Everyone knew about Galt more than me as somewhat new gm, so I didn't have to brief them much extra. I usually like to give extra background info about locations anyway.
Funnies part of the scenario was 4 experienced sailors rowing up the river for 10 days to take PCs to village.
I printed some pumpkins on paper and made players draw their carved pumpkins.
They somehow all rolled low on skill checks about clues and didn't notice anything funny and priest died during night because of that.
One player was toying with the idea to escape during night from inn arrest to investigate murder, because he was trying to fill some boon or faction thing. (not sure what it was) But they decided to wait till morning and thus avoided fighting the guards.
After facing pumpkins at field I forgot fear aura as well at first, but made them roll saves middle of fight anyways. They had no trouble speaking to leshy, since they had couple people who knew the language.
One of the party members had ability to make possessed pumpkin their servant and he had his own possessed gourd under his control rest of the scenario.
At the ruins one player made their phantom stealth check to investigate ruins and saw skeletons so I allowed them to make an ambush and surprise round.
They smashed the glowing pumpkin to make consecrated ground under the skeletons and asked if they fulfilled goal to destroy haunt permanently. And I told them they don't notice anything indicating anything like that happening, so I let them roll religion check and they rolled high, so I gave them instructions to bury the bones to destroy it permanently.
Finally at the town after everything happened they finally try recruit Armeline and just barely succeeded with the skill check rolling exact amount needed.
All in all they thought it was somewhat difficult scenario with all the investigation going on and skill checks needed to fullfil goals. Enemies weren't that much of a problem, but they came close losing both prestiges, but still managed to earn both.