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Is this for me? (AKA Requirements):
- ✅ Built for modern Excel users on PC. (Excel 2019+)
- ❌ No Macintosh compatible
- ❌ No 3rd party spreadsheet compatible
- ✅ Macros must be available. (Microsoft will block unless you use a Trusted Location)
What is this tool?
TOS FIVE 2024 Free Edition is a powerful, feature-packed tool for creating and managing your 2024 Player’s Handbook characters effortlessly. Here is a quick rundown of its main features:
- Character Creation: Automates stats, skills, and combat calculations while ensuring rules compliance
- Customization and Flexible: Supports homebrew species, feats, subclasses, and more...
- Automation and Efficiency: It facilitates levelling by tracking hit points, calculating bonuses, adding features and managing spell slots; you focus on role-playing.
- Dynamic Dashboard: Apply Conditions, Feats or Class Features on the fly. Check this 30 seconds video for an example using the Druid’s Wild Shape ability.
- Print or Play Digitally: Print your Character or play dynamically on a Laptop or Excel-enabled tablet.
Whether you’re a player or a DM, TOS FIVE 2024 makes gameplay faster, more accurate and enjoyable for all.

Download now: Level up your game today; grab this tool on the TOS website, here.

Your Feedback Matters! What features would you like to see in future updates? Share your thoughts with us!
Discord Server Invite: https://discord.gg/Kvx4YkD
Community Forum: Link

Let TOS FIVE Handle the Rules, You Handle the Fun!

The Only Sheet

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We are happy to report that content from Howl of the Wild has now made its way into TOS 2ᴺᴰ Remaster Character Manager (which supports both the Legacy and Remaster rules)!

This is the fourth Remaster book supported in this powerful Character Manager for Excel users on PC, which now features content from a total of 27 sourcebooks!

This Dynamic Character Manager even allows you to switch - on the fly - to your Animal form or Hybrid Form if you are playing a Werecreature, on your Excel enabled PC Compatible Tablet or Laptop.

Happy Howling!
The Only Sheet!


We are happy to report that content from Howl of the Wild has now made its way into TOS 2ᴺᴰ Remaster (as it supports both the Legacy and Remaster rules)!

This is the fourth Remaster book supported in this powerful Character Manager for Excel users on PC, which now features content from a total of 27 sourcebooks!

This Dynamic manager even allows you to switch - on the fly - to your Animal form or Hybrid Form if you are playing a Werecreature, using an Excel enabled Tablet or Laptop.

Happy Howling!
The Only Sheet!


I am happy to report that the work required to add this new sourcebook to the TOS 2nd Remaster Character Manager has been started!

We expect this to be complete around mid-September.

Happy Howling!

The Only Sheet

TOS 2ᴺᴰ Remaster version 2 has been released.
It features content from GM CORE!
Check the Release Notes for more details.

Happy Gaming!

TOS Admin

Kilraq Starlight wrote:

Nice. Always glad to have more options. I run games for my students at the school club and internet isn't always a guarantee. Offline backups or even a good paper print are huge helps.

Glad to have folks like you in this community.


It is indeed cool to have a tool that handles the 'stuff' behind the scenes, while players concentrate on the role play aspect of table top RPGs!

The Only Sheet

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I am happy to announce the release of the TOS 2ᴺᴰ Remaster Character Manager for the new remastered rules of Pathfinder 2e found in the Player Core sourcebook!

What is TOS 2ᴺᴰ Remaster?
TOS 2ᴺᴰ Remaster is a very powerful automated and dynamic Character Manager for Excel on PCs. It will facilitate the creation and maintenance of your Characters and NPCs. It can be used both Dynamically (like activating a Battle Form on the fly as shown here) at the gaming table (to activate effects on the fly for your Character) or you can print your Character on paper/PDF.

TOS 2ᴺᴰ Remaster serves as a bridge between the Pathfinder 2ᴺᴰ edition rules (2019 version) and the newer Remastered edition (2023 version). Users can easily select which edition of Pathfinder they wish to use, as both rule sets are supported, yet still have access to content not yet ‘Remastered’.

TOS 2ᴺᴰ Remaster is based on TOS 2ᴺᴰ PRO edition.

More details here.

Happy Gaming!
The Only Sheet


TOS 2ᴺᴰ PRO edition, the most powerful Excel Character Manager for PF2e, has been updated with the Rage of Elements sourcebook!

These brings the total number of sourcebooks supported to 22!

Check Nonat1s's video here for a quick overview of the tool (based on the older v.5 edition) and/or the home page (link below) for more details.

Happy Gaming!
The Only Sheet

Highhelm page 73; The Forge spell is listed as "SPELL 1", but the description says:

Developed before the introduction of the Iron Lagoon, this cantrip for superheating metal has also found valuable combat use

Is this spell a Cantrip or just a level 1 spell?

The Only Sheet

I have not seen if Paizo has shared/posted any reasons to stop adding Class Kits, but the argument that it takes up too much space seems pretty shaky at best.

The 12 classes in the CRB needs one full page; so adding Class Kits for only 2x classes would not take much space!

The argument that 'people don't use them' is immediately shot down for our group, as we use them. I don't think the metrics for Usage is available anywhere... I suspect that any Poll created on this Topic would most likely be viewed Fans of the game who make more efforts to scour information about it (like you, reading this), then the beginners who may not be as involved as these Fans...!!

It is my understanding that Class Kits are an OPTIONNAL feature we can apply at Character Creation. It is fun to have such options - doubly true for starting players as some of you pointed out.

The idea of remastering Class Kits is very interesting and could even be done as a Web Option on a PDF - I like!!

TOS Admin
The Only Sheet

A Dagger is listed with the Versatile S trait.

If a Dagger is thrown, does it keep the Versatile S trait, or is it assumed it will only do piercing damage when thrown!?

(is it even possible to do slashing damage when throwing a dagger?)

TOS Admin
The Only Sheet

Are there any Class Kits defined for the classes in Dark Archive (Psychic & Thaumaturge), Guns & Gears (Gunslinger & Inventor) and Secret of Magic (Magus & Summoner)?

If Yes; where are they located (link?)
If not; Why not?

The Only Sheet

I am re-creating the the level 1 NPC Valerie (Kingmaker) in TOS 2nd PRO and I noticed a discrepancy with her Published stat bloc (Kingmaker Companion Guide pg. 83 - copied/pasted to https://2e.aonprd.com/NPCs.aspx?ID=2401)

Her shortbow is listed with a damage of 1d8. Are there any reasons this is not listed as 1d6 for a shortbow?

Am I missing something?


Travelling Sasha wrote:
Hi! Hmmm, I dunno, I can picture the swarm of spiders scurrying below the embers just fine... I don't see how a swarm may be, what, more engulfable by the effect than a horse. Is that what you're having a hard time imagining?

A swarm is defined as mass (or cloud) of creatures that functions as one monster. So on a Crititcal success, all the individuals were able to independently avoid the effect of the spell. This is not a Horse. This is a ton of individual creatures.

PF1e defines it as <<A swarm of Tiny creatures consists of 300 nonflying creatures>>. So 300 spiders.

So yeah I can imagine an "explanation" on a critical save:
<<<As the fire bears down on the swarm of spiders, every single one of them scurry left/right/underground just before the flames hit, thus avoiding being engulfed by the deadly fire that burned down everything around them.>>>

But that sure feels wrong to me!


Something weird happened in my PF2e game, and I was wondering:

My Sorcerer cast a Burning Hands at a swarm of spiders. The Swarm rolled a Critical Success on its Reflex save!! So it took... no damage from the spell!

Why does this feels wrong? How could swarm of many many spiders ALL able to avoir an AoE spell like this?

Seems to me a swarm should not be able to avoid an AoE spell like that... am I missing something? Perhaps a Swarm should always have a save result ONE step lower vs AoE spells, thus making critical success impossible?




TOS 2ᴺᴰ PRO edition has been updated with 2x more sourcebooks:
1️⃣ Treasure Vault
2️⃣ Lost Omens: Firebrands

These bring the total number of source books supported to 20!

TOS 2ᴺᴰ PRO edition is the powerful Excel Character Manager for Pathfinder 2ᴺᴰ edition.

Check Nonat1s's video here for a quick overview of the tool (based on the older v.5 edition) and/or the home page (link below) for more details.

Happy Gaming!
The Only Sheet

In the Treasure Vault book:

Dragonscale Staff: page 36. A weapon based on the Bo Staff.
Dragonscale Staff: Page 132, A 14+ item with spells.

Dear Paizo, please use different names for different items. THANKS!!

TOS Admin


TOS 2ᴺᴰ PRO edition has been updated with 3x more sourcebooks:
1️⃣ Absalom: City of Lost Omens
2️⃣ Lost Omens: Travel Guide
3️⃣ Lost Omens: Impossible Lands

These bring the total number of source books supported to 18!

TOS 2ᴺᴰ PRO edition is the powerful Excel Character Manager for Pathfinder 2ᴺᴰ edition.

Check Nonat1s's video here for a quick overview of the tool (based on the older v5 edition) and/or the home page (link below) for more details.

Happy Gaming!
The Only Sheet


I am happy to report that content from this book has been added to TOS 2nd PRO edition version 18!

TOS 2nd PRO edition is the powerful Excel Character Manager for Pathfinder 2nd edition.

Check Nonat1s's video here for a quick overview of the tool (based on the older v5 edition)

Happy Gaming!
The Only Sheet


I am happy to report that content from this book has been added to TOS 2nd PRO edition version 18!

TOS 2nd PRO edition is the powerful Excel Character Manager for Pathfinder 2nd edition.

Check Nonat1s's video here for a quick overview of the tool (based on the older v5 edition)

Happy Gaming!
The Only Sheet


I am happy to report that content from this book has (finally!) been added to TOS 2nd PRO edition version 18!

TOS 2nd PRO edition is the powerful Excel Character Manager for Pathfinder 2nd edition.

Check Nonat1s's video here for a quick overview of the tool (based on the older v5 edition)

Happy Gaming!
The Only Sheet


I am happy to report that the Blood Lords adventure path has been made available for users of TOS 2nd PRO edition! (What is this tool?)

Add-Ons for these adventure paths are available on the Community Forum as of 2023/01:

#145 to #150 Age of Ashes
#151 to #156 Extinction Curse
#157 to #162 Agents of Edgewatch
#163 to #165 Abomination Vaults
#166 to #168 Fists of the Ruby Phoenix
#169 to #174 Strength of Thousands
#175 to #177 Quest for the Frozen Flame
#178 to #180 Outlaws of Alkenstar
#181 to #186 Blood Lords

Happy Gaming!
The Only Sheet

The Throwing Knife is defined in both the:
Lost Omens The Grand Bazaar (p.107)

and the
Extinction Curse - 01 - The Show Must Go On (p.77)

Can I safely assume that the one that actually HAS the thrown trait is the correct version of the throwing knife, or am I missing something?


2 people marked this as a favorite.


I am happy to announce that the content of this Source Book is now featured in TOS 2ᴺᴰ PRO edition v.15!

More details can be found here.

Happy Gaming!
The Only Sheet


I am happy to announce that the content of this Source Book is now featured in TOS 2ᴺᴰ PRO edition v.15!

More details can be found here.

Happy Gaming!
The Only Sheet

1 person marked this as a favorite.


The Pathfinder 2ᴺᴰ dynamic Character Sheet TOS 2ᴺᴰ PRO edition has been updated to version 15. This Excel based manager now features content from both the Dark Archive source book (including the Psychic and the Thaumaturge classes), as well as content from the Lost Omens: Knights of Lastwall source book.

As of September 2022, the TOS 2ᴺᴰ PRO edition character manager features content from these 15x Paizo source books:


  • CORE Rulebook
  • Advanced Player’s Guide
  • Book of the Dead
  • Dark Archive
  • Guns & Gears
  • Secrets of Magic
    LOST OMENS series of books:
  • Ancestry Guide
  • Character Guide
  • Gods & Magic
  • Grand Bazaar
  • Legends
  • Knights of Lastwall
  • Pathfinder Society Guide
  • The Mwangi Expanse
  • World Guide


    A Beginner’s Guide video (based on the v5 series, which only had 5x source books at the time), demonstrate how TOS 2ᴺᴰ PRO edition is easy to use, and how it can facilitate the creation and maintenance of your Characters. The video also will also cover how you can use it dynamically during a live gaming session; You can use the Dashboard sheet which allows you to activate many effects on the fly. You will be able to focus on the game, and not on book keeping!

    The many Battle Forms spells found in the rules can be applied dynamically as well; The How to activate a Battle Form video based on v12 series) will demonstrate this time saving ability of The Sheet.

    Are you a Pathfinder Society players? If so, you are well served, as PFS is fully supported; This video (based on v7 series) examines the Society support in TOS 2ᴺᴰ PRO edition.

    TOS 2ᴺᴰ CORE edition is FREE. If you meet the requirements (modern version of Microsoft Excel on a PC), use the CORE edition to create any Pathfinder 2ᴺᴰ Core Rulebook characters. Create as many CORE PCs – or NPCs – as you need. TOS 2ᴺᴰ CORE edition can be downloaded here.

    Visit our discord channel if you have any queries regarding this Pathfinder 2ᴺᴰ dynamic Character Manager or any of The Only Sheet products.
    The invitation link is: https://discord.gg/Kvx4YkD

    For full details of this and future updates, check out the Release Notes.

    Happy Gaming!
    The Only Sheet

  • Dear Paizo,

    The Keep Pace feat is both defined in the Advanced Player’s Guide and in the Quest for the Frozen Flame - 01 - Broken Tusk Moon adventure.

    Both have different definitions, different prerequisites...

    I highly advise against doing this! Feats should be unique - and not have multiple definitions. Right?

    TOS Admin
    The Only Sheet

    1 person marked this as a favorite.


    I am happy to report that content from Book of the Dead has been added to the latest build of TOS 2nd PRO edition!

    The new Skeleton ancestry is now available, as well as new archetypes from Exorcists to Zombies.

    This marks the 13th sourcebook supported by this powerful Character Manager! Check it out at The Only Sheet.com.

    For any queries, join our Discord server; https://discord.gg/Kvx4YkD or ask on our community forum.

    Happy Gaming!

    TOS Admin
    The Only Sheet.com

    1 person marked this as a favorite.


    I am happy to announce that content from Book of the Dead has been added in the latest build of TOS 2nd PRO edition!

    Check out the Release Notes for all the details.

    Happy Gaming!

    TOS Admin
    The Only Sheet

    Query: While looking at Orcus & Set from Book of the dead, I noticed their entries do not have a "Divine Ability... Is this an error or are these the first deities to completely ignore/not use Divine Abilities!?


    TOS Admin

    keftiu wrote:
    So long as they’re free, you’re in the clear! You can see tons of fan-made maps, mostly in the individual AP subforums; it’s well-trod territory.

    If I may ask; Where do you get this information from? Is it specifically stated somewhere?


    TOS Admin

    Is it permitted to re-create maps of location in Golarion, using my personal graphics assets, and then sharing these on the Web for free?

    For example: Can I recreate the town of Sandpoint and post the image file on the web or on forums, free of charges? How about a Dungeon from the Rise of the Runelords AP?

    Please enlightenment me if this is legal of not. Thanks!!

    TOS admin

    1 person marked this as a favorite.


    TOS CORE, the free character manager for both 3.5/PF1e has been updated.

    Paizo Product page: https://paizo.com/products/btpy93d5

    This major update brings a complete overhaul of the Customize sheet, which is now using a similar layout to the other Managers! Highlights are used to let you know which sections need your input, so you can focus on these as you build your Characters - and ignore the rest.

    As always, report any issues on the Community Forum - there might be some hiccups, as MANY aspects have been touched upon for this improved version.

    Have a question?
    Ask either on our Community Forum or on our Discord server (invitation link: https://discord.gg/Kvx4YkD)


    The Only Sheet

    1 person marked this as a favorite.


    TOS CORE, the free character manager for both 3.5/PF1e has been updated.

    Paizo Product page: https://paizo.com/products/btpy93d5

    This major update brings a complete overhaul of the Customize sheet, which is now using a similar layout to the other Managers! Highlights are used to let you know which sections need your input, so you can focus on these as you build your Characters - and ignore the rest.

    As always, report any issues on the Community Forum - there might be some hiccups, as MANY aspects have been touched upon for this improved version.

    Have a question?
    Ask either on our Community Forum or on our Discord server (invitation link: https://discord.gg/Kvx4YkD)


    The Only Sheet

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    XxolloxX wrote:
    Im getting this message and Im just trying to open the file. Is there some trick to opening the file?

    Are you saying that when you double-click on the .xlsb file, Excel asks you for a password? I've not heard that one before.

    Could it be possible that are trying to modify an area that is locked?

    For example, trying to change the ability scores directly on the main Sheet... These can be changed on the right ride.

    Check out this (old) video for examples of use: https://youtu.be/smy51c_Qq1Y

    You can also ask questions in the #tos-plus section on our Discord server. Invitation link: https://discord.gg/Kvx4YkD

    The Only Sheet

    If I have Raging intimidation and that grants the Intimidating Glare feat for FREE, what happens if my Background (Warrior) is already gifting me with the Intimidating Glare feat?

    Can I get a replacement feat, of it is just granted TWICE and ignored the 2nd time?

    What is the official Ruling on such a situation?

    Thanks for the clarification!!

    The Only Sheet

    1 person marked this as a favorite.
    Themetricsystem wrote:

    If you're in the market for general-purpose opinions from the community I'd be happy to help contribute my 2 copper pieces.

    Since you do not, and can not "choose" the Automaton Lore Skill with that ability it cannot qualify as the chosen skill, additionally, the "the" from the second sentence seems to indicate that they're talking about a singular option that is improved. This together, in my interpretation, would mean that the increase to Expert only applies to whatever skill you picked, be it Arcana or Crafting.

    I'll go with that implementation then.



    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Regarding the wording of the Automation Lore:

    Enhancement: Your gain greater understanding. Increase your proficiency rank in either Arcana or Crafting, as well as Automaton Lore, to expert. If you were already an expert in the chosen skill, increase your rank to master instead.

    Does the last phrase (in bold) also applies to the Automation Lore skill if it is already Expert rank?

    Thanks for the clarification!

    The Only Sheet


    TOS 2ᴺᴰ PRO edition, the powerful dynamic character manager for PF2e, has been updated to version 11.

    It features content from Lost Omens: The Grand Bazaar.

    More details in this thread on these forums.

    Happy Gaming!
    The Only Sheet


    TOS 2ᴺᴰ PRO edition, the powerful dynamic character manager for PF2e, has been updated to version 11.

    It features content from a 11ᵗʰ book:
    Lost Omens: The Grand Bazaar (PF2e)

    This new edition includes the new Poppet ancestry, as well as three new Archetypes (Captivator, Spell Trickster and Wrestler) and an impressive amount of new items and gear.

    Here are a few ways to learn more about this powerful character manager:
    • Beginner's Guide video: https://bit.ly/2G6Fm0h
    • Try the FREE TOS 2ᴺᴰ CORE edition: https://bit.ly/3jrxQxH
    • Ask on our Discord server: https://discord.gg/Kvx4YkD

    Happy Gaming!

    The Only Sheet

    Is it possible that the Tonfa weapon listed in Grand Bazaar p. 107 is missing the weapon damage type?

    None is listed...

    I will assume Bludgeoning.

    The Only Sheet

    (in case this has not been reported - it's fairly time intensive to search to see if an error was previously reported or not in these forums...)

    The Grand Bazaar, page 35, in the Elemental Wisp entry for the Elemental ability, it says:

    ...Air wisps gain flight, ...

    I suspect Paizo means Flier?

    The Only Sheet


    TOS 2nd PRO edition version 10 has been updated to support users of the Secrets of Magic book from Paizo! This makes it the tenth source book supported by The Sheet.

    TOS 2nd PRO edition is a powerful character manager which features a complete implementation of the stacking rules and has a lot of automation to facilitate character creation for PF 2e.

    Want to test drive? Get TOS 2nd CORE edition which serves as a DEMO for the PRO edition!
    The CORE edition implements a single book, which is the CRB.

    Happy Gaming!!
    The Only Sheet

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    While implementing the Shadowcaster Archetype, I noticed (on page 226) that the feat name Shadow Spell is used twice - one has an "s" and the other ones without the 's'!!

    Please use more distinction with feat NAMES to avoid and reduce confusion.


    TOS Admin
    The Only Sheet

    3 people marked this as a favorite.

    This is a subtle one...!

    So while adding content from Secrets of magic to the next edition of TOS 2nd PRO edition, I noticed that on page 181, the Chatterer of Follies item description says:

    "This heavy +1 striking khakarra (Advanced Player’s Guide 248) is..."

    The proper spelling, as found in the APG book, is written as:

    This issue also appears on Archives of Nethys and on pf2easy.com as well. I will notify their owners... :D

    TOS Admin
    The Only Sheet

    Lini's Leafstick (page 167) lists Plant Form both in the 5th level and 6th level sections!

    The Only Sheet

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    While working to add this book to TOS 2nd PRO edition, I noticed that for the 'Heightened (9th)' for the Angel Form, they say the forms are Large.. does this ALSO apply to the Choral which specifically starts 'small'?

    TOS Admin
    The Only Sheet

    I am happy to announce that TOS 2nd PRO edition version 9 features content from this sourcebook!!

    Details at: The Only Sheet.com

    Questions? Ask on our Discord server: https://discord.gg/Kvx4YkD

    Happy Gaming!
    The Only Sheet.com

    I am happy to announce that TOS 2nd CORE edition for the Pathfinder 2e system is now FREE for all PC Excel users!!

    You can grab it here.

    Check the Beginner's Guide video (based on the PRO edition) for more information on how to use The CORE edition.

    Join us on Discord here.
    Happy Gaming!

    The Only Sheet


    TOS 2nd PRO edition version 8 series released!

    This major updates adds support for the Lost Omens: Ancestry Guide book, which makes this the 8th book supported by this powerful Character Manager.

    From the Android to the Strix, TOS 2nd PRO edition has your covered.

    The Only Sheet

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