Is the oracle archtype Ocean's Echo PFS legal?


Grand Lodge

My question is in the subject above.
Ocean's Echo

Additional question:
Is this a race specific archtype? - Do you have to be merfolk to take this archtype?

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It is legal. From FAQ:

"..ocean's echo, and seeker of the lost archetypes in the book are legal for play for any PC whose race grants them a natural swim speed (e.g. naiad or undine)"

However you need to pick race that has natural swim speed. But it doesn't need to be merfolk.

That is something that will need to be corrected on Archives then, where it is currently listed as not legal.

Scarab Sages

It's the new entry in additional resources page. Probably not updated yet in every place.

The Archives were last updated a matter of hours before the AR update went up.

Grand Lodge

Thanks for the quick replies

Hmmm. I have no boons, so that limit the race choice to Undine.
I would haved prefered a Gillman for my Lunar Ocean's Echo Oracle build...

sorry to revive this thread but where is the source for this FAQ? I cant seem to find it

The Exchange

username546852 wrote:
sorry to revive this thread but where is the source for this FAQ? I cant seem to find it

It’s not actually a FAQ. It’s the PFS1 Additional Resources page that lists what is and is not legal.

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