Siegebeast2142's page
Organized Play Member. 46 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 24 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.
"during his flurry of blows, a monk my substitute a ... trip maneuver... for one of his attacks". Doesn't say how you have to use that trip maneuver.
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@Zarius by your definition, monks are never unarmed, and always using their natural weapons unless using a manufactured monk weapon (IE Kama). You should take a chill pill, calm down, and rage less at people. Also, you should follow your own advice and check a rulebook for definitions, before trying to use real world logic to define ingame terms.
jedicortez wrote: sounds like it cant be traded The one that I give away can not be traded... But what about the one that I have to give? Can I trade it instead of giving it? I personally don't see why not, but I'm not as avid a follower of boon trading thread rules as others.
Can you trade off the extra skinwalker boon you get for GM'ing 36 games?
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Trait to give sleight of hand as a class skill and hide daggers/kukris on my body.
We were playing true dragons of absalom yesterday (oh, how much fun it was to play a kobold!)... We had a few. Someone called out to the invaders "Your mommy was a goblin and your daddy a whore!" That one had the table rolling. Someone else was controlling an npc you can acquire along the way and was having *way* too much fun talking to itself. Had him trying to call out to the invaders like he was one of them, only to have his second personality call the first personality an idiot for trying that (yelling the whole time). It was a fun(ny) night.
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You guys should take the hoe talk to pm's and stop mucking this thread up.
I plan on running 5-24 in six weeks. I want to do a scenario each week between now and then to set up armies and boons for 5-24 assault on the wound.
Any suggestions?
I've got a Cleric/Monk of Magdh that flurries with a scythe. I took magical knack as a trait for increased caster level. Took one level of crusader cleric with knowledge domain. I have every knowledge skill, I flurry with a scythe, and I can get an animal companion if I wanted to spend the two feats for it.I cast spells from scrolls (needing caster level checks for anything greater than a 2nd level spell). It works great. I love it. One of the most fun characters I've ever played.
The Archive wrote: Well, assuming you don't have a way to model what would normally be odd numbered stats, you could just go:
PB Mod
-2 = -1
0 = 0
2 = +1
5 = +2
10 = +3
17 = +4
Going 1 point = +1 mod doesn't really work as an equivalent of the normal Pathfinder Point Buy. For example, buying an 18 with the normal system represents spending 85% of 20PB, and 113% of 15PB. There's not really a good way to keep that sort of ratio easily.
Of course, that doesn't matter at all if you don't care about sticking with how the normal PB has things.
If you read my post, you'd realize that I gave him exactly what he wanted without having to house rule anything more, and getting as close as possible to the same %'s as the standard buy method.
However, if he's willing to do the standard method with no extra work, and not allow the odd base stats, your method works with no house ruling necessary beyond "no odd numbered stats"
the most you could get w/out dumping stats in a 15 point buy is 3 +2 mods and 3 +1 mods. So a 9 mod total if you spent points as efficiently as possible.
A 4 Mod in normal buy costs 17 points. Of your 15, that's 113% of your total buy. So, to get as close to that as possible (assuming you want the same power level since you said 15 point buy specifically)
0-1 1 point
1-2 1 point
2-3 3 points
3-4 5 points
With a 9 point buy, this gets you 3 2 mods and 3 1 mods if you spend most efficiently. This also cost 110% of your starting points to get a +4 mod... The closest you can get to the 113% of the standard 15 point buy.
There was a post on the forums that had the ACG developer state, essentially, "why not" in response to these questions. You could probably find it by using the search function.
My Tengu Samurai is really a 2 weapon fighting barbarian. 17 STR, 19 Dex, 10 Con/8Int/10Wis/10Cha. I two weapon fight with a Katana and Wakazashi. I picked up heavy armor prof and use mithral o-yori.
lemeres wrote: Ashram wrote: 3. Depends on if the temple is a dedicated brothel, but more often than not yes. The "companions" there would likely be on the more expensive side if it's a big temple. A bit more discussion:
3. If there are no rooms, then it is likely a referral service, and then you go back to the local inn.
Heck, the 'temple' might just BE the local inn. Clerics of Cayden Cailean often own bars and just make a small shrine in the back- I am sure low level clerics of Calistria in small, no horse towns are not too different. And inn keepers are useful for the spying aspect of the god too, since they are able to keep an eye out for new arrivals in town.
But in practical terms... just get the silk. Less likely to cause problems in a group. Also, you have less need to divert from the scenario... which I am sure could be a problem in PFS. Even that, for some people, is off putting.
TheMonkeyFish wrote: @Siegebeast: You've never actually fought against Wizards or Archers who actually try to keep a distance from you, have you? Full attack damage is hypothetical damage that must have all the stars align perfectly for you to perform 100% of the time in combat. I mean, I guess you could take Power Attack at level 2 instead of level 1 and Furious Focus at level 6 instead of level 3. But then what, Cleave? Carnage? Improved Sunder? You're using 2H fighting, not 2W fighting so the 2W Fighting Style is useless. Underhanded if you wanted to make an Oversized Weapon with Dirty Tactics. Additionally, 1 level Titan Fighter, 11 Ranger gives you Magic and access to Stacking Archetypes that you don't get with Titan Fighter. Same HP and BAB, and 4 more Skillpoints, the only reason you would take more levels in Fighter is to improve the number of Combat Feats you get.
Personally, here is what I would do for an Oversized Weapon guy:
Class: Fighter [Titan Fighter] 2, Ranger [Shapeshifter/Wild Hunter]
Weapon of Choice: Vicious Greatsword(Greataxe) w/ Effortless Lace
Secondary Weapon: Composite Longbow
Combat Options
The Dream: Full attack action with 6d6 Melee
The Most Likely: Full attack action with 4d6
Backup Plan: 18d6 Attack after a Move Action
Backup Plan vs Running Opponents: 12d6 after a Move Action
@Belafon: Effortless Lace from PPC: Giant Hunter's Guide might be the best item you're going to be able to get in PFS. Decrease penalty by 2 is a nice bonus for titan fighters.
"Addition Resources wrote: Pathfinder Player Companion: Giant Hunter's Handbook
Archetypes: all archetypes on page 20–21 are legal for play; Equipment: all equipment and kits on pages 24–25 are legal for play; Feats: all feats on page 19 and pages 22–23 are legal for play; Magic items: all magic items on pages 28–29 and the back inside cover, except effortless lace, are legal for play including the two special abilities...
Rysky wrote: Siegebeast2142 wrote: If we're in town for a week on R&R, he makes 30 of them. We are now stocked. Stocked. Not eschewable. Can I join your game? 1st level cleric, Imma spend a year creating and selling holy and unholy water and buy the planet. checkmate, DM. I own the world.
TheMonkeyFish wrote: @Siegebeast - How are you going to get Pounce/Ignore Difficult Terrain? Otherwise, have fun with those 2-3 attacks per turn without Pounce and Ignore Terrain effects. Unless your DM is being kind to you when it comes to enemy placement and using bad positioning. :P
It must be nice.... I've never once had a DM that used an encounter that allowed PC's to use full attack actions. I think I only ever done it once, because I had 15ft. reach when he thought I only had a 10ft. reach, and he never made that mistake again, lol.
Personally, I'd rather take an option that gives me Free Combat Feats and access to Lead Blades through level up, and deals max damage 25-50% of the time, and the option to deal near-max damage the rest of the time when I can't get a full attack option off.
Never a full attack off a charge, but never a vital strike off a charge either. After front lines clash, there isn't much movement beyond five foot shifts - where you can still take a full attack afterward.
Siegebeast2142 wrote: Zedorland wrote: Multiple seperate size increases do not stack. Additionally, multiple "effective" size increases do not stack (ie: lead blades and impact). Titan *fighter* not mauler. Fighter archetype, not the barbarian archetype. When I'm huge and something like 30 feet tall, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have a problem with a 20 foot greatsword ;) I don't think I want to do vital strike, as that requires a standard action. I think I'd rather have my 2-3 attack at that point.
MageHunter wrote: I don't think enlarge can stack like that.
Did you get the oversized limbs tiefling ability? Because you would just always be able to wield huge weapons, and they grow with you.
By the way, a Huge Great sword would be 20 ft. Long and weigh 32 lb. As a reference point, a froghemoth is 22 ft. Tall.
Edit: Big problem is accuracy. At level 3 Titan Mauler (soonest you can wield oversized weapons) you get a -5 accuracy penalty, that gradually decreases with more barbarian levels.
Titan *Fighter* not mauler. Fighter archetype. Gets the ability at level 1. Also, when i'm something like 30 feet tall, I'm sure I wouldn't have a problem with a 20 foot greatsword!
Zedorland wrote: Multiple seperate size increases do not stack. Additionally, multiple "effective" size increases do not stack (ie: lead blades and impact). Titan *fighter* not mauler. Fighter archetype, not the barbarian archetype. When I'm huge and something like 30 feet tall, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have a problem with a 20 foot greatsword ;)
If we're in town for a week on R&R, he makes 30 of them. We are now stocked.
Zedorland wrote: Multiple seperate size increases do not stack. Additionally, multiple "effective" size increases do not stack (ie: lead blades and impact). Do you have something saying from the CRB? Because talking about it with my venture captain, he didn't see a problem with any of it.
If it can be done 3-5 times a day at first level for free, I'd say "eschewable" is a good way to describe it.
Or you can just have your cleric curse a flask of your water for it.
Or you can have your cleric create water over your target, curse the water immediately, and then use that 2 gallons/level of cursed water as your material focus. Hopefully that's enough cursed water for your spell. You might have to douse the guy a couple times just to be sure. It doesn't list how much you need EXACTLY, after all. [/eyeroll]
So I got my Tiefling boon, and for it, I was considering making a fighter that is obsessed with wielding the largest weapon he can find.
Starts off with 1-3 levels of Titan Fighter (1 just to get the ability to wield a large 2 handed weapon, 2 for the bonus feat, 3 for the 1 point reduction in attack penalties)
Takes at least 8 levels of primal companion hunter next, with one level of living monolith for my 6th character level (to be able to enlarge). After my pet dies, I'd enter a period of indefinite mourning for it, not replacing it and gaining access to the evolutions for myself. At 8th level, I'll be able to evolve myself to large for 8 minutes a day. With the swift enlarge from Living Monolith, I'll go huge.
Equipment wise, I'm going to need a Large 2hander for when I'm not eidolon size increasing, and a huge 2hander for when I am. (Yes, I know huge weapons aren't always available, so I'll need the fame. I'm not going to need this till 8th level, I'll be able to afford at least a +1 enhancement on the huge weapon) I'm thinking either a great sword or an earth breaker as a primary. Eventually, I'd like to have both just for DR purposes, but as a primary, I'm trying to decide between the higher crit mod, or the higher crit chance. Either way, they are both going to have the impact magic special ability to treat the weapon as a size category bigger.
So the way combat against a BBEG looks is: Round One: Buffs! Double Enlarge (YAY, I'm HUGE now!) Lead Blades. Round 2: Charge! So, starting off with the 2d6 for a medium sized Greatsword: 3d6 Large, 4d6 Huge, 6d6 Gargantuan (because the enlarge also enlarges my equipment) 8d6 Lead blades 12d6 Impact. My STR is +10 from both the enlarges (+2 from enlarge, +8 from evolution).
The advice I'm seeking: Are there any other damage dice increasing effects that I missed? Are there any PFS legal ways to decrease the penalty for wielding a weapon that's too big for you? I see that effortless lace isn't legal for PFS... Is there anything that I might have missed?
Sorry misquoted. the person I was supposed to quote in this conversation (though I'm sure those that care figured it out)
Ashram wrote: Choose a different deity then? >.>
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The Shaman wrote: To me it was a bit weird that it had to be compensated sex. So the goddess of lust and passion is not cool with sex done for the purpose of passion or purely following your lusts and prefers it as a transaction? I am not convinced this stipulation makes sense. There isn't a different diety that this character *wants* to worship. I'm not opposed to having sexual exploits in game personally... But I *am* opposed to having to even roleplay finding these scenarios when people at the table - and in the store / watching / listening in general - might be put off by it.
Melkiador wrote: Daw wrote: I think the OP has fundementally misread the Obedience.
You are not hiring a prostitute, you are acting as a prostitute.
You are looking for someone to pay YOU in information, cash or whatever. I'm pretty sure it can be read either way. It makes sense that Calistria would be just as pleased with you using prostitues as being a prostitute. That would be even WORSE. Now, not only am I having to drag others at the table through my sexual exploits, I'm having to spend EVEN MORE table time trying to make those exploits happen.
Ashram wrote: 1. Depends on legality, most large towns have at least a brothel or two. Also depends on what scenario you're playing and if you're close to civilization.
2. Ultimate Equipment has "companions" listed as 5 CP to 10 GP. You get what you pay for, although this is up to the GM and any appropriate PFS authority.
3. Depends on if the temple is a dedicated brothel, but more often than not yes. The "companions" there would likely be on the more expensive side if it's a big temple.
4. Yep.
In all actuality though, you'll more than likely have to go with the backup way of fulfilling Calistria's obedience.
I would be JUST FINE using ONLY the backup of covering myself in silk as opposed to having to spend time in the scenario actively looking for prostitutes. I mean, yea, it's part of the game, but other people aren't there to hear about my character going to see prostitutes every day.
How common are prostitutes in Golarion? How much do they cost? Do temples of Kalistria have... Rooms??? That can be used to fulfill my daily obedience?
If there is still room, I can commit to a Wednesday evening every other week, or a Saturday evening/morning every other week, as well.
cavernshark wrote: I'm going to assume for a minute you came looking for ways to optimize a bit. As it is, I think you're sort of all over the board and are actually hurting yourself more than helping, and possibly overestimating what you're getting in return (e.g. you aren't getting Bane in your build until level 11, the end of your PFS career).
Based on your concept, I'm assuming the following are core to your build:
Animal companion (probably with Boon Companion feat)
Bardic performance
Some spell casting
Buffs to guns (probably via spell casting)
Alignment shenanigans
Given that, I think you'll probably get more mileage multiclassing Gunslinger and Evangelist Cleric with the Animal domain. You'll cut down on missing BAB levels, get faster progression in spells to offset your Gunslinger levels, still have an animal companion.
1: Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger)
2-11: Evangelist Cleric (Animal Domain)
Boon companion gets your companion to full level, your bardic performance actually scales and even becomes a move action at effective level 8. You'll have almost full spell progression, getting access to things like Greater Magic Weapon at level 6. Since you're a cleric, you can also use that Charisma to Damage from Mysterious Gunslinger and have decent channels per day. You won't get quick clear, but you could keep a back up gun enchanted with Greater Magic Weapon for if it breaks mid combat and rely in Mending or Make Whole to fix out of combat.
The only thing that doesn't get you is quite as many deeds or the alignment stuff in Inquisitor. I think it's a decent trade, but that'd be your call on how important that is.
I somehow missed Evangelic Cleric. I'll have to go check it out, thanks!
Oh well, just frees me up to get a different first level spell.
LOL, of course it did! Can't have spells doing what they are supposed to do, now can we! *eyeroll*
From the unchained?
http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/unchained/skillsAndOptions/variantMultic lassing.html
this variant? I'm not actually that into bard to lose that many feats.
So I'm in the process of creating a character for PFS. I've envisioned this grippli that rides a snake that shows up and defends towns from evil cultists and rides off into the sunset before ever getting a thank you. While adventuring with companions, he stays back on his horse, inspiring confidence in his allies with tales of "The Siege of Ashimar" and the "defense of the nine mountains" battles. (Example battles are examples!)
Essentially, class build is:
1: Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger
2. Bard
3. Sacred Huntsmaster Infiltrator Inquisitor
4-7 Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger (getting the ignore misfires deed x/day deed)
8+ Sacred Huntsmaster Infiltrator Inquisitor
Sacred Huntsmaster, because I got a cool boon for a special snake that I want my froggy to ride. Infiltrator because I think it'd be fun to detect as evil for a day, also- opposing alignment spells. Inquisitor is pretty much how I'm going to be getting all my super cool magical bonuses.
I understand that Mysterious stranger is Cha based instead of wis based like a normal 'slinger, and that inquisitors are wis based instead of cha based like the mysterious stranger. I'm okay with having average stats. I think my stats are:
Str 8 Dex 18 Con 10 Int 10 Wis 14 Cha 16. Willing to reconsider spread. Eventually I'd put 1 point into wisdom for access to fifth level spells (probably at 12, if I want to do Eyes of the Ten with this character).
I've considered "calling" myself a mysterious stranger but playing as a musket master... Not as interesting, I think. I like the idea of dual pistols later on. I plan on using gloves of storing to be able to free my hands and reload the pistols.
The one level of bard literally for the inspire. Having access to 2 or 3 abundant ammunitions is nice, too. I've considered taking Magical Knack Bard for increased caster level to let the ammunition last a couple extra minutes.
Inquisitor for access to bane, essentially. Oh, and the mount. The inquisitor spell list has some cool spells as well.
The biggest problem I see with this build is having to use the first round of combat to buff up my pistols. Second round of combat... Or maybe first... I'd also inspire my allies.
I think this could be a fun character. It's been fun planning him out, at least. Suggestions? Anyone try this before? Suggestions for feat progression?
My first idea for feats are:
Rapid Reload, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, 2 Weapon Fighting, Improved 2 weapon fighting, Tandem Trip (bonus), Precise shot, Mounted Combat, Target of Opportunity(bonus).
I'd like to get dead eye (deadly aim?) In there. The ranged power attack feat. Not sure where at, though. I've thought about splashing a level or two of fighter to get a couple extra feats, but I'm not sure if it's worth delaying inquisitor or gunslinger things even more for that.
Have: Grippli boon
Want: Tiefling boon
3d6 ⇒ (3, 3, 4) = 10
3d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 5) = 13
3d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 1) = 10
3d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 3) = 11
3d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 6) = 13
3d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 5) = 10
thanks for the far link. Used to be able to, but not no more.
Can I use a weapon cord on my secondary weapon to use spell combat and get the extra attack for two weapon fighting?
On another note: Who has the paladin tenets for imbrex? I've searched around, asked about it with my venture captain, and neither of us could find anything.
Atarlost wrote: Simply having social skills as skills and charisma as a stat encourages every player who doesn't have the highest modified skill in the party to keep their mouth shut. It's a fundamental flaw in the notion of linking skills to levels.
To allow everyone to participate in social scenes you have to either deliberately break up the social skills in a way that encourages splitting them among different people, get rid of the notion of social skills entirely and freeform RP conversation, or progress skills by use rather than on level up.
That second doesn't work if the real world players have different levels of real world social skills.
I'd stop playing if they got rid of social skills and gave freeform RP conversation as a replacement, for multiple reasons.
1. *MORE* Table Variation. No longer would you have a dc27 diplomacy or dc35 bluff check to pass the encounter, now you have to craft a conversation that the DM thinks would be good enough for a specific character for success.
2. I as me think vastly differently than my human characters, let alone my non human characters. Gm says, "you fail to influence the sorcerer because you used human emotion to try and convince him, but you are a Nagaji. Nagaji don't have human emotions. The sorcerer casts chain lighting. Everyone take 57 damage and roll me an initiative." Yea. That doesn't sound like fun.
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Sundakan wrote: Siegebeast2142 wrote: Thanks for the replies! I chose Gate specifically FOR those duality moments. Why? "Power at a price" is a common trope, of course, but generally that is because you are receiving great power you would not normally receive otherwise.
In this case you are choosing to forfeit your godly might...to summon something weaker than what you already could (all Hellknights can choose Summon Servant of Law, and Axiomites are pretty rough and tumble compared to Barbazu, with Zelekhut being equivalent to Bone Devils in power as well).
That isn't duality, that's just your character being a very poor decision maker. No, that sounds like me meta gaming myself into a place where I can have something for nothing again, and have no personal moral dilemmas. I'm not playing this character to min/max what I can do... I'm playing this character because I *want* to push an internal moral boundary.
I was asking more of a "hey, is this going to get my character kicked out of the society" then anything else. Thanks for telling me my way of play a character concept was stupid though! I'll go back to playing two handed fighter with rage chew and explode creatures on touch. Thanks!
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I get tired of the "wait, it's a female? Can wez fux it?" types. Every game. Every scenario.
Thanks for the replies! I chose Gate specifically FOR those duality moments.
So I'm playing character of the above classes. My deity is Imbrex. I'm an Oath of Vengeance paladin and I'm Order of the Gate Hell Knight. Order of the Gate Hell Knights summon Bearded Devils. Not a power I plan on abusing lightly, but I figure I'd be perfectly fine (Just as the oath of vengeance states) working with a bearded devil (lesser devil) to take out a greater devil, or a demon.
Thoughts? Anyone run across this before? I know I can't be the first.