
Shinae's page

Organized Play Member. 78 posts (80 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 32 Organized Play characters.

Scarab Sages

I'm currently building Spirit Guide Oracle of Winter. I'm going CC/support with Shaman's wandering spirit (life) which I get from Spirit Guide oracle archetype.

My question is: Am I allowed to take channel feats as Spirit Guide oracle? I can change my wandering spirit every day, so I might not always have life link and channel energy available.

I don't really want to dip 1 level cleric for channel class feature.

This is going to be PFS legal if that matters.

Scarab Sages

I've been trying to past couple of days to add Pathfinder Pawns: Inner Sea Pawn Box to my sidecart without succeeding.

Is store somehow broken because of last days of the sale? I really want this item with sale price, but store doesn't let me complete my order and I do not gain any confirmation from placing my order.

I'm worried sale will be over before I manage to buy it. Can you add this to my side cart manually or do I need to keep trying?

Scarab Sages

I'm building antagonize sacred shield tank oradin and I was thinking about taking few ranks in linguistics to gain additional languages.

Antagonize is dependent that enemy can understand me. What languages besides common do you recommend to take? I'm mainly looking for languages creatures know when they don't understand common.

Or should I save my skill points and get along with only common? I get 1 extra language from 12 int I can choose.

Scarab Sages


I would like to cancel my pathfinder class deck subscription. Thank you.
