Gold Dragon

Srurdez's page

175 posts. Organized Play character for FireclawDrake.

5/55/5 *** Venture-Agent, Online—VTT

Hey folks,

Just wanted to clear something up regarding the clarification from this post.

James Case wrote:

4. The errata states that “the GM might allow you” to upgrade an item from a lower-level version to a higher-level version (for instance, upgrading a type I bag of holding to type II). This is allowed for Pathfinder Society.

I was recently in a game where a GM said that you were allowed to upgrade items for merely the cost of the difference in gold pieces, citing this post as their example.

But this post is specifically in the context of the Craft activity, allowing crafters to upgrade items.

Is there any further clarification to this ruling that would allow you upgrade items without using the Craft activity and the requisite Downtime?

Hey everyone!

It's come to light in the Pathfinder Society due to a rules clarification that Clerics and Druids do not automatically add common spells from books other than the CRB to their list of spells they can prepare and cast, and must instead use Learn a Spell to gain those common spells.

I'd like to steer clear of discussing the RAW in this thread, since the OPM has said that the above is RAI, as in literally the designer intent of the Cleric and Druid classes. I suspect we'll receive an errata to that effect at some point.

Given that this makes them much more like Wizards (though not entirely, as they effectively begin play with all of the CRB spells on their list (in their books to extend the spellbook metaphor)), do you think that they should have been given a Spellbook-like class feature to indicate that learning new prayers and such would likely be a core aspect of the class?


I was going to apply a gift certificate to this order but I realized after I added it to the sidecart that it won't work. So I just submitted the order again as a non-sidecart order.

Please cancel this order and remove the item from my sidecart.


Hello all,

I had forgotten I put the Gamemastery Guide in my sidecart and purchased a retail copy locally at launch. Can I please have it removed from this order?

Much obliged,

The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

Hi everyone! Glad to have you here.

I expect this game to run into Christmas holidays, and I know I am going to be out of town for at least some of that time. As such, any posting expectations will be relaxed between the 22-28 of December. I will not bot anyone during that time, nor will I push to advance the plot during that time. I will try to avoid starting a combat shortly before that. Hopefully folks are understanding. If you would like an addendum to those rules, please feel free to speak up.

As for my typical schedule, I try to post for the game at least once a day, but often I am able to update twice, and rarely three times in a day. The only exception is weekends, where my schedule is erratic and I may not post at all.

What I expect from my players is once a day posting on weekdays, and that their actions are clear, especially in combat. I will generally colour-code enemies, please make sure you indicate your targets clearly so I am not guessing on your character's behalf.

If you have any questions/comments, go ahead! Otherwise I'll take your information and you can standby.

APL is 6.6, so we will be playing up a bit in tier 7-8.

Game start date will be December 3rd.

Player name:
Character name:
Faction slotted:
Day Job & roll:

The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

Dot and delete

The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

Dot and delete!

The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

Hi everyone! For those in the States, I hope you had a nice holiday. Speaking of...

I expect this game to run into Christmas holidays, and I know I am going to be out of town for at least some of that time. As such, any posting expectations will be relaxed between the 22-28 of December. I will not bot anyone during that time, nor will I push to advance the plot during that time. I will try to avoid starting a combat shortly before that. Hopefully folks are understanding. If you would like an addendum to those rules, please feel free to speak up.

As for my typical schedule, I try to post for the game at least once a day, but often I am able to update twice, and rarely three times in a day. The only exception is weekends, where my schedule is erratic and I may not post at all.

What I expect from my players is once a day posting on weekdays, and that their actions are clear, especially in combat. I will generally colour-code enemies, please make sure you indicate your targets clearly so I am not guessing on your character's behalf.

If you have any questions/comments, go ahead! Otherwise I'll take your information and you can standby.

Game start date will be December 3rd.

Player name:
Character name:
Faction slotted:
Day Job & roll:

The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

Ooc chatter goes here!

This is my recruitment post for Starfinder Society Scenario 1-08, Sanctuary of Drowned Delight.

The scenario has the Wayfinders tag, is tier 3-6, and does include some underwater combat, so please be familiar with the underwater combat rules, at the bottom of the linked page. I do not have a preferred subtier. If you sign up and it looks like the game is going to fall outside your character's subtier, you are welcome to withdraw just do it ASAP please so that the seat may open up for someone else.

GM Expectations

  • I am still somewhat new to SFS, so expect some minor issues with the SFS format.
  • I will update the game as often as I can, which can mean several updates in a day.
  • I may make mistakes, oversights, errors, and so on. If you spot one, please do not hesitate to point it out to me. I am not perfect and will appreciate your help. :)

    Player Expectations

  • I want you to have fun playing - this is rule 1. If you are not having fun, please let me know, and we will work together so that you can have fun.
  • Please try to post once every 24 hours. If you find you do not have time to post, a quick "hey please bot me" or "can't post today" will allow me to move on.
  • Please remember that this is a social experience as well as a game so please feel free to chatter away in discussion. (Though do not feel like you need to do so).

    Please apply below, and include the following. Seats are first-come-first-serve.

    Player name:
    Character name:
    Day Job (if any, do not roll yet):
    Have you played/GM'd this scenario before, or anything else I should know?

    We will begin as soon as we have 6! Failing that, if we reach minimum legal table size, we will begin on November 18th.

  • The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

    The Starfinders filter their way into meeting room to which they have been directed, summoned by the leader of the Wayfinders, Fitch. The meeting room is well stocked with various snacks and refreshments, and Fitch is standing by patiently as you take your seats.

    The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

    Ooc chatter goes here.

    This is my recruitment post for Starfinder Society Scenario 1-10, The Half-Alive Streets.

    I do not have a preferred subtier, though it is likely given the nature of the boards that the subtier will be 1-2.

    GM Expectations

  • This is my first time GMing a SFS game, so expect some small struggles with the format. I am still learning, and if you see me making a mistake or you think I have made an error somewhere, please let me know.
  • I will update the game as often as I can, but at least once per day.
  • GMs want to have fun too - we are not babysitters. If you have drama with another player, keep it to PMs.

    Player Expectations

  • I want you to have fun playing - this is rule 1. If you are not having fun, please let me know, and we will work together.
  • It is not fair to the other players to have to wait to play - please try to post once every 24 hours. If you find you do not have time to post, a quick "hey please bot me" or "can't post today" in discussion can save a bit of time.

    Please apply below, and include the following. Seats are first-come-first-serve.
    1) Player name:
    2) Character name:
    3) SFS#-Character#:
    4) Faction:
    5) Day Job (if any, do not roll yet):
    6) Have you played/GM'd this scenario before, or anything else I should know?

  • The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

    A group of Starfinders arrive at the Lorespire Complex for a briefing by Venture-Captain Arvin. They have been asked to wait a few minutes, as the Venture-Captain is currently meeting with someone...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Hey there folks.

    Alien Archive 2 is upon us and with it comes the much anticipated (at least by my players) polymorphing rules.

    I'd suggest giving them a read through if you haven't. I have some thoughts about them, both positive and negative. Let's start with the positive.

    -Polymorphing is not restricted to things that exist. You can design a completely new alien/monster to turn into. This works great for biotech flavour.
    -Multilevel spells are always great design. A polymorpher only needs to spend 1 spell known ever (maybe more for the baleful or mass versions)
    -Sample forms are a great starting point.
    -No OP mechanics (bonus health pools, replacing stats, etc)
    -Forms must be declared as generic or specific individuals, meaning PCs can't use polymorph to impersonate people easily.
    -Granted natural attacks do not appear to be restricted to kinetic damage or melee attacks, once again working great from a biotech point of view. Though the RAW seems to indicate that even ranged natural attacks will benefit from Str, which seems to be an oversight.

    -The hardcapped attack bonus is... bad. No two ways about it. +18 at level 18 is harsh for a 6th level spell. I understand not wanting to make direct combatants obsolete with a spell, but the hardcap is a BIG problem for using polymorphing in combat. The best way to cripple your melee soldier is to turn them into a giant powerful dragon.
    -Similarly, DCs on special abilities are so restricted as to limit them to out-of-combat utility. The DCs are capped at 10+(1.5*spell level), or 19 for the most powerful version of the spell. At the level you acquire Polymorph as a 6th level spell, enemies have BAD saves of +14, meaning 5+ saves.

    In conclusion, to me the polymorph rules are great for flavour. I love the unrestricted nature of designing your own forms. However, the combat potential for these spells is limited at best. Useful for things like gaining a different speeds, resistances/DR, etc). I'm sure there's some way to get around these restrictions (forms with special abilities that buff, or change your base attack instead of adding hardcapped natural attacks), but that means your polymorphing is going to be pidgeonholed in to certain ways of using it.

    Love to hear what you guys think though, I could be mistaken.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    I'm not trying to be negative, but it kinda feels like Starfinder has been forgotten during the hubbub of the PF2 playtest. We don't have an announcement for a book after Alien Archive 2, nothing forthcoming about any of the Starfinder miniature lines, no additional accessories except for the Beginner Box.

    Heck, Starfinder's splash page on the website is proudly proclaiming that the Pact Worlds book is releasing this month! That was in April. Here we are, almost 6 months later...

    Just seems... worrisome for the future of Starfinder.

    15 people marked this as a favorite.

    I realize this is probably going to be a sensitive issue and plenty of people who are emotionally invested in the alignment system aren't going to like it... but here we go.

    Ahem. We should drop the alignment system entirely from Pathfinder 2E.

    Alignment serves no mechanical purpose

    Alignment is the game's primary system for us to have a lens by which we can have weapons, spells, defenses, etc, for defining the classic tropes of "holy" vs "unholy". In a mechanical sense, it gives creatures weaknesses, resistances, or immunities to certain damage types and effects.

    However, all of these things can exist in an alignment vacuum. Damage types and spell effects aplenty exist in Pathfinder already, as well as weaknesses to those effects. Fire damage does not depend on alignment and frankly, neither does "good" damage. One can be a Lawful Good paladin, bastion of all that is holy, and still have a weakness to "good" damage. Pathfinder adventure paths were full of assorted demons, devils, and other "evil" creatures who have turned to the side of good, yet are still weak to Holy weaponry. Similarly, it is relatively easy to conceptualize a fallen Angel, tainted and evil, who is weak to unholy arms. Alignment-type effects must therefore not be dependent on alignment specifically, but rather on something else (physiology, for example, like how zombies are weak to slashing).

    You can still have good or "holy", evil or "unholy" damage without having alignment factored into it. Similar for chaos or "anarchic" damage and law and "axiomatic" damage.

    Spells that affect only certain alignments can be modified or simply dropped. Protection for example, provides a +1 conditional bonus to AC and saves, which is upped to +3 against direct control type abilities and summoned creatures. It's a level 1 spell, and it's uncommon. To me, it doesn't even seem that much more powerful if it affects ALL alignments.

    Alignment hinders storytelling and pigeonholes characters

    Alignment serves as the root of countless arguments of "your character wouldn't do that", and "is my character dictated by my alignment or is my alignment dictated by my character?", and even "if I do one evil thing in a moment of passion, in a life of service and altruism, am I evil or good?"

    It all boils down to this: alignment only hinders storytelling without doing much to redeem itself. There's an argument to be made that it helps newbies understand who their character is and what they might do. I have taught many newbies in my time as a GM, and in most cases alignment only dumbs down or straight-jackets a character. You are telling newbies "Look at this funny chart of superheroes. Pick a superhero who is now your character's personality." Alignment only serves to limit roleplaying and remove nuance. Characters can be goody-two-shoes without an LG slapped next to their name, but characters can also believe in the law, in helping people, in the greater good, while still having a ruthless streak that would put them on the Evil side of the fence in traditional alignment structures. Meanwhile, even an orc who loves wanton destruction and killing and believes in strength over all can have friends he trusts and loves so much that he would die for them.

    Restrictions on Alignment destroy nuance

    To provide a concrete example of what I'm talking about, I'm going to reference a paizo published Adventure Path.

    In the Shattered Star Volume 4, there is a Cleric of Zon-Kuthon by the name of Gein Kafog. He is a Lawful Neutral Cleric of a Chaotic Evil god. This is because Gein had a non-traditional view of Zon-Kuthon, and I quote: "Zon-Kuthon’s manifestation as the lord of darkness, envy, loss, and pain is not representative of his desires but of his condition. Gein sees Zon-Kuthon as the ultimate martyr, and that he took upon himself his dreadful transformation from the god he was before as a way to protect his sister Shelyn from a great and unknown peril."

    That is fantastic! A follower of a dark god, but not because he believes in pain, envy or loss, but that the god has taken those unto himself. Under the current alignment system in PF2E, this super interesting character would not be permitted. We would lose this bit of nuance, this alternate view of an otherwise wholly evil god.

    But Paladins!

    Paladins have a code of conduct already that isn't dependent on alignment (beyond some mentions of evil, which the GM has to adjudicate anyway). NEXT!

    Alignment leads to some weird stuff

    Divine Wrath is a 4th-level spell which deals damage based on alignment. It also contains this line: "You can’t cast this spell if [...] your deity is true neutral." This means that Pharasma, Gozreh, and Nethys have no palpable wrath. You're a cleric of Pharasma and you're calling on your Goddesses' hatred and loathing of all that is undead, and you summon her wrath down upon these abominations... and all Phasrasma can conjure for you is a wet fart noise at best. Sorry, she's just not very wrathful cause true neutral deities are just so chill amirite?

    Divine Wrath deals much less damage than it's contemporaries (Fireball and Lightning Bolt, both a spell level lower, deal considerably more damage), simply because it allows you to potentially exclude people who are on "your side"... you know that Rovagug, he's always worried about his fellow evil folk. His Wrath only goes so far.

    I could probably write a fair deal more and provide more examples, but I anyone who's reading this liekly had their mind made up either way, and I'm sleepy now.

    As I was reading through the monster creation rules, a thought occured to me...

    The only ability score that is used at all for any level of creation is Strength (it adds to melee damage). Beyond that, everything is based on the CR of monster being created.

    So why bother?

    The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

    Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria...

    …there came an era when the ideals of friendship gave way to greed, selfishness, paranoia and a jealous reaping of dwindling space and natural resources. Lands took up arms against their neighbors. The end of the world occurred much as we had predicted -- the world was plunged into an abyss of balefire and dark magic. The details are trivial and pointless. The reasons, as always, purely our own. The world was nearly wiped clean of life. A great cleansing; a magical spark struck by pony hooves quickly raged out of control. Megaspells rained from the skies. Entire lands were swallowed in flames and fell beneath the boiling oceans. Ponykind was almost extinguished, their spirits becoming part of the ambient radiation that blanketed the lands. A quiet darkness fell across the world...

    …But it was not, as some had predicted, the end of the world. Instead, the apocalypse was simply the prologue for another bloody chapter in pony history.

    On an unremarkable afternoon in the Wasteland some two hundred years after the Megaspells flew, two unicorns found themselves in a small village by the name of Greenville, on the outskirts of the ruins of old Dodge Junction. While Dodge Junction had once been a boomtown during prewar Equestria, it was now little more than a crumbling ruin, suitable only for scavengers and raiders.

    The bar in Greenville was run by a mare by the name of Cherry Punch. Like most everything else in the Wasteland, it was dirty, patchwork, and barely holding together. Wartime posters and signs ("Better Wiped Than Striped! Join the Equestrian Forces today!") covered up parts of the wall where the damage was worse , like the bar was try to pretend to be better than it really was. The owner was a middle aged mare with a dark purple coat, and more than her share of scars.

    But the drinks were good, and an old battered radio crackled and droned out a song from a happier time.

    Outside, a few sickly rays of Celestia's evening sun managed to pierce the thick overcast curtain that was ever-present in the Wastes.

    The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

    Any OOC commentary/discussion about the game goes here.

    Oops, I accidentally ordered Howl of the Carrion King when I already own this book. Any way this can be taken off the order?

    Hey folks, when I try to add the Adventure Paths which are on sale for the Great Golem sale, they say they are 6$, but when they are added to the cart they show up at 16.99. Which is the actual price?

    I made a thread!


    I have a somewhat sensitive matter I'd like to discuss Privately with a mod if possible. Can we chat via PM or email?



    Hey folks!

    The rules seem to be silent about whether or not you have the ability to use the Run action while flying. The Fly spell specifically states that you can Charge, but cannot run, but what about natural Flight? I mean, the Spider Climb spell states you cannot Run, but you already cannot Run while climbing!

    Does ascending count as your movement being 'impeded' as per difficult terrain, thus preventing charges up?

    The rules have entires for Burrowing, Climbing, and Swimming, but are completely silent! Please help (preferably with rules text and not speculation!)

    3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

    Alright, so I have a mini-rant about this little quirk I've just discovered.

    So, Harmless spells do not automatically bypass SR. So why does every notiation of SR on harmless spells include that little (harmless) tag? Harmless has literally zero effect on whether or not spell resistence applies.

    The rules are pretty clear on this, so why do we tag the SR section with (harmless)? And why are there entries like this in the rules:

    Cure Light Wounds wrote:
    An undead creature can apply Spell Resistance, and can attempt a Will save to take half damage.

    Is this just lazy editing, or do the devs themselves not understand how Spell Resistance applies to harmless spells?

    Also: gaining Spell Resistance means you can virtually never cast spells on yourself ever again, unless they are quickened, as you have to lower your own SR as a standard action, but then it is back at the start of your next turn! No self-buffing allowed!

    Seriously, there are some major problems with the way SR applies to harmless spells.

    The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

    6 years, 1 month, 12 days and 10 hours since the defeat of Chronarchus

    It has been a long six years for the world of Anatar - broken and shattered in the wake of the events leading up to the Battle of the Gods and subsequently, the arrival and defeat of Chronarchus. Many of the champions that stepped forward at that time have since disappeared from the world - Mortuus and Seleran Delar have not been seen since, Panul Sault has returned to Cintar to tend to his duties as High Priest of Dracutl, Olfgar the Sandman was killed in the final battle, and the child known only as "Door" has only been heard in whispers.

    In this shattered and broken world - torn apart by seemingly endless civil wars and poltical strife - are four young people about to embark on a long journey. All seemingly called or beckoned by some unknown force, have made their way to this: a small clearing fronting a cave entrance in the rugged foothills of the country of Heldenus.

    Once a part of the Netyhsian Empire, Heldenus was known for it's abundant supply of both iron and coal for the making of steel. Though it is well-forested, the timber is generally not of high quality, as the soil is not very fertile. This is also home to a good majority of the remnants of the Nethysian Empire's Air fleet - many of the military vessels owed their loyalty to Admiral Invictus, who seized the region of Heldenus after the death of the Imperial family.

    And so into this rugged terrain, our young people have tracked. It is nearing the end of the spring season, and getting into the summer season - the wet season in this part of the world. Indeed, while it is sunny out at the moment, a storm can be seen brewing to the east, thunderheads curling up into impressive anvils, tall and threatening.

    The glade, which fronts the cave is not a large one and it is quite rocky all things considered, seems to be where our strange grouping of young men and women appear to be called towards. A young free spirit of Desecrate, a promising Tinker of House Dask in Sannatus, a Gandian ex-Vanguard woman chosen by the Gods, and a Vanguard loyalist of Nethys. A strange group of strangers to be so drawn to this seemingly unremarkable place.

    The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

    Hey guys.

    So, before we get into any actual playing, there are a few things I want to get on the table, and we can have a discussion about them.

    1. House Rules - I have a few house rules that I run with, but they are nothing overly crazy or special. I want everyone to be on board with them before we continue on. So, if you have a problem with them, please let me know:

  • Character Creation: I allow each player to roll a set of 4d6-drop-the-lowest rolls for their stats. They may take that set if they choose, but there are no rerolls. Otherwise it is a 20 point buy. ("Luck of Heroes")
  • Hit Points: I generally do hitpoints is this way: Max HP at first level. Beyond first level, players may choose each level to either roll their hit dice or take the average hit points. As dice give a .5 average, on odd levels it is rounded up, and even levels it is rounded down. This avoids the problem of having half a hit point which occurs in PFS (and annoys me slightly, even if it has no effect on gameplay).
  • Skill Checks: Typically, Natural 1 or 20 do not affect Skill check rolls beyond simply being a low roll. I personally find this a little boring. So, when making skill checks, a roll of natural 1 confers an additional -5 penalty on rolls, while a roll of natural 20 confers a +5 bonus.
  • Hero Points: I like the idea of hero points, but not the implementation as it stands in Paizo. So, I suggest this change: All hero point usages remains the same. PCs start the game with 3 hero points, but they do not replenish upon level-up. If a player feels that they have done something "heroic" enough (it doesn't need to be heroic per se, but it ought to be 'worthy'), they may submit to the group and the group will decide as a collective whether whatever actions was worthy of earning a hero point.

    None of these are written in stone, this is just my preferred way of playing. If the is a clear objection against any one of these, we can simply nix them.

    2. Table Themes: We should, as a group, decide what is appropriate for the 'table'. By Paizo, we are restricted to a PG-13 (ish) game, but this does not mean thing like alchohol, sex, and the like may not enter into the game. I'd like to know how each player feels about sensitive topics, if anyone has particular objections or things they definitely /do not/ want to see in the game.

    Beyond that, I'd like to get a feel for what 'kind' of game we want to be playing. Personally I find PBP combat to be a bit sluggish - it /is/ unavoidable I think, in a dice game, that some combat is going to happen. The question is: how much combat do we want? Is the party going to be a group of adventurers, seeking out battle and combat, or are they going to be a group of friends who simply want to further their goals together? Of course, these are not all the possible options, but that's a discussion I would like us to have before we begin. The world is out there... how do you guys want to experience it?

    3. The Setting: This will be a brand new setting for all you guys (except for Lyn, if she joins us), and so I have included a small blurb on each country: they are considerably more detailed than that, but most of it is stored in my brain or scattered around, and getting it all collected in a readable format is a daunting task at best - and so I have summarized it. I'm sure there will be questions and such. There are a few references to "Battle of the Gods" and "Chronarchus". These are events that occured in a previous campaign in this setting, and while they impact the whole world, they may not directly impact characters - it has been about five years since those events, and so your characters may have been children/teenagers during them.

    It should however, be noted that many of these events have shattered empires. There are several ongoing civil wars, new countries that have recently been founded, etc, etc. The state of the world is one of order turned into chaos in the wake of powerful, world-shattering events.

    There is no "Common" lanaguage, and no racial lanagues either. Extra-planar, secret and "magical" lanaguages (such as Sylvan) are still present, but there is a list of languages in the campaign tab.

    A few more notes about the setting: The setting does away with non-human humanoids. It is much more Earth-like in that way: humans are the dominant species. While there undoubtedly exists many fantastical creatures: dragons, undead, magical beasts and so on, humans are the only humanoid race (at least, on the material plane). In order to have some variation in character creation there is human Bloodlines - sub-races which are attuned to one of the Inner Planes (Fire, Earth, Air, Water, Positive/Negative Energy), giving a total of 7 races. All the information I have prepared is under the campaign info. Please ask me if you have questions, or want me to detail further a specific area/deity, etc.

    4. Other stuff: Anything else relevant you guys can think of.

    Let's talk! And when we're done talking, we'll play! :)

  • I just realized after not getting shipments for quite a few months that my payment method has been declined... probably because I changed addresses and forgot to update my credit card address.

    However, I've changed my address now... Paizo still reports a declined payment method... but when I look at my credit card online, it shows the charges are there and pending...

    Has my bank blocked Paizo, or something?

    It may be that I have missed reading something in the Magic section rather than the spell description...

    Scintillating Pattern's duration is "concentration + 2 rounds"... but it doesn't say exactly what is meant by this in the spell description?

    Do creatures in the affected area continue to have the effects of the Scintillating Pattern hit them and refresh durations each round? Or does it only affect new creatures entering the area?

    I'd like to halt my subcriptions to both the Campaign Setting, and the Player Companion books. In addition, please remove Knights of the Inner Sea and Artifacts and Legends from Order 2238280.

    I want to say that this is in no way a commentary on the quality of the products you guys release, and is simply a financial decision. Keep making great stuff!

    Just thought I'd throw this out onto the Paizo boards for any fellow Southern Albertans. Organizing a real life pokemon tournament in early December. Details and updates will be available here:!/events/439658076077139/439658079410472/?comment_ id=439735959402684&notif_t=event_mall_comment

    If you don't use Facebook, feel free to PM me on the boards.

    Hey guys,

    My gaming group is going to be starting a game in a few months in which I will be playing a Razmiran priest. I perused the Reaper miniatures for Pathfinder and was disappointed to find that there wasn't an official one. Anyone have a suggestion for a miniature I could use in this respect?

    Things I am specifically looking for:
    -Preferably hooded
    -Definitely masked
    -The character in question will be a wand-wielding sorcerer, so preferably wielding a wand, but I'm not that picky about this point.

    Thanks in advance!

    1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

    Alright, a bit of a question here:

    Give the fact that a mount (presumably) seperate actions than the character riding it. With this in mind, how does a character "charge" while mounted? Does the mount charge? Does this then leave the mounted character free to do a full attack? If they do, will they still get the charge bonuses?

    I'm not sure if there are rules on this, but I can't seem to find them. Mounts are an exception to the normal rules.

    The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

    The Coraillan Capitol - Lord's Landing - 4 years, 256 days, 2 hours after the defeat of Chronarchus:

    It has been a long year since the Coraillan rebels fought and drove out the Khallan administration and loyalists. The Khallan Empire, too concerned with the rampaging hordes of Undead leftover from the once great nation of Sehlash, have not attempted to re-take the belligerent colony, devoting their military resources instead to the defense of their homeland. This has given the Coraillan government time to get organized. Time poorly spent, in many peoples eyes. But here is a man, Elrint Jobe, attempting to put the pieces together. He has been busy, arranging a visit from a delegation of Nethysia - a faction vying for control of the once-vast Nethysian empire. His goal is plainly to have one of the legitimate heirs to the Nethysian throne recognize Coraillan as a country in its own right.

    To this end, Elrint Jobe has gathered a varied sample of the population. Some friends, some acquantices, old political connections. They are all here to attend the meeting, to show off Coraillan's breadth of diversity.

    An old temple to Razgriz has been appointed the meeting place for the delegation. Upon entering, it's clear that no expense was spared. Fine cloth and art cover parts of the temple where religious symbols could not be removed. The white marble floor and walls have been polished to a mirror finish and the stained-glass windows - formerly depicting Razgriz and His Saints - have all been replaced with stained glass of the Champions of Silval. Mortuus occupies the place of the greatest honour, at the center of the windows. The window depicts him as a heroic man, fighting on despite his terrible wasting condition. It is clear why he was chosen for the position of the most honour - Mortuus was a Nethysian national.

    An elegant table laden with rich food sits near the front of the hall, servants dressed in white still busy placing the finishing touches. The pews which filled the temple have been removed, giving the room a massive, open feel.

    Elrint Jobe told you to be early, but it doesn't seem that he himself is here as of yet. Several others, clearly not servants or the members of the Nethysian delegation, have also entered the building.

    Apologies. This is an invitation-only game. This thread is simply to keep Character Creation away from other stuff. Thanks for your understanding.

    Character Creation Rules:

  • Bloodlines only for Races (Please see Campaign Info)
  • 1 set of 4d6-drop-the-lowest rolls, 3.5 style. 1 Three Dragon Ante Tarot Reading at 25pts (see Dragon Magazine 346 for details), and if you don't like either of those results, you can do a 20pt buy.
  • 1 "Regional" Trait (forthcoming), 1 Normal Trait, and 1 Campaign Trait (forthcoming, or custom)
  • Any Paizo core material accepted. Permission required for 3.5 or 3rd party material, as well as homebrew material.
  • May choose to roll or take average Starting Cash
  • All alignments allowed. Please be aware that I won't cater to stupidity (if you're caught stealing in a place where they cut off hands for stealing, be prepared to have your hands removed.)
  • A bonus feat selected from the following list: Acrobatic, Alertness, Animal Affinity, Athletic, Cosmopolitan, Deceitful, Deft Hands, Strength of Body*, Insightful Reflexes*, Force of Personality*, Magical Aptitude, Persuasive, Self-Sufficient, Stealthy, Skill Focus.

    *These feats are from 3.5. Essentially each allows you to switch one stat for a different stat in Saves. (Str instead of Con, Int instead of Dex, Cha instead of Wis)

  • The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

    The defeat of Chronarcus left the world in a shattered state. Old gods died, new gods were born. Nations forged and destroyed. In the wake of battle, the Champions of Silval the Bloodcloaked dispersed. Only some of what happened to them is known. It is rumoured that Mortuus and Seleran Delar were tasked by the gods with guarding the bones of Chronarcus. No one knows where the teen known only as "Door" disappeared to, or the summoner Vare. Sault is now the High Priest of Dracutl in the land of the same name. Others... lesser players in the campaign against Chronarcus still wander the world, moving from place to place, but the effects of the battle have caused many countries to splinter. Among these is the Khallan Empire, who now faces a rebellion in the territory of Lord's Landing, and unrest and discontent fermenting in the homeland.

    The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

    The call had gone out. "By order of the Pactmasters, Almah Roveshki is to reclaim the village of Kelmarane, and is seeking Mercenaries to join her."

    Though you all had different motivations for going to Kelmarane, that's how you ended up here, in the middle of the scorching hot Katapeshi scrublands, riding the camels of a man named Garavel, the majordomo of Almah. The camel caravan has already been travelling for several days, with no sign of stopping yet.

    The land around you is infested with cacti, making the going slow at times, and in the distance to the west, you can see the Pale Mountain on the horizon, like a tombstone standing across this wasteland.

    Garavel isn't exactly the chatty sort, and leads the caravan with a stern face, only talking when required. However, you do have a chance to converse with the other folks in the caravan, as you see fit.

    You have some time to introduce yourselves to your traveling companions, describe yourself, and get to know each other. I'll post again tomorrow, so you have until then to chat it up.

    The Half-Alive Streets | Truth of the Seeker | The Sanctuary of Drowned Delight

    Hey guys. So here's what I'm thinking I'll need before we can move on:

    1. If you'd like a tarot reading, please say so now. I will do one for you and post the results here.

    2. Let's work out any kinks in your character concept before moving to straight crunch. (I liked what I read, but I have a few questions/concerns which I will list in another post below).

    3. I'd like to ensure that everyone is comfortable with the maturity level in this game. In my games, there is sex/gore/death/violence and other things that can occur in real life. I'm not gonna hold back, just because there may be little kids reading. Also, I wanna make it clear that just because I allow sex and such in my games, doesn't make it alright for X-rated descriptions to be posted - we aren't writing a group fanfic after all. Keep any such descriptions to the point.

    As always, if you have questions for me, feel free to ask. I will try to answer as best I can.

    Hello all,

    I've recently acquire the Legacy of Fire and I'm interested in running this adventure. However, I'm currently gauging interest, and will decide if I will run it online or simply wait to see if my RL group wants to do Legacy of Fire or Jade Regent.

    The game would be pure Pathfinder Paizo. 3.5 and 3rd party source material granted the okay on a case-by-case basis. I would be looking for a group of 4-5 players, and character concept would matter more to me than crunch.

    If you are interested, please let me know.

    GM Fireclaw

    P.S.: Yes, the adventure will be updated from 3.5 to PF.

    Hey guys, this is my first post on the Paizo forums. I came here looking for help with the Carrion Crown Adventure Path, specifically the Ascanor Lodge portion of the Broken Moon campaign. Up to now in the campaign, it's been pretty hack-and-slash for my party (though I've managed to convey the terror in Harrowstone quite well), but up until now, the PCs have always had a "safe" place to retreat to. Ravengro or Lepidstadt. Ascanor clearly doesn't have any of the facilities a town might have, and no way for the PCs to, for example, remove a curse (lycanthropy) if they don't have the required spell (wand, scroll, etc). I want to emphasize this isolation from the outside world while they are in Sudderwood (and, later, Feldgrau), but I also want to bring to the forefront the roleplaying aspect of the game.

    The reason why I've been trying to stick to mostly combat to entertain the party so far is partly due to the nature of my players and group (I have 7 players in the group, of which only 1 is a 3.5 vet, 1 has a broad range of RP experience, but no d20 experience, and the other 5 are pretty much green, with this being the first experience pen-and-papering for 4 of them), and partly due to my inexperience with heavy-roleplay campaigns. I tend to sum up conversations rather than playing them out word for word, which is something I want to change. I feel like Ascanor gives me a perfect opportunity for this. Also, I felt rather daunted when I read all the characters, each with their motivations and quirks.

    Essentially, the advice I'm looking for is how to transition from a more general roleplaying (summing up conversations, fast-tracking to get the the combat, etc), to a highly detailed intrigue scenario as is presented in Broken Moon. I've already decided to make a short list of notes on each character (motivation, general disposition, appearance, etc). I want Ascanor to be my new players first true experience FLESHING a character out, as most of them now are just race/class/alignment combos (and most of them choose CN as an alignment, since they think of it as a blanket "do anything you want" alignment). I want to involve all of them, maybe in seperate subplots (maybe one starts trying to pursue Madame Ivanja romantically), and do it in a way that grabs their attention and makes them think about their character's personality, rather than simply how much damage their greataxe does. To this I turn to you stellar folks. I need advice on how to engage my players to roleplay, how to avoid missteps, and how to ensure I present a vivid picture of the people staying at Ascanor.