
Siegebeast2142's page

Organized Play Member. 46 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 24 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Scarab Sages

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@Zarius by your definition, monks are never unarmed, and always using their natural weapons unless using a manufactured monk weapon (IE Kama). You should take a chill pill, calm down, and rage less at people. Also, you should follow your own advice and check a rulebook for definitions, before trying to use real world logic to define ingame terms.

Scarab Sages

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Trait to give sleight of hand as a class skill and hide daggers/kukris on my body.

Scarab Sages

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You guys should take the hoe talk to pm's and stop mucking this thread up.

Scarab Sages

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The Shaman wrote:
To me it was a bit weird that it had to be compensated sex. So the goddess of lust and passion is not cool with sex done for the purpose of passion or purely following your lusts and prefers it as a transaction? I am not convinced this stipulation makes sense.

There isn't a different diety that this character *wants* to worship. I'm not opposed to having sexual exploits in game personally... But I *am* opposed to having to even roleplay finding these scenarios when people at the table - and in the store / watching / listening in general - might be put off by it.

Scarab Sages

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Sundakan wrote:
Siegebeast2142 wrote:
Thanks for the replies! I chose Gate specifically FOR those duality moments.

Why? "Power at a price" is a common trope, of course, but generally that is because you are receiving great power you would not normally receive otherwise.

In this case you are choosing to forfeit your godly summon something weaker than what you already could (all Hellknights can choose Summon Servant of Law, and Axiomites are pretty rough and tumble compared to Barbazu, with Zelekhut being equivalent to Bone Devils in power as well).

That isn't duality, that's just your character being a very poor decision maker.

No, that sounds like me meta gaming myself into a place where I can have something for nothing again, and have no personal moral dilemmas. I'm not playing this character to min/max what I can do... I'm playing this character because I *want* to push an internal moral boundary.

I was asking more of a "hey, is this going to get my character kicked out of the society" then anything else. Thanks for telling me my way of play a character concept was stupid though! I'll go back to playing two handed fighter with rage chew and explode creatures on touch. Thanks!

Scarab Sages

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I get tired of the "wait, it's a female? Can wez fux it?" types. Every game. Every scenario.