
Shinae's page

Organized Play Member. 78 posts (80 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 32 Organized Play characters.


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Scarab Sages

Tuukka Kunto wrote:


- Aquatic Elf/Gillman/Merfolk race boon (Gillmen requires giving up Aasimar or Tiefling, Merfolk requires giving up 3 other raceboons)
Vine Leshy (getting it this weekend from Con)
Share the Wealth (Equipment)
- Debt to Society
- Mounted Tradition x2
- On-the-Job Training
- Elemental Blast
- Hang in There
- Seen it Once

Dhampir! (top priority)
- Ratfolk
- Catfolk

I prefer scan and email boons, but physical mailing can be discussed. PM offers.

I'm willing to trade multiple boons to obtain Dhampir or Catfolk.

Already got an offer for Dhampir earlier and promised to trade, so updating list. So people don't have to PM me anymore offering Dhampir. Thanks to everyone who was interested.

Scarab Sages

- Aquatic Elf/Gillman/Merfolk race boon (Gillmen requires giving up Aasimar or Tiefling, Merfolk requires giving up 3 other raceboons)
- Vine Leshy (getting it this weekend from Con)
- Share the Wealth (Equipment)
- Debt to Society
- Mounted Tradition x2
- On-the-Job Training
- Elemental Blast
- Hang in There
- Seen it Once

- Dhampir! (top priority)
- Ratfolk
- Catfolk

I prefer scan and email boons, but physical mailing can be discussed. PM offers.

I'm willing to trade multiple boons to obtain Dhampir or Catfolk.

Scarab Sages

I always write on boons "originally issued to PFS#" and "traded to PFS#" and date traded before scanning. I personally prefer scanning and emailing, because I don't like mailing every paper over seas.

Scarab Sages

Got my aquatic elf this weekend from con as well.

Scarab Sages

- Aquatic Elf/Gillman/Merfolk race boon (Gillmen requires giving up Aasimar or Tiefling, Merfolk requires giving up 3 other raceboons)
- Share the Wealth (Equipment)
- Debt to Society
- Mounted Tradition x2
- On-the-Job Training
- Elemental Blast
- Hang in There
- Seen it Once

- Catfolk
- Dhampir
- Ratfolk

I prefer scan and email boons, but physical mailing can be discussed. PM offers.

Scarab Sages

I'm not sure if life links stacks, but channels do I believe. It's very powerful healer combination, but playing pure healer is boring.

Also you can switch to different spirits daily to get stuff like Fireballs from Flame spirit. So you are not tied to Life spirit either. I can be very versatile archetype.

Scarab Sages

Or try Spirit Guide archetype for oracle. You can take Life Link and Channels from Shaman with it and still get other stuff from Oracle. You are not tied to life mystery that way.

It's not as strong as pure life oracle healer, but I think it gets the job done. It sacrifices a lot of Revelations, but you can take extra revelations with feats or buy equipment like Soothsayer's Raiment or Ring of Revelation to help it out.

I'm currently building Time Oracle with that sort of setup. Plan is to be little bit of everything. I'm still trying to find way to get Ember Staff work with it to get few fireballs as well.

Scarab Sages

Elven Entanglement brings back memories. We played on 10-11 tier and I was playing my level 8 front line melee out of subtier. I only died once. Luckily we had first aid gloves near by.

I have to say at this point of my PFS career I enjoy difficult scenarios. We just played Bonekeep I and we are about to play Bonekeep II in few days. Not much of roleplay in BK, but at least combats are difficult.

I need to check other scenarios mentioned here and play them at some point.

Scarab Sages

Be sure to pick up items like Phylactery of Positive Channeling to increase your healing output with channel. Sadly it takes headband slot, so doesn't stack with Charisma headband.

If you want wand usage with Warrior of Holy Light you can always take 1 level dip in some class that gives you spellcasting. Tho it makes paladin progress slower. There's plenty of decent 1 level dip option for paladins available. Otherwise build looks solid and PFS can always use more healers, especially at higher tier scenarios.

Scarab Sages

Why do you take 1 Cha at lvl 4 and afterward Str at level 8 and 12? Can you use that 19 charisma for something?

As for skill points. Sense motive is useful, but Wis as dumb stat it's probably not the best investment. Knowledge: Religion is fairly useful in many scenarios and you don't have negative modifier for it, I would go for it instead.

Mercy paladin is always welcome. Especially later levels when you can raise people with it. But I'm not sure if channeling is worth it as paladin. But it's good backup healing to have. But doing it at cleric level -3 generally takes away one 1d6.

Have you thought about Antagonize (feat) build? It goes very well with paladin if you wish to do something else besides just dealing damage. Maybe try tank/healer hybrid?

Scarab Sages

How about Warpriest Archer? I'm enjoying mine a lot. You always have ranged damage. You don't generally run out of arrows in most campaigns and you get decent support spells and back up healing that you can use for party in a long run.

Looking at your current party I think some sort of archer build probably benefits your group the most.

Scarab Sages

I heard somewhere that wish granted that way is only in effect during that one scenario. But I don't remember the source. Probably relevant to that PF Roleplaying Guild Guide.

I think it was in forums somewhere some people where brainstorming about summoning efreeti for wishes.

Scarab Sages

I have Pendant of the Blood Scarab on few characters, it allows auto-confirm critical hits as immediate action once per day. Especially for those 4x crit modifier weapons it's a great thing to have. And it's cheap.

Removing critical confirmation rules at this point probably breaks a lot of things. But as for home games it's always up to GM to remove it if they wish. But pathfinder is to tied to organized play that they probably won't be making huge rule changes at this point.

Scarab Sages

It's the new entry in additional resources page. Probably not updated yet in every place.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It is legal. From FAQ:

"..ocean's echo, and seeker of the lost archetypes in the book are legal for play for any PC whose race grants them a natural swim speed (e.g. naiad or undine)"

However you need to pick race that has natural swim speed. But it doesn't need to be merfolk.

Scarab Sages

I'm currently building Spirit Guide Oracle of Winter. I'm going CC/support with Shaman's wandering spirit (life) which I get from Spirit Guide oracle archetype.

My question is: Am I allowed to take channel feats as Spirit Guide oracle? I can change my wandering spirit every day, so I might not always have life link and channel energy available.

I don't really want to dip 1 level cleric for channel class feature.

This is going to be PFS legal if that matters.

Scarab Sages

I wish they would extend the reroll list with something like dicebags and plushies.

Scarab Sages

You can venerate second deity. It's almost like worshipping. But you can only gain mechanical benefit from one deity. So multiclassing doesn't work for gaining benefit from two deities.

I have Tsukiyo's paladin that venerates Shizuru. It can be used as fluff at least.

For multideity characters oracle works the best, since you don't gain any direct benefit from any. My oracle worships Nethys, Desna and Tsukiyo and carries around all 3 holy symbols.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

New Scarab Sages faction journal card allows you to use your faction journal card goals with knowledge: history and knowledge: plains. This helps a bit, but I assume you are on the old card.

You can also kill stuff. Helps a lot in many scenarios! And since you can carry stuff with your Str, I recommend buying some out of combat gear that can be situational, but sometimes useful, like ropes, nets, bells etc.

Maybe some situational level 1 wands you can borrow to your friends.

Scarab Sages

My first one is Paladin Ninja. I'm not 100% happy with it, it has way too many swift actions to be effective. Battles of often over before I get to sneak attack anything or use enough swift actions to do my thing. It does very good job as diplomancer tho.

My Second one is Bloodrager / Battle Oracle. Reach AoO build. I like it more than first one. You can find my build for this one in my profile under my character Benjamin. It does pretty awesome non-lethal damage and can act as support caster if needed. Don't expect too many skill points tho.

Suli is has pretty good stats for paladin, oracle, ninja, barbarian type of builds. Int can be a problem, so try going for stupid tank/dps build maybe?

Scarab Sages

We got little Christmas party with our local PFS group this year and our GM is going to probably run some evergreen as heavily Christmas themed version. He told us all to make level 1 Christmas Elves (gnomes actually, since they are closer to finnish elf). I think it's a wonderful idea.

Anyways I wouldn't mind more suggestions for winter themed scenarios, since I want to run game or two end of the year and winter themed ones would be nice. Or scenarios you could easily flavour to be winter themed without changing any of the mechanics. So keep 'em coming.

Scarab Sages

Great list. I somehow skipped Queen of Thorns boon for my characters, I went and bought the novel.

Couple things I always try include in my inventory:
- Air Crystal 50g: Breathing air for 1 minute, for those underwater situations! Especially good for your heavy armored guys with huge ACP in their swimming skill.
- Touch of the Sea potion 50g: So that you never need to use your Air Crystals.

Scarab Sages

Oh no new tier advancement rules! My Forever Tier 2 Cogsnap I started building for Cons must advance to next tier now. Oh well...

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
For Pathfinder Tales boons, a Chronicle sheet from each novel may be assigned to each character that player has.

Quote is from PFS faq. So if I read right it can still be assigned to all characters. You can download the boon sheet from additional resources page.

Scarab Sages

Hi. I just noticed shipping cost for this large item to europe costs a ton! Could you remove it. I get it without delivery cost from local online store and it will be a lot cheaper for me, even if it's normal price there.

Thanks and sorry for the extra work.

Scarab Sages

First steps is all about errands ran around city. Infernal vault takes place in Absalom if I remember correctly. There's couple scenarios that take place in sewers as well. Paths we choose was in Absalom I think. That's few I remember.

Scarab Sages

I've been trying to past couple of days to add Pathfinder Pawns: Inner Sea Pawn Box to my sidecart without succeeding.

Is store somehow broken because of last days of the sale? I really want this item with sale price, but store doesn't let me complete my order and I do not gain any confirmation from placing my order.

I'm worried sale will be over before I manage to buy it. Can you add this to my side cart manually or do I need to keep trying?

Scarab Sages

GM doesn't count as a player, so no rerolls for GM. You can try find alternative creative solutions to keep new players alive their first games if things start to look really bad. It's going to be harder in roll20 or pbp. I suggest you try run easier and generally more safe scenarios instead of running challenging ones and they should be safe enough.

Scarab Sages

I believe general rule is no. Not sure about exact rules, but with experienced players I would say don't help them. Death happens.

If it's new players playing their first couple scenarios it's not wise to kill them, this might turn them away from pathfinder by giving them too harsh experience. I would just say it's a miss, people don't see your die roll if you roll in secret. Helping new players this way was mentioned in some official GM guide as well.

Scarab Sages

So it's 3 PP and gold cost of 10x lvl x 3 days it takes to retrain (basicly 30g x level)? Or only 3PP per hit point?

I have several characters I don't really plan to ress if they die, so I might as well retrain extra hp for them.

Scarab Sages

You can worship evil god as long as your character is not evil. There is even cleric archetype Asmodean Advocate that worships Asmodeus and it's PFS legal.

Haven't had any problem with said characters in table. Personally I think they bring roleplaying flavor to sessions. Worshipping evil god doesn't mean said characters need to be jerks or that they can't cooperate with other pathfinders.

Scarab Sages

I started GMing mainly with season 1 and 2 scenarios. They were a lot easier to prep than newer ones. Sub systems are what take a lot of time. I don't think it's a bad thing. Newer scenarios are generally more fun and story rich.

While it's good that stat blocks are now in scenario I don't like how monster stat blocks are placed in the book. Some of them are in the middle of the scenario and for some monsters you still need to scroll several pages for stat blocks. It would be a lot better if all stat blocks were at the end. I mainly use tablet for GMing and it's often horrible to try jump from one stat block to another.

Scarab Sages

I think there's couple around here (spiritualist and kineticist I believe). I know one player is probably making mesmerist soon. I almost made kineticist earlier. Not very common folk around table for sure.

Scarab Sages

Now that ACG is more related to PFS and pathfinders I hope to see more PFS boons in ACG and vice versa. This would encourage PFS players to play ACG as well and ACG players to try some PFS rpg.

Also it's going to be nice spring 2017 for us. We are starting tier 6 Runelords now and plan to do some goblins afterwards and then I start running Mummy's Mask at our local store. Can't wait for my base set to arrive.

I'm going to wear my Scarab Sages faction pin for this season of acg!

Scarab Sages

Don't expect everyone to be happy to play with your character, if you bring Cthulhu worshipper in table.

Scarab Sages

Grippli Race Boon

Interested in:
- Other race boons
- Boons that give nice permanent bonuses like extra traits etc.
- Boons that affect day job rolls or give extra money
- Rebuild

PM offers. I prefer scan/email trade, but mailing in europe might be possible.

Note: When PMing offer tell me what exactly your boon does. I don't know all of them by name. Also is there up to date list available somewhere?

Scarab Sages

Possible virus link. I recommend no one to open it.

Wrong place to ask this kind of thing anyways. Flagged as spam.

Scarab Sages

I got Thonam III coming soon. Thonam Irongaze and Thonam II died during mission.

Dwarves live longer, so it's easier to assume they have adult children. Besides that I got no other characters that are related.

I was toying with the idea to bring back one Thonam as a phantom or something like that, but not sure how to do it.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I like dwarven longhammer for my reach warpriest. 2d6 for reach weapon isn't that bad. Besides dwarf with hammer > dwarf with an axe imo.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Frostfur Captives! Was a lot of fun to gm as well. Scenario gives some guidelines, but still leaves enough room for gm to bring it alive. It actually requires gm to roleplay to be a good scenario.

Also Kalkamedes mentioned above was fantastic to play.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I ran this higher tier. Here's how it went:


Everyone knew about Galt more than me as somewhat new gm, so I didn't have to brief them much extra. I usually like to give extra background info about locations anyway.

Funnies part of the scenario was 4 experienced sailors rowing up the river for 10 days to take PCs to village.

I printed some pumpkins on paper and made players draw their carved pumpkins.

They somehow all rolled low on skill checks about clues and didn't notice anything funny and priest died during night because of that.

One player was toying with the idea to escape during night from inn arrest to investigate murder, because he was trying to fill some boon or faction thing. (not sure what it was) But they decided to wait till morning and thus avoided fighting the guards.

After facing pumpkins at field I forgot fear aura as well at first, but made them roll saves middle of fight anyways. They had no trouble speaking to leshy, since they had couple people who knew the language.

One of the party members had ability to make possessed pumpkin their servant and he had his own possessed gourd under his control rest of the scenario.

At the ruins one player made their phantom stealth check to investigate ruins and saw skeletons so I allowed them to make an ambush and surprise round.

They smashed the glowing pumpkin to make consecrated ground under the skeletons and asked if they fulfilled goal to destroy haunt permanently. And I told them they don't notice anything indicating anything like that happening, so I let them roll religion check and they rolled high, so I gave them instructions to bury the bones to destroy it permanently.

Finally at the town after everything happened they finally try recruit Armeline and just barely succeeded with the skill check rolling exact amount needed.

All in all they thought it was somewhat difficult scenario with all the investigation going on and skill checks needed to fullfil goals. Enemies weren't that much of a problem, but they came close losing both prestiges, but still managed to earn both.

Scarab Sages

My vote goes to The Frostfur Captives and/or From Under Ice as well. Both really really good winter themed scenarios and in my top 10 in overall scenario list. The Frostfur Captives is lots of fun for GM as well.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We were playing certain deadly module with out local PFS group and had some really bad luck in multiple fights. Then at one point there was really tough fight with high level enemy alchemist. We were almost dead and nothing we could really do, several friends down and our healer constanly thinking about running away and leave us die to save himself (and his character). Our gunslinger was prone at floor and with his final wish pointed the gun at alchemist and rolled nat 20 and critical hit enemy alchemist dead. We talked about it afterward, it would have probably been tpk if he didn't roll that crit.

We didn't finish the module. We were beaten multiple times and we were running out of resources. GM asked do you want to continue and we looked at each other and decided to run away and abandon our mission and save ourselves and our characters.

Scarab Sages

Doesn't Mending and Make Whole scrolls fix it? It's only broken. Should help after shirt rerolls and Called traits all fail. I bet party cleric can cast them for you when needed. It's not too much to invest couple scrolls until you hit level 5.

Scarab Sages

About 2)

This is one of those scenarios where you need to read it thru couple of times to know which part to skip and which parts to not skip. I certainly don't recommend anyone to run this without prepping.

About 3)

It says: "If the PCs do not defeat the skeletons, reduce each PCs’ gold earned by the following amount." I am personally unsure if they need to destroy the haunt permanently to earn the said reward. I'm not sure yet how I am going to run this. I would hate to reduce money if they fail to destroy the haunt, if there is no instructions available how to do it. I guess Bertinard could provide the said info or Feather Seed could instruct them if they succeed communicating with him. I'm not sure yet, I only read this adventure once, since I'm not in hurry yet.

Scarab Sages

I actually solved my language problems. I decided to go Gnome and take Gift of Tongues alternative racial trait which gives additional language per skill rank in linguistics. I took 14 int and I plan to take few ranks linguistics to get me tons of languages to use.

Thanks for the list, I totally forgot to check that. I should be able to pick all useful ones from there.

Scarab Sages

I'm building antagonize sacred shield tank oradin and I was thinking about taking few ranks in linguistics to gain additional languages.

Antagonize is dependent that enemy can understand me. What languages besides common do you recommend to take? I'm mainly looking for languages creatures know when they don't understand common.

Or should I save my skill points and get along with only common? I get 1 extra language from 12 int I can choose.

Scarab Sages

You should be able to change character names. Otherwise I would have several "Shinae's Awesome New Character" running. I don't often even decide the name I will be using until I make level 1 character rebuild.

I personally see no problem with it. Or is there some written rule about it I am not aware of?

Scarab Sages

Dwarf 2 (both dead)
Suli 2
Ifrit 1
Human 1 (retired)
Kitsune 1 (retired)
Half-Elf 1 (retired)

All retired characters are at 3rd level, I just made some mistakes in builds or didn't like them enough to continue playing them.

Scarab Sages

Past two tables we had were both enhanced and I used it on Bonus Wealth.

First time I rolled 20 and 16, and I had 13 base in diplomacy so it helped and gave little extra money. Added security was nice feeling, when you knew you didn't have to worry about critical hits that much and dying of hp damage.

Second week I rolled 1 and 3 for day job, so total gold I got was 15, so didn't do much. Still added security was again nice.

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