Rysky's page
RPG Superstar 7 Season Dedicated Voter. Organized Play Member. 32,299 posts (61,246 including aliases). 46 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 57 aliases.
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Ah so biblically accurate
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Urgathoa is not a deity heroic or “good” people would worship.
Pharasma is for the destruction of undead, not about the dignity and plight of those who did not want to be, just destroy them, so a very different viewpoint than Arazni.
There’s multiple types of “vengeance” and Calistria encompasses them all, mostly seeming to focus on holding grudges like a score rather than being an avenger. There’s a bunch of revenge deities, it’s a common theme and motivation.
Milani is already a full deity. Arazni became a full deity and is getting added to the core 20 pantheon, most likely due to what happened to Lastwall and Tar Baphon and people’s thoughts on the matter. She isn’t being made more powerful than any other deity.
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*succubus and simulcrum glomp Hunt too*
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Master Pugwampi wrote: Rysky wrote: Thank you Wumpums *glomps and cuddles* Nut bunnies.
Missed you boss. Missed you too, Wumpums ^w^
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Thank you Wumpums *glomps and cuddles*
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Before the cold November Godsrain
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Paizo still makes and sells physical copies through themselves, not just through FLGSs. A PDF sub with a guaranteed early access would be a deathblow to the physical sales.
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Mangaholic13 wrote: JiCi wrote: That's a deep cut O_o I just read about it.
So... how are called Faultspawn Asurablooded Nephilims then? Those are now asuras themselves? Probably for similar reasons that Half-Oni are now called Hungerseeds. Branding. *nods*
In the Remaster Oni (not sure about Asura) aren’t fiends anymore but spirits tied to reincarnation and the cycle of souls.
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JiCi wrote: Battleblooded is based on... Kjosas... which I have never heard of, and no, the Archives don't have any info on these.
Is this how they call Valkyries now or something?
Battleblooded are descended from Valkyries and similar creatures yes.
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VerBeeker wrote: CorvusMask wrote: Kurshu the Undying is back from dead and looks less scaley than before?
Man I thought that was because she was snek lady, but I guess it was just really bad case of rash. Joking aside cool call back, but I do prefer old look better, let snake women have scales! xD
Anyhoo, does this mean that Twin Imperators are dead or in political exile? I do kinda hope they have survived for more internal conflict in star empire but guess we'll find out soon xD Wasn't there an image that came out of someone sitting on a throne with two bodies on the ground? Blog with pic
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TriOmegaZero wrote: To avoid people disputing the charge before their book ships and keeping the PDF.
The only other option Paizo will accept is the PDF dropping on release date. Even then, I doubt it would work due to shipping sometimes taking longer than that.
Yeah the Paizo warehouse have a small crew of raptors working there, they’re not gonna get all shipments out the first hour, let alone the first day of shipping.
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Kaliac wrote: SpireSwagon wrote: Kaliac wrote: wildweasel wrote: Kaliac wrote: Does anyone know when the PDF will actually be available? October 30th for non-subscribers. And for subscribers? Whenever your book ships. If you're in the US, probably in the next couple days, though we're running low on shipping deadline for today, so hope for tommorow or Friday, otherwise probably next week. I live in Australia so I'm guessing not for a long awhile.
This delayed release is a bit silly, why not release the PDF at the same time so everyone is equal?
it’s not delayed, it gets sent when your book ships.
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Their double horns aren’t unique, merely the most prominent. And the scales match the environment they live in I believe. Nature/Primal in this context doesn’t merely mean forest.
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Captain Morgan wrote: GnollMage wrote: And I don't mean 'still hit me once or twice in that combat'. I mean 'Every single time'.
Statements like this really drive home the all or nothing problem you have, and also undermine your credibility a tad. Either you're improbably unlucky and your GM always rolls straight fire against you, or.... you're exaggerating. If enemies are hitting you "every single time" I question how many attacks have actually been launched against you or if you just have a confirmation bias, because enemies should be rolling nat 1s against you at some point. And to say nothing of negating Critical Hits.
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Obviously they’d be a Manifester.
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I would just reflavor the Kitsune or at least use it as a jumping point until the actual Tanuki is released.
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GnollMage wrote: I cast a spell that causes Difficult terrain? Cool! Behold as...!
The... enemies... simply use the rest of their actions to literally reach me anyway so that they can hit me on their next turn despite what I did. So what that tells me is that... not much changed.
1) Actions eaten up moving are less actions spent harming you and your Allies.
2) why are you standing still?
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Pathfinder isn't a Medieval game.
My Spirit Instinct Barbarian sees ghost and dragons all the time, your glam disco light slinging "crossbow" doesn't really seem that spectacular in comparison.
Range and damage die are metagame constructs for the game, not an attempt at "realism".
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Dragonhearthx wrote: Kaspyr2077 wrote: Why, though? What, specifically, is wrong with it, to your mind? Last I knew, most posters say that it's a remarkably well-designed and fun class. What's your reasoning? magnetic pinions, for starters. So if there is only one enemy, if you want to use this ability you can only make one attack? Some people say yes and others say no, you can make 3 attacks to a single creature. Errata is for addressing actual issues.
"I don't like this rule" isn't it.
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Aklo is the language for weird things and evil fey, which there are plenty in Kingmaker, and Iruxi aka Lizardfolk are also in there.
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It seems people are under the impression that those who want Mythic to be more narrative rather simply number+ don't want to engage with high end threats, which is the exact opposite of what's being asked for.
Mythic narratives and encounters includes dealing with high level threats, I thought that much would be obvious. We just want the system and and narrative to be fulfilling and fun and not just simply "unga bunga gooder" with boring number increases and abilities.
"Oh you get more HP, more to hit, a 4th action each round"... yay? That's not mythic or legendary or compelling, it's a level up by another name.
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BournInYou wrote: SuperBidi wrote: With the Thaumaturge, Paizo adopted a brand new class design (and I strongly link that to Mark leaving the design team but I may be wrong). Correct me if I'm wrong but I think Mark was one of the main designers of the thaumaturge. He was
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... you're equating classes you don't know a lot about that just got showcased and are being playtested... with a literal apocalypse.
In regards to Thaum, "I piled a bunch of different options together so at a set level I can out-damage another specific build of my choosing" isn't really the condemnation you think it is.

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Squiggit wrote: Calliope5431 wrote: TriOmegaZero wrote: Temperans wrote: Just imagine a campaign set around trying to stop a bunch of cultists trying to open a gate into the maelstrom to unleash chaos. Or a campaign where inevitables invaded the materials plane and you now have to liberate the land from the oppressive force of uncaring law. To me those sound like great APs that aren't tied to good/evil. I mean, both of those antagonists sound pretty evil to me. Uncaring law and unleashing chaos both sound harmful to innocent people. I've never really thought of Lawful Neutral and Chaotic Neutral monitors as terribly hung up on things like collateral damage.
Your typical fire elemental is Neutral aligned. This does not mean it will make an effort to avoid incinerating innocent people. It just means that it doesn't particularly relish their screams. Not caring how many innocents you hurt to accomplish your goals sounds pretty evil tho. Yeah there's a difference between not caring, and not realizing.
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Just a gentle reminder, Proteans are Paizo originals whereas Inevitables are most definitely not.
We are definitely not keeping them and the "law" Outsiders will be Aeons/Axiomites going forward.
Preferably Axiomites (which also means more design room for Amber).
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PossibleCabbage wrote: The thing about Proteans is that they don't really work very well as "major antagonists" so much as "temporary obstacles." Since it's not like the terrible scheme that the PCs need to stop in order to prevent doom is going to be something that a Protean came up with. But you might need to get past the Protean to stop someone else's plan. Or work with a Protean, make them questgivers or allies.
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CorvusMask wrote: Yeah, proteans have always felt super underused for me :( That's easy to fix, more. MOAR.
Give Amber more work!
(Proteans are my faves alongside Ganzi)
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Correct. The specific character of that specific class taking a feat or a spell allows them to do something non-standard.
That's what "generally" means.
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Can someone answer me this, what stories have been removed with the removal of law/chaos damage/weakness?
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ShinHakkaider wrote: And if we're being honest, the alignment elimination was Paizo's idea and not something forced by OGL since alignment isn't covered under OGL but Creative Commons. If I'm wrong about that point I'm sure someone will be along shortly to tell me so. Very wrong.
Not alignments in general, but very specific alignment names in a 3x3 grid.
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And for those with budget concerns AND want to check out the remaster there’s Archives of Nethys.
I buy the books to support the writers and artists and every other employee that made it happen.
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Soft what? Blood Lords says hi.
The anti-evil “bias” has been the baseline for the history of the game and the games it’s built on.
The overtly-evil stuff is much more niche and also wasn’t as successful.
> * P.S. I still think that they have an a bias against Law vs Chaos even bigger than their bias against creatures doing evil things (outside murder & stealing).
Lol wut, where is this bias at then? Chaotic and Lawful characters have always been encouraged, you just didn’t get explicit Chaos/Law infused stuff. Especially when Good is the basis, the Chaos and Law is what makes people further stand out.
You’re conjuring a victimhood out of nothing and it’s making you look silly.
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It’s not when only one of those actually shows up and gets used regularly, both gameplay wise and narratively.
“Losing” chaos/law damage is… honestly absolutely meaningless. Those critters are still there. I could care less about their special damage types/resistances/weaknesses.
Chaos Noodles are still gonna Chaos Noodle.
Aeons are still gonna be busybodies.
The characters are still there. A damage type is not.
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If you hate Asian influences/writers/material in your fantasy rpg… I don’t think that that is the fantasy rpg for you.
I definitely don’t see what you think you’re accomplishing outing yourself like this.

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> Classes and features that sell the player on the fact that you're a super special boi that is literally blessed by the gods and doesn't have to follow any of the norms or rules that mere mortals make because you're better than them.
Sorcerer has existed for years and this has never been an issue.
You seem to be operating on the notion that PCs (not players) can’t be arrogant or jerks. That isn’t true. What is true is that the group had to get along to further the plot, as they’re all the main characters.
That said Examplers are not required to be jerks or arrogant.
I guess the big difference here is apparently those of us with non-dysfunctional groups vs those with problem players. It’s not Paizo or anyone else’s job to fix the problem players at your table. You talk to the them.
> when the whole idea of hero-gods is that they're supernaturally and mystically powerful and protected from harm, typically, by way of plot armor more than anything else which is not something that can be represented in PF2 in a fair or balanced way.
Might help if you actually read the class before commenting.
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I’m beyond excited for these classes ^w^
Mythic returning less so.
Even more less so that it isn’t getting playtested.

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> Really? They never said that? Let's look at the first paragraph of the blog post again and see if I'm hallucinating.
Ah okay, they did literally say “concept” back there, my apologies then.
> that uses spirit guides/animals as a source of ancillary power.
Having a familiar fren, and having apparitions are two VEEEEERY different things.
> One is infused with Divine Power straight from the source. One prays for Divine Power and it is granted to them. One takes up the cause of a Divine entity and is given additional powers in exchange, AKA Divine Power. Not in the same vicinity, you say?
Your complaint here is nonsense and I’m running out of polite ways to say that repeatedly, for frame of reference you may as well be saying both Barbarian and Rogue are the same.
Exampler: gets corrupted by deity blood and gains divinity.
You: that’s the same as a Champion praying to a god and getting spells and stuff.
Everyone: it’s literally not.
> For it to be a "me" problem, I have to be the only one having an issue with it.
No it’s very much a you problem, and I’ll say the same to the half-handful of people who happen to agree with you. It’s not a widespread upheaval awaiting to ounce like you think it is. It’s an indivisible hangup, the issue is on them, not the thing they’re scared of.
> Furthermore, the "I don't have an issue with this, so it shouldn't be an issue for anyone else" mentality is basically a form of gatekeeping/a claim of badwrongfun for tables who don't play the same way you do, which undermines its objectivity.
You’re fearmongering and demonizing and trying to restrict/remove stuff from others. THAT’S gatekeeping. Not people not agreeing with or not freaking out.

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> but saying it's an original concept not derived from the previous edition
That’s not what was said.
> Sure, but given the subtleties of "I'm infused with God power," a Champion or Cleric basically already fulfills that concept.
Not even remotely the same, not even in the vicinity. Trying to boil Champion, Cleric, and Exemplar as all being the same because “infused with god power” (ignoring infused and using said power in very different ways) is blatantly nonsensical.
> I would put the Exemplar on the same tier of the classic "Paladins Fall" or "Chaotic Stupid" threads, on the low end of the spectrum. High end, I feel, would surpass that. PF2 took great care to remove that possibility of problem gameplay from the Champion class. Let's not reintroduce it back with this new class.
You don’t hold everyone accountable for bad players and GMs, you hold bad players and GMs accountable. You being so terrified of them hypothetically existing is a you issue. Halfway decent GMs/groups will preemptively stop that nonsense, or, radical idea, talk it out and work out the issues.
If not, you got bigger issues than a class with god blood in your group, all the class did was shed some light on it.
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keftiu wrote: There was no “chosen one” in today’s stream. Exemplars have no root in prophecy or divine favor - again, the Iconic received his abilities by chance.
People are decrying a class that doesn’t exist.
Yeah Favored Soul is all the way back in dnd 3.5
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Michael Sayre wrote: Rysky wrote: I honestly don’t see, or am interested really, in the “chosen one” since the origin of the class is literally “dead god blood/flesh/essence hit and mutated me” which is far more interesting to me in many ways.
You’re not the hero foretold in the prophecy.
You’re Spider-Man.
Incredible Hulk would also be a good analogy, if you're using comic books. Could have just been obliterated by the cosmic radiation, but instead you got lucky and became a badass. *nods*
(I like Spider-Man more so it popped into my head first :3)
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I honestly don’t see, or am interested really, in the “chosen one” since the origin of the class is literally “dead god blood/flesh/essence hit and mutated me” which is far more interesting to me in many ways.
You’re not the hero foretold in the prophecy.
You’re Spider-Man.