
Slipstream's page

Organized Play Member. 216 posts (937 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 2 wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters. 5 aliases.

Organized Play Characters

Shadow Lodge Berrgo Thistleshade 1e

Male Halfling Inquisitor 3 (transitioned to PF2) (0 posts)

Sovereign Court Riaghan

Male Human Cleric 4 / Rogue 2 (retired) (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Aganhei

Male Samurai (unused) (0 posts)
Grand Necromancer
Silver Crusade Radiarch Eklesya

Male Mendevian Aasimar | LG Follower of Erastil | Silver Crusade | Divine Hunter Paladin 5 | AC 16 | HP 39/39 | INIT 3 | PER 6 (Darkvision) | SPD [60]ft | CMB 7 | CMD 18 | Lay on Hands: 4/4 | Active Conditions: None (377 posts)
Paper Golem
Dataphiles Dataphile RID_14196-701
(0 posts)
Cirieo Thessaddin
Vigilant Seal Berrgo Thistleshade

Male Twilight Halfling, Shadow Lodge Defector Runescarred Cleric 5 (0 posts)
Verik Vancaskerkin
Vigilant Seal Nuoc Tang

Male Tian-dan Pilgrim | Evoker 2 | Mua Boa (puffin familiar) | NG Follower of Lysianassa | AC 16 | HP 24/24 | PER 5 | SPD 25ft | Class DC 14 | Spell Attack 6, DC 16 | Active Conditions: none (45 posts)
Vigilant Seal Galindier Cyndoral

Male Whisper Elf, Follower of Halcamora | Vinter Fighter 1 | FOR 7, REF 8, WIL 4, PER 6 | AC 18 | HP 18 | Active Conditions: None | Gall-en-dee-air - Sin-door-all (30 posts)
Vigilant Seal Cephor Uskind

Male Jinxed Tengu Enigma 2 | CG Follower of Desna | AC 17 | HP 15 | PER 6 | SPD 25ft | Class DC 16 | Spell Attack 6, DC 16 | Active Conditions: none (3 posts)
Count Lucinean Galdana
Vigilant Seal Sir Reynald Eklesya

Male Nirmathi Gunslinger / Cavalier 0 (0 posts)
Grand Necromancer
Vigilant Seal Sir Radiarch Eklesya 2e

Male Mendevian Aasimar | LG Follower of Erastil | Paladin, Archer, Eldritch Archer 0 (0 posts)
Vigilant Seal Riaghan Meadowbrook

Male Geniekin Undine Elementalist 0 (0 posts)
Cayden Cailean
Vigilant Seal Tanian Thistleshade

Male Jalmeri Halfling Monk of Unbreaking Waves | Wave Order Druid (0 posts)


Illia Ean
Cinnamon Oskrev

F Changeling Rakshasa-blooded Sorcerer 1
Init +1 | Perc +2 | AC 13 / T 11 / FF 12 | HP 6/6 | Saves F +0/R +1/W +4 | 3/3 Hero Points
(74 posts)
Esme of the Pines
(6 posts)
Cleric of Gozreh
Fyrek Orlovsky

Female Sylph (Sky) Druid 1 HP 8/8; AC 14 (T 12, FF 12); saves fort 1, refl 2, will 4; bab 0 melee 0, ranged 2, CMB 0, CMD 13, init +2 (+4 w/surprise), perc +7 (46 posts)
gM unbalanced
(2 posts)
Kishta Feathersmoke

Female Human (Shoanti) Bard (Arcane Duelist) 1 - hp 8/8 (73 posts)
Torgra Stigardsdam
Kutsya Saltenlock

Female Dwarf (White-Haired) Witch 1
hp: 7/9; AC:14 T:10, FF:14; Fort 2, Ref 0, Will 4; BAB 0 Melee 2 CMB 2/4/5 CMD 12/14; Init: +0 Perc +3
(67 posts)
Cleric of Brigh
Kvallen Marnev

M Human (Irreseni) (Urban) Ranger 5 (2 posts)
Lazha Slicksheen

Female Half-Orc Cleric 1, hp 9/9, AC 10, touch 10, flat 10, F +3, R +0, W +5, Init +0, Perc +3 (104 posts)
Li'l Miss Smiley-Britches
(5 posts)
Murthok Huul
Nazgul Lord
(4 posts)
King of Roses
Poki Blackfern

Female (Dread) Gnome (Blight) Druid 1
Init +3 | Perc +10 | AC 15 / T 15 / FF 11 | HP 11/11 | Saves F +5/R +3/W +6
(56 posts)
Renemala "Speedy" Oyayisi

F Human (Zenj/Mulaa) Investigator 4 (11 posts)
Ratfolk Elder

F Ratfolk Unchained Rogue (Numerian Scavenger) 1| HP 9/9; AC 16, touch 14, ff 13; F0, R5, W2; Init +3; Perception +8 (25 posts)
Sumaru Iyukale

Female CN Human Guide 3 | HP: 17/25| AC: 19 (14 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 18 | F: +5, R: +5, W: +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +8(+10 An), SM: +7(+9 An) | Speed 20ft | Breath: 5/5, Catastrophe: 0/1 | Spells: 2/2| Active conditions: Catastrophe (+1 AC) (32 posts)
Sweet Lucille

Female Human (Spellscar Drifter) Cavalier 2
hp: 17/18; AC:18 T:14, FF:14; Fort 4, Ref 4, Will 1; BAB 2 Melee 6 Rngd 6 CMB 2/6 CMD 17; Init: +4 Perc +3 Ammo:14/20 bp, 17/23 bull, 10/10 CI bull, 3/3 Cart, 2/2 CI Cart, 31/32 Arrow
(91 posts)
Tetradia Muzaka
(7 posts)
Grand Duches Trietta Ricia
Turanerra Kalidoksis

F Human (Taldan) (Arcane Healer) Bard 7 (26 posts)

Female Half-elf Rogue 1 / Witch 1 (10 posts)
Haiten Bhaq

Female Human (w/Fetchling ancestry) (27 posts)
Zoleshi Waszeris

F Human (Varisian) Oracle 1 (Metal) | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | HP 8/8 | F +0 R +3 W +2 | Init +3 | Perc +2 (14 posts)