![]() so I'm sitting here and thinking of a monk that uses a "scarf" like piece of clothing as a weapon I know there are feats to use improvised weapons. but what else should I go for? the picture in my head is he is at a table and someone tries to take his drink. Then a comical fight happens where he uses nothing but a few kicks and a scarf to teach the punk you don't mess with a man's drink. as always you guys are awesome thank you. ![]()
![]() so I am starting a campaign and I am going hooded champion half elf 25 point but.
as always you guys are awesome thank you. ![]()
![]() I have been playing the franchise for a while and I can't believe I never asked this but. is it possible to perform a leap of faith without a magical assist? because let's face it jump from a tall place with a ring of featherfall is not as cool (imoh) as being a badass that jumps with nothing but skill. ![]()
![]() so as the title says i need help my buddy is going to run a horror campaign and I got the idea to run a caster that uses all the "gross" spell like vomit twin wall of vermin ECT. well I am running into trouble of which class has the most selection for my time. he suggested alchemist but I don't know if that is the best route please help me out. you guys are usually pretty good when it comes to advice. ![]()
![]() so I am going to build a teifling magus my stats are 9,11,12,12,16,10
I was thinking of taking a 3 lol dip into uc rogue so I can get the finesse abilities for a rapier. and the magus would be a hexcrafter.
![]() So I was talking to my DM about my spare character which was going to be a monk. I made mention that I was going to be making him a long spear user. The reason was that I could strike with reach the if they tried getting close (AOO or close combat) I would be able to use my legs or knees with out dropping the spear or without penalty. Do you guys know if this is correct or if there is a FAQ? My DM doesn't fully agree with me and wants to see something rule wise that proves my thinking. Thanks for all responses! ![]()
![]() With the unchained book now out are there any ideas on how to take Edward Kenway and make a pathfinder character. My thoughts are using the unchained rogue with the pirate archetype and then dipping into gunslinger.
![]() As the title line suggests I'm looking to build an unchained rogue that specializes and sneak attacks. While now the while not out of the ordinary I am looking at building him around using knives and rope dart. This is because I really like those two weapons in Assassin's Creed I am in a campaign that allows for A 25 point purchase on abilities. My end goal would be to have him stay unchained rogue only any advice or tips are greatly appreciated ![]()
![]() Well a lvl20 character made it their For a reason I wouldn't be surprised if he bathed with a ring of armor and his primary weapon had returning or defender cause what I would do is have my weapon made of a light weight but durable material and have a rung of mage hand and when I get ambushed mage hand my trusty and heavily enchanted weapon to me and the fight is on
![]() So once again I come to you all for so help. As the title states I am starting a lvl 1 damphir it is a 20 point buy system and I choose sorcerrer with the undead bloodline(more for fluff then optimization) and I want to try to make him stay combat effective as he lvls up. So I am asking if anyone has tips and advice to keeping him effective until I reach my prestige. Class? Thank you for all responses ahead of time they are always helpful ![]()
![]() Ok so I was thinking about a lvl 7 character and I was going to make a monk with just enough lvls of ninja to get vanish. The tactic he would use is run up smack someone then vanish then next round flurry and vanish again but he would only be using his hands. So I would like to know what advice you have to make this work.
![]() Well for me three rounds is not long first off its only 18 seconds real time. And secondly the reason suggest ninja was stated above the assassin is a prestigue class that you have to think tactically it has a ability that allows you to perform a death atk and the walk away that allows you to kill someone and never have to enter combat. So that annoying wizard you have to kill could be killed and your team would be a succes with lout ever rolling unit. I am not saying they are a catch all that's why I like them I am saying that if you have a group that is ok with running stealth tactics then this guy is a good option for that playstyle. ![]()
![]() Ok,
![]() Well my thoughts were to build him up enough to get acess to fog spells and things like that but like was said earlier a magus would be a better choice. I guess I should tell you guys what want to build my thought is to male a rogue that steals from mages and by doing so has become a spell user for him,herself. But I don't want to fall into the ninja class I want more spell flexibility then just the vanish trick(which is a quick way to piss off your dm imho) ![]()
![]() While not a true game mechanic the "greater" magics need rituals to accomplish so a truly strong magic user could in theory make spell traps on the field of battle of there choice to say take the minds of a group of people that walk on top of it or summon elementals in the middle of a army to raze havoc. Ritual magic is very strong but takes time and alot of resources. So the magic user may not even be seen on the field. But all the traps and spells they laid can kill them out right. ![]()
![]() Ok once again I come to the conclave of knowledge for help with a build. I am playing a home brew and we are starting as lvl 4 characters I want to build a knife master sorcerer. The thought would be the spells I cast are used to augment my abilities or make it hard for people to see me. The build is 20 points.
![]() Ok so this is my first character in pfs. And I decided I'm running a human knife master. This is what I have so far
Now my plan was to use my first rogue trick for finesse rogue. That much I have covered but I was thinking after this about going feint master or knife thrower master I don't know which. This is why I'm here the awesome people of paizo never steer me wrong. ![]()
![]() So Once again I am on the great source of knowledge known as paizo to ask you all this question.
![]() Well it would depend on when the child was "adopted" if they were around 40's and then the family raised him for another 20 years putting him around 60 and you figure that 120 is equal to 20 human years then he would be 10ish physically and perhaps mentally. So then your next question is does he favor the human mentallity or the elven one cause if he favored the humans then he could start traveling at 60 years old. Im of the opinion it depends on the overall backstory and idea. ![]()
![]() I would make a lvl 4 ninja lvl 6 witch and cast slumber then use vanishing trick so that he cant traget you or the party then attack him while he is out and cast vanishing trick again. then rinse and repeat.
![]() well to answer Tims question this Jack the ripper is going to be a little of your first to comments they need to capture him but because they are trying to catch him they get on his list and he is going to try and kill him.
![]() Sweet I am loving this adive posts! My party is a group of LVL 10 characters. I am wanting him to be able to sneak up to them and put a hurting on them and be able to go away so the human is more then likely the best race for this. I never thought of the vivisectionist so i will have to look at it. Although the thought of having him be CHA and persuade his victims is more of how I envisioned this NPC/ Big baddie to be. ![]()
![]() Once again I need the help of the amazing people here on paizo I am DM’ing and I want to create a NPC and I’m having difficulty on how to build him since I am taking the idea from a iconic serial kill. Jack the Ripper. Has anyone done this or have any tips on where to start? At first I was going to use the swashbuckler archtype but that didn’t give me the exact feel of what jack the ripper was. The stats I have are off a 25 point buy system. The race I was leaning towards was the fletchling and the campaign I have is set in an urban mega sized town.
![]() I’m of the opinion that unless you have uncanny dodge you should be treated flat footed. Also I think it has to do with the trap, if you have to make a perception check to find them it’s because the creator didn’t want them to be found so your surprised when they go off and a spike shots through your foot. On the same token You see a giant rock with a log holding it up and a rope across your path tied to the log you shouldn’t be flat footed when you pull it and the rock comes at you. ![]()
![]() Ok so here is the challenge that I wanna place on you guys. Its creating a Garret from thief character! Here are the things to know
Reason I am posting this is I wanna see your guys take on it for my group here this is what we said
![]() Hey guys I have a question for you that I need help with. I am in a campaign right now and I was received an unidentified wand. Now I thought a good enough spellcraft check was needed to identify something magical without using identify spell. But I got told no I was wrong.