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Also, if you need assistance with setting up maps or any of the other numerous weird pbp oddities, I'm sure Tektite would help. In the strange case he wouldn't, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
NOTE: I'm running on assumptions and Coke right now, with your low-quantity Campaigns tab. If I'm wrong about your experience, my bad.

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I'm not helpful at all. I'm a grumpy, tall dwarf.
Depending on tier, I'd bring Ryster here. (I have read your comments about shutting down Gunslingers, Sior!) Otherwise I'll bring Flinders, who happens to be Grand Lodge, though if the Chronicle is anything like Glass River, it may not make a difference, other than being remebered.

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Ha, I totally forgot about the faction thing. Unless Xathalial leaves the Fangwood Keep any time soon, this is the only in-tier I have.
(I have read your comments about shutting down Gunslingers, Sior!)
"Don't worry; his weapon jammed 4 times last game. You really won't have to do anything; just let him shut himself down."

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(I have read your comments about shutting down Gunslingers, Sior!)
I've run for a couple gunslingers, only shut one down, and that was only because the player wanted it to do things the character just couldn't yet. (Namely rapid shot with one gun where reloading was a move action rather than free. Player did the rest, not keeping track of misfires or ammo consumption, not wanting to participate if they couldn't shoot without cover or if they had to fire into melee. Was a sad time.) Could have handled it better. Admit that freely. Lesson learned. I hope, heh heh.

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Although, I did another GM's map for another game I'm in.
How's that PbP going?

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Little slow, haha.

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Sior wrote:Although, I did another GM's map for another game I'm in.How's that PbP going?
** spoiler omitted **
I have to admit, I believe I'm pretty bad myself sometimes about the not-read-y aspect myself (hopefully only on the Player side; I try a wee bit harder when DMing and try to make an effort to double check everything I post as a DM), though it usually works out when I play characters like Sen or Weiman who (respectively) don't listen or just bumble through everything headfirst anyways.
I'll admit, at times I'm severely tempted to make a short-sighted Oracle or a blind Samurai (thanks, potion of blindness/deafness!) and just never look at maps, but it would be SUCH a pain to DM for such a thing. I've also considered wearing shooting ear-muffs to block out all sound while playing a deaf oracle, but that's because I also enjoy being a huge pain-in-the-butt sometimes (when it's amusing to me.)

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Same guy then sent these really snarky messages to everyone after the game about how poor their tactics were. He called my tactics "painful". I questioned him for specifics and it was because I forgot to roll a concentration check or five-foot step away before casting a spell (I didn't have access to the map at the time so didn't realize someone was next to me).
Needless to say, that guy and his crony were not invited to our next game.
I have Henry, who will hit level 4 and gain a dino mount after we finish Decline of Glory. I also have a level 3 gnome paladin of Smiad and a level 3 monk/paladin of Irori

GM Tektite |

Don't get me wrong, I freely admit to making mistakes ALL the time and I most definitely miss things when reading. I was merely commenting on the lack of posting regularity coupled with posting of actions when it is obvious that one hasn't looked at the map and the like. (EF, he was a player in Lady of Silver, the other monk) I guess my point would be, if you can't post often, which can be/is legitimate, take the time to make your post count (and admitting you can't see the map, so here are alt actions if that won't work). When you post an action and it's like, "um, dude, your not even in the room" or "you are no where close to that guy", and then having to wait another day or two for a retcon or response to "you can't do that, would you rather do this?" That is where I have issues.
For the record, regardless of what my kids and wife say, I am not a crank and usually get along with everyone!

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Ahhhhhhhhh. Yes. I believe he has moved on to one of my other games if I'm thinking of the right person. They keep fighting golems with DR and I keep trying to make it clear that he is not breaking the DR but he just keeps punching without abandon, sometimes when he's not even near them on the map. Or that fight from Lady of Silver where the things were flying like 50' in the air and he tried to kick them.
No, you're not being a crank. It bothers me too and I think it bothers the other players. He (and similar people) tend not to RP or interact with the story much either and it's hard to keep the game moving when people just disappear between combats.
In complete contrast, I keep being a jerk and using Roll20 knowing full well that Burglar can't access it but he does the correct thing and gives me contingencies in case he can't get his pit/grease/etc off.
(I should make a concerted effort to use google more for the people who can't access Roll20. . . but it's just got a few features like the fog-of-war that are so convenient as a GM.)

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I think I average probably ~1.5 mistakes per combat when I run stuff (though I give that disclaimer in every game whenever possible.) I try to spin them to the point where it helps the PCs, though, since it's my error and I've yet to hear complains or wrongfully killed a PC, so I think I'm not doing horrible.
don't matter how old
Just make sure you're not in-scenario for more than 365 days, 'cause now you die once you pass venerable. I know I have to keep track on Tsusuko, 'cause he's getting there and is also an insane old man. (Guide, page 7, for those who feel like a reference.)
---I know I'm trying to prevent issues in EndlessForm's (Henry's) games with my Control wizard, despite my only method of seeing the map is by tethering my phone to my home computer and looking it up then with mobile data on a desktop. Makes being a Pit-O-Mancer a little more difficult, but when I put in a list of commands with what-ifs, I can only hope I'm not being too much of a pain for spell use.
EDIT: HA, ninja'd by not-a-jerk Henry about things I was going to post about anyways! I trust you guys on placements; I don't need no maps.

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That's accurate, though the question is "Will it have the 4-player conversion or not?" If Red brings Cairo, no. If Red brings Han, yes. I think? Must check my maths on that one. Silly dice roller won't multiply or divide. (Don't judge me. I'm a cook, not a mathematician, haha.)
Anyway, I will leave it to you, the players, if you would like to go in as a 4-man team or if you would like some more compatriots to join you.
If you're fine, we can start at any time. Campaign thread is open and ready.

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Heck, since we're entrenched into high tier (unless my horrible math is wrong as usual,) I may as well contact Sethious to bring along one of his numerous clerics to help have SOME kind of Cure-casting ability too.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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I thought 5 APL in a S5 3-7 was "high tier with 4-player scale down, though I'd have to find a computer to prove myself wrong.
-Posted with Wayfinder

GM Tektite |

So as is we play low, no adjustment. +1 one, we play up with four player adjustment.

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Sen is actually a throwing build (with accidental Katana+Wakazashi action), but that 10-ft range isn't much safer than melee. I ain't afraid of no playing up, though; I can handle whatever's going to happen.
-Posted with Wayfinder

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Having GM'd this one I'd be a little nervous playing up but I suppose I can do it. I had a few people playing up with the four player adjustment on Monday and they all survived.

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Private Message sent; He has this entire week off from work, so he'll likely not be waking at early times (like he normally would.) It's 10:40am this timezone, so he should be awake at some point. I'll text him at lunch if he doesn't get the PM.

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Severly doubt he can't play it; He DM's my first 12th level character's entire run (which was a 3/4ths of a year of play), so he's pretty available to play pretty much any damn thing.

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In theory*, you could AP Cred that Pally to get into Lyrics with him.
*Theory, meaning "I'm actually just taking random guesses as to what he has left as AP creds from our many APs.

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Henry's got his lance readied against the baddie, just waiting for someone to open the door. It should be over quick once the door opens. A slight breeze takes them out.

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Sylphs are the air-elemental race. As in, a slight breeze. . . .