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Wow, this is the saddest thread I've probably ever read on this site. The funny thing is the original post is misogynistic wether it's meant that way or not. Solely becuase it's MEN'S duty to solve the problems of women. I'll let you in on the secret answer...... if you don't like any game leave. That advice is haned out in every thread so why it isn't mentioned here is obvious, because it's easier just to shame men. So before this post gets deleted for censor.....um....derailing I'll make a few points and jet out:

- talking about privilege is a form shaming language on par with slut shaming. If you don't think so then let me ask you, what good does is serve your argument to put the ones you seek sympathy from on the defensive? None...

-paizo, what good is it to allow threads that may make 95% of your core demographic feel they are responsible for the misdeeds of others and that the should feel guilty for not solving every problem a person may encounter in life? All entertainment is about escapism. All political threads do is divide people into teams so the can duke it out. Not very welcoming if you ask me.

-lastly men, stop apologing , the vast,vast majority of you are not deviants and don't need to answer for the very few that are. I recomend going to youtube and searching for "MGTOW" videos be either stardusk or barbarosssa. It's time you were a least offered the "red pill". Thats all I have to say on the subject.

Hopefully this starts a trend. I'm going to begin a new campaign soon and told my players to chill out on the builds so we can just get back to enjoying the game itself. I been trying to keep the communication open durring character creation so the can be useful AND flavorful without breaking the game. Simply put I told them that there is a limit on my prep time and I can spend it writing a fun adventure or looking for work arounds to tame the cheese, it's their choice. Though I wasn't going to bother to run a game if they chose optimizing.

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I don't think I know of a single adventure that has used love as plot device or even created an opportunity for it to develop. Maybe they should do something with it in rpg superstar? Sure would beat reading another boring magic item!

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Well if this is stemming from your anxiety, then it's a problem that can only be solved by you, working on you. As for a fix may I suggest a couple gin and tonics?

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It depends on the game the GM is presenting. The player that isn't falling in line with the feel of the game is the one that needs to adapt.

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I'm glad I don't have to GM such entitled players. I would have to keep a mop by the table just to sop up the tears! Fumbles represent the element of luck just like crits do. If you have crits you should have at least some fumbles. Why do you ask? Because it's a game junior! If you play monopoly and land on "go the jail" do you just ignore it? No, you go to jail becuase it a game no a treatise on the laws of probability. Don't go crying about how wizards don't have to worry about fumbles. Fighters don't need to worry about spell resistance, nor do fish have to worry about dehydration.

I have to ask. Do you do things that in character the cleric wouldn't approve of that would tick off their diety? Or is this stictly player meta stuff?

Sardonic Soul wrote:
Aaron Bitman wrote:

Maybe you could base your adventures and/or setting on your fondest memories of your AD&D days.

You might go even further than that. You say that you have no access to any AD&D material, but if you really liked a particular old module or old version of a setting (e.g. the 1st-edition version of World of Greyhawk or Forgotten Realms) you can get used copies of old materials, often at reasonable prices, from 3rd-party sellers through amazon.com, or from nobleknight.com, hitpointe.com, dragonstrove.com, or even right here at paizo.com. (I should mention that I've never ordered anything from dragonstrove.com, so I can't personally vouch for it.)

Hey, I've been watching the DMscraft to. That dude can build anithing with a glue gun and cardboard. His fountain video is really awesome.

My group is the same group from my 2E days but over time the 3E+ build focus and arcane accounting slowly stole that adventure feel from the game. We like the system and character options but we're looking to get that old feel back. When we reminisce about the old days it's wasn't about the builds and gear. It was about deeds and the adventure. We recently made a pact to get back to that mindset.

Aaron Bitman wrote:

Maybe you could base your adventures and/or setting on your fondest memories of your AD&D days.

You might go even further than that. You say that you have no access to any AD&D material, but if you really liked a particular old module or old version of a setting (e.g. the 1st-edition version of World of Greyhawk or Forgotten Realms) you can get used copies of old materials, often at reasonable prices, from 3rd-party sellers through amazon.com, or from nobleknight.com, hitpointe.com, dragonstrove.com, or even right here at paizo.com. (I should mention that I've never ordered anything from dragonstrove.com, so I can't personally vouch for it.)

Hey, I've been watching the DMscraft to. That dude can build anithing with a glue gun and cardboard. His fountain video is really awesome.

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I am trying to build an old school feel game myself and I find half the work is in the mindset. The players can't be obsessed with builds and have to be adventure focused. Also I would just ditch all the wealth by level guidelines. Also build encounters based the current PC's abilities and strength and forget the CR system, the way we used to before 3E. I'd also restict access to magic items and crafting. But in the end it comes down to a meta conversation as a group that everyone should be trying for the same feel.

LazarX wrote:
Sardonic Soul wrote:
We should ban all political discussions. They just breed arguments and have nothing to do with the hobby. Besides its not like a government think tank is gonna scroll the boards here looking for advice. Unless the government wants to regulate DPS.

So what's t

he big deal? They stay in the Off Topics forum where they belong.

because somebody always gets gets butt hurt when they get called out and the a moderator has to step in to sooth the wounded butt.

We should ban all political discussions. They just breed arguments and have nothing to do with the hobby. Besides its not like a government think tank is gonna scroll the boards here looking for advice. Unless the government wants to regulate DPS.

I've also been toying with the idea of tossing the wealth by level chart. Making it tougher to craft items an removing ability score boosting items altogether. I would definitely scale down encounters but that is easy. Personally I think the WBL chart makes magic items feel cheap and less "magical". Even when I PC I hate having to choose the same equipment every time just to keep up with a power curve.

I can't believe in 2012 people are still complaining about racism when we have a black president. Somebody better call Oprah and tell her she isn't supposed to be so wealthy. It's hard to be downtrodden when you give away cars daily.
Besides everyone has some form of bias, everyone! It's damn near impossible to be a human being and not have any preconceived perceptions about a person, religion, or political affiliation. Even taking pride in your own race is a form of mild racism just because it is thinking along racial lines.

Man, I can't wait til this election is over so all the armchair politicians on the web will pipe down and get back watching the Kardashians.
Also let it be none that there are two types of people in this world, Chuck Norris and not Chuck Norris. Even if Chuck was in theory wrong on anything he is still right because he is Chuck Norris. Much like your vote your opinion means nothing because none of us are Chuck Norris....

But anyhow Mr. Jiggy, I have my play style and you are free to have yours. But if somebody's idea of fun ruins my enjoyment of the game then they not welcome at my table. That is all. If the munchkins want to run their table that way so be it and I'll sit that game out. I dont advocate debating playing other on there style of game because it's a waste of everyones time.
Also don't be so quick to make personal attacks about my ego unless you enjoy the the moderators stepping in after I refute that attack.
Anyhow I've said my piece on the matter and don't have all day to banter...

I said my way was right for me.

Jiggy wrote:
Sardonic Soul wrote:
Just ditch'em, it isn't worth trying to explain hat your "gut feelings" about what a game should be like to people that only comprehend +'s and the sum of numbers.
If you think Pathfinder "should" be a certain way and you're not one of its designers/developers, then you need to work on your inflated sense of self-importance.

Funny how you just proved my point. For the record I never said my way was the right way. It's just right for me and apparently a few others to. I was simply saying that the play styles have have two different mindsets. That those minsets aren't changable so it isn't worth your time trying to convert the other side.

But what would I know? I have a ego because I disagree. Maybe someday I can be a "RPG Superstar Top 32" like you.

Justin Ricobaldi wrote:
Sardonic Soul wrote:
Having recently ended my last campaign due to rampant munchkinism. I have to say I think there is nothing wrong with optimizing to fit a concept. But those that game the system know who they are, they know they are doing it, and always excuse it with barest amount of roleplaying.

Ker-Blam! That is exactly what I'm saying in my first reply to this thread on page 2. Only in many more words than this. I feel your pain.

Sardonic Soul wrote:

Also I got a great idea the Paizo staff should steal. A new book that you could call it "Ultimate Roleplaying". Put no game mechanics in it and charge $50. That way if see someone owns a copy then I would know I should let them play in my game.
Though, wouldn't all the people you want to play in your game actually have no need for this book as seeing they are already very role-play savy? Though now I just want to see this book, just to see what is in it!

well, when I start a new campaign in the future some of those same players won't be there. I'm ejecting the the munchkins but that leaves just two players that care about the actual adventure. Maybe I'll let them play two PC's each?

Either way I wouldn't bother trying to label what exactly makes a game breaking power gamer. They will always have an excuse wrapped up in "don't judge me bro" arguments. They know full well what they're doing and that they break your game to. Just ditch'em, it isn't worth trying to explain hat your "gut feelings" about what a game should be like to people that only comprehend +'s and the sum of numbers.

Having recently ended my last campaign due to rampant munchkinism. I have to say I think there is nothing wrong with optimizing to fit a concept. But those that game the system know who they are, they know they are doing it, and always excuse it with barest amount of roleplaying. That said if someone plays alot of MMO's thtas a red flag. It takes a certain mindset to "grind" that many hours of there life.
Also I got a great idea the Paizo staff should steal. A new book that you could call it "Ultimate Roleplaying". Put no game mechanics in it and charge $50. That way if see someone owns a copy then I would know I should let them play in my game.

Action economy is not always king. We are also talking about a class that has haste and slow as second level spells to help re-break that economy. They make use of both physical and mental ability boosting items since the shared body slots dilemma no longer really applies. Stack that with evo points to increase those physical abilites even more. How about flight? Doesn't cost many evo points no your faster than a monk! A fighter wants flight he needs 20k boots!

The synthesist is just plain broken. I GM'd for one in my last campaign and it damn near broke it. It was by the book and I scoured the forums to make sure I wasn't missing something. Also the player admitted he was taking it easy on me! I agree with everything cheapy said above an it as a better fighter than the fighter because the fighter didn't have the options to haste and heal himself. The only way the rest of the party got to fight is if I attacked the group while they camped and the synthesist was asleep. That character did die though.... only by fighting a fiendish minotaur monk 5 levels above the party........by himself.......and he almost won.

Dave Mustaine is god, so he can say hat he pleases. All should bow before Megadeth!

Intensified, empowered, maximized, Shocking Grasp...

Meta magic reach spell, corrosive consumption. Total level 6th.

Or you could just say no to using improperly sized armor and shields and save yourself the headache of comming up with rules for it.

I say it does see them since both spell create a shield and armor. I believe it would still require a check to identify those spells as usual. Besides wwwhy shouldn't a see invisibilitty spell see an invisible and tangible object? It's a niche spell that doesn't need nerfing.

Derpy the druid deserves punishment. I don't think nature grants powers so they can used on the animals, thats just dumb regardless of alignment. May I sugeest a visit from 4 or 5 familiar looking wolf revenants? Preferably while he sleeps. Why? Becuase restless spirits don't care about your aligment or world views.

77. Sorry guys I don't have any healing. Turns out that chicken i sacrificed to my dark master wasn't a virgin after all. Nothing gets my under a dark masters skin like finding your chicken sacrfice had loose morals!

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How can you cast a female in a villain role?! Whats wrong with you?! All women are angelic figures of purity and chastity! Also where are the baby daddies? Are the paying child support? ......end whining voice.

Can you say colossal waste of money? People would actually buy books that sit in my basement or that I use to level my game table?

True lycanthropy
magic jar
detect thoughts
all around vision
hide in plain sight

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I have a whole family full of deadbeats and most of them have never worked ever. They even have smartphones! Then they wonder why I don't consort with them!
Heres a scam for you, I had an uncle that kept taking in foster kids and was getting hefty checks from the state so he didn't have to work. Sadly he didn't watch those kids either since almost all of them got in trouble with the law.
I think we should bring back the orphanage. If you can't take care of your children they should be taken away and the parent should pay the state child support! You would save alot of money since you wouldn't support the mother. She would be forced to pay for her kid. I bet you wouldn't see one kid that didn't know who their daddy was then!

Ross Byers wrote:
Sardonic Soul wrote:
So I guess a troll is anybody that doesn't agree with whatever the original poster believes even though the publics opinion was asked. Funny thing as I read the message board rules and don't see why my post was deleted. I guess that what you get if you have Y chromosome and tell people truth. Ha, ha...
Your post was removed because it was sexist. Men are not the persecuted minority you believe them to be.

For the record I respectfully disagree, and I never said men were a minority. I'll leave you all now and have s swell day.

feytharn wrote:
Sardonic Soul wrote:
So I guess a troll is anybody that doesn't agree with whatever the original poster believes even though the publics opinion was asked. Funny thing as I read the message board rules and don't see why my post was deleted. I guess that what you get if you have Y chromosome and tell people truth. Ha, ha...

At least the trolls I was talking (writing) about were the ones reacting to the Kickstarter project mentioned in the OP in ways not excusable by having a different opinion (threats etc.), not you.

The problem with your post was (for me) entirely in how you chose to express opinion.

Could you have reworded my post to make it "non-offensive" without changing any of the facts stated within? I used no vulgarity, or threating language, I simply stated the truth about demographics and supply and demand. I never said women can't do this for themselves, just that they don't. Why don't they? If there is money to be made shouldn't they?

Funny thing is that by censoring my post people weren't even allowed to disagree with it and prove me wrong if they thought so. It states without saying a word that people don't believe women can handle critism, very sexist if you ask me. So from now on I'll just nod my head and tell you how right you are....

So I guess a troll is anybody that doesn't agree with whatever the original poster believes even though the publics opinion was asked. Funny thing as I read the message board rules and don't see why my post was deleted. I guess that what you get if you have Y chromosome and tell people truth. Ha, ha...

Drinking blood doesn't make you evil but it is most definitely not a good act either. In this circumstance of a dhampir paladin it is still something a paladin wouldn't do. Poison isn't inherently evil either but a paladin is specifically barred from using it since it is associated with evil. So while this wouldn't make someone evil it doesn't make them good either. Which leaves you with neutral. A paladin is expected to set a example of what is good which means specifically doing good acts. Not neutral ones. Simply not committing evil acts isn't good enough to be a paladin. He must actively seek to do good and not muddy himself with the gey area neutrality. Just my take on based on the paladin fluff in the core rulebook about the paladins code and what is acceptable.

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Chainmail bikinis rule so men don't ever apologize for liking them. If your hetero you should like the sight of female flesh. It's both normal and healthy to enjoy the female form so don't let anybody shame you into saying otherwise. Also nobody really cares how much protection it actually provides. It is there simply for your enjoyment good Sirs. Remember, you can never lose the argument you never have. NEVER APOLOGIZE it only shows weakness. Your apology will never be accepted and you've done nothing wrong. That said bring on the bikinis.

thejeff wrote:
Sardonic Soul wrote:
Can anybody tell me why anybody cares about ANY marriage anymore? Do gay people really want gay divorce and gay alimony to? If so let them have it. As a white, heterosexual male I can't find any good reason to sign half my crap away. If you want to "fix" marriage take the goverment out of all marriage. Gay, hetero, plural, the goverment wouldn't recognize any partnership and grant no benefits. If people want to be married in a legal sense they can get a lawyer and draw up a contract explaining explicitly what the "partners" expect from the arrangement and what it takes to disolve said arrangement. Thus divorce court would cease to extist. Everything would be settled by this "prenuptial agreement". See was that so hard?

Partly tradition. People like the idea of marriage and don't like thinking of it as a strictly legal contract. People do become couples with the expectation of it being permanent and it is a good thing to have a legal status to reflect that. As I said above: making a family, becoming related in a non-blood but equally important way.

Partly, under current law, you can't draw up a contract that actually replicates everything you might want out of marriage. Gay couples have been trying that end run around the laws for decades.

Plus having everyone make their own contracts just complicates the process and makes work for lawyers. Divorce court would cease to exist, but there would still be plenty of work for courts to interpret the contracts. I'm also bothered by the idea of romantic young kids getting talked into extremely strict contracts and not being able to get out if the relationship turns abusive. Like some of the Covenant marriage deals, but now legally enforced, not just religious.

If it's a tradition it's a dying one. Less people get married every year and those that do put it off til later and later in life. Gay marriage will happen nation wide eventually. Though by time it does nobody will get married anymore anyway.

Marriage in western society is just a heavily one sided contract. If you a guy good luck getting any justice in divorce court. If you don't have a prenup your screwed. If I could sell my "right" to marriage I would for a dollar. Any takers?

Can anybody tell me why anybody cares about ANY marriage anymore? Do gay people really want gay divorce and gay alimony to? If so let them have it. As a white, heterosexual male I can't find any good reason to sign half my crap away. If you want to "fix" marriage take the goverment out of all marriage. Gay, hetero, plural, the goverment wouldn't recognize any partnership and grant no benefits. If people want to be married in a legal sense they can get a lawyer and draw up a contract explaining explicitly what the "partners" expect from the arrangement and what it takes to disolve said arrangement. Thus divorce court would cease to extist. Everything would be settled by this "prenuptial agreement". See was that so hard?

Vital stike is a great feat in my opinion. If you know your second attack is going to miss anyway doing more damage with the first is a safe bet. With archery it is great for snipper characters. For one you save alot of arrows. two, don't forget about DR. If you shoot two arrows both have to deduct DR from the damage. But if you shoot one arrow that does the damage of two the DR is only subtracted once. Depending on the DR this can help you cause alot more damage while saving arrows. From a game standpoint rolling only one attack roll can speed up your turn, making combat faster. More dice isn't the only answer to combat and alot of feats become alot more useful when used creatively.

I would also like to thank my coach, Webster's English Dictionary...

Adamantine Dragon wrote:
Sardonic Soul wrote:
Adamantine Dragon wrote:
Sardonic Soul wrote:
For the love of God! Why don't you put a catapult in it, or a table leg, wand of fireballs, a golem, or a penis, becuase you can justify all of those as weapons with enough wordplay. The game developers shouldn't have to explain to you what a scabbard is or does. Get a dictionary, open it and read the description. It holds a sword. "Custom" magic items aside there should be a basic level of common sense so that not every thing needs to be specificly spelled out with exact wording. There, rant over I quite....

Well, that certainly explains why the developers felt the need on several other scabbards, like "keen" to specifically say that work with "bladed weapons only" doesn't it?

Scabbard is a word that has been used to describe any weapon holding device. I know for a fact that they sell bow "scabbards". I've seen them. Here's one designed for a horse, just like the rifle "scabbards" that have been used for generations. If you're going to bandy words, then perhaps you should see how the word is actually USED by the people who make and sell the thing the word is describing.

Hmmm.... maybe the designers figured people would look at the other scabbard descriptions for guidance if they couldn't figure it out? Maybe they wanted to save on page count by skipping text thats would seem redundant? Maybe they figured nobody would question what a scabbard was?

So this thread gave me a great idea. I"ll get some horse barding which is "armor". Then I get a ally who is proficient in armor like myself. we both don one of those two man horse costumes. For the sake of argument I'll be the "ass". Then "we" don the barding "armor". Since there is no "printed rule" that says only one person can wear a suite of armor we could both get the bonus from the armor!
Knock yourself out. As the GM I'd be perfectly fine in letting you play the horse's ass.

I may be an "ass", but I'm the ass that has one this debate. Ass-logic FTW!

Adamantine Dragon wrote:
Sardonic Soul wrote:
For the love of God! Why don't you put a catapult in it, or a table leg, wand of fireballs, a golem, or a penis, becuase you can justify all of those as weapons with enough wordplay. The game developers shouldn't have to explain to you what a scabbard is or does. Get a dictionary, open it and read the description. It holds a sword. "Custom" magic items aside there should be a basic level of common sense so that not every thing needs to be specificly spelled out with exact wording. There, rant over I quite....

Well, that certainly explains why the developers felt the need on several other scabbards, like "keen" to specifically say that work with "bladed weapons only" doesn't it?

Scabbard is a word that has been used to describe any weapon holding device. I know for a fact that they sell bow "scabbards". I've seen them. Here's one designed for a horse, just like the rifle "scabbards" that have been used for generations. If you're going to bandy words, then perhaps you should see how the word is actually USED by the people who make and sell the thing the word is describing.

Hmmm.... maybe the designers figured people would look at the other scabbard descriptions for guidance if they couldn't figure it out? Maybe they wanted to save on page count by skipping text thats would seem redundant? Maybe they figured nobody would question what a scabbard was?

So this thread gave me a great idea. I"ll get some horse barding which is "armor". Then I get a ally who is proficient in armor like myself. we both don one of those two man horse costumes. For the sake of argument I'll be the "ass". Then "we" don the barding "armor". Since there is no "printed rule" that says only one person can wear a suite of armor we could both get the bonus from the armor!

For the love of God! Why don't you put a catapult in it, or a table leg, wand of fireballs, a golem, or a penis, becuase you can justify all of those as weapons with enough wordplay. The game developers shouldn't have to explain to you what a scabbard is or does. Get a dictionary, open it and read the description. It holds a sword. "Custom" magic items aside there should be a basic level of common sense so that not every thing needs to be specificly spelled out with exact wording. There, rant over I quite....

Hayato Ken wrote:
There are those strange belts craftsmen sometimes wear, ever seen Tim Allen show? A belt with a scabbard for hammers, drills, etc.

Those are loops and hangers....

I project maps and the initiative order on my tv from my computer. And play music from my pc as well. Anything other than that is a distraction. Cell phones are banned outright.

Ok, I got my riot gear and bear mace so I'll weigh in and wait for the backlash. Psionics just aren't core to the game. When people think about a fanatsy game like pathfinder or d&d people think of wizards, clerics, etc. Nobody thinks of luke skywalker. If you were playing a scifi game nobody would bring up magic. It's that simple. Granted some people like a crossover but they are niche. That is why with all the base classes out now not one is a psionisist. It would require its own book and take resources away from more popular game supplements. In the end it would lose paizo money catering to a niche. That's why it was left to third party devlopers. In short psionics are like gun rules or Ron Paul, most people don't care for them but those that do are rabid about it.... There I'm done and will head to my bomb shelter till the fallout fades.

Eat alot of protien and lift some weights...

What a horrible idea. I would describe how but I can't do it without vast amounts of profanity.

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