is what makes you as a "Fated" hero in a world dominated by Evil. It basically is a balancing factor considering that carrying magical items makes you easy to detect by the Shadow and by Shadow Law, possession of magical items is punishable by slavery or death. Also the whole thing about the big evil ruling most of the world. The first thing it gives you innate abilities and enhancements every level. It also gives you access to a Covenant item, think of it as an item that levels up with you and does not register as magical unless their effects are active. You start with one Covenant item and can get more in game.
As for Heroic paths the choices are:
Jack of all trades
Shadow Walker
1. The guardian gains a smite evil ability.
In D&D, a paladin's smite evil was a number of attacks per day rather than times to challenge a creature for an entire combat in PFRPG
How are we playing the guardian ability?
2. Orcs are both a viable character option and are the prime servants of the Dark Lord in the original campaign setting. So, do they suffer from the same rule of not being allowed to carry weapons?
That comes out to an 11, 14, 11, 12, 12, and an 8.
Or, by point by, 1 pt, 5 pt, 1 pt, 2 pt, 2 pt, -2 pt for a total of 9 points.
low fantasy campaign 10 pts
standard fantasy campaign 15 pts
high fantasy campaign 20 pts
epic fantasy campaign 25 pts
I guess I can still swing that. :D
I will probably put together a jungle shaman with the animist archetype and the life spirit and a thrush spirit animal.
I will put that out sometime on Monday.
Standard: Roll 4d6, discard the lowest die result, and add the three remaining results together. Record this total and repeat the process until six numbers are generated. Assign these totals to your ability scores as you see fit. This method is less random than Classic and tends to create characters with above-average ability scores.
I might just buy the book and or get the PDF from DT-RPG. Not tonight but I should let you know tomorrow.
I'm torn on character ideas here.
1. I like the idea of playing a wizard or something (despite not being listed as a class in the above post) because it is against the type of the campaign.
2. I like the idea of a cutthroat/rogue because I think they always fit well in S&S
3. Of course, barbarians and fighters always fit well in S&S
Note 1: Have you ever played Monte Cook's Iron Heroes? Very humanocentric S&S.
Note 2. Are the hybrid-classes available? I was thinking something like a shaman (animist, nature) might fit the setting.
shaman animist
I think most of the shaman archetypes would fit the setting. But, until I grab the book, I don't know how that will fit the power scale of the setting.
Hey, sorry I didn't get a chance to reply earlier. I like your ideas for a shaman character a lot, I am not super familiar with the hybrid classes but that one seems really cool. I evidently left out Wizards from my post, but that is an acceptable class. There is a little blurb about wizards in the setting book I can post if you want more.
Also, I have never heard of Iron Heroes. I will have to check that out! Thanks!
I might just buy the book and or get the PDF from DT-RPG. Not tonight but I should let you know tomorrow.
I'm torn on character ideas here.
1. I like the idea of playing a wizard or something (despite not being listed as a class in the above post) because it is against the type of the campaign.
2. I like the idea of a cutthroat/rogue because I think they always fit well in S&S
3. Of course, barbarians and fighters always fit well in S&S
Note 1: Have you ever played Monte Cook's Iron Heroes? Very humanocentric S&S.
Note 2. Are the hybrid-classes available? I was thinking something like a shaman (animist, nature) might fit the setting.
shaman animist
I think most of the shaman archetypes would fit the setting. But, until I grab the book, I don't know how that will fit the power scale of the setting.
Since you've been on the gaming scene for a while, let me pick your brain regarding something that goes all the way back to TSR: Some screwing around with Google Translate has revealed to me that the Chinese word for "wizard/sorcerer/mage" is "Wūshī" - do you have any idea why D&D's Oriental Adventures always went with the term "Wu Jen?" I ask in particular because I've looked before for the term "Wu Jen" used anywhere and in any way besides the D&D class specifically (including trying to plug it into translation engines), and come up with nothing.
Have you tried variant spellings that may sound similar? Since the asian languages don't use our alphabet there are often a variety of ways a translation into English is written.
Wu comes up as shaman on wikipedia from a google search and that is half-way there. That came up by searching for Chinese sorcerer
Some possible variant spellings of Jen would be:
1. Jian- chinese double edged straight sword (wikipedia) or long sword (oriental adventures p. 21)
2. Jien- a Buddhist Japanese poet
3. Chin- state of Chin
Using Jian could give sorcerer sword or perhaps martial sorcerer
Using Jien would just be throwing in a historical name
Using Chin would basically be saying Chinese Sorcerer or Sorcerer from Chin(a)
(Edit: I bet the chose Wu Chin and just altered the spelling to make it not so obvious. I know I do things like that with names.)
I think that makes a pretty compelling argument but is on;y a guess as I have no connection to Wizards or TSR or any of those guys
Side Note: When searching google for "translate jen from chinese to english" this was one of the following results:
Chinese Language « Jen In Translation {樊珍婷}
Aug 16, 2007 - Meaning: Literally, this phrase means “Take off pants. Fart.” Figuratively, it indicates that someone is doing something unnecessary.
And Wu Jen became a "sorcerer so powerful he will take off your pants" in my head.
Of course, the link was to blog by a woman named Jen who studied in China...
Could a merchant journey over one way one year and then come back the other way the next?
Back and forth in the same year with an early start?
But, if your current elaboration is all you wish to go into, the time is appreciated regardless.
Note: This is basically part of a fanfic idea where this particular jaunt before a character is introduced is a point where the journey is just a journey rather than an important part of the story as in Jade Regent.
I suspect it's possible to make the journey and back in a year... but again... I haven't made the measurements or run the numbers.
Part of the task of creating tales in Golarion (or any world for that matter), be they stories or adventures, is research. Grab a map of the Crown of the World, measure the distance, apply the appropriate travel modifiers as detailed in the Core Rulebook, and that should give you the numbers you need.
Thanks again for the tip/pointing back in the right direction regarding taking the time to do research on this particular item.
I've actually learned a fair bit about Japanese history on this particular time killer of mine.
Also, I've relearned how much I hate PDFs. I always view them to fit page width on my small screen rather than whole page and thus didn't realize some of the maps I was looking at actually had a scale in the legend. Stupid me.
My apologies if this has already been asked. I was not sure how to phrase a thread search.
How long, under good conditions (not necessarily the best but also not as many grand obstacles as occurred during the Jade Regent path) should it take to travel from Hongal to Karlsgard?
Pathfinder #51 is an entire adventure about answering that question, and other than just measuring the distance between those two locations and doing the travel math (which anyone can do), I can't really answer this off the top of my head, and since I kinda want to race through the other questions here before I run out to grab lunch... that'll have to do for now.
Jade Regent is the only adventure path I have had the opportunity to both start and play to its conclusion.
But, I don't remember how long it took plus there was the incident of stopping the plan to bring on a global ice I am not sure how long a typical journey would take.
Fortunately, I'm not looking for anything near exact.
Could a merchant journey over one way one year and then come back the other way the next?
Back and forth in the same year with an early start?
But, if your current elaboration is all you wish to go into, the time is appreciated regardless.
Note: This is basically part of a fanfic idea where this particular jaunt before a character is introduced is a point where the journey is just a journey rather than an important part of the story as in Jade Regent.
I ran Jade Regent in our group's world instead of Golarion. I kept the mileage intact, though. From what I remember, it took the group seven months to get from Sandpoint to the capital of Minkai.
Outstanding and thanks.
I was looking for a time from Karlsgard to Ordu-Aganhei in Hongal and hoped to figure out a time from Ordu-Aganhei to Magnimar.
This info puts a cap on the length of time involved that fits my plan.
My apologies if this has already been asked. I was not sure how to phrase a thread search.
How long, under good conditions (not necessarily the best but also not as many grand obstacles as occurred during the Jade Regent path) should it take to travel from Hongal to Karlsgard?
Pathfinder #51 is an entire adventure about answering that question, and other than just measuring the distance between those two locations and doing the travel math (which anyone can do), I can't really answer this off the top of my head, and since I kinda want to race through the other questions here before I run out to grab lunch... that'll have to do for now.
Jade Regent is the only adventure path I have had the opportunity to both start and play to its conclusion.
But, I don't remember how long it took plus there was the incident of stopping the plan to bring on a global ice I am not sure how long a typical journey would take.
Fortunately, I'm not looking for anything near exact.
Could a merchant journey over one way one year and then come back the other way the next?
Back and forth in the same year with an early start?
But, if your current elaboration is all you wish to go into, the time is appreciated regardless.
Note: This is basically part of a fanfic idea where this particular jaunt before a character is introduced is a point where the journey is just a journey rather than an important part of the story as in Jade Regent.
My apologies if this has already been asked. I was not sure how to phrase a thread search.
How long, under good conditions (not necessarily the best but also not as many grand obstacles as occurred during the Jade Regent path) should it take to travel from Hongal to Karlsgard?
Hello again, James. I have a couple of questions (regarding Rise of the Runelords and Jade Regent) I was hoping you could answer for me.
1. The Jade Regent Player's Guide says about Ameiko that "Her parents and older siblings have met unfortunate ends over the past several years, leaving the young woman as the sole remaining Kaijitsu in town."
However, I thought Tsuto was supposed to be her younger brother?
Is he actually the younger brother with their being other unnamed older siblings or is he the older brother with their being a mistake in the PG, or, something else?
2. Looking through some sources and timelines I came across Tsuto's birth date as 4686 (correct?) which would be 25 years before 4711 when I think Jade Regent started.
Roughly how old is Ameiko supposed to be when Jade Regent starts?
1. Am I correct in assuming that oracles and shamans can actively worship particular gods?
Seems obvious but I want to be sure...
2. If yes, does that make it possible for oracles and shamans to take the exalted prestige class?
In particular I was thinking of an oracle of the ancestor mystery and perhaps a shaman (speaker for the past archetype) with the wind spirit (relating it to one of the five rings/elements- earth, fire, water, air, and void) who worship Shizuru.
Of course, I need to come up with some obediences...
Are there populations of the typical humanoid races there?
Or is it undefined with the possibility of them being there or is the continent mostly undefined with such populations basically decided to not be present?
Not much. Its my own world. I will carry over a few things for the sake of simplicity. Just run the ideas by me case by case. I dont mind answering and im on the forums pretty regularly
I've got a kind of crazy idea and it is a bit long....
Here is the gist just to see if something like this is acceptable
I'm going to make an assumption that there has been a Japanese style area somewhere in the past...
Basically, there was an ancient Japanese flavored kingdom ruled by an emperor descended from a sun god. This empire finally fell to orcs but not before the emperor took the field personally and sacrificed his life to lay waste to the orc horde. However, the remaining orcs stole his daughter and fled. Thus ended the worship of the sun deity who favored ancestor reverance- Basically Shizuru from Dragon Empires or Amaterasu from Shinto/Japan.
Now, a thousand or more years later, someone wondered onto the old battlefield and stirred it up. Not just anyone, but a young half-orc who carried the blood of the emperor, descendant of the kidnapped princess. Both the orc and human spirits swelled up in response to his presence and the remaining spark of divine power from the emperor's remains swelled up to meet the divine spark within his blood.
He was changed.
Note that there is a sidebar regarding aasimar with origins from races that are not human:
Not all aasimar are descended from humans. Aasimars can be born of any intelligent race, though human aasimars are the most common. Aasimars of other races usually exemplify the ideals of beauty and skill as seen by their base race. For example, halfling aasimars are small, beautifully proportioned, and display exceptional grace. Half-orc aasimars are slightly larger and stronger than ordinary orcs, with tough skin and metallic claws and tusks—they are likely to be neutral rather than evil, but still display aggression and incredible combat prowess.
Pasted from d20pfsrd but I believe the sidebar is in Pathfinder Players Companion: Blood of Angels...
In essence, he is as follows:
Aasimar (angel-blooded)
1. looks like a half-orc with metallic tusks and claws (this change is fluff, still mechanically an aasimar)
2. aasimar racial variant: Scion of humanity- makes him also considered human (in addition to a native outsider) and can qualify for feats as a human. The character loses celestial as a starting spoken language. This variant changes the type and languages of the race- it is in the advanced race guide.
3. first level feat- racial heritage (half-orc), a feat he qualifies to take after taking the Scion of Humanity
Note: 1., 2., and 3. are actual means within the rules to make a half-orc aasimar that is eligible to take feats with the racial requirement: orc, half-orc, and human. Of course he is double susceptible to rangers and such with three subtypes: humanoid (human), humanoid (orc), outsider (native). But, I like the flavor
He will drop the spell-like ability and pick up from the chart either an additional +2 to strength (fitting with the half-orc aasimar description) or make weapon holy 1x/day, or fire resistance 5.
gestalt class
Samurai (ronin)/oracle (possessed archetype- ancestor mystery)
The source of his oracle powers is the merged spirits of the deceased warriors he stirred up and the samurai abilities is from the awakened divine genetics of the emperor carried in his blood.
oracle curse- tongues but instead of speaking celestial or one of the listed languages in combat he speaks the ancient language of the fallen kingdom. If not acceptable change, he will only speak celestial in combat.
I was thinking of making an (angel blooded?) aasimar but was hoping to roll on the Variant Aasimar Abilities table to replace the spell-like ability.
Would that be allowable?
Do you mean playing one variant aasimar but with the alternate spell-like ability from another variant?
There are multiple aasimar variants.
One is to choose differing origins for te aasimar: agathion, angel, archon, azata, garuda, or peri.
These each have their own alternate ability modifiers, alternate skill modifiers, and alternate spell-like ability that replaces the standard aasimar abilities.
This option is from the Advanced Race Guide. It can be found on the Pathfinder PRD.
The other is to roll 1d100 on a chart for an ability as a replacement for the spell-like ability.
This option is from the Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Angels. It can be found online in the d20pfsrd.
In general they are roughly the same strength as the spell-like abilities but with more flair and, IMO, some are stronger.
So, basically I was asking if I could choose one of the origin options and then replace the spell-like ability of that option with a roll from the table. No big deal either way but I thought it would be neat to do.
I was thinking of making an (angel blooded?) aasimar but was hoping to roll on the Variant Aasimar Abilities table to replace the spell-like ability.
Would that be allowable?