Race |
? Fleshwarp Oozemorph 3 | HP 1/40 | AC 17| F +8 R +7 W +8 (+1 vs Disease/Poison) | Resistance 1 vs Mental | Speed 25 | Perception +6 (Darkvision) |
About Squish_
2015 Squish
? Shapewrought Fleshwarp, Time Traveler, Psychic 3
N Medium Aberration, Humanoid
Senses Perception +6 (1 Wis + 5 Prof (T)) Darkvision
AC 17 Armor 0(2/5) + 5 P
HP 40
Fort +8(T), Ref +7(T), Will +8(E) (+1 vs Disease/Poison) (+2 vs Engulf)
Resist Mental 1
. . Dagger +7 1d4-1 P/S (T) – Thrown 10
. . +9 Spell Attack
. . Occult DC 19
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 8
Speed 25ft
Ancestry Feats & Abilities Deep Vision
Skill Feats: Assurance(Athletics), Cat Fall
General Feats: Toughness
Class Features & Abilities Subconscious Mind: Gathered Lore, Conscious Mind: The Distant Grasp,Oozmorph
Skills:: Acrobatics +7(T), Arcana +9(T), Athletics +4(T), Crafting +9(T), Diplomacy -2(U), Nature +6(T), Occultism +11(E), Religion +6 (T), Society +11 (E), Lore-Ooze +11(E), Lore-Fleshwarps +9(T), Lore-Fungal +9(T), Lore-Underworld +9 (T)
Languages Common
Bulk (1/4/14) Adventurer’s Pack, Dagger, Spell Component Pouch
Special Abilities
Field Commissioned
Focus (2/2)
0-level: Telekinetic Projectile&, Mage Hand&, Telekinetic Rend&, Shield, Guidance
1-level(2): Magic Missile, Kinetic Ram, $Soothe$
2-Level(1): Blur
Unleash Psyche
Psyche Action: Recall the Teachings