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"Jenny Jarzabski Senior Developer Wed, Aug 23, 2023, 11:05 am | FLAG | LIST | REPLY
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Acadamae Student Korvosa
IvoMG wrote:

Even though we don't know how Mechs and Starships will be in the new version I made this post so that Paizo could see things from a different side or a better even balance.

I'm not going to request some kind of crazy stuff but, when you guys are designing the gameplay for mechs and Starships, please take into consideration some types of campaigns that were not considered in the first Edition. That is 1 to 1, what I mean by this is one Pilot for one Mech or one Ship.

Why would I request this kind of design?
So that I could play campaigns like a dogfight in space where every player has their own unique starship (like star wars) for mechs I would Say, Evangelion, Gundam, or even Macross.

"DID SOMEBODY SAY MACROSS?!! *A sparkly pink mech bursts into the room like the koolaid man*

Don't worry, I agree with you and the team has had similar thoughts and discussions. Some of this may be implemented sooner than you think.

My advice is to play Mechageddon! when it releases next May. ;)

Edit for full clarity's sake: you can play Mechageddon! as a squad of mechs (that can transform into starships) with each PC controlling their own mech, or players can team up with groups of 2 or more depending on the mech frames they choose and work together. Hopefully, this will allow each group to play in the style that feels right for them, but we definitely assumed a squad approach when designing encounters."



My players in my SF groups have mixed feelings and I get the feeling they will go by my thoughts when I get this.

I've played a couple of the scenarios way back when, no clue what but hoping the linked writing is outstanding and perhaps a little extra stuff here and there to fill things out for more support and interest from us old hands.


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Ya I suck at doing the link embeds......

GREAT to see the booth and aaron and Jeff chatting about SF II and PF II stuff!!



I'll post other vids as well on SFII as I see em :)

I see more than a few new peeps and others who might not even have played SF I and I see a slant for the going to grab SF II stuff into my PF II games as that would be cool. And thats al fine as SF II is meant to do that, if one is so inclined.

For me I will keep it totally separate and no crossover as I think both deserve their own spotlight. But WHEN the official crossover AP comes out I will most def be running or playing that one.

So what "camp" do you follow?

Played PF I ?

Played SF I?

Played PF II?

Played all three?

New to Paizo ?

This has been touched on from time to time in various threads so might help thats all in one place, or so I hope

*PF I (Was my main System) for about 8 years til PF II came out then switched over so I don't run this anymore

*Starfinder 1st Ed (my secondary system I run and will continue to til SF II Official release) I GMed and played.

*PF II (Main system I run now) day 1 with 2 playtest groups (and like many others left a not so good Taste and worry for what we would get when it officially released. But they fixed it and this is my main game I mostly GM, and play to date.

**SF II. yep I'll be all over this, plan on getting my Starfinder Ist Ed groups to Field Test the Soldier in the next couple weeks to get their thoughts on it.

Then add in the future Field tests as well.

Hoping along with the official playtest packet at the next GENCON 2024 there WILL BE a module we can run all the new stuff through, but for gods sake NOT like Doomsday Dawn. It needs to be fun as well as getting hard feedback on the new rules and see what works in the.

Just throwing the rule packet out for us to use/test as we will I don't think will get the best feedback overall.

Looking forward to this and at this point in time getting the 3 action economy into this is the biggest deal, as well as getting the new Starship combat subsystem is very KEY !!

As when going from PF I to SF I was fun and interesting, but once PF II came out SSF I felt quite clunky and was very much needed/wanted from me and my players there needs to be an update, and now we are here!!

Others who prefer PF I style rules and playstyle will stick to PF I and SF I over this but each gamer here knows their likes and dislikes.


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"First Things First​
First things first, there are still a few books coming for Starfinder 1st Edition. Starfinder Enhanced will be out in October. This is not a soft playtest of the new edition, but full of enhancements for your first edition characters. After that, there will be two more hardcover Adventure Paths: Scoured Stars and Mechageddon. These are the last books announced for first edition, but Thurston would not confirm that there aren’t any more coming.


Speaking of Mechageddon, Jenny’s favorite mech is a swarm mech with little AI controlled bits and bobs that can be sent out to do limited things. Thurston’s is the clock mech that has too many numbers on its face.


Now for 2nd Edition, it has been in the talks for years, but they have been trying to find the right time to bring it forward. It will be 100% compatible with Pathfinder 2nd edition and under the ORC license. This means there can be time travel shenanigans with gunslingers and operative snipers. This may have already been done with the development team.


Thurston is super stoked about finally getting three action economy for the game so now the games will have parity and not always be one step behind each other. In fact, Jenny and Dustin Knight spent time with the Pathfinder Remaster team, helping them and working on the books. This means they have a great handle on the rules and can hit the ground running with 2nd edition.


Field Testing at Gen Con​
As of opening day of Gen Con, Field Testing has been started for 2nd edition. This is really a chance for Paizo to keep their fingers on the pulse of the community and to allow fans to see the process of how the game is made. Already changes have been made to feats in the Soldier class because they were named the same as feats from other classes. If you got your hands on the physical copy of the Field Test, it will be different than the PDF online.


This is the most open playtest Paizo has put on and is a big behind the scenes on how your favorite games are made. They also promise to show some of their internal playtests and how they approach things. This could include blogs about their process and maybe streams of their playtests.


“Gaming is about community. And by bringing the community into what we are doing, it’s going to make the product better,” said Thurston.
Changes Are Coming​
Changes are coming. Not just by bringing Starfinder into the 2E engine, but narratively. Who are the big players? What lore needs updating? Are there places in the setting that need tweaking? This edition will allow them to lay a good foundation for the setting and drill down into the roots of it to bring more flavor into the setting.


“The classes you will see will be unlike classes you’ve seen before," said Thurston. “The classes we are doing for Starfinder 2nd Edition are not just sci-fi versions of Pathfinder classes.” They will be adding domains for Starfinder deities, even though there are no classes in Starfinder that need them. Those will be for when you bring over your Pathfinder classes into Starfinder. This means you can play a cleric in space.


Some other tidbits Thurston and Jenny shared:
Spellcasters will be happy to note that there will be up to tenth ranked spellcasters for cool space wizardry.
If Jenny has anything to say about it, mechs will find their way back into Starfinder eventually, just not in the near future.
Solarian’s will be taken in an interesting way where their abilities key off different attunements for different results depending on your attunement at the time.


2024 will see the release of the Playtest rulebook to allow fans to playtest the game and help the team work out any of the kinks in the system. This will allow the community to be very involved in the process and fill out a feedback survey.
2025 is the planned release of the 2nd edition.
Spoiler exclusive for E.N. World from Thurston: They are going to blow up a planet in the Pact Worlds, for reasons Thurston wouldn’t disclose. There will be a new Pact World joining, just not in the Golarion system."


This " might" be of interest here and helps with a few questions posed at this point in time for SF II.



One can almost hear the Starfinder crickets here on our forums here, but to be expected with the OGL forced lack of new content sadly.

Expand in October is the only new release for the rest of the year (minus SFS scenarios) so I am thinking that even though we won't get a "dedicated panel in the can (pre recorded)" I am betting some news will drop in the Eric Key note address Thursday.

For sure Expand and the 2 hardcover AP books for next year should get a fair share of the limelight, but what else?

Might there be a class playtest, remastered or heaven forbid a rumble of a Starfinder 2nd Ed playtest even or a combination of of?

This would most def be a good time to give us some good news on almost anything to keep the Starfinder fires going to us faithfull fans, and the new ones still coming in from 5th Ed as well don't forget.

So as news comes out feel more than free to post what it might be if I don't get to it first.

Meanwhile what do you think we might get, and what would make you happy to hear on the Starfinder front yourself?



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Posted in the Paizo Discord yesterday, NO panels from Paizo this year at GENCON, a few Paizo peeps will be in a couple of other panels , but that is it.

Hopefully this will only be a one off year for this but I can't quite understand this decision.

As there are still a lot of gamers are still moving away from 5th Ed, "they" (WotC) will be returning to GENCON this year in force and with the Remaster going on for Pf II and lack of Starfinder products and such.

I would think at least some panels could/should have been on the boards for this year, but maybe thats just me....

Constructive thoughts people or not a big deal for you all?

A very unhappy Tom (TRDG) And I took my usual vacation for this, SIGH!!! :(

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As someone noted there is more than a small number of areas in the Starmap in Ports of Calls that are not shown/listed on the map!!

But maybe we can puzzle them out and pin/pen them in from all our experience, and maybe even a starfinder team member might help us out as well??!! (pretty please)

Running games tonight but maybe start with a list of the places we would like to have on the map that is'nt there might be a good start!!



I'll be updating my virtual map in Roll20 myself as we hopefully get this going :)

Jason Keeley back from Renegade and goes to PF II as a senior Developer. A very cool youtube chat with interesting insights.


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And a promotion as well, as a PF II Senior developer, Starfinder will miss ya but PF II only benefits!!

Hope to see ya in the PAIZOCON panels :)


Most of know that Jenny J "let slip" the next AP after Hardcover The Scoured stars AP at last years PAIZO CON (or was it GENCON?) live panel that a Mech AP is in the works.

No other official info at this time, but for me I'd like it to have that

Battlestar Galactica feel, or from Space, Above and Beyond for those who remember that one!! LOL

I'd like the AP to be centered on a home base of a capital ship where the players are a part of a squadron, so one can have fighter ship to fighter ship missions, planetside ones as a ground team, and then the big lazer guns come out and specific mech fights.

That would be such a hoot to play in.

And might be nice to have it as a level 1-20 to, but probably won't happen.

But if we are paying hard cover prices then I think we deserve a bit extra, don't ya think??

My thoughts so far anyways. wish I would have remembered to start this about a year ago, but time does fly so we probably won't effect aything as it is pretty set by now, but you never know.

Thoughts anyone?



I GM a lot of games so hoping to get a fresh new group up as well as a GM who would run us through this :)

I do have the AP and the companions guide as well as most of the Roll20 books and a pro account so one can take advantage of these things if needed.

Every other Sunday nite and 8 PM CST or a bit later is set in stone as thats my only free time.

So if anyone might be interested then post here or PM me as needed.

Its just me so far as a player, and maybe one more and shooting for a total of 6 players.



Hav'nt pulled the trigger just yet but I will sooner or later, and I have the original AP from the start so...

Not quite sure what to expect from the "minimal changes/Tweeks" said to be done and just a couple more or different art pieces added in.

So what are your thoughts on this for those who have it, compared to the indivigual Modules in the AP way back at the start?

Worth it for the changes?

Stick with the originals?

What you might have changed if you were doing this (that did'nt) comp book and so on?



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Well we lost another part of our Paizo Starfinder team, quite a shock for me I can tell ya.

I wish you well sir and thanks for the interesting and crazy times you gave us!!

Lets hope we get a replacement soon and maybe new blood to stir the Starfinder "Drift pot" as well??

Thoughts anyone?


My group has it all settled now

1. Human Solarian (Ranged)

2. Formian Nanocyte

3. Forlorn Elf Ghost Operative

4. Brenneri Envoy

5. Human? Mechanic Experimental Explosives

I'll be GMing this crew myself :)


only NPC picked is an estranged Mystic medic wife so far,LOL and a couple of the extras for the ship


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GM Heavy Spoiler thread for Before the Storm One Shot

Well I am now officially the GM and not a player in this AP sadly, but I am quite excited to be running this AP anyways!!

And to start things off as I have a new 5 player group (all new players for SF except 1) this will be a great intro for them to get used to the system, compared to the hectic and quite interesting "things" going on in Drift Crashers.

So as usual I focus on the maps first thing as they need to be pretty good for the player (and GM!!) buy in.

While not to bad the usual no hi res images kills what we got so I went t and grabbed these.

Rented Shuttle was no issue as a have a number of small and detailed craft maps by now, inside and out!!

As to The Third Gate I could not find that kind of vessel so I ended up using this

The Third Gate Map--Storeys-Orbital-Station-Scova-4--Red-Alert

A nice 3 decker space station ship that has plenty of room and interesting damaged terrain features for the party to enter, exit and interact with.

Next is the Marata (or the Green Golem if your not next running Drift Crashers) and I had quite a time trying to see what works and is somewhat beleavable to meld into that Pirate ship in the opening of The Perfect Storm. so I finally settled on this :)

The Marata -Yoshida

A nice 2 decker ship that has plenty of good room and visuals for the crazyness that follows after pick up me thinks!!

Now trying to figure out when to ask the PC's what their "friend Make up" and extra ship stuff" choices will be... Before we run this one shot or after it is finished, not sure yet myself.


This is a Heavy Spoiler GM reference thread for Masters of Time and Space Module. Post your Q & A, general/specific thoughts, problems, solutions and any modifications you might have made or almost anything else, within reason naturally please!!



This is a Heavy Spoiler GM reference thread for The Nightmare Scenario Module. Post your Q & A, general/specific thoughts, problems, solutions and any modifications you might have made or almost anything else, within reason naturally please!!



This is a Heavy Spoiler GM reference thread for The Perfect Storm Module. Post your Q & A, general/specific thoughts, problems, solutions and any modifications you might have made or almost anything else, within reason naturally please!!



I'd LOVE something like this as it is so key to Starfinder, I can see that team Starfinder might not want to do this as the station is a key spring board for most anything in the future, but still....

Honestly I'd most like a useable map of the place, or as much as it could be, then adventure seeds and NPC's and specific places unknown til now.

Thoughts ladies and gentlemen?



Yep, along with mechs sooner or later I am hoping to add this into my games I am GMing.

Having stuff just pop in and out seems to be the ticket compared to only drift travel events, but won't have the book til street date.

Any thoughts fellow GM's or is there enough stuff going on already for your games?




Vast AP is not noted in the Drift book as it was being written at the same time as this AP, quite understandable.

If so, how did it go?

This sounds like a fun thing to add into a game, be it an official one (thats mostly me) or in homebrew story lines (most def not me, LOL)

The computer sub skill systems seems like it would work quite well for that extra special Shadowrun type vibe.

Digital Persona sounds fun!!

Hacking actions looks well thought out

Looking to add this into my Vast game sooner or later, just like mechs as well so does this work well or needs some tweeks for those who might have run this?



Might be interesting to see how other games are working out for this AP, or so I hope!!

So for me as a player game, we are on session 23 and about to begin the final in Module 1, finally!! LOL Its been an experience for sure so far. We had a GM switch mid game so we play once a weekend but lost some with this and the GM's are quite different.

We have had 13 turns and out outpost is OK, we banked some units for when we start mod 2 so expect things to take off, events so far not a prob as we have been very lucky, Most of the time we are reconning hexes over anything else, then dealing with the various situations, mostly in our settlement.

Our group tends to RP a lot and try to think things through compared to just ripping through things.

Overall its been a fun game for module 1, I'd give it abiut 4 of 5 stars and will write a review once I have finished it as a player and my other game GMing it for another group.

For my game I GM, was 2 but that broke apart due to work schedule changes sadly, the other one I just had to put a hold on until our schedules match again, so soon

This was part of my group from Attack of the Swarm then the aborted Fly Free or Die AP's so they are veterans. They RP a LOT less and like to get down to business, I beleave we got through 6 sessions, playing every other week for 4 hours.

For me as a GM wish there were more random encouters as I have said before so less empty hex deal. The random elemental encounters get quite old real fast so more variety would be nice

Loot can be a chore at times as well, but I made extra encounters as in a misdropped resource the party finds.

I would have liked more scripted named NPC scenarios as well, but I usually intro them in off the cuff situations to at least get em all noted before the end of mod 1.

Thats about it for this game I GM at the moment.

So hoping others will post their experiences be they a player or a GM and make sure to watch out for spoilers so keep them hidde if ya can please.



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Hoping for good things to come from this!!



So we know a few things so far, Start on a ship, Drift crazyness and the crew (and ship to I would assume?) is thrown into Hell and has to find a way out.

Then later meeting a certain Goddess could be quite interesting as well?

What would any of you (in and out of the drift :)) want out of this 3 part AP?



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Just got done watching their future on Roll20 in the Roll20 CON 2021 Twitch stream where this was announced!!

LOVE it!!

I wonder when we will finally get a product thread (or more like threads!!) on the product forums here??

Tom :)

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I was posting that it sure would be nice to have some extra specific encounters here for this Vast AP as there are a LOT of empty hexes and I'm not that good at building interesting encounters myself.

Hilary posted back that she might consider writing some up and putting it in Starfinder Infinite if there was interest, she has mine to say the least, LOL

Anyone else out there as well?

I know our Starfinder forums don't get much traffic and is a tad neglected from time to time :(

Just look that this AP is still below Devastation Arc....... Then none of the Modules GM thread ever get a sticky, but one can still hope for some progress at some point??

Anyways, sorry for the derail but I think it needs to be said!!

Take it away Hilary and lets hope for some active interest in this cool project that might happen in the future!!



Sad to say its a real pain to even try to align the 3 maps from the first 3 modules of this. It started with the second module as no mater how I size the map and upload it to roll20 it just does'nt work.

The main culprit is the forest sections that many were drawn in a hex shape.......SIGH

Instead of a more organic style where one can just lay a hex grid over it and it works just fine with no weird off kilter hex shaped forest hex that is way off.

In the end I had to crop out small chunks of hex forest then pop them on the overlay map to get it correct.

Also of note the mountain ranges from map 1 to 2 and now 3 do not line up as well sadly.

Anyone else having this issue?




I have used both the separate PDF map and the main hex map in the adventure PDF and both get the same thing :(


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Well I am finally going to take the plunge and start reviews for The Horizons of the Vast AP, first time for any review.

I know I am not the best writer and reviews I have seen here (for any product on the site) seem to be all over the board as to style, content, helpfull or unhelpfull.......

So any tips and examples you could point me to in specific products that would most help others who look at my review to actually be on point..... and actually helpfull to/for those reading it? :)



PS, and that timed out thing is still around I have heard about? So best to do the text somewhere else then copy paste it here for the final review, correct?

Looks like I'll be running this instead of being a player sadly so is letting some or all archtypes gamebreakers or so far no problems for you and your group compared to just the Wizard and the Druid?



I was a little worried that they would'nt hit it as they said it might not be ready on the street date, but it just went up!!

No discount yet if you bought it from paizo with the linked account, but it usually takes a couple days to a week to get it to take the discount from my experience.



This is the Horizons of the Vast Module 6 The Culling Shadow GM discussion thread. :)

This is the Horizons of the Vast Module 5 Allies against the Eye GM discussion thread. :)

This is the Horizons of the Vast Module 4 Icebound GM discussion thread. :)

This is the Horizons of the Vast Module 3 Whispers of the Eclipse GM discussion thread. :)

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This is the Horizons of the Vast Module 2 Serpents in the Cradle GM discussion thread. :)

This is the Horizons of the Vast Module 1 Planetfall GM discussion thread. :)

Been walking a fine line as I am a player with 4 sessions in already but will be GMing this at the end of this week.


I'll try the link to the 2nd module when I post that but I usually have the worst luck at that!!


So I asked on the product page but no replies so I'll start a thread here!!

For those who have it what kind of Flip maps and tiles will work the best for this AP?

Looking at Module 1 right now, I have a number of the Paizo Starfinder line of Flip maps and flip tiles but not all so should I be looking at buying some specifics?

Also how are the game maps provided so far, and are there some not covered and one has to look for as the Flip and Tiles offered so far would'nt cover it?

IE Alien mountain terrain, swamps or strange locations and or more for random encounters perhaps?



At the moment I'm thinking of a Mystic or a Solarian, human for that extra feat, but this might change depending on module 1's 3 page players guide.


I would think a couple weeks before July 7th but any official info would be most welcome please :)



Finishing up Module 1 next session and I was thinking of grabbing some SFS Scenarios and have them make a few runs and incorporate some of the scenarios and dry runs all depending on a dice roll at the beginning of Module 2 before the first event to give the space trucker vibe more flavor and not quite so rail roady at times.

Would anyone note any specific SF Scenarios that might work really well with this concept?




Here was my order

Product Quantity Price Each Total Price
Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide PDF
Paizo Inc.
Remove Save for Later
$14.99 $14.99

Pathfinder Adventure Path #157: Devil at the Dreaming Palace (Agents of Edgewatch 1 of 6) PDF
Paizo Inc.
Remove Save for Later
$17.99 $17.99

Pathfinder Adventure: The Slithering PDF
Paizo Inc.
Remove Save for Later
$15.99 $15.99

Pathfinder Chase Cards Deck (Download)
Paizo Inc.
Remove Save for Later
$10.49 $10.49

Pathfinder Flip-Mat: The Slithering PDF
Paizo Inc.
Remove Save for Later
$10.49 $10.49

Pathfinder Flip-Tiles: Urban Slums Expansion PDF
Paizo Inc.
Remove Save for Later
$13.99 $13.99

Pathfinder Lost Omens: Legends PDF
Paizo Inc.
Remove Save for Later
$24.49 $24.49

Pathfinder Spell Cards: Arcane (Download)
Paizo Inc.
Remove Save for Later
$20.99 $20.99

Pathfinder Spell Cards: Divine (Download)
Paizo Inc.
Remove Save for Later
$17.49 $17.49

Pathfinder Spell Cards: Occult (Download)
Paizo Inc.
Remove Save for Later
$20.99 $20.99

Pathfinder Spell Cards: Primal (Download)
Paizo Inc.
Remove Save for Later
$17.49 $17.49

Starfinder Adventure Path #29: The Cradle Infestation (The Threefold Conspiracy 5 of 6) PDF
Paizo Inc.
Remove Save for Later
$15.99 $15.99

Starfinder Adventure Path #30: Puppets Without Strings (The Threefold Conspiracy 6 of 6) PDF
Paizo Inc.
Remove Save for Later
$15.99 $15.99

Starfinder Critical Fumble Deck (Download)
Paizo Inc.
Remove Save for Later
$7.49 $7.49

Starfinder Critical Hit Deck (Download)
Paizo Inc.
Remove Save for Later
$7.49 $7.49

Starfinder Rules Reference Cards Deck (Download)
Paizo Inc.
Remove Save for Later
$13.99 $13.99

Starfinder Starship Operations Manual PDF
Paizo Inc.
Remove Save for Later
$9.99 $9.99

Subtotal (17 items) $256.33

Now yesterday I was making sure the code worked, I saw the discount but wanted to perhaps change something in the order so I deleted the order before buying thursday. Then today the code does not work sadly.

Now as I have to have the APG, Edgewatch AP module, Slithering module and flip map as I have games later today and tonight I will redo a small order with no discount and wait my turn.

Key here is that I am also buying the APG, AP module and Slithering on Roll20 and won't get their discount until I buy it here, and that's where I am running my games today/tonight.

Thanks for any and all help

Tom :(

"Save 20% on most items by entering PAIZOCON2020 at checkout."

Tried this multiple times and all I get is

"That code is not recognized or is not valid for this order."

On the order is

PF II Beast II book PDF
PF II EC module 5 PDF
Starfinder Conspiracy Module 4 PDF

Any help please?



OK a stupid question but if nothing is listed for a type of magic then just does regular damage?

Golem Antimagic harmed by cold and water (5d10, 2d6 from areas or persistent damage); healed by acid (area 2d6 HP); slowed by earth"

I get that part and read the full Antimagic section, BUT

What effect does a fireball have on a Clay Golem



I know it won't be the same but I noted Virtual GaryCon seemed to be a success last weekend.

Roll20 might be a good venue then have events/Panels on your twitch channel as well might work in tandem.

Just a thought :)


I was hoping to find something in the new book but after I read through it I drew a complete blank.......:(

Was hoping for some spells to add some way for my Mantis girl, but looks like unless I multi into a Cleric I saw no way to add anything new from the book.

Did I miss anything?

All comments and suggestions welcome gang

Thanks :)


Interested to see if Paizo might do a comp book and be updated to Pathfinder 2nd Ed if all goes well like the Kingmaker project being done now?

Might give em a new crack to updated mythic rules for this new edition, I know probably way to soon but a year and a half from now, possible...?

Worth a thread here I thought :)

VERY curious to see when this might drop and is for sale here, last I heard was out in Late December 2020?

Anyone have new info and when might a product thread show up for the various books attacked to this project ?



What is that replacing? Its instead of your regular class feat at level up right? (Level 2 for Rogue to grab the Red Mantis Dedication, all prereqs met)

Or am I getting this wrong, sorry for the stupid question here.


"These weapons are used as a pair, complementing each other. When you attack with a twin weapon, you add a circumstance bonus to the damage roll equal to the weapon’s number of damage dice if you have previously attacked with a different weapon of the same type this turn. The weapons must be of the same type to benefit from this trait, but they don’t need to have the same runes."

So I need to have at least 1, +1 Striking Rune on one of my Sawtooth Sabers and if so that gives me a +2 circumstance bonus to Damage added to the base 1D6 Damage as it is now a 2 for damage dice, correct?

Then as I upgrade the striking rune then +3, +4 and +5 it goes up I'd assume.

Or does this work another way, as I am trying to decide if my Human Rogue will go the Red Mantis Assassin or the Aldori Duelist archtype for the Age of Ashes AP.

