General Gorstav

Siriak's page

* Pathfinder Society GM. 29 posts (962 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 11 Organized Play characters. 4 aliases.

The Exchange

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Male Keleshite Cleric of Abadar 8 | AC 20 (t11) (ff 19) | F+9, R+5, W+12 | CMB +6 CMD 17 | Init +1, Per +5, SM +17 | speed 30 ft | Channel Positive Energy 8/8 | Acid Dart 8/8 | Agile Feet 8/8 Spells: 4th 4/4 3rd 5/5 2nd 5/5 1st 7/7 | HP 59/59

Dazed and befuddled by whatever that cursed creature did to him, Vahid wants nothing more than to sit against a stall and rest for a while. He can tell by the look in his companions' eyes, though, that they are anxious about something. What were they doing again? Blast! I can't remember. Perhaps I can call upon Abadar's divine justice to rid me of this affliction I am cursed with. What were the words to that spell? Oh yes...

And with that, Vahid casts Dispel Magic on himself, hoping to dispel whatever affect is befuddling his faculties.

caster check for Dispel Magic: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

The Exchange

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Male Keleshite Cleric of Abadar 8 | AC 20 (t11) (ff 19) | F+9, R+5, W+12 | CMB +6 CMD 17 | Init +1, Per +5, SM +17 | speed 30 ft | Channel Positive Energy 8/8 | Acid Dart 8/8 | Agile Feet 8/8 Spells: 4th 4/4 3rd 5/5 2nd 5/5 1st 7/7 | HP 59/59

Vahid holds his holy symbol high and calls on Abadar to bolster his friends in their battle against the strange crystalline creatures.

channel positive energy (healing): 4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 4, 4) = 15

This should reach both Saarai and Gruugdurz. Vahid will use selective channeling to exclude all of the crystalline creatures EXCEPT the yellow one, which he is pretty sure has not been hit yet.

*****Also, Bless is still up*****

The Exchange

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Male Keleshite Cleric of Abadar 8 | AC 20 (t11) (ff 19) | F+9, R+5, W+12 | CMB +6 CMD 17 | Init +1, Per +5, SM +17 | speed 30 ft | Channel Positive Energy 8/8 | Acid Dart 8/8 | Agile Feet 8/8 Spells: 4th 4/4 3rd 5/5 2nd 5/5 1st 7/7 | HP 59/59

Seeing Gruugdurz enveloped by the mound, Vahid moves up quickly to assist him. Once there, the priest intones a quick prayer to Abadar, then reaches out to touch the big half-orc.

Freedom of Movement: For the next 70 minutes, Gruugdurz is able to move and attack normally, even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web. All combat maneuver checks made to grapple the target automatically fail. The subject automatically succeeds on any combat maneuver checks and Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple or a pin.

Also, please keep in mind:

Prayer: You bring special favor upon yourself and your allies while bringing disfavor to your enemies. You and each of your allies gain a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a –1 penalty on such rolls.
Area: all allies and foes within a 40-ft.-radius burst centered on you
Rounds: 2/7

The Exchange

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Male Keleshite Cleric of Abadar 8 | AC 20 (t11) (ff 19) | F+9, R+5, W+12 | CMB +6 CMD 17 | Init +1, Per +5, SM +17 | speed 30 ft | Channel Positive Energy 8/8 | Acid Dart 8/8 | Agile Feet 8/8 Spells: 4th 4/4 3rd 5/5 2nd 5/5 1st 7/7 | HP 59/59

Not wanting to give up his tactically advantageous position, Vahid decides to try to cast in combat once again, believing third time may be the charm. Holding his dagger in his right hand, Vahid makes some mystical motions with his left and softly intones a quick prayer to Abadar. He then reaches out to touch Gruugdurz's shoulder.

cast defensively (DC 19): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28

Finally! Vahid will "lose" Resist Energy to spontaneously cast Cure Moderate Wounds on Gruugdurz.

CMW on Gruugdurz: 2d8 + 7 ⇒ (3, 8) + 7 = 18

The Exchange

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Male Keleshite Cleric of Abadar 8 | AC 20 (t11) (ff 19) | F+9, R+5, W+12 | CMB +6 CMD 17 | Init +1, Per +5, SM +17 | speed 30 ft | Channel Positive Energy 8/8 | Acid Dart 8/8 | Agile Feet 8/8 Spells: 4th 4/4 3rd 5/5 2nd 5/5 1st 7/7 | HP 59/59

Hey V,

Is Gruugdurz under the effect of a Hold Person spell? If he is, I am pretty sure a Remove paralysis would end that condition.

Here is a snippet of the text from the description of Hold Person from the PRD:

Hold Person text wrote:

The subject becomes paralyzed and freezes in place. It is aware and breathes normally but cannot take any actions, even speech. Each round on its turn, the subject may attempt a new saving throw to end the effect. This is a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Here is a quote from the PRD on Remove Paralysis:

Remove Paralysis text wrote:

You can free one or more creatures from the effects of temporary paralysis or related magic, including spells and effects that cause a creature to gain the staggered condition.

Hold person causes the subject to become paralyzed and Remove Paralysis frees an individual from the effects of paralysis.

Anyway, I don't want to come across as rules lawyery, but I wanted to make my position known. If I am missing something, or it is something pecial to the module , so be it. I am just worried about Gruugdurz! :)

The Exchange

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Male Keleshite Cleric of Abadar 8 | AC 20 (t11) (ff 19) | F+9, R+5, W+12 | CMB +6 CMD 17 | Init +1, Per +5, SM +17 | speed 30 ft | Channel Positive Energy 8/8 | Acid Dart 8/8 | Agile Feet 8/8 Spells: 4th 4/4 3rd 5/5 2nd 5/5 1st 7/7 | HP 59/59

Sorry for the delay.

Vahid takes a step back, recites a quick spell and reaches out to touch Zeeva.

Trust me, I have to get you out of here, he says to the merchant. And, with that, they both disappear.

Vahid talks a 5' step back and casts Dimension Door. He touches Zeeva, and, if she is willing, Vahid dim-doors them both back 45'-50'opposite the shelf where Saarai is standing. Zeeva must be willing for this to work. Also, if that space that is already occupied by a solid body, they take 1d6 points of damage each and are shunted to a random open space on a suitable surface within 100 feet of the intended location. I felt I had to do this because we are supposed to be protecting her but she was in a very vulnerable location. I went ahead and moved us to show my intent.

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M Half-orc Male Half-Orc Warpriest 1| AC 19 (t 11) (ff 16) | F+3, R+1, W+4 | CMB +4 CMD 15 | Init +3, Darkvision, Per +4, SM +2 | HP 13/13 | Blessings 3/3 | Spells: 1st 2/2

Oloch looks up from his stew long enogh to say,

Giant bear, you say? Sounds a worthy opponent. Where is this Cannibal's Cove?

Dark Archive

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Male Human (Chelaxian) Cavalier 3 Arcane Duelist 1 | AC 21 (t 13) (ff 18) | F+6, R+6, W+4 | CMB +5 CMD 17 | Init +4, Per +0, SM +0 | speed 30 ft | Challenge 1/1 | Calling 2/4 | Tactician 1/1 | Fires of Hell 1/1 | Bardic Performance 13/13 | Spells: 1st 2/2 | HP 37/37

Ludovico carries out a courtly bow and introduces himself.

Consul Andares, it is an honor to meet you. I am Ludovico Tauranor. On behalf of the Pathfinder Society, allow us to express our deepest condolences on the disappearance of your daughter. We are prepared to offer whatever assistance may be required in her recovery. My associate has given you our letter of introduction.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

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M Half-orc Male Half-Orc Warpriest 1| AC 19 (t 11) (ff 16) | F+3, R+1, W+4 | CMB +4 CMD 15 | Init +3, Darkvision, Per +4, SM +2 | HP 13/13 | Blessings 3/3 | Spells: 1st 2/2

Hakon! You may be on to something. Let's wait "until the last sun falls upon this spot" and see what happens.

Liberty's Edge

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Male Half-orc Fighter 2 | AC 19 (t 13) (ff 16) | F+5, R+4, W+1 (+4 vs fear) | CMB +6 CMD 19 |Darkvision 60', Init +3, Per +0 SM +0 | speed 30 ft | HP 19/19

Kharg readies his Orc war ax.

"Lok-Tar Ogar!"

Kharg follows Jillia and Smiley to the Repository. For his warcry, I googled Orcish warcries and found several Warcraft sites with Orcish phrases. This one seems appropriate, it means "Victory or Death". Does anyone know of a good Pathfinder source for Orcish language?

Full Name

Aramil Xiloscent




Animator 3/ CG modeler 12/ Cyclist 25


dude....nothing special


Medium 170 lbs



Special Abilities

Sleep(at will), Talk in utterly confusing Technical jargon (at will), Beat your ass in a sprint (3 times daily)


CW (chaotic whatever, does it matter? I'm still worth XP one way or the other)




Round about the middle of Colorado


english mixed with a strange mumbling in no recognizable language


lots o s%@~

Homepage URL

Strength 10
Dexterity 21
Constitution 13
Intelligence 15
Wisdom 16
Charisma 15