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RPG Superstar 7 Season Dedicated Voter. Organized Play Member. 32,299 posts (61,246 including aliases). 46 reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters. 57 aliases.
Bastarache, Welcome to the Nightmare Carrion Crown Blues: Broken Moon Carrion Crown: The Hidden Road Crya's Twilight A Dance in Emerald DM RichD's Council Of Thieves Campaign End of an Era, Dawn of an Era; if a Crown should Fall... Even Angels Weep The Fish's Hells Rebels Game For the Guard (Mouse Guard) Hadassa's Legacy of Fire Heroes' Rewards (Table 1) Jade Regent: A Romantic Adventure Legends of the Fifth Crusade, A Wrath of the Righteous Gestalt Campaign Lexi's Way of the Wicked Moths and Flames Quest for Gloriana Serpents Skull-Table 1 Shadows in Westcrown: A Council of Thieves Campaign Strange Aeons Strange Nights in Carnacki A Wish Upon a Shattered Star Adria's Wrath of the Righteous (inactive) Broken Jade Regent Campaign Thread (inactive) Captain Collateral Damage's Ruins of Azlant (inactive) Deus Est Machina: Dragoncat's New Iron Gods (inactive) DM Brainiac's Ironfang Invasion: Table 2 (inactive) DM Crispy's Curse of the Crimson Throne (inactive) DM Davy Jones' Skulls & Shackles (inactive) DM Jesse's Jade Regent (inactive) The Emerald Spire (inactive) The Forgotten God (private) (inactive) Forgotten God (table 2) (inactive) Gallery of Evil (inactive) GM Choon presents The Witchwar Legacy (inactive) GM Jammin's Serpent's Skull (inactive) GM mechaPoet's 6-22: Out of Anarchy (Tier 1-2) (inactive) GM Neirikr's "The Dragon's Demand" (inactive) GM Numbat PFS2 1-06 Lost on the Spirit Road (inactive) GM Numbat's PFS2 1-01 The Absalom Initiation (inactive) GM ShadowLord's GIANTSLAYER (inactive) GM ShadowLord's Rise of the Runelords Campaign (inactive) GM SpiderBeard's Fall of Plaguestone (inactive) GM SpiderBeard's Second Darkness (inactive) GM SpiderBeard's Tyrant's Grasp (inactive) GM Whiteroses Curse of the Crimson Throne: On A Knife's Edge (inactive) GM_Fenwick's [Curse of the Crimson Throne] (inactive) GM_Foxy's Incident at Absalom Station (inactive) The Golden Paintbrush of Shelyn (inactive) A Heavy Burden (inactive) Operation: Blackcrown (inactive) Reign of Winter (group two) (inactive) The Road to Minkai: Dragoncat's Jade Regent (Party 2) (inactive) Taking that which was stolen... A kingmaker campaign. (inactive) Way of the Wicked (private) (inactive) Way of the Wicked: Knot of Thorns (inactive)