
Selter Sago de'Morcaine PFS's page

1,126 posts. Organized Play character for Kydeem de'Morcaine.

Organized Play Characters

Elvish Fighter
Liberty's Edge My PFS Lavode De'Morcaine

1/2E Sorc 13, HP:93 of 93, AC:16, Touch:12, Flat Footed:14, with mage armor 13hrs F:+12, R:+11, W:+15, Init:+2, Perc:+19 (1,363 posts)
Scarab Sages Jorin

1/2orc Magus Kensai 11, HP:69/69, AC:21, Touch:19, Flat Footed:12, F:+14, R:+11, W:+12, Init:+10, Perc:+15 (546 posts)
Silver Crusade Morrolan de'Morcaine

Dwarf Ftr1/Inq 7, HP:69/69, AC:27, Touch:11, Flat Footed:26, F:+12, R:+5, W:+9 (+2 vs. psn, spells, and spl abilities; +2 res vs. evil), Init:+3, Perc:+13 (338 posts)
The Exchange Selter Sago de'Morcaine PFS

Nagaji, Naga Aspirant 10, HP 83, AC:23, FF:21, Th:12, F+13/R+9/W+14(+2mind-affecting&poison), Perc+18, Init+2 (1,126 posts)
Holy Vindicator
Sovereign Court Malaika de'Morcaine

Aasimar Oracle of Shaelyn Lvl 10 AC:20, FF:10, Th:10, HP 63/63, F8/R7/W11, Perc +0, Init +0 (299 posts)
Sian Daemodus
Dark Archive Herr Magt Jaeger

Bloodrager 7, HP:67/67, AC:21, Touch:12, Flat Footed:19 F:+11, R:+8, W:+6, Init:+2, Perc:+13 (204 posts)
Grand Lodge PFS CORE - Hádanka

1/2 Orc barb 5, HP:50 of 50, AC:21, Touch:13, Flat Footed:18 F:+6, R:+4, W:+4, Init:+2, Perc:+11 (darkvision) (405 posts)
Lizardfolk Sorcerer
Grand Lodge Voices in My Head

Nagaji Barb 1/Sum 4, HP:46/46, AC:19, Touch:12, Flat Footed:17 F:+5, R:+3, W:+5 (+2 vs mind affecting & poison), Init:+2, Perc:+4, lowlight vision (445 posts)
The Exchange Ehm Sven Nien

gunslinger (pistolero) 1/alchemist (sabatour) 8, HP:86, AC:20, Touch:14, Flat Footed: 17 F:+15, R:+14, W:+6, Init:+3, Perc:+15(+2vs magical traps, +2 with heightened awareness) (511 posts)
The Concordance BiggerBird

Tengu Hunter 2, HP:17, AC:16, Touch:12, Flat Footed:14 F:+4, R:+5, W:+2, Init:+2, Perc:+8, lowlight vision (73 posts)
Kabran Bloodeye
Silver Crusade Nevedno de'Morcaine

1/2 Orc Medium 4 (trickster), HP:31, AC:16, Touch:12, Flat Footed:14 F:+5, R:+7, W:+6, Init:+4, Perc:+9, darkvision (93 posts)
Grand Lodge PFS CORE - Vie Vsetko

Elf, Wizard (Diviner) 6, HP 32, AC:13, FF:13, Th:10, F+5/R+5/W+5(+1 vs fear +2 vs ench), Perc +14, Init +4 (100 posts)
The Clockwork General
The Concordance Goe Lem

Male Oread Warpriest 4, HP:35/35, AC:19, Touch:11, Flat Footed:18, F:+6, R:+2, W:+7,+2vs Death, Init:+1, Perc:+10, Darkvision (229 posts)

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) Elter Ago
(12 posts)


Sacred Killer
Beswaur Blue Bottle

1/2orc Warpriest (Champion of the Faith) of Desna 3, HP:24/24, AC:20, Touch:12, Flat Footed:18 F:+5, R:+3, W:+7(extra +2 vs charm compulsion), Init:+2, Perc:+3 (102 posts)
(1,507 posts)
(4 posts)
Frizell Foulis Farquharson
(23 posts)
Gronk de'Morcaine

Half-Orc Cleric 6 of Groteus AC 21/ f f20/ t11, HP 38/38, F8/R4/W11 (493 posts)
Gruingar de'Morcaine
(472 posts)
Elf Archer

male Elf arcanist, HP:18, AC:13, Touch:13, Flat Footed:10 F:+2, R:+4 W:+5, Init:+3, Perc:+11 (52 posts)
Demon Slayer
Dark Archive Kal Drak

Human BldRgr1/Sorc4/DD3, HP:69/69, AC:19, Touch:12, Flat Footed:17, (assumes mage armor) F:+7, R:+4, W:+7 (+2 vs. fear;+1 vs death), Init:+6, Perc:+10 (low-light vision) (42 posts)
Chuffy Lickwound
Kydeem's Pregen

Chuffy Lickwound, HP:11, AC:17, T:15, FF:13 F:+2, R:+6, W:+1, Init:+1, Perc:+5 (33 posts)
Lavode de'Morcaine
(179 posts)

small serpentine eidolon HP 6/6; AC:17, Touch:15 FF:13, Per:-1; Int:+4; F:+0;R:+6,W:+2 (19 posts)
Jask Derindi
Nebdel Melfcane

Teifling Inquisitor for Asmodeus 5, HP:47/47, AC:16, Touch:12, Flat Footed:14 F:+7, R:+3, W:+7, Init:+5, Perc:+10 (493 posts)
Activation Cube
Revolving Door Alternate
(1,060 posts)

female Animal Companion, stegosaurus, Default Command is to 'Guard Selter', AC:36, FF:31, Th:14, HP 58, F8/R11/W4(+4vsEnch), Perc +9, Init +4 (evasion) (132 posts)
Skutene Marid

pitborn sorc 7, HP:46/46, AC:12, Touch:11, Flat Footed:11 F:+6, R:+5, W:+8, Init:+1, Perc:+17 (34 posts)

Mammoth 2HD, HP:16, AC:20, Touch:12, Flat Footed:18 F:+4, R:+5, W:+2, Init:+2, Perc:+4, lowlight vision & scent (12 posts)
Golden Orb
Summoned Creature
(79 posts)
Wilfort Spindlethwaite

Gnome Lorewarden 1 / Witch 1 AC:13, FF:13, Th:11, HP 19/19, F4/R2/W1, Perc +2, Init +10 (85 posts)