Sea Ranger's page
138 posts. Alias of Stiehle.
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger starts as he sees someone coming toward the barn. He turns to Nailo and motions with a nod of his head that he should wake the others, then the druid/ranger moves toward the barn door to intercept the stranger. He moves stealthily, trying not to draw attention as he tries to determine who it is (human? trog? orc? something else?) utilizing his low-light vision as he draws a sword...
Stealth check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Being half-elf with excellent night vision, Sea Ranger volunteers for the early morning hours just after midnight.
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger cares little for the fate of the lizard folk and sends Scout flying off to Seek out anything else that might pose a threat in the immediate area. Then he finds a spot in the barn to make himself comfortable.
Thinking we should still post a watch through the night - both to keep an eye out for more trogs and to watch our orc 'allies'...
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger allows the paladin to deal with the trogs, turning his attention to the boy they'd held captive. "What's your name? Where are you from?" He asks the kid.
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger spins away from the trog's ill-aimed blow and slashes again with his scimitar...
Scimitar Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Damage (favored enemy): 1d6 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 3 + 2 = 10
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Again, Sea Ranger moves to strike at another nearby trog, interposing himself between the reptilian creatures and the boy if he can do so.
Scimitar Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Damage (favored enemy): 1d6 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 2 = 7
Eh, I very much doubt that hit, but I'll roll the damage anyway.
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger charges into the fray, his scimitar slashing at the nearest troglodyte.
Scimitar Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22 = Possible Crit?
Crit Confirm: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 = Nope!
Damage (favored enemy?): 1d6 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 2 = 9
Thinking these are Hunanoid (Reptilian), so my favored enemy bonus is included in the damage roll.
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Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger whistles to Scout and points in the direction from which the scent of smoke is coming, and the eagle wings toward the source, seeking out signs of any living creatures - which she has been trained to relate to her half-elven companion. He turns to the others as she takes to the sky. "Scout will circle a couple hundred feet above if she spots anything alive between here and the source of the smoke. At least we'll know someone or something is out there."
Sending animal companion to 'seek' out any living creatures in the area. I'll roll a Perception check below.
Scout's Perception check: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger is agreeable to continue on with the orcs. He is wary of being mind-controlled by these lizard creatures as the orcs might be, and wonders how such a fate might be avoided.
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger is well aware of the bad blood between elves and orcs, but the human part of him recognizes the strategy in using the creatures against their common enemy as well. The druid nods wordlessly and follows TT, then introduces himself by name as well.
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger sees TT draw her sling, but he puts one hand on her arm and whispers in her ear. "Bide a moment, I think I see where she's going with this."
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger watches from afar, beside TT.
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger motions for the others to follow and takes the lead, moving back toward the temple where Scout is circling high above. The half-elven druid does his best to blend into the forest so as to approach unseen, leaving his shield stowed for the moment - though his scimitar is held in one hand, leaving the other free...
Stealth Check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Dang, thought I'd rolled a Perception! Thanks, GM! Rolled Stealth though, trying to approach quietly. No AC penalty as his shield is NOT readied.
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger mutters an oath in Elvish under his breath. "Orcs. Raiders from the swamp, I believe. We need to find them quick." With a sharp command to 'Seek', he sends Scout airborne, following him with his eyes. Once the raptor starts circling, he'll head in that direction.
Have Scout 'Seek' out these orcs from above, and head that direction. I presume we've dropped the prisoner by now and we're all supplied up? We posted earlier that dropping the trog was the first task, shopping the second, and then checking in with the mayor about what we learned. I don't think I ever saw confirmation of any of these. Our posted plans are on the previous page (13) towards the top.
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
I'm a little confused... I was thinking that was our first stop, dropping off the trog prisoner. Then let the mayor know what's going on, then shopping, and then we're headed out - following the map. Are we just putting together the shopping list here? I doubt we'd be shopping at vendors with a trog prisoner being dragged along.
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger grins at TT. "Fine idea! Sleeping on the ground in a forest where you can use pine needles and moss to make yourself comfortable is quite nice. Trying to sleep on wet ground that tends to sink a bit under your weight is not nearly so pleasant."
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger chips in for bug repellent.
Definitely! Even if it's just a flavor thing. Saw there's stuff to use vs swarms, but it's a bit costly. Speaking of which though... do we have any AoE spells that are effective against swarms? If not, we might want some vials of acid or alchemist's fire if there are any available - and if we have coin to purchase.
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger doesn't have much coin on his character sheet... though we got some from the evil priest, I think. I've got no rations, usually living off the land druid style. I'm going to page back and see if I can see how much we each got in the split I'm vaguely recalling. I'll give what I can to the party fund in order to pay for extra rations, water, and those items listed by Chestman. From my own inventory, I can spare about 15gp or so
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
If the others have no further questions, Sea Ranger suggests they drop off the trog at the jail, then let the mayor know what's happened at the temple. After that, he suggests they stock up on supplies and head out to the stronghold indicated on the map...
How long of a journey is indicated, according to the map? If it's a lot of swamp, I'd suggest we procure a wagon and horses to pull it, along with some canoes to paddle out into the water if needed. Enough food and water to last us, tents, lots of insect repellent, firewood... anything else? Hoping the mayor will loan us most of this stuff with the promise that we'll return the wagon, canoes, horses, etc so we don't have to buy them ourselves.
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger frowns at their captive. "If you'd wanted to be left alone, perhaps you shouldn't have raided Orlane. Most free folk don't take kindly to being kidnapped to serve a serpent god they've never heard of."
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
"Is the Reptile God truly a naga?" The druid asks curiously. Then he turns to more tactical considerations. "How many of your kind dwell at the stronghold? How many of these 'converts' do you have? Do you have other allies among your numbers?"
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Happy birthday, EJ!
As far as linguistics goes, that's not really Sea Ranger's bag, man... But welcome to the group!
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
The druid grins at Krishka. "I can handle eggs, I think. As long as everyone is fine with scrambled." Sea Ranger gets to work, presuming there are no objections.
As they cook and then eat, the half-elf ventures his thoughts on how they should tackle the day. "We can see if our trog captive is willing to talk. Whether or not he does, we have that map, and with Scout's help I think we can use it to find their stronghold. Once we've seen the trog secured in the jail, we should let the mayor know our plans, then grab enough gear and rations for the journey. And bug repellent." He adds with a chuckle.
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger picks up where he left off, heading to sleep and waiting for his own shift at guard duty as Gothia works to purify the temple...
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger shakes his head as they locate this third secret door. "This place is riddled with hidden passages, I wonder if the other two were originally built along with the temple itself or if they're newer. Not as new as this one, in any case. Let's finish up our rest. Maybe we can block this one." But first, let's get that unconscious trog secured.
Sheesh, so many secret doors in this place! Let's finish up our rest and head back to the village tomorrow. Tie up the trog and keep watch over it as well, until it wakes up. Then we can try and ask it some questions before we head out?
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
The trog jumps back to avoid having its guts spilled out all over the floor, but not quite fast enough to avoid the nasty cut from Sea Ranger's curved blade. The druid dodges the creature's return attack, ducking under the blow and trying to finish his foe. Scout screeches loudly as a distraction, the eagle trying to gouge out one of its eyes with its wickedly sharp beak. Unfortunately, neither of the attacks are particularly effective...
Scimitar Attack (vs. Favored Enemy): 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 2 = 9
Scimitar Damage: 1d6 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 3 + 2 = 10
Scout's Bite Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Bite Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 2
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
The door squeaks on its hinges, causing the two trogs to look in his direction and Sea Ranger knows that he's been spotted. "Damn. Scout! Attack!" He shouts, then leaps forward and swings his scimitar at the nearest while Scout dives at the rat. Lunch is served!
Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Scimitar Attack (vs. Favored Enemy): 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 4 + 2 = 24 = Possible Crit!
Crit Confirmation: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 2 = 7 = Nope!
Scimitar Damage: 1d6 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 2 = 8
Scout's Bite Attack (vs. rat): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Bite Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 1
I'll just make some rolls for whenever his turn comes up in this round. I'm figuring the eagle going after the rat doesn't seem like much of a stretch - he's probably hungry, after all!

Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger rises to his feet and touches each of his companions' shoulders in turn. Bringing his lips close their ears, he whispers softly. "Noise in the kitchen. Let's see what's going on." Then the druid/ranger draws his scimitar and moves toward the kitchen with the others as quietly as possible. Scout swoops down to land on Sea Ranger's shield still strapped to his back, peering over his elven companion's left shoulder. When he gets close to the entryway, he takes a peek inside, trying not to be noticed...
Stealth Check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Thinking I'll go in the lead to scout it out while the others follow? TT can join me in the front rank too, but I'm thinking we should stay about 40' in front of the noisier members of the party, if that works? Not a great roll though...
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger makes himself comfortable on the floor somewhere (not in the room with the mimic!) and prepares to get some much needed sleep. His companion eagle does the same, finding a perch somewhere near the vaulted ceiling to settle on.
Perception Check: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Thinking either Chestman or Gothia should get the manual of gainful exercise.
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger nods in agreement with Vesica. "This place is certainly comfortable enough, we can take turns keeping watch until you have done your work, Gothia. Wake one of us when you take your sleep."
Agreed, Gothia can keep watch well enough I think while she does her consecration and then we can each take turns until we're ready to head out in the morning. Bar the main doors if we can, and if there is another door into the place we should have a double watch - but I think there's only the one.
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger helps the others search, seeking out both secret doors the boy told them about - the one from the kitchen to vestibule and the other that led from the cleric's private bedroom to his office.
Perception Check: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (11) + 13 = 24
Have we found all four of those rooms? We'll definitely search each one thoroughly, with a Take 20 if possible. I'm not sure if we've seen the office, and is anything remarkable about the kitchen? Sounds like he'd meet the trogs there or something, according to the boy.
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger chuckles at Chestman's comment. "With this much gold on hand, I think we can afford a boat or two, friend dwarf. I even have some experience in sailing - though I suspect we'd be looking at a pair of dinghies and paddles rather than a proper sailing vessel. I'm sure we can find something in the village."
Let's check out the rest of the temple, and then I'm thinking a good night's sleep, as I think it's after dusk now? In the morning we can perhaps see about purchasing (or renting?) a couple of boats to get us through the swamps if the route on the map indicates a lot of water travel
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Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Emboldened by the deep slash left by the scimitar and the fact it is stunned, Sea Ranger tries to follow up and carve out a goodish section of the mimic before it can launch an attack of its own.
Scimitar Attack (w/ Inspiriation): 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 4 + 1 = 25 = Auto Hit! Possible Crit!
Crit Confirmation: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 4 + 1 = 19
Scimitar Damage: 1d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 1 = 8
Extra Crit Damage: 1d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 1 = 10
Dang! Is this one of Drizzt's scimitars or something?
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Oh shoot, I forgot that bonus! Those are my standard attack bonuses. Thanks for catching it! Should be +1 to attack and damage then - and maybe that crit will hit after all?
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
As the others move in, so does Sea Ranger, using his shield to protect himself he strikes at the creature with his scimitar.
Scimitar Attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22 = Possible Crit!
Crit Confirmation: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Scimitar Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Extra Crit Damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 (if applicable)
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger considers the chest and wonders if perhaps the boy had been mistaken - or even having a bit of fun with them. The druid mutters "ignus" and a ball of flame appears in his hand, burning steadily though it doesn't burn his skin. Then he hurls the small globe at the chest, intending to see if it reacts to the heat, or if it only leaves a scorch mark on the wood.
Even as he casts his arm back to throw, he sees the chest suddenly open its mouth and catch the dwarf's thrown mug of beer!!
Cast Produce Flame spell and hurl it at the chest. LOL, I posted this before I saw GM EltonJ's post, so edited in that last bit! :)
Ranged Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13 vs AC?
Fire Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
The druid smiles at the boy and claps his shoulder. "Go. Be safe." Once the lad is gone, Sea Ranger speaks to the others. "If the priest met with the lizard folk in the kitchen, that might explain the secret passage from there to the vestibule. And the one from his private chambers to his office is obvious. If the map and this mimic are in his quarters, I'd suggest we search there, first. Then find the secret passage to his office and take a look there, next. We can finish with the kitchen and find that secret passage as well. There could also be a cellar of some kind to search."
Private chambers first? Get the map and kill the mimic - preferably from a safe distance!
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger feels his suspicions of the boy ease up and he smiles earnestly at the kid. "Good, you should probably see your aunt first, and then check in with the mayor - but it's up to you. We won't risk your safety here, in case there are other traps or monsters about, but can you tell us where these other two secret passages can be found? Which rooms they're in, and how they're concealed? And most importantly, how they're opened. And where is this mimic?"
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
No skill in Dungeoneering - not yet, anyway...
Still frowning, Sea Ranger encourages the boy to speak more. "Tell us about this... mimic, did you call it? What does it look like? A monster of some kind? Not an animal? I've never heard of such in my wanderings."
When the boys offers to draw a map, he looks at the lad curiously. "You know where their foul god can be found? Did the priest ever take you there? I am sorry for what he put you through, but he can hurt you no more. Is there anyone in the village that can take care of you? A relative? Do you have parents?" The druid is not exactly distrustful of the boy, but perhaps he is mildly suspicious. Where did he come from? How does he know where to find the reptile god?
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger looks at the boy curiously. "A mimic?" The druid tries to recall what he knows about them, it sounds vaguely familiar. "Can you show us where the other passages are? And why did you hide from the priest? Did he hurt you? Or perhaps you heard him speak with scary folks? Can you tell us what they might have talked about?" He takes a look at the alcove in which the boy was hiding, trying to see if there was an adjoining passage of some kind.
Didn't want to presume that Sea Ranger knows what a mimic is! Try to get a little more information from the kid. Locations of other secret passages, if the priest regularly met with anyone, what they might have said, etc.
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger tries a tentative smile as he squats down in front of the boy to put himself at roughly eye level. "Neat trick, and good thinking to hide back there. What's your name, lad?"

Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Level 2
Class Ranger 1
HP 6 +1 CON +1 FC [8]
BAB +1
Saves Fort +2, Ref +2
Skills 6 +2 BG
Handle Animal +1 BG
Heal +1
Knowledge (Geography) +1 BG
Knowledge (Geography) +1
Knowledge (Nature) +1
Perception +1
Stealth +1
Survival +1
Class Skills
Favored Enemy (Ex) [Humanoid - Reptilian]: At 1st level, a ranger selects a creature type from the ranger favored enemies table. He gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of his selected type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. A ranger may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures.
Track (Ex): A ranger adds half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow tracks.
Wild Empathy (Ex): A ranger can improve the initial attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (see Using Skills). The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check.
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger grins at TT. "Well played!" He picks up the morning star and hefts it, feeling the weight. "You don't suppose this is magical, do you?" He asks the others as he follows the dwarf and the paladin into the priest's private chambers. Maybe they'll find a clue as to the location of the cultist's base in there.
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger frowns at the corpse. "Dead men can't give us any answers - though I've heard of powerful spells that could make him speak. In any case, perhaps there are clues here that might lead us to their base." The druid starts to follow Chestman in the search, then grasps the dwarf's shoulder, slowing him down.
"There may be traps, especially if he has anything valuable to protect. Is anyone able to deal with that possibility?" He glances around, his eyes lingering on TT.
Thanks GM! Anyone skilled in finding and disabling traps? You know... just in case?
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger darts into the fight as well, slashing with the scimitar he wields.
Scimitar Attack (Inspired): 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 1 = 7
Scimitar Damage (Inspired): 1d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 3 + 1 = 9
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger readies to attack the priest as well...
Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Half-Elf Druid 1 / Ranger 1 | Init: +4 | Per: +13 | Fort: +6, Reflex: +4, Will: +5 | HP: 18 (of 18) | AC: 17, FF AC: 14, Touch AC: 13 | CMD: 17 | Spells Cast: 0 Lvl - 0 (of 3) / 1st Lvl - 0 (of 2) | Conditions: None |
Sea Ranger moves opposite TT, calling out to the priest as well. "One of your underlings talked, Donovan. We also saw that headstone in the graveyard, the one with the naga on it. Your god, correct? Not Merikka, whose temple you have taken as your own in order to spread word of your cult. Did you think the people of Orlane would stand for this sacrilege?" The druid readies his shield and scimitar as he speaks.