Snow Leopard

SnowJade's page

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1 person marked this as a favorite.

I cannot seem to detach myself from this iPad. No kidding; it's really getting a bit scary, how it's become such a necessary component of my life in just a couple of weeks. Cosmo, that was really evil of you.

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I blame Cosmo because my car wouldn't start when we got back from vacation. That's the second time it's happened.

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Very true! Darned bunnies.... *Cuddles slaadlings*

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Macaroni Slaad wrote:

*squeezes tightly until there is a popping noise*

Ahhh, why do all the bunnies do that?

{dons bicycle helmet of Calvin's father} Bunnies are made of bubble wrap.

That explains what happens when my cat goes out at night.

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Hey, SnowJade Dreams are my latest line, and are predicted to sell like Anti-Gravity Catoast.

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Nope. Not a good time to come out from under the chaos.

*Disappears back under the chaos*

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I blame Cosmo for only letting me get 15 minutes of sleep last night.

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The good news is, I felt the cap getting wiggly and pulled it out before it actually broke off in my mouth. The bad news is, of course, now I have to go back to that [redacted] prosthodontist. Oh, Cosmo.

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Mythic JMD031 wrote:
Chris Lambertz wrote:


Cosmo ...cosmo smash?
Cosmo c... cosmo... Smash...?
Cosmo Yes?

Cosmo begins to hulk out tentatively...

I refer you to the first post in this thread.

*Takes one look and dives frantically under the nearest pile of chaos.*

EDIT: *Reaches out with a large, furry paw and gathers the rest of the tail under the pile.*

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Mythic JMD031 wrote:
I blame Cosmo for pennies costing 2 cents to make. I read this on a Snapple cap so it must be true.

And now it's on the Internet, so it really must be true. We can all blame Cosmo for promulgating these "truths".

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Spear points? You had spear points?! Boy, when I was at university, we were just getting into the whole bipedal thing.

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Orthos wrote:
Out of curiosity, which version? The first I heard was Within Temptation's version, but I learned within the past month or so that there's another version floating around. Not sure which is the cover and which is the original either.

It was the Imagine Dragons version, but I like the Pentatonix cover just as much, if not even better. That violin is so much cooler than the one I had to play when I was a kid. (Sorry, Lou!)

Thymus Vulgaris wrote:
lucky7 wrote:
I blame Cosmo for Dubstep.
Ouch, that's harsh.

Totally. I blame Cosmo because I had to find this to make it go away.

EDIT: I just looked at this, and thought

"Radio-cat-tive, radio-cat-tive,
Welcome to the Mew Age, to the Mew Age."

Next stop, kittenbees! Thank you so, so much, Cosmo.

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I've got "Radioactive" as an earworm. Could be worse, of course, but it's yet another example of Cosmo's insidiousness: it's a song I like, but not one of my ultra-favorites. Hmm. Is it possible to change the earworm playlist?

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Well, here are the size and intelligence parts. As for the aggression, I can testify that a Coonie plays a mean game of Blanket Monster.

Or did you mean rats?

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*Headdesk. Headdesk. Headdesk.*

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I blame Cosmo because I got smacked with a Nap Attack right after supper and missed Cosmos.

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Oh, for pete's sakes. Yellowstone isn't any big deal; Toba has at least two separate sub-chambers in its subsurface complex. And the area in which it's located is much more active. For that matter, the Long Valley caldera has shown a lot more recent (and more seismically significant) activity than Yellowstone. And it's right next door to the San Andreas Fault complex. YD, if you're going to obsess about global threats from VEI 8 or higher-level events, would you at least kindly please identify the most likely sites for potential eruptions?

EDIT: Oh. Oh, dear. Those are facts, aren't they. So sorry. Please, go right ahead with your obsessing.

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So you start a thread for animal lovers and then post that?! That is not cool. What a cruel thing to do to any creature.

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Don Juan de Doodlebug wrote:
Vlad Koroboff wrote:

In not-so-news:

Is new Crimean prosecutor hottest prosecutor in history of humanity or what?
Talking about Sexy Putin...

I suddenly want to go to Crimea and commit crimes.


OOoohhhh! I wonder if I can shed a criminal amount of fur. After all, it is shedding season. Maybe if I got it all over her uniform....

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I got so fascinated by the book I was reading that when the bird started singing outside, I looked up and did a classic double-take when I realized that, yes, that actually was Rosy-fingered Dawn peeping through the windows. Okay, fine so far: I was (and still am) re-reading The Way of Kings so I have everything straight in my head before I try to tackle Words of Radiance. Then I had to stand up, and I'd been sitting in one position for so long that my back had turned into something completely non-Euclidean. And the ibuprofen was aaall the way across the room. I blame Cosmo because, try as I may, I cannot manage to teleport one teensy little bottle of ibuprofen just a few measly feet. Honestly, Cosmo, is it too much to ask?

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*Fluffs fur up* Objects vociferously, in five-part harmony and with feeling.

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*Sighs happily* This is the best thread ever.

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Chris Lambertz wrote:

Removed a few posts. Advocating real physical harm to a person is not OK on our messageboards.

Additionally, if anyone is experiencing harassment from another person through our messageboards or the private messaging system, please email This is not acceptable.

Ahem! In the interests of equality and comradeship with my fellow Paizonians, I must inform you that you somehow neglected to delete my reference to the consumption of obnoxious media personnel (although, given the personal discomfort which ensued, I find it difficult to decide which party actually experienced "harm"). Please attend to this issue at your earliest convenience. Thank you.

Registered Member, Worldwide Association of Ambush Predators (WAAP)

(And if that doesn't make somebody snort coffee out his/her nose, I don't know what will.)

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Uh...*looks at fur, imagines it wet. Shudders.* No, thanks.

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I blame Cosmo because I can't give Orthos a headbonk directly, and have to settle for the virtual type. You're the guy, Orthos. *Headbonk*

3 people marked this as a favorite.

*Sigh* So I opened a drawer to get out a utensil, and it somehow shifted the contents of the cabinet underneath. Out slid my biggest Corningware baking pan, which (of course) hit the bottom corner of the cabinet just so, and promptly shattered. All over my (bare) feet. You know, it turns out that Corningware isn't your ordinary ceramic; it's high-temperature vitrified something-or-other, which I take to mean "glass with a few highly secret patented ingredients in it". It can and did flip razor-sharp shards up in the air, which then rained down end-first into my bare (let's not forget the bare part!) feet. So there I was, at 0-dark-hundred, with a kitchen floor full of glass shards, some of which were stuck in my (bare) feet. Oh, did I mention that this was my biggest Corningware pan? Lots of shards. Hmmm. Do I try to move first and then pull the slivers out, or extract the slivers and then move? And, oh, looky-look, there are more of them stuck in my clothing. Wow. Who knew there were that many slivers in one pan? And the worst part? Our vacuum cleaner is noisy.

Crazy: "I heard something in the middle of the night."

Me: "Yeah, sorry, but I figured you wouldn't want to come down to a kitchen floor full of broken glass."

Crazy: "You have bandaids on your feet."

Me: "Yeah, it turns out glass slivers can really fly. Who knew?"

Oh, Cosmo. Cosmo, Cosmo, Cosmo.

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Do straving anacondas also gyre and gimble on the wabe?

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, I've had fun with the customers like that too. Nothin' like working a low-end job with s#+*ty wages to bring out the weird in all of us.

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Kewl. I just get invasions of demons.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hoverboards? Hoverboards?!?! I needed a flying car the other day, and there wasn't a single one to be found. It's 2014! Where are the flying cars already? Cosmo is responsible.

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I blame Cosmo because I'm not sure whether pestering is an art or a science, and whether the Proteans could use the conflict over the issue to further destabilize the multiversal continuum.

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Rats. I was about to cast Kitty Chaos on him. Oh, well. *Casts Kitty Chaos on the smoldering remains* I need the practice anyway.

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Tels wrote:
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
For all the peeg lovers, a new baby hippo has been discoverd!
That website seriously needs a better name for it's domain.

Maybe, but I give it 3 squees anyway for cuteness.

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*Hands Zgotar a bunch of puff* Sorry, I was using it as a kitty bed. It should still be good.

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An Inglorious Basterd wrote:

I only have about $40 in monthly subscription costs these days, so skipping somewhere in the order of 10-12 espressos each month offsets my Paizo requirements.

I could also give the kids old MREs for one week's worth of school lunch each month.

I could make everyone in the family shave their heads and cut out haircuts and shampoos.

I could bathe in the river out back and only take hot showers on Federal holidays.

And how many cattle farms does the river out back run through? Do things like turtles and snails live in it? The costs for clearing up the bacterial and parasitic infections are going to put a huge dent in any savings you make. Although, you could try renting your body out as a living laboratory for observation at the nearest university hospital; that's what they do at those places anyway.

Hmmm. I could use Prell, and have green, straw-like hair.

I could move to a cheaper state and hunt for all of my food. (I already know how to can vegetables.)

I could tan the deerskins and make all of my clothes. (Easy peasy. Learned how to do that when I was 12.)

I could play the guitar very badly on street corners and have people pay me to stay quiet.

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So, if the opposite face is red, the cop is drinking unspiked lemonade, and the math teacher is not the one buying the carpet, who lives in the blue house with the fire hydrant in front of it?

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Actually, they broke out some time ago, and have been wandering around sp(r)outing corporate propaganda and Intelligent Design ever since.

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You'll get my vote, but only if I get to help Comrade Anklebiter with the subsequent coup (it won't hurt a bit, promise!) and formation of a Marxist state.

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Kajehase wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Tholomyes wrote:

I've got a couple questions: What was the decision behind making Cthulhu a higher CR than Hastur? I understand the difference between 29 and 30 isn't much, and an adventuring party won't survive either, but I always felt Hastur to be more powerful than Cthulhu, from what I know of the mythos. I understand it may not have been your decision, but I assume you might know the process that lead to it.

Secondly, is there any location in Golarion that you want to set an AP, but for one reason or the other haven't been able to yet?

The decision was twofold:

1) Popularity: Cthulhu is better-known, and is on the cover of the book, so setting him at 30 made sense.

2) Misdirection: Re-read Hastur's entry, and you'll see that the stats presented are in fact for the King in Yellow, and that we hedge our bets a bit there by implying that the actual Hastur is even MORE powerful. I see Hastur as a sort of "bridge" between the categories of Great Old One and Outer God. The power of Hastur has always been the mystery behind the name, and by statting him up as the King in Yellow but saying in print something to the effect of "He's probably not even this; this is probably just his avatar" leaves the door wide open.

Secondly? Yes indeed. We'll get to them all eventually though.

You used Hastur's name three times in that post...

Yeeks! Is there a bed nearby I can hide under?

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SnowJade wrote:
So, how do you feel about tortoiseshells?

I meant this tortoiseshell.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

No, they're only saying that it vanished. Obviously, just like TMA-1, it sent out a signal when it was discovered, and the Greys have come back to get it.

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lynora wrote:
Congratulations, Aeglos and Sabine. :)

+1 from Santa Rosa, CA!

Aberzombie wrote:
Drejk wrote:
And do not feed kid with beer. Yet.
Well now you're just talking crazy....

Heh. There I was, just a teeny little SnowJade (about 2, I think), on Easter Sunday. My Mom had just spent 45 mortal minutes swearing while she ironed out the ruffles on the dress that Grandmother had given me (and there would have been mortally injured feelings if I hadn't worn it, or so I've been told). She fought me into it (I hated dresses then, and I hate them now), then went to put on her own outfit. I wandered out onto the porch, and of course found the 3/4 full can of beer that someone had left from the block party the night before.... Hey, I like beer! It's full of nutriments and iron! At any rate, I guess I was a very, er, celebratory baby at church that particular Easter.

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John Kretzer wrote:
Mmmm I am thinking my references are either too old or obsure...I Blame Cosmo.

Not to me, they're not. I'm just trying to age disgracefully.

Hmmm. "Underworldling"? In tight black leather and kewl shades?

"The Little Gentleman in the Black Velvet Waistcoat"? Now, there's obscure for you.

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We'd been hiking in Eungella Park back in Jan. of 2001 (well, trail-walking, anyway; Eungella is pretty tame) and it started to absolutely pour, so we ran over to those picnic gazebo thingies that are by the entrance. It was about time for lunch anyway, so we opened up our sandwiches and started nomming, and I felt something by my right leg. I looked down, and there was an old female 'roo who had come in out of the thunderstorm and parked herself right by the nice, warm hoominbean. We shared a smackerel of lettuce and some zen time, you know how it is when it rains.

Crazy likes 'roo-tail stew and croc sausages, but I'm not such a fan; I like venison a lot better.

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Drejk wrote:
SnowJade wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Enough for today. No new writing but at least about a page was translated from Human to English.
Uh....huh? So English speakers are or aren't human? Which? Either? Both?
Such alien and distorted sounds could not be fully produced by human entity.

Well, so much for being all quantum about things in 2013. Maybe 2014 will be easier.

*Gently covers Orthos with blankie* 'Nighty-night.

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*Whimper* It's not that. It's Whatserface shackled to Andersen Cooper, and she won't shut up!!! *Rolls 3d20*

Perception: 3d20 ⇒ (19, 4, 10) = 33

*Chews more puff*

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Wow, Tels! I have almost no family at all in comparison.

Also, I blame Cosmo because there's too much neat yarn out there, and I have to budget for that as well as Paizo goodies.

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TOZ wrote:
Layout is the kind of science where things start crawling out of the walls at impossible angles...

Yeah, and just imagine doing it without the aid of computers. When I was your age, I had to go five miles, uphill both ways, through howling blizzards....

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

So because Turing was a patriot and worked to defend his country during the War and afterward, he's not entitled to love a significant other, while his compatriots are? I know it's the UK, but he's not entitled to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" and protection from unjust and immoral laws?


Sissyl wrote:

Fergurg: Everybody has a sexuality. Everyone indulges it. Conscientious people may not do so if their sexuality is directed to those who could not consent, but two people who want to share their sexuality and are able to consent, no. There is no choice, and people WILL indulge. That some moron set rules for what others did in bed is a deeply black mark on the rule-setters, not the victims of their inane policies.

And please, do not refer to homosexual sex as a drug again.

This too.

I agree completely with both of you. And I'd add that sexuality is largely biologically determined; it's not a matter of having an addictive personality or other personal lifestyle choice. Slightly off topic, I know, but personally, [begin/polemic] I regard people who are transgender to be the victims of a horrendous biological injustice - a male person who is born in a female body, and vice versa. If a person needs to change his/her body to reflect his/her actual identity, then I will - and, actually, I have - cheer(ed) him/her on. [/end/polemic]

Full Name

Jeffrey the Helpful




Bard 1







Special Abilities

Bardic Knowledge, Bardic Performance, Fearless, Helpful, Lingering Performance








Common, Halfling



Strength 11
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18

About Jeffrey the Helpful

Jeffery the Helpful has been working as a manservant for the Pathfinder Society Lodge for the past 4 years. He's been curious about the Pathfinder Society for some time now and finally decided to join.