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at the Animal Handling event;
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Kharg stares into the ape's eyes. The ape stares into Kharg's eyes. Kharg bares his teeth. The ape bares his teeth. After a while, Kharg says Smiley, you are correct, this ape is untrainable. let's have some ale!

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*Totally* untrainable, my friend. I'll wager you this coin toss for who's buying the first round -- heads you win, tails I lose.
Smiley has yet to win this particular wager in the many dozens of times he's played it. But it always works out to beer, and that's lucky!
And I, for one, welcome our new high-rolling Halfling overlords. :-)

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As his table-mates head toward the Boasting arena, Markus makes his way to the Menagerie. Brob was right - they really did spare no expense, he thinks, seeing the vast array of exotic and unusual animals.
Markus waits his turn and when his name is called, steps into the competition area. Facing him is an ape nearly three times his size. Markus gulps, and turns to the judge. "I was hoping for something smaller. A ferret maybe, or a particularly recalcitrant housecat," he jokes nervously. Turning back to the ape, he puts on his best impression of Master Farabellus' instructional voice, and starts shouting at the ape.
I've assumed I take the -4 penalty because the ape is bigger than me.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 7 - 4 ⇒ (20) + 7 - 4 = 23
Somehow, Markus' force of personality and impression of a drill instructor cow the ape, which rushes off to the second area of the menagerie with barely a backward glance at Markus. "I think I scared it off! Markus laughs, looking around at Smiley and Kharg standing nearby.

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Well, that's a new one! Smiley's luck is rubbing off!
Stay close to Smiley and we'll all be kings someday! Har, har!
Edit: I don't think the halflings have failed a single contest. Y'all are taking this "lucky halfling" thing a bit too far in my opinion. ;-)

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Kharg watches in disbelief as the ape scampers off to the designated area. He looks at Markus, surprised by the volume of his voice.
Good Job he manages to say.
Turning to Smiley, he says About that ale, I agree. Flip the coin: heads I win, tails, er, go ahead and flip the coin!

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"Nice story Jillia! I'm sorry I wasn't there to see it happen firsthand, but Brob's been pulling me here and yon all morning," she laughs. "First the Lore Symposium, which was actually much less boring than I'd thought it might be and then the Sleuthing competition - Markus was a natural, I bet he'd have a promising career in the city watch if he ever decides that the Pathfinder life isn't working for him. And Smiley did really well with that one too; he's more observant than most people give him credit for I imagine."
She glances upward, taking note of the position of the sun in the sky. "Oh! It'll be time for more speeches and such soon won't it? I know most of you already hit the obstacle course but I think I'll go give it a whirl - heck, maybe the strength competition too. I could use the exercise. No animal training though...stories of cats aside, I've never been very good with animals beyond the bare basics. Good luck if you head off to do more competitions and I'll see guys again shortly!" With that, the priestess hurries off into the crowd...
Though more interested in the obstacle course than weight lifting, the weight lifting happens to be the first of the two remaining competitions that Nella comes across.
With a sideways glance at what appears to be some sort of argument between a dragon-man and a mostly naked half-orc, she carefully takes her place at the designated weights. "Well...here goes..."
Str (DC 12): 1d20 ⇒ 17
"Hrrgh...hah! Helping Papa and Aiden move those drums around last week paid off!" she crows triumphantly as she manages to lift her assigned weights with surprising ease. "Now, for my old nemesis...the obstacle course!"
Hurrying over to the training ground, she eyes the various courses set up with a surprising degree of trepidation. "Come on Nella, you can do this..." she mutters as she lines up to take her turn at the 'red' track for the newer recruits...
Dexterity (DC 12): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Perhaps it's the sudden rush of adrenaline or the knowledge that there's a much larger crowd watching this time, but she actually makes amazingly good time on the course and even executes the leap to catch the dangling rope at the end with a fair amount of grace for a human.
"Woooo! I have redeemed myself!" she laughs, staggering off to the side to catch her breath. "I can't wait to write to Aleris and tell her about this!"

GM Wolfpirit4W |
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Smiley may have a whole lot of brothers and uncles, but sadly it doesn't seem to help him in either performing, herding, or sleuthing. Kharg shares a similar fate (the lack of success, not an overabundance of family.) Team half-halfling does continue to show uncanny good fortune, and traveling with Brob must have rubbed off Nella as she puts several of her competitors to shame (without any real apptitude or natural talent to speak of.)
As the hour draws late most of the athletic competitions have started to wind down. You all meet back up at the Boasting ring, just in time to watch as Brobdingnagian takes to the center. Seeking you out in the crowd, he grins, and then starts setting time by clapping his hands, slapping his knees and tapping his hips, the last few notes accomplished by Ghost Sounds rather than a physical source as he begins to sing Pathfinder Life the way only a curly haired halfing could:
<clap, slap, slap, tap, tap, slap, slap, clap, slap, tap, slap, clap, clap>
It's a Pathfinder life for us!
It's a Pathfinder life for us!
Pay with blood
Get paid in gold
Pursuing Knowledge
New or old
It's a Pathfinder life!
A horn player, finished with his own performance, joins in by adding an accompaniment before Brob begins his tune again.
Say farewell to all we know
There's still a million miles to go!
Camp-fire blankets
Instead of beds
Feel alive
Instead of dead
It's a Pathfinder life!
It may feel like the wolves are always howling
It may seem like there's never any light
It may sound like there's monsters always growling
But we're never going down without a fight!
Who else delves into dungeons dank and deep!?
Who else drags the world back from the brink!?
Who else shines the light where darkness seeps!?
It's a whole lot more exciting than you'd think!
Ochre Jelly life
Kinda smelly life
Sometimes gorey life
Never-boring life
Decemvirate we never see
Decemvirate? What's that, Who's he?
Whether a Beggar or a King
The Open Road’s your own while Pathfinding!
It's the Pathfinder life!
By this time, several other performers have joined in with a variety of instruments, and one actor dressed like a caricature of Drandle Dreng makes an impression:
”'You! Wake up and risk life and limb for a for today's McGuffin!'”
There’s laughter from many-a-pathfinder who had their sleep interrupted abruptly by the Venture Captain, before Brob launches into a harmony with his own Ghost Sound voice.
It's the Pathfinder life for us
-Our adventures just begin!
It's the Pathfinder life for us
-We'll share them with our friends!
Pay with blood get paid in gold
-Not a thought of giving in!
In Pursuit of Knowledge new and old
-Our path will never end!
(Never gonna end)
By this time the entire crowd is starting to join in.
It's the Pathfinder life for us
It's the Pathfinder life for us
Whether a Beggar or a King
The Open Road’s your own while Pathfinding!
It's the Pathfinder Life!
It's The Pathfinder Life!
The last line of the chorus is sung with one voice from the crowd, shouting out! There’s many shared smiles as Pathfinders from all around Golarion remember that regardless of the the Factions and politics that might divide them, they’re still united in a common goal as Pathfinders.
As the sound of singing fades, Marcos Farabellus' voice calls out as if carried by magic (probably quite literally):“Pathfinders, please get settled. All campus-wide events are closing. All venture-captains and field agents are invited to gather on the north lawn for refreshments and the keynote address in several minutes.”
Slowly the crowd begins to make their way to the north lawn, several still bearing a wide smile on their face.

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As the Competition nears completion, your Table has clearly made a name for itself as you receive more than your fair share of congratulations and grudging admiration from your fellow Pathfinders.
Kharg has the distinction of having the best time for the Acrobatics course, with Smiley and Jillia tied for second. Smiley, in his own way, made quite an impression throughout the day and has several offers to share a beer after the speeches! Markus turned out to be quite the sleuth and animal tamer (how those go together, no one is quite sure) and people come up to Nella laughing about her pet cat and how she put that windbag cleric in his place. Last, but not least, Jillia managed to prove that being small in size doesn't make you weak. Both she and Nella showed athletic prowess far beyond any had any right to.
Overall, you share outstanding success as a team!

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"Thanks Kharg. I don't know where that came from though. I must have channelled the spirit of Master Farabellus better than I thought," Markus replies, shaking the half-orc's enormous hand before walking back towards the other competitions.
Markus sees Nella lifting some of the huge weights with relative ease, and then watches as she rushes over the the obstacle course and practically flies through the obstacles "Good work Nella!" he shouts, clapping his hands loudly and cheering.
As the competitions wrap up, Markus sees Brob take the stage and begin one of his impromptu musical numbers. He's clearly been working on this one since their Confirmation, and the interplay between rhythm, music and magic is fantastic. Markus is unable to keep his foot from tapping along, and he joins in with the last line with great gusto.
Pushing his way though the crowd, Markus meets up with Brob just as Master Farabellus' announcement almost deafens him. Waiting until the announcement is over, Markus congratulates Brob. "That song was amazing! How long have you been working on that one?" he asks, slapping Brob heartily on the back.

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Brob grins appreciatively. "Thanks! I've been working on it for a bit, but being here at the Grand Convocation and seeing all of us work together just made a few things pop into place!"
The group winds their way around to the north side of Arliss Hall, where tables are arranged with finger foods and a variety of drinks (not nearly enough to get intoxicated... that's for later) with a number of tables set up for guests waiting for Marcos Farabellus' speech. You can see the Master of Swords is waiting somewhat impatiently in front of the Hall.
Between your time spent exploring during the Competition and any other previous experiences at the Grand Lodge, you are all considered Very Familiar with the Grand Lodge and its buildings. I set up the Lodge Map link in my profile. You can see that it's split into three "districts" of South, North West, and North East.
North West
Mausoleum- Where disections, body preparations, and Necromantic experiments take place
Starhall- Observatory, Library, and museum of extraplanar objects and lore
North East
Quadrangle- The dormitory for Pathfinder trainees. You likely spent several months there.
Repository- This building is almost a fortress and contains the Lodge's most valuable non-Magical knowledge
Monument- A monument to Durvin Gest, the most famous Pathfinder of all time
Menagerie- The Lodge's collection of exotic beasts (currently expanded for the Convocation)
City Gate- The main entrance to the Grand Lodge

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With the competitions finished, and the Turn made proud, Jillia madly dashes back to table 224, slowing only to weave through the collection of Pathfinders lollygagging around the Durvin Gest statue, making it just in time for the keynote address.
Farabellus looks mildly irate- -he gives his best speeches when he's upset. Should be good!

GM Wolfpirit4W |

The Pathfinder Grand Lodge is under attack!
Sir Laribold Croome, an immaculately dressed Taldan nobleman, scrambles for cover behind a table, which his halfling manservant helpfully flips onto its side. Catching his breath, the Taldan fumbles for his monocle before addressing the nearby Pathfinders. “Monsters and villains are attacking all over the grounds,” he states with perfect articulation, punctuated by a crossbow bolt that embeds itself in his makeshift barricade. “Spread out, patrol the grounds, and snuff out trouble as you find it. If you should discover any clues about what the devil is going on, report back here at the base of Skyreach.”
He pulls his sword cane free from its sheath and raises it overhead. “Look alive, and show initiative,” he shouts before performing an elaborate dueling salute in the direction of an elephant and setting off after it.
Options! The three main sections of the Lodge are where the action currently is. It takes some time (minutes) to walk between areas, but that doesn't have an impact other than draining buffs if you have them. Where do you want to begin?
Also, make sure to go to the [b]Discussion thread to establish a SOP

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The sudden assault takes Markus somewhat by surprise, but he quickly rallies. He pulls his morningstar from it's boot and looks around for imminent threats.
"What's going on? Who's doing this?" Markus asks frantically. He grips the haft of his weapon tightly. "We need to defend the Lodge."

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Nella shrieks with surprise and ducks instinctively as chaos explodes all around her and her companions. "Wha...okay! We'll do what we can!" she calls after Croome.
Is he going to fight that elephant by himself???
Quickly, she grabs for her crossbow and readies a bolt before looking at the others. "No kidding! We should try and do what we can here so people have somewhere halfway safe to rally!"

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Jillia's smile looks more wry and less pleased as a salvo of crossbow bolts hits the table they're crouched behind.
"First order of business seems like we ought to find out what is going on. Sir Croome has that elephant under control, if nothing else," she jokes flatly.
"If this is all a diversion, the obvious target is the Repository, right?" Jillia asks, cocking a head towards the outbuilding explosions.
I wish I had a real lead, and not idle speculation. Sitting here isn't helping anyone though.
Call it a vote for "towards the explosions."

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Smiley looks around, scanning for that recalcitrant ape. Not seeing it, he wholeheartedly agrees with Jillia.
Right! Repotisory! Let's go! Stay close to Smiley for good luck!

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Kharg readies his Orc war ax.
"Lok-Tar Ogar!"
Kharg follows Jillia and Smiley to the Repository. For his warcry, I googled Orcish warcries and found several Warcraft sites with Orcish phrases. This one seems appropriate, it means "Victory or Death". Does anyone know of a good Pathfinder source for Orcish language?

GM Wolfpirit4W |

The Grand Lodge’s campus is overrun with marauders and monsters, while support staff, initiates, and visitors run in peril for their lives. Yet, nearby groups of Pathfinders cluster together and argue about what to do about it, which team should stand back and support the other, and who has the best idea of what is happening. A venture-captain who you recognize as Janiff Ivulxtin, one of Competion judges, strides around disperses one knot of Pathfinders milling about with an exasperated command before spying you striding her way.
"You there! I recognize you all, from the Competition! We need to organize our resistance! The rest of the Venture-Captains and I are attempting to coordinate our efforts, but it seems like everyone is looking for a signed invitation before they can act!
Go to the Repository and ensure that the Agents stationed there keep to their post! And while you're at it, round up any stragglers and make sure you send them to safety! Use my name if you have to, but given your notoriety from the Competition, if anyone can impose order on this mob, you can!" With that, she rushes off towards an explosion to the south.
As much as none of you really wanted authority, it seems to have been thrust onto you!
You can disobey the order if you want, let me know if you do, though

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Kharg, I find Google Translate a pretty good resource for this. I usually do it with a spoiler:
Haght’anak kam mah!
(Apologies to anyone of Armenian descent)

GM Wolfpirit4W |

Assuming you follow the Venture Captain's order
As you press on towards the Repository, you find a group of Pathfinder Agents that seems almost paralyzed by fear as they huddle behind an overturned wagon. They seem quite unwilling to move from there (even though it's an indefensible position) and one half-elf calls out "We're not going anywhere! I don't want to risk getting caught in the open by those... things...!"
You can make a DC 16 Diplomacy Check to help them find their nerve. Anyone that has a Class Feature that gives a bonus against fear effects can add that to their check.

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"Those things don't care that you're hiding behind a flimsy wagon," Jillia shouts, moving to upend the wagon back onto its wheels, in an attempt to remove their cover.
If necessary: Strength Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
"We'll get through this, but not right here in the middle of the quad," her voice returning to normal levels, her smile returning. "And not unless we work together."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19

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Jillia's words ring out, and (perhaps a tad intimidated by the wagon-chucking Halfing) the cowering Agents decide that bravery is the better part of valor and go to join a Mustering group north of the Hall!
As you continue along, you see a Dwarf with a crossbow that darts from tree to tree all by himself, his eyes scanning the horizon for a foe to shoot. Unfortunately it appears that he would be helplessly outnumbered if the strange winged monsters that were terrorizing the skies caught up with him.
If you point out that danger to him or suggest he help escort others to safety, he barks out, “What gives you lads the right to order me about? I'm a Field Agent! You’re no venture-captains! I'm sure those professors can make their way themselves!”
You can make a Knowledge History DC 12 or Bluff Check DC 16 to remind him that in the past Temporary Authority has been granted in an emergency.

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"Venture-Captain Janiff Ivulxtin gives us the right!" Nella calls out, exasperation evident in her voice as she nervously keeps her eyes on the skies. "If you're a Field Agent then you should know that authority can be granted to Pathfinders of any rank during an emergency! It's time to cooperate so we can all get out of this alive and in one piece!"
Bluff (Untrained): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
"You might need to flip another wagon if he won't listen to sense," she whispers to Jillia.

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"If you do get the attention of those things, then what? How many bolts do you carry?" Jillia shouts up at the trees. "Find some like-minded snipers and set up together- -this isn't the kind of fight one person can win!"
Bluff Aid: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Jillia looks for a nearby wagon, just in case.

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The dwarf hems and haws, but eventually gives in to the (completely untrained) bluff by Nella. There's sure a lot of grumbling and "I'll speak to Ambrose himself about this!" but he reluctantly heads towards a group of professors and joins in escorting them to safety.
Finally, you make your way to the repository, a squat gray building with no visible point of entry, just as you see the guard-post being deserted by a group of young Pathfinder Agents. One of them, a robed Aasimar, shouts, "To the Hall!" As you draw near, another yells out, "Hey, you? Why don’t you guard this stone building with no doors and windows!? We’ll capture that giant two-headed vulture!"
Make a DC 20 Diplomacy check
Make a DC 12 intimidate check

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As Kharg arrives at the entrance of the repository, he sees the guards run off,
Stay at your post! he bellows.
intimidate: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
hmm, it appears they did not hear me over the din of battle

GM Wolfpirit4W |

Sadly, they laugh off Kharg's attempting, increasing the DC for either check by 2
Puffed up on her own importance, the Aasimar rolls her eyes at Kharg. "You stay here yourself, orc-blood. When the record of this goes into the Chronicle, I want to make sure the name 'Dara Immlin' is more than just a footnote!"

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Markus' short legs leave him running behind the others, and he is clearly nervous about having to tell other Pathfinders what to do, even with the authority of a Venture-Captain behind him. He has his orders though, and he does his best to scare the reluctant aasimar woman into obeying.
"Now look here miss! We have orders to ensure that the Repository is well defended, and Venture-Captain Ivulxtin has ordered us to make sure that any nearby Pathfinders are doing their bit. He mentioned you by name, and said that you were the sort of Agent he'd want defending a place as important as the Repository."
Intimidate DC14, -4 to roll for size difference: 1d20 + 7 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 7 - 4 = 15

GM Wolfpirit4W |

Whether Apes or Aasmiars, Markus proves to be an intimidating little halfing and halts the group in their tracks. Dara stops and looks at you, her gold eyes shocked as she says, "Venture-Captain Ivulxtin!? They'll have our hide if they find out we abandoned post!" Reluctantly, she motions to the rest of her group to return to their post. The Repository is secure. Victory!
Turning South towards the Quadrangle, the beauty of the Grand Lodge’s well-manicured grounds is shattered by the sounds of shouts and screams from panicked initiates, support staff, and visitors. Frightened innocents trip over hedges and stumble through fountains and pools in an effort to get to safety by the most direct means possible, especially when the landscaping otherwise leads them to certain peril.
You watch as a few historians run in terror as a half dozen small vermin that were previously housed in the menagerie come scurrying after them, then chittering at escaped prey, re-orient on you!

GM Wolfpirit4W |

Wow. Just wow. I think that the Paizo roller busted....
Jillia Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Kharg's's Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Markus' Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Nella's Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Smiley's Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Group A Initiative: 1d20 ⇒ 19
Group B Initiative: 1d20 ⇒ 5
The group seems slow to react as the beetles surge forward, flying clumsily. Two of them manage to sink their mandibles into a Flat-footed Kharg!
Attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15 Kharg
Attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16 Kharg
Attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 Smiley
A1 Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 3
A2 Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2
5 Damage, Kharg
Next up: Markus, Nella
<= ! -- means you're up!
- Kharg: -5 hp
- <n/a>
Active Global Conditions: None.
Round 1:
- Fire Beetle A
- Markus <= !
- Nella <= !
- Fire Beetle B
- Smiley
- Jillia
- Kharg
If you guys want to make tactical movements, like asking someone to move before your action, you can telegraph it / spoiler it

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Markus' ability to give orders surprises not only the aasimar but also himself, though he has little time to ponder on it before a number of huge beetles come flying out of the grounds towards them. Hefting his morningstar, Markus steps forward to strike at one of the nearest.
5ft step into the gap as a Free Action (Lockwood please), then Standard Action to attack beetle A1.
Attack the Beetle: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11
Damage: 1d6 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0 Defaults to minimum 1, in the unlikely event that attack actually hit. I feel that this is a good example of why halfling sorcerers don't enter melee very often!

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"Augh! I hate insects..." Nella whimpers as the beetles turn their attention to the group, though her disgust doesn't prevent her from calling for Shelyn's blessings. "Kharg, I know you can flatten these things! Lady Shelyn is with you!"
Sorry for the delayed post; was out and about most of the day. Blessing of the Faithful on Kharg. He gets a +2 bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, or saving throws or to AC until Nella's next turn!

GM Wolfpirit4W |

No worries, Nella. On Blessing of the Faithful, it looks like a attack rolls - ability checks, or saving throws, or AC. Is that correct? And do you do you decide which, or does Kharg?

GM Wolfpirit4W |

The remaining beetles join in the fun, chittering forward!
B2: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10 Markus
B1: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14 Smiley
Damage Smiley: 1d4 ⇒ 1
One barely nicks Smiley!
Next up: Smiley, Jilia, Kharg
<= ! -- means you're up!
- Kharg: -5 HP, Blessing of the Faithful
- Smiley: -1 HP
- <n/a>
Active Global Conditions: None.
Round 1:
- Fire Beetle A: Half-orc, the other white meat.
- Markus: Swing and a miss
- Nella: Blessing
- Fire Beetle B: Dwarf, the other other white meat.
- Smiley <= !
- Jillia <= !
- Kharg <= !

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Good question. As best as I can tell, it's any single one of the listed options, so just attack rolls or just AC or just skill checks, etc. It also looks like I designate the bonus, which means I did it wrong in her last (and also first) scenario - d'oh! In that case, I'll go with Kharg gets a +2 on his attack rolls.

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Jillia quickly draws her shortsword and attempts to separate the line of vermin a bit, taking a single lunging stab at A3.
ShortSword, Power Attack: 1d20 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (15) + 7 - 1 = 21
ShortSword, Power Attack: 1d4 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 2 = 6

GM Wolfpirit4W |

Jillia attacks and there is a loud <squish> as she skewers cleanly through its carapace. It falls on it's back, legs twitching.
Jillia, you have a Move still is you want it, also, you can "move off the board" if you need to for tactical reasons.

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Kharg swings his ax at the nearest bug, feeling a surge of power he had not expected.
First Attack: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 4 + 2 = 21
damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Thank you Lady Shelyn he shouts as he steps over the dead bug and follows through with the other end of his ax on the vermin next to Markus.
Second Attack: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 4 + 2 = 25
damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Kharg will first attack the bug to his 9 o'clock, 5 foot step into that bugs space and then take his second attack on the bug adjacent to Markus

GM Wolfpirit4W |

Squish-splash Kharg returns the favor to the beetles that bit him by rending two of them!
Both go down!

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Postscript: Jillia will take a 5-foot step. (SE to adjacent to Smiley)
"Highly efficient!" Jillia will call to Kharg as he mows down a pair of beetles, a smile on her face.

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Smiley, caught flat-footed, was apparently distracted by a passing butterfly.
No more enemies in sight?

GM Wolfpirit4W |

There's two beetles for you to beat on, Smiley. Check the Tactical Map ;)

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I'll get my Round 2 in now before I go to work so that I'm not holding people up, if that's OK.
Markus ducks aside as Kharg wades into the fray, eliminating a beetle with each end of his strange double-ended axe. "Thanks Kharg," says Markus, stepping backwards. He raises his hand, palm outstretched, and conjures a swirling, spitting ball of acid, which he launches at one of the beetles.
Free Action to 5ft step backwards to the space next to Nella (Lockwood please), the Standard Action to cast acid splash on beetle B2
Acid splash vs touch AC: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 3

GM Wolfpirit4W |

That's fine. I realized all of Group A is dead, so technically you're up anyway. Smiley, we'll delay you if you don't act by this afternoon, though you're making quick work of the beetles
Smiley is somewhat distracted by butterflies, but with half of the beetles dead, Markus gets jealous of all the squish-splash going on and splashes one beetle with acid. It's still up, but just barely.
Next up: Smiley, Nella
<= ! -- means you're up!
- Smiley -1 HP. Distracted by butterflies?
- Kharg: -5 HP
- Group A: Squished
- B2: -3 hp
Active Global Conditions: None.
Round 1:
- Markus: Joining in the "Squish-splash". Kinda[/b]
- Nella <= !
- Fire Beetle B
- Smiley <= !
- Jillia: Squish!
- Kharg Squish-splash!

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Smiley roars a mighty "Har! Stop buggin' me!" and attempts to kick the nearest beetle (B3) in the face...
Unarmed: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
...but hits the butterfly instead.
Best stay away from combat next time, flutter-by!

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Feeling more than a little concerned for her strange but oddly charming companion, Nella shifts her attention to Smiley as the remaining beetles move in. "Um, great shot Smiley - do you have any idea how hard those things are to catch, let alone kick out of the sky? And I bet you're too quick for these poor beetles; they'll only catch air!"
Blessing of the Faithful on Smiley this time; let's go with a +2 to AC for now.

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Thanks, Nella. AC is the best choice. The way I'm rolling, I'd need a +10 or more bonus to actually hit anything.
Smiley grins in appreciation at Nella as he dodges to and fro.

GM Wolfpirit4W |

The beetles continue their frenzied attacks on the Pathfinders! However, Nella's Blessing appeared to be a Fire Beetle Repellent as well as working on Butterflies as they all miss wildly!
B1 Attack on Smiley: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
B2 Attack on Kharg: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
B1 Attack on Smiley: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Next up: Smiley, Jillia, Kharg (technically, Markus and Nella as well?)
<= ! -- means you're up!
- Smiley: -1HP, +2AC
- Kharg: -5HP
- B2: -3 HP>
Active Global Conditions: None.
Round 2:
- Markus: Splash!
- Nella: Butterfly Repellant on Smiley
- Fire Beetle B: Karmic dice rolling
- Smiley <= !
- Jillia <= !
- Kharg <= !
Nella and Markus, you can add what your action will be in the interest of moving things along, as there isn't an enemy between you and the rest of the group. It'll go off after the other three act, assuming that all the bugs aren't squashed in the meantime.

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Seeing his acid dissolving into the carapace of the giant beetle, Markus takes deep breath to steady himself and looses another ball of spitting corrosive liquid.
Standard Action to cast acid splash at B2, or B1 if B2 gets crushed by Kharg.
Acid splash vs touch, into melee: 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 - 4 = 13