Trenton is a rather shy young man of the age 19, that has never really fit in anywhere in the standard groups that seem to dominate highschool. He is an army brat his fathers rising military career keeps the family moving and with Trenton it always seems that as soon as he makes some friends they are moving. His mind is always off in some medieval world or some such his imagination is amazing and occasionally he dabbles in writing stories. Recently his family has just moved to Springfield and has just gone to the first few days of Pathfinder High.
Trenton has always loved the water, he began swimming at the age of five and later on became a lifeguard to help his training as well as be near the water.
Wishing to follow his father into the military Trenton has trained for years to try and join the special forces in the navy but had his hopes crushed when they told him he wouldn't be allowed to join due to his flat feet. Lately Trenton has just wished he could go to some other place and belong somewhere have something tell him "this is what your intended for".