Rakshasa Maharajah

Arevashti's page

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I'd rule that they're customarily kept in a little tube like an eyeglass repair kit, or in a little box like an emergency sewing kit, and dispense like Tic-Tacs or Pez; different manufacturers may have different ways of packaging them, but those are likely the most common. My guess would also be that they're fairly durable; I imagine them being rubbery (like a firm eraser) until "directed" to be either more or less rigid.

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NECR0G1ANT wrote:
Why is the word "ikons" spelled that way?

It's a valid alternate spelling, and actually closer to the original Greek. Besides: "icon" is already a Starfinder background.

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Said it before, and I'll say it again: they should have Apostae be inhabited by either (in order of my personal preference) lashunta-based or elf-based nephilim (the new term for what were formerly tieflings and aasimar, but I specifically mean tieflings here). Keep the ties to Castrovel; give them a reason (i.e. fiends had been working them over for generations) to be culturally a bunch of manipulative finks.

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The main thing I'd change in Starfinder is to streamline starship combat, to be honest. Making it more like PF2e (aside from making them more compatible, mixing up ability benefits, and so on) doesn't particularly interest me.

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Murph. wrote:
Coffee shops have a separate line for Shirren, be a use they are (a) obviously caffeine fans, and (b) their coffee orders take five minutes each to recite.

It's a running joke that if a new shirren customer walks in, their first order will become an overly complicated fancy special named after them.

Kasathe are in hot demand as baristas and mixologists at places frequented by shirren, for their ability to mix multiple drinks at once.

Same would go for skittermanders, I'd wager.

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Kishmo wrote:
Neat - a Shriek-infused plant pahtra (...plahntra?) evolutionist! The real question is: how do you pronounce Kyyduh? K-you-duh? Kai-duh? Kee-duh? Kyu-oo-duh? Something else?

My guess was "Kee-də." (Which kind of sounds like "kitteh," but I'm sure that's coincidental.)

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Deep Cuts makes a set of two skittermander minis (looks like Eshki in a suit, and a nufriend in a military uniform) that aren't too horrible-looking.

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Lashunta seem to be inspired by Ralph Milne Farley's Cupians; they're telepathic, look like attractive humans with antennae, and originated on fantasy Venus. Based on that, the antennae being connected to telepathy (and possibly balance, although I don't recall that being explored) would seem likely.

That said: Cupians were also deaf (in fact, they were completely earless). Lashunta appear to have both hearing and ears. Therefore: the antennae might serve a different purpose.

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160) Goblins overcame their fear of the written word. Of course, from there, it was only a matter of time before they discovered numbers; and, from there, it was only a matter of time until someone divided by zero.

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Quelvai is the result of proteans—likely of surpassing power—dragging small fragments of the Plane of Water and the Boneyard into the Material Plane, playing with them for a few millennia...and then, as the fickle proteans will, abruptly getting bored and abandoning their toy.

Still further millennia later, an Ilee exploration ship crash-landed. The survivors, in an attempt to adapt and preserve resources, shaped themselves into malleable semiaquatic forms the approximate size of house cats. Their descendants have never either directly confirmed nor denied that they were "nudged" in that direction by the glowing kelp-like seaweeds among which they make their homes. One way or another: it's known that the seaweeds resist any attempt to study them too deeply unless "permission" is asked—be that directly, or via the kelp-dwellers.

The origin of the other sapient inhabitants of Quelvai is more of a mystery. When a ship landed a hemisphere away from the kelp-dwellers, reports given of multilegged swimming creatures—human-sized or larger—were originally dismissed until a group of them approached a research platform.

They clambered out of the ocean on four pairs of webbed claws, rising onto the hindmost set to heights of over seven feet, their sleek, mottled blue pelts shedding water. The word "strovion!" is said to have been muttered by a vesk security officer as she reached for her sidearm.

Upon seeing this, the foremost of the newcomers raised his hands—all six wrists decorated with seashell bracers—in a conciliatory gesture, and addressed the researchers in heavily-accented Vesk:

"Greetings, nufriends! How can we help you?"

The strangely-altered skittermanders seemed to be unwilling or unable to explain how, exactly, it was that their forebears had gotten there. A few cryptic statements regarding how Quelvai must have somehow needed them were all that was forthcoming.

On a darker note: both groups of sapients have warned off-worlders that people who die with unfinished business "tend not to stay dead" unless the proper rituals have been performed. This has since proven to be more than mere superstition, and is attributed to the shattered and warped shards of the Boneyard which still rest at the core of the world.

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Regarding the starship critters?

I'm guessing that the Swarm Dreadlancer is referred to as a monstrous humanoid because it's probably made out of a bunch of corrovoxes stuck together. Stuck together exactly how would be unpleasant to speculate upon.

Or maybe I just have a warped imagination. Yeah, probably that.

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A couple of responses:

So, phentomites are the postapocalyptic natives of Orry? Still kind of surprised that they got to Orry and Daimalko before some of the Pact Worlds (I'm not saying I mean Arkanen, but I mean Arkanen); even so.

Also: I'm kind of surprised that bolidas are classified as vermin rather than aberrations. I thought that vermin by definition lacked an Intelligence score, and aberration was the go-to type for sapient invertebrates that weren't more-or-less humanoid (as per shirren) in basic outline.

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Currently playing a skittermander envoy (unless the game collapses, because Junk Happens). Deliberately hacked her name together out of a kasatha name and a vesk name, with the implication being that she named herself after the two earliest people she remembers having an influence on her life.

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Lucas VerBeek wrote:
Uplifted Bears? From like Golarion? I honestly don't care I've been wanting to play a bear like race for forever now.

Like Dickson's Dilbians. Let's hope they're on the upper end of Medium (if not actually Large) and have kind of a boisterous bruiser vibe.

And, seriously: I'm looking forward to the dirindi, sazarons, and various Veskarium and Azlanti Star Empire subject species to the same degree that I was looking forward to the maraquoi. Or, to switch away from playables: more Castrovel critters and everything outside of the Pact system.

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I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Arevashti wrote:
My all-time favorite has already been confirmed as off the table, unfortunately.
Who's/what's that?

The coeurl.

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This time around, we've got some nice, kid-friendly introductory games. It's also the first Bundle of Holding that can be given as a gift. (A Christmas present, perhaps?)

A percentage of the profits from this bundle will be donated to Save the Children and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.

And to ice this cake, if you break the threshold price, you'll get three extra products. Including this. (Yes, I have a vested interest in promoting it. Why do you ask?)

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Dragon78 wrote:
Race of Humaniod or Outsider(native) that have a third eye.

*Whistles innocently*

Jek wrote:
Take back what you said about Agathions not having hyena forms; hyenas have very caring, close-knit family communities. They take proportionally longer care of their children than any other animal (other than humans), and are not deserving of their nasty reputation at all. Lions steal hyena kills more than the other way around.

Crocutals are known for their tenacity and resourcefulness. They have a generally friendly but occasionally heated rivalry with leonals, and dislike being mistaken for gnolls. :)

Also, they cast hideous laughter.

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Lilivati wrote:
See, I think it's more that we're introducing the idea that the expectation that everyone at your table behave like a respectful human being (which, incidentally, includes not spouting sexist/racist/homophobic/what-have-you crappola regardless of who is or is not present) is not synonymous with special consideration.

Hear, hear. No one's talking about "special consideration;" we're talking about basic consideration and not acting like a pillock to begin with.

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Well...I've been treated like an unwelcome interloper at the local game store. I eventually quit patronizing the place altogether. At other game stores, I've been treated like a valued customer (or at least as valued as it gets), so I tend to consider that place at least somewhat anomalous.

I don't like the whole "special butterfly" thing. In fact, I tend to prefer not being the only woman in the game group.

Most of the real nonsense I've seen has been on the Internet, where being openly female is considered a ploy for attention and sexist comments are considered cute.

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Dennis Baker wrote:
Paizo has hinted that psionics exists Golarion, it's more common with the Vudrani and I think one of the other planets.

Castrovel, IIRC?

My husband is actually at work on an alternate psionics system in the form of feat trees. Not sure when he'll be ready to actually show it to the public, but even so.

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Darkholme wrote:
Thread Doesn't exist.

Try this link. Hopefully, that works.

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Darkholme wrote:


Triga wrote:
Please can we see a Dragon born type race? Please, please? I do not think that lizard folk count, they are reptiles.
Just please don't give the females boobs (and make them mammals like in 4e). Look to the (large sized, and winged) dragonfolk/dragonkin of 3e (Forgotten Realms) for inspiration instead.

Well, the general consensus is that dragons are at least endothermic...

...but then again, so are birds.

Darkholme wrote:


I'd love rules for gargoyles of small, medium, and large size, as player characters. They can only glide, not fly, and have a hefty racial bonus to climb and can always take 10.

I once came up with a strongly Gargoyles-inspired race for a homebrew idea. Unfortunately, my notes are long since lost

What I remember is that they were on the upper end of size Medium (think Goliath) and had some DR (weak DR, but even so) and a minor camouflage ability.

Darkholme wrote:


Both regular(bulky strong) and Poisondusk(lithe) variety for players. Make the racial levels optional.

Racial Levels available but optional.

I'm not sure why those races have racial HD at all. (Probably just to make them tougher?) It's always seemed to me like they'd make almost ideal alternative playable races if only they were class-defined.