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![]() so I'm sitting here and thinking of a monk that uses a "scarf" like piece of clothing as a weapon I know there are feats to use improvised weapons. but what else should I go for? the picture in my head is he is at a table and someone tries to take his drink. Then a comical fight happens where he uses nothing but a few kicks and a scarf to teach the punk you don't mess with a man's drink. as always you guys are awesome thank you. ![]()
![]() so I am starting a campaign and I am going hooded champion half elf 25 point but.
as always you guys are awesome thank you. ![]()
![]() I have been playing the franchise for a while and I can't believe I never asked this but. is it possible to perform a leap of faith without a magical assist? because let's face it jump from a tall place with a ring of featherfall is not as cool (imoh) as being a badass that jumps with nothing but skill. ![]()
![]() so as the title says i need help my buddy is going to run a horror campaign and I got the idea to run a caster that uses all the "gross" spell like vomit twin wall of vermin ECT. well I am running into trouble of which class has the most selection for my time. he suggested alchemist but I don't know if that is the best route please help me out. you guys are usually pretty good when it comes to advice. ![]()
![]() so I am going to build a teifling magus my stats are 9,11,12,12,16,10
I was thinking of taking a 3 lol dip into uc rogue so I can get the finesse abilities for a rapier. and the magus would be a hexcrafter.
![]() So I was talking to my DM about my spare character which was going to be a monk. I made mention that I was going to be making him a long spear user. The reason was that I could strike with reach the if they tried getting close (AOO or close combat) I would be able to use my legs or knees with out dropping the spear or without penalty. Do you guys know if this is correct or if there is a FAQ? My DM doesn't fully agree with me and wants to see something rule wise that proves my thinking. Thanks for all responses! ![]()
![]() With the unchained book now out are there any ideas on how to take Edward Kenway and make a pathfinder character. My thoughts are using the unchained rogue with the pirate archetype and then dipping into gunslinger.
![]() As the title line suggests I'm looking to build an unchained rogue that specializes and sneak attacks. While now the while not out of the ordinary I am looking at building him around using knives and rope dart. This is because I really like those two weapons in Assassin's Creed I am in a campaign that allows for A 25 point purchase on abilities. My end goal would be to have him stay unchained rogue only any advice or tips are greatly appreciated ![]()
![]() So once again I come to you all for so help. As the title states I am starting a lvl 1 damphir it is a 20 point buy system and I choose sorcerrer with the undead bloodline(more for fluff then optimization) and I want to try to make him stay combat effective as he lvls up. So I am asking if anyone has tips and advice to keeping him effective until I reach my prestige. Class? Thank you for all responses ahead of time they are always helpful ![]()
![]() Ok so I was thinking about a lvl 7 character and I was going to make a monk with just enough lvls of ninja to get vanish. The tactic he would use is run up smack someone then vanish then next round flurry and vanish again but he would only be using his hands. So I would like to know what advice you have to make this work.
![]() Ok,
![]() Ok once again I come to the conclave of knowledge for help with a build. I am playing a home brew and we are starting as lvl 4 characters I want to build a knife master sorcerer. The thought would be the spells I cast are used to augment my abilities or make it hard for people to see me. The build is 20 points.
![]() Ok so this is my first character in pfs. And I decided I'm running a human knife master. This is what I have so far
Now my plan was to use my first rogue trick for finesse rogue. That much I have covered but I was thinking after this about going feint master or knife thrower master I don't know which. This is why I'm here the awesome people of paizo never steer me wrong. ![]()
![]() So Once again I am on the great source of knowledge known as paizo to ask you all this question.
![]() Once again I need the help of the amazing people here on paizo I am DM’ing and I want to create a NPC and I’m having difficulty on how to build him since I am taking the idea from a iconic serial kill. Jack the Ripper. Has anyone done this or have any tips on where to start? At first I was going to use the swashbuckler archtype but that didn’t give me the exact feel of what jack the ripper was. The stats I have are off a 25 point buy system. The race I was leaning towards was the fletchling and the campaign I have is set in an urban mega sized town.
![]() Ok so here is the challenge that I wanna place on you guys. Its creating a Garret from thief character! Here are the things to know
Reason I am posting this is I wanna see your guys take on it for my group here this is what we said
![]() Hey guys I have a question for you that I need help with. I am in a campaign right now and I was received an unidentified wand. Now I thought a good enough spellcraft check was needed to identify something magical without using identify spell. But I got told no I was wrong.
![]() Ok i have had the hardest time understanding shadow magic it works like the but only a % of the spell is real. So can anyone out there please give me a dummy explaination of WTF you do and how you use it in the rules. Damage spell are for the most part easy enough you roll then take a percent of that off there you go. but for the other spells i have no idea how they work. ![]()
![]() Ok so with me if you read posts from me before i do alot of reading on stuff and then i come on hear and ask your thoughts. Well things havent changed lol. So i have read up on the alternate favored class for humans and sorcerers with them learning a new spell known every lvl as long as it is at least one lvl lower then there max. Well I saw this and nearly crapped myself this adds so much more flexibility to sorcerers that I dont think i would really ever use a wizard granted they may still out cast sorcerers but the huge gap in flexibility is huge with this! what are your guys thoughts? feats saver(expanded arcana) or time waste? ![]()
![]() Ok so I am in a big dilemma I don’t usually run clerics and to make matters worse I will be the only healer. That being said after I have read up on the class on the advice forums I want to run either a Necro cleric or bad touch cleric. Although if it is possible I would LOVE to pull off a necro that can do some bad touch a pseudo “Necrophilia touch” LOL I know that’s a bad name but that is the thought that comes to mind.
![]() Ok so i am making a Druid(wolf shaman) and i swear there is a Feat for extra wild shapes a day but for the life of me i cant find it or remember its name. Now i could be mixing 3.5 with PF (blasphemy i know) but i feel like i have seen it in a PF book before along time ago. also i want to say there is a feat for improving your wild shape power ![]()
![]() Ok I have to ask why is it that being a small character in Pathfinder is such a negative thing when it comes to combat maneuvers. More to the point why does there CMD have to suffer from it CMB I understand and agree with because the CMB is what you use to be able to grabble and other tricks. But I don’t feel that the smaller you are the worse your CMD needs to be because lets face it its had to catch a cat that doesn’t want to be touched or a fly for that matter. But for some reason pathfinder thinks that everybody should be a kung fu master able to catch flies with there hands without any issues. Am I the only only thinking the size needs to be relooked at? ![]()
![]() Ok so I have been tasked by my GM to make a villain for him and I decided that a sorcerer with the abyssal bloodline and lvl's in summoner would be great. Only thing is I don't know where to began really its going to be level 11 and I have free rain on stats, gear , ect. So I was thinking of making him human with the favored class bonus for sorcerer from the APG. The lvl break up would be something like 8 and 3. Any tips on making a AWESOME sorcerer summoner focused character? ![]()
![]() Ok I have re-read the sorcerer and under there spell section they word it in such a way that it lead you to believe that you can learn cleric spells. Wait please let me explain. "sorcerers gain spells normally from the Wizards/sorcerers spell list OR unusal spells through some study." This is not a exact quote because i dont have the book in front of me but this statement tells me that they can gain ANY spell in the book. I asked some friends here and they agree so i am no the only person that is reading it this way. So what are your thoughts on this? I know there are people on here smarter then I. ![]()
![]() After some discussion in another thread I want to start one on possible Archetypes that people would love to see. I feel from personal experience that some classes/ races don’t get the love that others do. I will start for me I would love to see an archetype for the ranger that is a spell-less ranger something that can make them more versatile without losing their feel. I know that kobold did a version of this and it is cool but I don’t think they are exactly what one should be. I always viewed Rangers as a spec op guy of Pathfinder able a slew of amazing feats and never be seen (in Favored terrain of course). There are others I would love to see but the ranger is the only one i actually ever put thought behind. So to all you out there i know I am not alone what would you like to see there are no bad responses cause its your opinion. ![]()
![]() Ok so I have been playing Pathfinders for a few years now and I am loving this system.
![]() Ok so this toon has been running around my head for 2 weeks now. A TWF knife master(rogue archetype) he would use one knife and a whip. Using the whip he trips them and if successful stabs the crap outta them since they have been tripped they are denied there dex meaning they can take backstab dam straight to the face! And once I get greater trip them falling incurs attacks of opportunity which means more backstabs from me. Tell me am i on the right track or am i far off base on my understanding please cause i cant get this idea out of my head! ![]()
![]() Ok so one day I was jogging and a thought came to me. What would it take to build a bounty hunter. My thinking is ranger switch hitter and sorcerer for necro spells things like taking to the dead so that he could talk to the dead victims. Things like that and the half Orc can get scent which would help with tracking the, down. But I want to hear if there are other thoughts our ideas on how to improve o n what I came up with. ![]()
![]() Ok to start I'm not sure we're to post this but I want to join a pfs game online.e since there is no groups around were I live that speak English, so I am looking to find a group that is online wanting new players to join in. Sadly this will also be my first game in pfs, so I don't fully know what to expect. Any help from you guys would be awesome! Thanks for all your guys help in advance. ![]()
![]() Ok so after reading the class guide on witches I am not going to lie I have the itch to try the out. However I have no what's good or not aside from the guide. So I am asking all you hedge witches, shaman, and voodoo witch doctors out there what has been good combos you have found. What were something's you found out that you wish you knew before you built the witch? Was there a awesome combo that you stumbled upon I wanna here it all! ![]()
![]() ok I have posted this question before so please keep reading this is different I swear! Ok I was reading the advice thread on classes and picked the alchemist, then got to thinking how would you build the witcher (geralt from witcher 2) I like reading threads that disect the toons of books and games and try putting them into PF standards. So I am wanting to start a thread that does that. I picked witcher for the first one so lets see how this goes!