Consortium Agent

Sidoze's page

281 posts. Alias of Raventhorn.

Organized Play Characters

Liberty's Edge Trenton Dunn

Male Human Expert 1 (51 posts)

Sovereign Court Trenton Dunn 873

Male Human Fighter (0 posts)

Sovereign Court Trenton Dunn 125

Male Human Ranger (0 posts)

Liberty's Edge Hadur

Male Human Druid/ 1 (0 posts)

Sovereign Court Trenton Dunn 362
(0 posts)


Rogue Elf
Archaouss the Serpent
(147 posts)
Lion Blade
Athel Loran
(64 posts)
Kaerishiel Neirenar
Gabriel of the Winter Court
(129 posts)
GM Raventhorn
(341 posts)
Wild Elf
Jermayan Swiftrider

Male Elf Cavalier archtypes Emmisary 6 (5 posts)
Jun Yu of the Black Serpent
(53 posts)
Devargo Barvasi
Kholtan the Raven

Male Human Mobile Fighter 1 (31 posts)
Lasarl Raventhorn
(1 post)
(45 posts)
Magnus Wolfgang
(14 posts)
Magnus Wolfgang II
(130 posts)
Modoru Redgrave
Octavian Lupinus

HP 18/18 Def 13 DR 5 (78 posts)
Consortium Agent

Male Half Elf, Taldan Rogue 1 Sorc 4// Current Hp 28 /28 // AC 16/ Tch 12/ FLF 14 (281 posts)
Div, Pairaka
Slaanesh Lord Pain & Pleasure
(33 posts)
Aldern Foxglove
Tam Hawke

Male Human Rouge Knife Fighter (305 posts)
Lantern Bearer
Tholamin Medvyed

Male Elf Wood Elementalist Wizard (133 posts)
Shoanti Fighter
Tiberious Attica

Male Human 2nd Level Resourceful Warlord (66 posts)
13-green-dragon-FINAL 2 avatar
Trent Dunn

Male Human Gestalt Expert/Sorceror/Magus 1 (188 posts)
Verik Vancaskerkin
Tristen Almeran

Male Human Lvl 2 Ranger Falconer (100 posts)
Vulf Longfang

Male Half Elf Barbarian 1 (361 posts)