
TBD Char's page

No posts. Alias of Nairb the Grey.

On the outskirts of the town of Marikest sits The Red Dragon Inn. Situtated just off the road outside the town gates, the inn is the favored watering hole for travellers, townsfolk, and adventurers that happen to be passing through. It is a rowdy place full of good drinks, good games, and good fights. It also happens to be the place that Sheriff Reg Ty-Djarling goes when looking for extra muscle for a job that his to deputies and him do not have the bandwidth to handle.

He has come with such a job this evening, and is sitting down with various mercenaries and adventurers in the inn looking to put together a group to investigate a nearby keep for him.

"Ahyeah, I'm looking for some people to head out to Brightstone and take a look around. Make sure them filthy monsters haven't come back. Years ago there was a nice little sister village down there at the mine, and Brightstone kept an eye on it all. Then the Orcs and Goblins came and wiped them out. Started running raiding parties on us here too. When the army came through a few months back they took most of my deputies off my hands, but at least they went and cleared out Brightstone too. I wasa hopin' that they would sit at the castle, make it sort of a base, but apparently it is too far away from the front. So now the keep is abandoned again, and I don't have the hands to keep an eye on it. If ye head out there and take a turn around, make sure it is still vacated, I would pay ye 100 gold each. If'n ye find anything though, well in the interest of keeping Marikest safe I would need you to clear it out again. Get to keep whatever treasure you find with the monsters that be there. And I could probably throw in another 100 each for your troubles."

This is the ooc Discussion for our game, it will not be connected to the recruitment thread because hopefully that fixes our Red Text problem.

Please dot in.

I have an open recruitment in PbP and when I made a campaign for it to put a link at the top all of the text in the recruitment thread changed to red. I've never seen this happen before. It seems to be limited to this thread, I have checked a few of the others I am in and they are still formatted with black text.

The other people in the recruitment say they see the red too.

Did I do something wrong?

Link to the recruitment

Greetings. The interest check went well enough that I do not have an excuse to not run this game, so here we go!
On the outskirts of the town of Marikest sits The Red Dragon Inn. Situtated just off the road outside the town gates, the inn is the favored watering hole for travellers, townsfolk, and adventurers that happen to be passing through. It is a rowdy place full of good drinks, good games, and good fights. It also happens to be the place that Sheriff Reg Ty-Djarling goes when looking for extra muscle for a job that his to deputies and him do not have the bandwidth to handle.

He has come with such a job this evening, and is sitting down with various mercenaries and adventurers in the inn looking to put together a group to investigate a nearby keep for him.

"Ahyeah, I'm looking for some people to head out to Brightstone and take a look around. Make sure them filthy monsters haven't come back. Years ago there was a nice little sister village down there at the mine, and Brightstone kept an eye on it all. Then the Orcs and Goblins came and wiped them out. Started running raiding parties on us here too. When the army came through a few months back they took most of my deputies off my hands, but at least they went and cleared out Brightstone too. I wasa hopin' that they would sit at the castle, make it sort of a base, but apparently it is too far away from the front. So now the keep is abandoned again, and I don't have the hands to keep an eye on it. If ye head out there and take a turn around, make sure it is still vacated, I would pay ye 100 gold each. If'n ye find anything though, well in the interest of keeping Marikest safe I would need you to clear it out again. Get to keep whatever treasure you find with the monsters that be there. And I could probably through in another 100 each for your troubles."

Begin OOC text:
Welcome to Red Dragon Inn, one of my favorite board games now turned into an RPG group. The premise is simple, this will be a standard Pathfinder game with one caveat, the characters are already decided, you just have to build them. Each of you will be playing one of the characters from the Red Dragon Inn board game. Their personality and basic archetype is set by the game, but how you build them within that framework is up to you.

So let's get into it:

Starting Character Level: 5th - I want you to be able to build characters that resemble some of the abilities of the characters in the board game, so we will be starting a bit higher.

Expected Character Growth: I am starting with a single short adventure to test the waters. Once you guys complete that and find the hook into the main adventure path I have planned we can keep going from there or wrap it up with the short adventure. If we keep going then we will probably make it to somewhere around 9 - 13...don't have everything planned out yet. If we stop then you will likely only make it to level 6.

Available Characters:

You will be building characters based on the Red Dragon Inn Board Game. The characters from the game that are available for submission are:
Fiona the Volatile
Gerki the Sneak
Dierdre the Priestess
Zot the Wizard with his familiar Pooky
Fleck the Bard
Gog the Half-Ogre
Dimli the Dwarf
Eve the Illusionist
Wizgille the Tinkerer
Brewmaster Phrenk
Serena the Pious
Kaylin the Renagade with her companion Wulfric
Captain Whitehawk
First Mate Remy
Bryn the Boatswain
Tara the Navigator
Sera the Fleetfooted
Lizwick the Collector
Joran the Trickster
Zakhan the Drunken Master
Erin the Ever-Changing
Cormac the Mighty
Witchdoctor Natyli
Ozrik the Adept
Brother Bastian
Zariah the Summoner
Halden the Unhinged
Keet the Treasure Hunter
Nitrel the Sapper
The Magnificent Adonis, Bard of the Ages

Ability Scores, Races, Classes, Etc: We will be working with a 20 point buy, but I will be preferentially selecting characters that build there stats in line with what is implied by the character from the board game, so minmaxing could go against you. For example, Adonis is clearly a strong man type, even though as a Bard that may not be the most optimal place to put ability score points. If Adonis has a Strength score lower than probably 14 then I will not likely select that character. With as stacked as he is I would likely take an 18 over a 14 as well.

For Race: You are stuck with the race that the character has in the board game. Which means mostly humans, with a few more interesting things thrown in for fun. If you select one of the actual monsters (Gog, Phrenk, Natyli, and Kaylin) we will open up the ARG race builder for you to create a playable version of the race with an RP of 14 (in line with Common Drow like First Mate Remy.)

Classes: Anything Paizo is approved, but again you need to build within the constraints of the character as depicted in the board game. Cormac is indicated to be a Barbarian on the RDI I am expecting to see rage powers. Nothing 3rd party will be accepted.

HP: HP will be max at first level and half rounded up at subsequent levels.

Wealth: You have wealth of 5th level characters (10,500) and standard spending rules apply (no items worth more than 50% of your networth). Also, if you have crafting feats then you get extra wealth specifically for those. We will be using the rules outlined here for that. If you have 1 crafting feat then you get 25% more wealth, so 13,125, 2625 of it must be used on items that you craft yourself. If you have more than one crafting feat then you get 5% additional wealth for each one beyond the first you have, up to a max of 50%. Remember, I will not be expecting to see crafting feats on RDI characters that do not look like they craft. (First glance I am thinking Phrenk, Natyli, Wizgille, and Wrench. Maybe a few others.) To be clear, this percentage is wealth, not the 2625 is value of the items, not gold you spent crafting them. Extreme example, you could use that to craft 52 CLW potions, not 104 (50 each, not 25 each).

Background Traits, Alternate Rule Sets, Etc.: We will be using Background Traits and Background skills. I feel like they help more with RP than anything else. 2 background traits, none from a Paizo AP since this is homebrew. We will also be using the race builder as mentioned above, you can build older characters that way Zot can actually be as old as he looks. If you know of another rules set published by Paizo that will help you get closer to the character as depicted in the board game bring it to my attention and I will look over it.

Multiple Submissions? Multiple submissions will be allowed for this game since I will only be selecting one of each specific character. (No party of Deirdres running around). When creating more than one character let me know which one you are most interested in playing and give me kind of a ranking. I will do my best to get everyone as high up in their ranking as possible. At the same time, if you submit a character I am going to assume it is because you have some interest in playing him or her.

I think that is everything? It probably isn't. I always forget something. Ask questions and I will answer.

I look forward to seeing the submissions.

I am almost assuredly insane for doing this. My RP commitments are already burgeoning...but when you get an idea in your head it is sometimes it is hard to ignore it.

So, I will do an interest check to start. If there is not enough interest for a game then that might quell the idea in my brain.

So, the idea is to run a campaign with an adventuring party made up of the patrons of the Red Dragon Inn. This would essentially be the prequel to the board game where the party comes in and drinks and carouses the night away.

What this means is that every submission would be an application to play one of the RDI characters.

Character list:

Fiona the Volatile
Gerki the Sneak
Dierdre the Priestess
Zot the Wizard with his familiar Pooky
Fleck the Bard
Gog the Half-Ogre
Dimli the Dwarf
Eve the Illusionist
Wizgille the Tinkerer
Brewmaster Phrenk
Serena the Pious
Kaylin the Renagade with her companion Wulfric
Captain Whitehawk
First Mate Remy
Bryn the Boatswain
Tara the Navigator
Sera the Fleetfooted
Lizwick the Collector
Joran the Trickster
Zakhan the Drunken Master
Erin the Ever-Changing
Cormac the Mighty
Witchdoctor Natyli
Ozrik the Adept
Brother Bastian
Zariah the Summoner
Halden the Unhinged
Keet the Treasure Hunter
Nitrel the Sapper

Essentially you would treat a character as a kind of writing prompt. The personality and mechanics described in that link above are locked in, but how you build the character to get there would be up to you. (For example, Zot has a familiar, Phrenk makes potions, etc etc, but what class levels and abilities do they have?)

Obviously some of the characters are not normally player races. Notably Gog, Phrenk, Natyli, and Kaylin. For those we would open up the ARG race builder for you to create a playable version of the race with an RP of 14 (in line with Common Drow like First Mate Remy.

I am thinking we would start around level 5. I don't have a full adventure planned out yet, but I imagine we would end in the upper single digits to lower teens (gaining 4 - 8 levels over the course of the adventure.)

If we have enough interest I will put together actual character creation guidelines. So...what do you think?








A mysterious figure looms over you as you stand about in an endless void.

Welcome champions. You have been brought from the waves of time, to stand and fight, and entertain. 12 are chosen, 12 will battle, 1 will win.

Light begins to fill the void, slowly, like an uncertain dawn on a cloudy morn. You stand on a dusty track in the middle of plains lands. You see nothing around you except 11 other challengers.

Prepare yourselves however you might. Momentarily I will send you to your battle arena against your chosen opponent. Fight to win, for glory. Fear not death, for it does not exist in my realm. Die, and you will return here to again gain your strength, and more. And then, fight again!

Suddenly the dusty track is filled on either side by shops and barkers, blacksmiths and potion brewers. Any manner of commerce, think of it and it is before you in a twinkling of an eye.

As you look about, you instantly know who amoungst this group will be your challenger in the next battle. You see their form, their armaments, and perhaps can draw some conclusions there of. The rest perhaps you will find out in the arena.

Hi all, so I have a player building a coven witch to try to get a ridiculous caster level at character level 10. I want your input on if it all works RAW.

Here is the broad strokes of how he would do it in two PMs he sent me...

Player wrote:
So, I have a build that comes online on level 10. Basically it is a witch with the coven hex and similacrum to get +40539 to Caster level. That gives my round/level spells a duration of 2.8 days. Would that be the kind of thing that you frown upon, or is it fair game?
I wrote:

I think I need a better understanding on how the mechanics of this work...

Here are the holes I see...1) Similacrum isn't on the witches spell list...I am guessing you are getting a staff of it an UMDing it?

2) 1 Similacrum can aid another to get you a +1 CL bump...where is the other 40538 coming from?

3) Since I don't know what mechanics are in play in this exploit I don't know if this is a hole or not...but you count as a hag for joining a hag's coven, but not for creating one. I have read over some of the conversations online about this hex, and I tend to agree with the side that says a Hags coven has to have at least 1 hag in it. If you are getting that Hag to play nice with you through leadership then You have to be at least level 18 in order to get a blood hag from this list. I could maybe see adding a lower CR hag to the list...but I would need to look through stuff to figure out what the effective cohort level would be.

So like I said, a better understanding of the rules mechanics is needed...then I can make a ruling on if it is fair game or not.

player wrote:

Yeah for sure.

1: You need to buy 2 scrolls of Similacrum. First is used to create a Winter Hag, which adds Similacrum to the coven spells, second is to make a clone of yourself. You UMD for the first 2.

2: You need to have the halfing ability (dont remember which off the top of my head) which boosts aid another on the casting to +3.

3: You and your coven make an arbitrarily large amount of yourselfs with coven castings of similacrum.

4: You then baleful polymorph them all into bats. They willingly fail the first save, then discard all who fail the second.

5: 554 Squares are within 30 ft of you, -1 for your own hex, so you can fit 13824 tiny bats in your square. Each witch has a CL of 6, so has an 85% of aiding another. If I produce more mes, so that the ones that fail move out of the swarm, and other ones move in and aid, then I have an average of 13513 successful Aid anothers, for a total of +40539 to Caster level. That gives my round/level spells a duration of 2.8 days.

So that's the rundown that I have so far. Thoughts? Comments? Obviously broken, but I am more interested in if there is a flaw in the rules logic rather than GM Fiating a no, based on the game we are playing. Frankly I am less worried about the duration on buffs and more worried about damaging spells and debuffs that are caster level dependent in their calculation and don't have a caster level cap set in their wording.

Super Pathfinder Brawl!

Theorycrafting is a huge part of tabletop games, but too often it seems like some of the most epic builds we create end up as just fun ideas and never see a gaming table. With that in mind, I am opening up a Pathfinder Brawl tournament.

Tournament Rules:

The first and most important rule will be that everyone make every effort to separate player from character knowledge. You will be aware of your opponent's position at almost all times. You may also be aware of some of their strategy. You will be expected to play your character acting only on the information he or she has. At any time you are not competing in good faith you will be issued a Yellow Card, which will result in a sizable debuff for the remainder of that combat, or you may be issued a Red Card and immediately forfeit that round.

Each round you will be paired in a 1v1 deathmatch with one other competitor. The winner of that deathmatch will receive victory points equal to your current character level (1pt at lvl 1, 2pts at lvl 2, and so on). In the unlikely event of a simultaneous KO the combatants will split the victory points.

Battlemaps you compete on may provide special buffs or debuffs complicating your combat.

After each match both combatants will be magically transported to a waiting room where the loser will be revived and both participants will be fully healed.

At regular intervals (lvls 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20) there will then be a team play round where you may be paired with one or more teammates to see how your build plays with others. Every combatant on the winning team will again receive victory points equal to your current character level. Alternatively, at some levels you might participate in a multiple participant battle royale, 1v1v1v...v1.

After all matches in a particular round are completed and all characters are healed, you will then level up to the next level, upgrade old gear and purchase new gear to bring your WBL to an appropriate level and the next round will begin. Lather, rinse, repeat. Each level you will receive the difference between the previous level’s WBL and the next level’s. In addition, at no time can combat consumables make up more than 10% of your total wealth except for level 1 where you may have 1 scroll or potion costing no more than 50 gp. Also, no single item can make up more than 50% of your total wealth at any level.

As you level you may also sell back gear that you are no longer using. Standard 50% sell back rates apply. Because of this if you do a lot of sell back and use a lot of consumables you may end up significantly below the curve on WBL. Be aware of this.

At the end, wherever we decide to end, the player with the most victory points will win! You will walk away with a virtual trophy *OOooh, AAaaah* and bragging rights.

Build Rules:

This is a tournament of heroes! So, we will be going with 25pt buy builds. You may take 2 non-campaign traits. No traits may be taken that adjust the amount of your starting gold or provide you with equipment or equipment upgrades for free. This helps balance everyone’s wealth and makes it easier for me to give everyone the same amount of money as they level.

All Paizo Classes are available, but no 3pp materials. Guns? Occult? Summoners chained and unchained? All fair game.

For races, I tend to think that the race inequalities shake out within the first few levels of gameplay. With the tournament rules the way they are, sweeping levels 1-4 won’t matter much in the long run. For that reason, any paizo race with racepoints less than or equal to 19 is fair game. I know there are some really cool RP unknown races on the pfsrd, but there has to be a line somewhere.

It is 19 specifically so that Kasatha will be off-limits. The one racial ability that I think has real staying power is having more than 2 arms.

HP will be max for level one and then 1/2 hit die rounded up for all subsequent levels (d6=4, d8=5, etc). We will not be rolling for hp because I want to remove that randomness from the tournament and subsequent tier list.

Start your builds at level 1, but have an idea of a leveling path in mind. You don’t have to tell me, but you won’t have a ton of time to level up your character between fights, so having most of those decisions made ahead of time will help.

Starting wealth is 175 gp for every character. This puts everyone on the same page starting wealth wise and make additional wealth as you level easier.

Alignment is 100% open. The normal don’t be a d*** pbp rules do not apply here. You are meant to be evil and kill your opponent, so if you want to build and evil character then bring it.

Background is fairly unimportant since this will be more roll-playing than roleplaying, but there may be some light rping in between combats or while you guys wait for others to finish having an idea of your voice would help. A full 10 minute background is not required...but maybe just a rough outline of their personality and appearance.

I plan to have recruitment open for 2 weeks, after which the maximum even number of builds following the build rules will be selected. Because this is a PVP unfortunately an odd submission would mean an odd man out each round, and that doesn’t really work. So if we get an odd number of completed submissions, I will be picking one of them at random to sit out the competition. Otherwise though, if you submit then you are in. Because of this I will be limiting submissions to one per player, so that everyone has a fair chance of winning the bragging rights and there is no chance of you being pitted against yourself.

Additional Wealth as you level:

Each level you will receive the below additional wealth:
Level 2 - 825gp
Level 3 - 2000gp
Level 4 - 3000gp
Level 5 - 4500gp
Level 6 - 5500gp
Level 7 - 7500gp
Level 8 - 9500gp
Level 9 - 13000gp
Level 10 - 16000gp
Level 11 - 20000gp
Level 12 - 26000gp
Level 13 - 32000gp
Level 14 - 45000gp
Level 15 - 55000gp
Level 16 - 75000gp
Level 17 - 95000gp
Level 18 - 120000gp
Level 19 - 155000gp
Level 20 - 195000gp

Post Rate:

Because these are purely combat there is the potential for them to go rather quickly if both you and your combatant are online at the same time. I would still only request 1 post per day on weekdays though. If you do not post within 48 hours when it is your turn you will forfeit that combat unless you have communicated with the GM by private message ahead of time. If you forfeit two combats in this way you will be removed from the competition.

At the end of a combat round if we end up with an odd number of combatants because someone has been removed from the competition, the combatant with the lowest number of victory points will receive a bye for one round and automatically receive victory points as if they tied with their combatant that round (1/2 character level). If there is still an odd number of combatants after that round, the combatant that received the bye will be removed from the competition to keep the combatant number even.

If this occurs and there is a tie for the lowest number of victory points, the combatant receiving the bye and in danger of automatic elimination will be decided at random.

Answers to questions during build will be posted in the campaign info tab as well as responded to in recruitment.

Probably a few weeks or a month out from opening an actual recruitment for this, but wanting to see if there would be enough interest to make it happen.

Have you ever had a build that you wanted to test, but it doesn't get accepted or isn't right for the games you are seeing? Then this is your opportunity to play test it's mechanics.

This will be a heavy combat, low RP PvP battle tournament. Characters will be stated out as 1st level, randomly paired against each other, and made to fight to the death. The winner will get a point.

After all fights (in seperate threads to keep things somewhat organized) are completed characters will have 48 hours to level and stat up to level 2...they will then be randomly paired and fight to the death again. This time the winner will get 2 points.

Lather, rinse, repeat. Each round you gain a level and WBL for that level...probably have some rule about only a specific amount of that being consumeables...not sure yet. Each level winners will get points equal to their current character the unlikely event of a simultaneous KO both contestants would get 1/2 that number of points rounded down.

Also interested in doing larger groups at certain keystone levels...maybe 2v2 at level 2, or 1v1v1v1 at level 5...something like that.

Each level will have a battle map with different environmental conditions. Maybe there is a pit in the middle with a 60' drop...or the entire map is in a negative energy plane so you take 1d6 points of negative energy damage per round...stuff like that.

In the end there will be trophies (digital) and bragging rights.

That's what I've got.

Are you interested? Have thoughts on how to make it work? Know that it's doomed to failure from the start? Let's talk about it, and if there is enough interest maybe this will happen some time in February or early March.

This may have been asked before, but I don't really know what to google to find it.

I am thinking about building a Half-Orc Zen Archer Vital Striker. Essentially combine Vital Strike and Perfect Strike to get a nearly guaranteed hit massiv damage character level times per day.

Now here is the question I have, the half-orc's favored class bonus gets +1/2 uses of Stunning Fist. But Zen Archer doesn't get stunning fist, they get Perfect Strike instead.

Does that make this favored class bonus useless to the build, or super optimal? Does the half-orc FCB give +1/2 Perfect strike uses to a Half-Orc Zen Archer?

The sun is just scrapping the rim of the horizon as the caravan begins to roll through the outskirts of Ravensmoor. Word has it the aftershocks from the quake stopped more than 2 weeks ago, but there is still an uneasiness in the air; a feeling that the floor could give way at any moment.

As you ride and walk along with the rest of the caravan there is a strange sense of temporary permanence, the contradiction setting your hair on end slightly. Tents and ramshackle buildings stand next to fields and piles of rubble. Some efforts have been made to begin rebuilding, but bringing in the harvest appears to have taken priority.

The cart driver at the front of the caravan seems to have a mixture of sadness and anger. "Hmmph, I guess the finer wares won't be selling this trip. I'll spend most of my time trying to pay a reasonable price for their foodstuffs. On the plus side the lumber and construction materials I brought will do well here. Must let the merchants know not to gouge though...these are lifetime customers, not a one-time opportunity." A single tear rolls down the rotund half-orc's face getting lost in his characteristic red gotee as he guides the carts further into the center.

As you pull to the center of the village, you are greeted by the site of a two-story stone and brick building with a large crack with light peeking out running at an angle down the front and its roof caved in. A sign proclaiming to be the "Wandering Herdsman" hangs at an angle off of a sign post, one of the chains broken and swinging free in the evening breeze.

A youthful looking halfling woman stands officiously on the deck of this inn. Behind her is an elven figure, older than ancient. The man has milky white hair that falls from his crown down to his waist as he leans heavily upon a staff that rises to his height. As he turns to acknowledge the jingle of the tack and clop of the horses hooves you see that his eyes are as milky as his hair.

The halfling mutters a few words to the elf behind her and steps down to meet the carts. "You made good time this year Tuskbeard, we appreciate it. We could make use of the wares you carry. I'm afraid the Herdsman is not in shape to accept your patronage on this trip though, so I will have to ask you to circle your wagons on the outskirts. Joseph Ingleton's field has already been cleared and the weather has been dry, you should find solid enough ground there for all your people."

The half-orc nodded and with a wave of his hand directed the lesser drivers to the appropriate place. "It's good to see you too Mistress Mortana. I am saddened to see the state of Ravensmoor, but you lead a hearty people. I've no doubt they will rebuild just as they did 20 years ago when the Lampblack jumped its banks.

Allow me to introduce some of the travelers that have joined me on my journey this year. Tuskbeard waves the group of your forward. "Mistress, each of these begged passage with my troop claiming they respond to a call for assistance from Ravensmoor."

Welcome to the township of Ravensmoor. We will be using this as a kind of prologue to IC the gathering of the party and stretch our roleplaying in-character legs. Feel free to introduce yourselves to the Mayor. You already know eachother with the possible exception of The Son of Atrau who stated in the background that he has been following the caravan from a distance. SOA, if you want to keep your distance until the next GM post, I will have someone reel you then.

Welcome dungeoneers. Please dot into discussion.

Hi guys,

I am in a play-by-post game here on the boards, and I am trying to finish the rest of my leveling plan for my character. I am playing a Hydrokineticist with the Cold Basic Blast that pinch hits as the backup healer using the Kinetic Healing utility wild talent. We just got to level 3, and I am pretty solid on my plan up through 8, but after that I am not as sure. In particular I don't know what feats to take from level 13 on. Now, since it is a pbp on this board, it could very well die before then. But the theory crafter in me is still bothered that I don't know.

So check out my character sheet, and the below leveling plan I have so far.

1 caveat that you do need to know is we are using the Feat Tax rules. That's how I have Precise Shot at level 1 and am not picking up point blank shot until level 11 because it felt like there was always something better to take.

I also have no idea if at any point I should be using my ability to Change my Infusions or Utility talents. I imagine the Change Utility at 10 and Change infusion at 11 might be a good idea since I can take that as an opportunity to pick up some low level air talents. Same for the 16 and 17 earth talents. But I don't know what if anything I should be picking up. First time playing a kineticist so I am a little lost.

Anyways, open to thoughts, comments, and testimonials. Thanks for any input.

The Plan:

Feat/Ability Plan:
1 F: Precise Shot, E: Cold, I: Extended Range
2 U: Kinetic Healing
3 F: Weapon Focus (Kinetic Blast), I: Kinetic Blade - Current Level
4 U: Veil of Mists
5 F: Elemental Focus (Cold) , I: Entangling Infusion CI: ??
6 U: Slick CU: ??
7 E: Air, F: Extra Wild Talent (U: Air Cushion)
8 U: Wings of Air
9 F: Greater Elemental Focus (Cold) , I: Torrent
10 U: Shimmering Mirage CU: ??
11 F: Point Blank Shot , I: Mobile Blast CI: ??
12 U: Suffocate
13 F: ?? , I: Wall
14 U: Aerial Evasion
15 E: Earth, F: ??
16 U: Elemental Defense (earth) CU: ??
17 F: ?? , I: Deadly Earth CI: ??
18 U: Tidal Wave
19 F: ?? , I: Fragmentation
20 U: Seismic Master

Within the Nation of Varisia lies the small community of Ravenmoor. Situated just east of the Churlwood's northernmost stretch, along the crooked run of the Lampblack River, Ravenmoor is an isolated settlement that sees few visitors. Named for the flocks of ravens that call the surrounding moors home, the village is small, with less than a dozen buildings serving as the town’s center, its businesses serving a population largely confined to outlying ramshackle farmhouses.

A month ago a series of earthquakes shook the town, destroying many of the buildings. The local hedgewitch and harrower says the earthquakes are a portent of death coming from beneath the Storval Stairs to the north.

A call has gone out to anyone brave enough to go and investigate this great evil that is foreseen, and if possible find a way to stop its coming.


Welcome. This will be a homebrew adaptation of The World's Largest Dungeon. I am updating things to Pathfinder from 3.0 because I have never gotten to run it and gosh darnit I want to.

Creation rules:
Any paizo material is allowed with exception of guns and occult. Summoners must be unchained, other chained classes can be unchained if you choose.
20 point buy stats
Race any core or standard races (rp 10 or lower) no advanced races. Sorry aasimar lovers.
Level 1 characters
2 traits, but no campaign traits since those weren't a thing in 3.0
A third trait is accessible by taking a flaw
Max gold for your class type
Hp max to start and then half+1 going forward, or I can roll for you on request. Sorry, no rolling your own hp, not that I don't trust you, just that I don't trust you.
We will be using background skills.
We will not be using the alternate feat tax rules.
I won't be a super stickler about encumberment, but your 9 str wizard better not be carrying around a whole house.

Creation Suggestions:
Your characters are heading into the unknown. Your fortunately have the meta knowledge of knowing that they are going into the darkness and not coming out for a long time. Make them as self sufficient as possible. There will be areas of literal darkness and low light, so bring darkvisiom or a light source, or both. There won't be any cities and few resupply points, you will have some opportunities, but they won't be as frequent as they are in many campaigns. This is why you are getting max gold to start. Use it wisely.

A well balanced party is strongly encouraged. I hope to recruit 6 for this expedition. I would recommend that at least four fit the standard roles: melee/tank, arcane/knowledge, divine/heal, sneak/disable.

Having someone in the party to help with supply issues (like food & water) would probably help lighten your loads of rations.

Keep in mind if you choose a class with a companion, specifically a mount, there may be areas that you won't be able to ride through. It is a dungeon after all.

I undoubtedly have missed something. If you have questions don't hesitate to ask.

Depending on interest levels I hope to close recruiting by Friday the 7th.

Hi all. Need help with a theory craft. As the title says, I have gotten a critical hit focused Warpriest in my head. So far I have him twfing with weapon finesse and then getting some crit feats at 9+ I am not sure what to do with my feats at 3 and one I get at 6 though. Also, direction on diety and blessings would be nice. Right now I have down Kurgess for Strength and Community. I would really like to get Scaly-Kind, but I feel like the are not any playable deities that offer it.

Here is my current feat tree:

1 Weapon Focus: Kukri Weapon Finesse Two weapon fighting
3 Two weapon defense? Combat reflexes?
6 Improved Two Weapon Fighting Vital strike?
9 Improved Critical Critical Focus
12 Greater Two Weapon Fighting Critical Versatility
15 Critical Staggering Critical Bleeding
18 Critical Mastery Critical Censoring

Right now I am planning on Warpriest straight through, but I am open to other thoughts a well.