Sidney Kuhn's page

Organized Play Member. 82 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 36 Organized Play characters.


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The Exchange

Thank all of you. That will be very helpful in my running of Pathfinder Kingmaker.

The Exchange 4/5

Majuba wrote:
On the product page usually... yep, here's the LINK. Or the Link directly to the chronicles if you like.

Thank you.

The Exchange 4/5

Where can I find the cert for We B4 Goblins!?

The Exchange 4/5

How do boxes checked during Season 6 work for Season 7?

I read the bottom of the Season 7 cover sheet and am confused how this is suppose to work.

I have some goal boxes checked on the Season 6 card.

The Exchange Examples:

Earn at least 100 gp as the result of a Day Job check. This counted as a goal.

Earn at least 50 gp as the result of a Day Job check. This counted as 1 of the 2 boxes to complete a goal since there were 2 boxes and I only checked 1.

Now, it's Season 7. What am I suppose to do?

The Exchange 4/5

Also, what is the effective start date for Season 7 and the end date for Season 6?

The Exchange 4/5

How do boxes checked during Season 6 work for Season 7?

I read the bottom of the Season 7 cover sheet and am confused how this is suppose to work.

I have some goal boxes checked on the Season 6 card.

The Exchange Examples:

Earn at least 100 gp as the result of a Day Job check. This counted as a goal.

Earn at least 50 gp as the result of a Day Job check. This counted as 1 of the 2 boxes to complete a goal since there were 2 boxes and I only checked 1.

Now, it's Season 7. What am I suppose to do?

The Exchange

A player at our local stare was asking if there were and traits that give extra HP or Death at additional negative HP.

Any ideas?

The Exchange

Ethereal Gears wrote:

Not exactly what you asked for, but in my experience mysterious strangers tend to love three levels of the trench fighter archetype for the fighter core class...

Also, I don't think multiclassing 'slinger and 'buckler gives you double charisma to your grit pool. I'm not sure if there's a precise ruling out there, but I seem to remember that in general you can't slot the same ability score multiple times into the same variable unless it's explicitly stated (such as via the alchemist's admixture extracts or the Kirin Style feat).

What is "trench fighter archetype"?

The Exchange 4/5

I was at 94 credits and now it shows 62. This sucks.

The Exchange 4/5

FAQ wrote:

Animal companions are also limited by their individual anatomies. In Pathfinder Society Organized Play, animal companions always have access to barding and neck-slot items so long as they have the anatomy.

Additionally, animal companions have access to magical item slots, in addition to barding and neck, as listed on the inside front cover of the Animal Archive so long as they select the Extra Item Slot feat.

So, without any extra feats, your granddaughter's dinosaur can wear barding and a neck-slot item, such as an amulet of natural armor with no difficulty.

Thanks. I would have never figured that out from the way the additional resources was worded.

The Exchange 4/5

Flutter wrote:
Sidney Kuhn wrote:

This ruling confuses me. My granddaughter has a dinosaur for her druid and I was going to put an Amulet of Natural Armor +1 on it but discovered that it needed the feat Extra Item Slot, if I am understanding the rule correctly.

Druids local 704 has a handy fashion guide Here covering who's allowed to wear what.

The dinosaur should be good with an amulet of natural armor without a feat.

What about the additional resources statement that I quoted?

The Exchange 4/5

Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:

No rings for animals? Bummer!

I was hoping to pick up a ring of feather falling for my hawk, so if he gets knocked out in an aerial fight, he doesn't, you know, plummet.

Pathfinder Player Companion: Animal Archive *Note: The Animal Magic Item Slots table found on the inside front cover of the book is not legal except under the following conditions. First, an animal companion, familiar, or bonded mount, may choose one slot listed under its body type when taking the Extra Item Slot feat (this feat may be taken multiple times, each time selecting a different available magic item slot based on the creature’s anatomy).

This ruling confuses me. My granddaughter has a dinosaur for her druid and I was going to put an Amulet of Natural Armor +1 on it but discovered that it needed the feat Extra Item Slot, if I am understanding the rule correctly.

The Exchange

I prefer a dragon.

The Exchange

Da'ath wrote:

This what you mean?

Pathfinder Bestiary Levels

It is quite useful and the individual who put it together frequents these boards. I almost never remember how to spell his name, unfortunately.

Yes. Thanks. I think he/she did a great job.

The Exchange

Someone referenced a file that had been put together which has each monster by level up to about 20th level.

Could someone direct me to that file?

It looked really interesting.

The Exchange 4/5

W E Ray wrote:

So,... back to the OP--

Why can we only get credit twice for one Scenario if we regularly DM?

Because it's the rule.

A better question would be "Why are we limiting GMs to one credit?"

But, remember that in some earlier Living Campaigns, GM's got no credit and couldn't play the adventure if they had already run it.

I don't care what rule you make, someone will complain.

The Exchange

I seem to recall something about a monk follower of Irori not needing to be Lawful but I can't find it.

If anyone can point out where such a thing exists, I'd appreciate it.

Maybe my brain is mis-remembering. In that case, please lrt me know that I am wrong - again. ;-)

The Exchange

In my campaign I've let them have character classes as well as the dragon physical and other special traits. We are using the old Dragon magazine for dragon advancement. So, their current level is 6th per the magazine which gives them 4 D12 Hit Dice and what I've added is 4 class levels. No extra hit points, but they get the special abilities from their classes.

The reason I added the class abilities was to give them some variation.

So far, so good.

The Exchange 4/5

The possibilities I see are:

1) You can see if folks would be interested in playing some modules.

2) Some folks could replay without getting the credit under the current rules.

3) Some folks could replay using one of their GM stars. Hopefully, that will be changed from lifetime to annual.

4) Take turns as GM. In a small group, that could mean that some folks won't be able to have enough players for some adventures that they ran for the group.

Any others that I haven't listed?

The Exchange 4/5

Michael Brock wrote:
Sidney Kuhn wrote:

Sorry if I missed this but I don't understand what

"This year we're releasing The Ruins of Bonekeep, Part 1: The Silent Grave as an exclusive scenario for qualifying GMs, who can now run the adventure anywhere. These GMs should see the scenario in their downloads early this week. Keep in mind that when qualifying for one's fifth star, all Ruins of Bonekeep adventures contribute to a GM's 10 required Exclusive or Special events."

What "qualifies" a "qualifying GM"????

Since the section you quoted is "The Exclusive" and the blog refers to 4 and 5 star GMs receiving their new EX in the paragraphs just above, it is they that are referred to as qualifying GM.

Thank you. I have 20 more to run to get my 4th star. Shouldn't be too much longer.

The Exchange 4/5

Sorry if I missed this but I don't understand what

"This year we're releasing The Ruins of Bonekeep, Part 1: The Silent Grave as an exclusive scenario for qualifying GMs, who can now run the adventure anywhere. These GMs should see the scenario in their downloads early this week. Keep in mind that when qualifying for one's fifth star, all Ruins of Bonekeep adventures contribute to a GM's 10 required Exclusive or Special events."

What "qualifies" a "qualifying GM"????

The Exchange 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Paz wrote:
Ferious Thune wrote:
A lot of language changed from the Beta guide 5.0 to the official guide 5.0, so I encourage everyone to download it again if you can't remember when you last did, just to be sure you have the latest version.
The download date is part of the watermark at the top and bottom of every page. My version was downloaded on Aug 12, 2013 and has the final wording.

If they ever take a vote, I'd be voting for annual refresh.

The Exchange 4/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I have recently introduced my 12 year old granddaughter to Pathfinder and am using my replays when I need to have my PC play an adventure her character is playing.

The Exchange 4/5

I am unable to download using the link. :-(

The Exchange

My experience with "evil" campaigns has been very bad.

I fear that you will have pc vs pc problems.

I'd love to hear how this campaign works out.

As for them dying early on, that does give them the opportunity to create a better character so don't worry about having 1 or 2 of them get killed. I hope they are smart enough to know when flight is better than fight.

Good luck storming the castle.

The Exchange

I have started my own dragon campaign. I am using the Dragon magazine #320 which shows a 20 level progression chart.

My questions are "Has anyone made such a chart for Pathfinder dragons?" I'd love to get a copy. "Or, has anyone done this using Hero Lab?" I haven't been able to figure how to do that.

This was started when a couple of our regular players couldn't show up for one evening. I had them all start as clutch mates that mom dropped off with some old adventurer friends while she took a "nap".

To make them different, I'm allowing them to have character class abilities and skills equal to their dragon hit dice.

To make things more difficult, the world they live in is sort of like the movie "Dragon Heart" where humanoids hunt dragons (ALL DRAGONS) for their body parts. Many, many humanoids and very few dragons.

To get them out and about, I had a group of very large red dragons destroy their village and their babysitters.

The second session was done with roll20 which I am just starting to use.

The Exchange 4/5

I tried to look for a thread that covered this but couldn't find any.

What I like:
Items that are only legal for purchase if on a chronicle sheet. For example, wands with fewer charges
Links between adventures

What I'd like to see changed:
Items listed on chronicle sheet being allowed to purchase at some discounted price (10% to 20% less)
Most of the time I can't afford the more expensive items or they just aren't what I'd like to purchase for my character.
Secondly, the cost of some of the items is less than what I can purchase because of my PPs. So, I can purchase them without the chronicle sheet.

What do the rest of you like or would like to be changed?

The Exchange 4/5

I would hope that they change it to per year.

The Exchange

Sign me up, also.

The Exchange

So, when will you have a fix?

Or is there something we need to do?

The Exchange

My concern was the "undead" issue.

The Exchange

Talon89 wrote:
well just as long he does not nom nom your sisters neck right?

I didn't think they were vampires and sucked blood from others.

The Exchange

Same for me and Internet Explorer.

The Exchange

Don't feel alone. I've been having that problem for months. I hope they fix it soon.

The Exchange

I have the same problem but the link to Goblinworks Blog Page worked fine for me this time.

The Exchange

I was wondering what, if any, position the Andorian faction had about dhampirs.


The Exchange

1) I usually tell my players that an "evil" character is not allowed.

2) If the rest of the group is willing to play with one or more PCs being evil, I have let them do that but warn them that all their actions can have consequences.

3) We have tried “evil” campaigns, but they usually end badly.

4) I was playing in one game in which the rogue PC stole my pouch. Unfortunately, for him, it was my spell component pouch. I role played it; since, I failed my perception check. That game ended too soon to see what the eventual consequences would be.

5) Just because someone is not playing an “evil” character, doesn't keep them from being a jerk and really spoil the game for others. We had one such player and everyone decided to not allow him to play.

6) Depending on my character and the other PC's actions, I have informed the group that my PC refuses to adventure with that PC.

7) Remember, we play the game to have fun.

The Exchange

The three hard copies at our local Books a Million were misprinted. Each had different pages missing.

The Exchange

What is your world setting?

Do "knights" or other member(s) of the party have the authority of "low justice"?

The "Efficiency" argument doesn't seem to hold up as to the time he took with the duel, and burning all the bodies. IMHO

Especially, if it was pointed out that there was no major time issue and the "proper" authorities were within a reasonable distance to turn them over and still get the healer in a timely manner.

It appears that the "bandits" were murderers and tried to kill everyone in the party, so I can understand the belief that killing them was the correct action.

However, if your "world" is similar to our real world, killing them would, most likely, be considered "murder".

On the other hand, if anyone in the party had the "right" and "duty" to judge them and order their execution; then, I don't see any problem.

Were any of them questioned before killing them? That would take time; but, might have had the benefit of finding the magic user who escaped.

In the end, as judge, it's your call.

The Exchange

Also, is the strength damage one and one-half time strength modifier if the weapon is a two handed weapon like a falchion?

The Exchange

I didn't notice any comment about "RANGE INCREMENT" or any change to "THREAT RANGE" since the HotA states . . . "treated as a ranged attack with a thrown weapon" ... and THROWN WEAPON states "Regardless of the type of weapon, such an attack scores a threat only on a natural roll of 20 and deals double damage on a critical hit. Such a weapon has a range increment of 10 feet".

Does the attack have the range increment of 10 feet?

Is the attack threat range "20" no matter what weapon you use?

Hand of the Apprentice (Su): You cause your melee weapon to fly from your grasp and strike a foe before instantly returning to you. As a standard action, you can make a single attack using a melee weapon at a range of 30 feet. This attack is "treated as a ranged attack with a thrown weapon", except that you add your Intelligence modifier on the attack roll instead of your Dexterity modifier (damage still relies on Strength). This ability cannot be used to perform a combat maneuver. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Thrown Weapons: Daggers, clubs, short spears, spears, darts, javelins, throwing axes, light hammers, tridents, shuriken, and nets are thrown weapons. The wielder applies his Strength modifier to damage dealt by thrown weapons (except for splash weapons). It is possible to throw a weapon that isn't designed to be thrown (that is, a melee weapon that doesn't have a numeric entry in the Range column on Table: Weapons), and a character who does so takes a –4 penalty on the attack roll. Throwing a light or one-handed weapon is a standard action, while throwing a two-handed weapon is a full-round action. Regardless of the type of weapon, such an attack scores a threat only on a natural roll of 20 and deals double damage on a critical hit. "Such a weapon has a range increment of 10 feet".

The Exchange

I was looking for any discussion that covered:

Flyby Attack to pick up a object on the ground.

This is the situation and my ruling.

A player used "burning disarm" on a harpy to make it drop the mace it was holding.

I had the harpy do a flyby attack to pick up the weapon and fly up.

From my reading on the group, there is a lot of disagreement over how flyby attack should work and the player believed that the harpy would have to land to pick up the weapon. After doing this, the harpy would not be able to move or fly.


The Exchange 4/5

The cavalier was told that two monsters with breath attack had readied actions to attack when he charged.

He charged and got within rage of both at the same time.

Mount went down and he almost died.

The Exchange 4/5

Sean H wrote:
Doug Miles wrote:

This suggestion was made two weeks earlier.

Another thread in the same vein.

Ah, I wasn't aware. A cursory search turned up nothing.

Even reading through those threads, I still don't see any reason why credit shouldn't be given for running multiple times; rather, several reasons were put forward why re-running scenarios is a good idea, yet re-running scenarios is currently decentivized due to a lack of tangible progression when doing so.

As is, I have 5 characters, 4 of which are mid-to-high level. Would it really have a negative impact if 2 of them had a GM chronicle from Jester's Fraud rather than just 1?

You do get credit towards more stars.

The Exchange

If the gunpowder blows up, would the character take any damage?

If so, how would you calculate the damage?

Should a Reflex save be allowed for half damage?

The Exchange 4/5

The biggest problem I have is that sometimes I don't understand what the author is trying to describe.

The three dimension areas with dashed lines and different heights will confuse me even after reading the text description repeatedly.

Players will always come up with actions that are not covered in the adventure text or even the game rules. That is the reason the game is played with a judge.

I try to follow the adventure text as best I can but also try to be flexible in dealing with the players' actions.

Do the best you can for everyone to have fun and don't lose any sleep over your mistakes. Just try and learn from them.

Remember, we're only human and we play the game to have fun. :)

The Exchange

Using paper cartridges.

The Exchange

Any thoughts on the Great Mother on page 31?

I am confused as to its abilities and how to handle the grapple when it suceedes.

The Exchange

There are some spells which state that they can cause flammable objects to burn.

Are there any rules regarding ammo/gunpower saves vs "FIRE" other than the power horn which protects from "FIRE"?

The Exchange 4/5

The rule as written:
No Player-versus-Player Combat
The goal of Pathfinder Society Organized Play is to
provide an enjoyable experience for as many players
as possible. Player-versus-player conflict only sours a
session. While killing another character might seem like
fun to you, it certainly won’t be for the other character’s
player. Even if you feel that killing another PC is in
character for your PC at this particular moment, just
figure out some other way for your character to express
herself. In short, you can never voluntarily use your
character to kill another character—ever. Note that
this does not apply to situations where your character is
mind-controlled by an NPC and is forced by that NPC to
attack a fellow Pathfinder.

In the game in question, I didn't see the PvP combat as to the "Death" but to stop the PC from doing something the other player found to be morally wrong.

Alignment Infractions
Characters who commit potentially evil acts . . . However, “that’s just what my character would do” is not a defense for behaving like a jerk. Alignment infractions are a touchy subject. Ultimately, the GM is the final authority at the table, but she must warn any player whose character is deviating from his chosen alignment. . . . The PC should be given the opportunity to correct the behavior, justify it, or face the consequences. . . . Hence, the GM can issue a warning to the player
through a “feeling” he receives from his deity, a vision he is given, his conscience talking to him, or some other similar roleplaying event. . . . This measure is a last resort; there is more than one way to play a given alignment. If a character has become wantonly evil as defined above, the GM should escalate the report to the convention coordinator, or the local Venture-Captain or Venture-Lieutenant. If they agree with the GM, then the character is deemed wantonly evil and considered removed from the campaign. Again, these measures should be taken as a very last resort.
In the event of a wantonly evil character, record the character as “Dead,” and the person who enters the tracking sheet should check that box as well. If the convention coordinator, Venture-Captain, or Venture-Lieutenant decides the character fits the criteria for being wantonly evil, she will then email the campaign coordinator to advise him of the situation, including the player’s name, Pathfinder Society Number, character name, and email address. She will advise the player of these actions and offer the player the campaign coordinator’s email address so the player may present his case.
The Campaign Coordinator will present all facts to the Venture-Captains and Venture-Lieutenants at large with all names (both player and character) removed. If the majority of Venture-Captains and Venture Lieutenants feel that the act was wantonly evil and the character is irrevocably evil, then character will remain removed from the campaign. If the majority feel the character should be able to atone for his actions, the campaign coordinator will contact the player and advise him of such. The email may be printed and taken to the next game session so the GM may adjudicate the atonement and document it on the Chronicle sheet of the that game.

The problem here is that the PC was trying to save a creature that the PC believe was innocent so I don't see that player's actions a "EVIL". Also, I don't see their actions as "behaving like a jerk".

I would have to admit that I failed to follow the prohibition of the PvP rule. My bad.

I really had a problem adjudicating the situation. However, I believe that all the players were OK with what we ended up with.

All I can try to do is better next time. :(

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