? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision)
![]() Yarr, thank you very much for GMing. Just wanted to double check the GP was correct. For Squish I'm seeing 15.2 which is 4 level 3 bundles when I would have expected 5 bundles for 19. I haven't read the quest, did we miss out on max rewards, or am I wrong about expected rewards or is the sheet in error? Thanks <3 ![]()
? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision)
![]() Blub Squish blubs back a space and hurls ooze drippings and the remnants of imaginary blocks at Dura. flat 6 for stupified 1: 1d20 ⇒ 6
> Step, >>Amped Telekinetic Projectile ![]()
? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision)
![]() Blub. Squish falls to the ground as ooze pours out of the wound, turning everything into a mess. Getting KOed turns off Unleash Psyche and stupifies(1) Squish for 2 rounds. Suqish sees nothing but an image of the strange haunting doll. Squish protects themselves with a shield spell before standing up and retreating. flat to cast shield 6: 1d20 ⇒ 4
? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision)
![]() Squish unleashes the power of the ooze as the air around them thickens. Taking advantage of the scattered scree Squish sends a handfull of it at Halran. amped telekenetic projectile vs Halran: 2d20 + 9 ⇒ (2, 12) + 9 = 23
Squish then channels the power of the ooze to help his next attacking ally. occultism to Aid: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15
OUnleash Psyche, >> Telekenetic Projectile(Amped), >Recall the Teachings ![]()
? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision)
![]() Blub Assuming Olombe is actually injured.[/occ] Squish continues to blub unpleasantly as he soothes Olombe's wounds. level 2 soothe: 2d10 + 8 ⇒ (2, 2) + 8 = 12
Then Squish moves up to their allies. ![]()
? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision)
![]() Blub "Well, there's that time we rescued Rain in Cloudy Day from the swamp or helped clean up his paperwork problems. I also got sent to the Gravelands once. I'd rather not repeat that." explains Squish. ![]()
? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision)
![]() Blub Quish starts by working on the topic "Aberrations have strange names and can be made into all sorts of rhymes." Occultism: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28 ![]()
? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision)
![]() Blub. Squish motions his allies in for a huddle by outstretching his blobious ?arms? "Poetry would be my best. Medicinal supplies would be a good task too. Tug of war would not be a bad task. Being blindfolded is interesting, and the cat seems difficult but doable. Finally the bragging challenge I don't think would be good for me." Blub Ranked Squish's votes, happy to do whatever we end up with as a party though. ![]()
? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision)
![]() Blub "My name was lost, along with most of me back in Thurl's clutches. Valais Durant said I needed some more levity though, so I've decided to go by Squish." Squish does their best to provide a comforting space for Samantha to hide behind. ![]()
? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision)
![]() Blub More closely resembling a set of oddly connected sacks of lumpy flesh than a person Squish communicates surprisingly eloquently for a creature with no discernable mouth. "Squish here, ready to help blub." Squish actually takes some vegetables and shoves them between several folds in a disgusting manner that only a goblin might truly appreciate. ![]()
? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision)
![]() Squish tries to expel the foul pup's lingering odor. fort to remove sickened: 1d20 + 8 - 1 ⇒ (19) + 8 - 1 = 26 Success! Squish then uses ooze power to fire debris with sharp edges at the zombie knight. 60ft telekinetic projectile: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision)
![]() Squish unleashes the power of the ooze once more, before firing 3 blobs at the remaining undead. magic missile force damage: 3d4 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (2, 1, 1) + 3 + 4 = 11 ![]()
? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision)
![]() fort vs pup stench: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11 Squish protects Ulfgar with an oozy haze as he concentraates enough to hopefully push puppers away. Fort DC 19 for pup. Pusheded 10 feet away from me on a fail or 20 feet on a critical failure Blur(2) for Ulfgar Ironhead. Kinetic Ram(1) for puppers. ![]()
? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision)
![]() Blub. Squish unleashes the power of the ooze before bombarding the 2 skeletons with ooze! bludgeoning damage +Slashing damage vs purple and green: 1d6 + 4 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 4 + (6) = 15
BLUB Not only can Ooze be painful, but it can be inspiring too! occultism Aid: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
Unleash Psyche(Free Action), Amped Telekenetic Rend(2 Actions), Recall the Teachings(1 Action) ![]()
? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision)
![]() Blub. Squish casts guidance on themselves and then flings rocks at the green skeleton. 60ft telekenetic projectile: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 9 + 1 = 12
? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision)
![]() Blub. Religion: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 "Many skeletons and zombies, also many former pets came back from the dead." frowns Squish, pondering the gruesome sight. ![]()
? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision)
![]() Blub. More resembling a collection of jell-o filled burlap sacks then a person Squish blubs along. "Yes, I'm stuck this way. I've been working with Valias Durant on my levity so you can call me Squish." Blub. A collection of strange bags and such hand from various bags and ropes but no weapons or armor of note seem to be present. ![]()
? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision)
![]() PFS FAQ will be at least of some help. I think the lesser and the moderate may be separate items to bequeath but I'm not entirely sure. I don't see why the same limit wouldn't apply. The FAQ talks about formulas for uncommon items you've gained access to: FAQ wrote:
Amusingly enough it specifically mentions the Daisy. ![]()
? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision)
![]() OP Guide wrote:
(Emphasis mine) The only source of the Daisy I know of comes with a limited quantity. ![]()
? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision)
![]() Blub. Squish uses the power of the ooze to rend the rattatas. Bludgeoning Slashing damage: 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + (4) = 7 Basic Fort DC 19, stunned 1 on a crit fail. Amped Telekinetic Rend on both rattatas. Squish then follows up with Guidance on Lokoloko. hoping to encourage them not to explode the rats.