Rocky Williams 530's page
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Hi. I came up with this idea for the campaign my group is running. I thought it sounded neat, though I'm not saying it's the most optimized. I'd appreciate any thoughts or comments on it. Maybe something I forgot that keeps it from working? He's a two weapon fighting slayer, who uses scorpion whips to fight from the second rank.
We're fighting in a dungeon that, typically, is a 2 square wide hallway when not in larger rooms. The gang up feat lets his attacks almost always be considered sneak attacks, since the front line will be adjacent to the creatures we're fighting. I thought about going rogue, but I really like the full BAB, better saves, and flavor of the slayer class. Also, a neat aspect of this build is that the studied enemy ability of the slayer (which is basically a half strength favored enemy) works as an immediate, not move, action when doing sneak attack damage.
Rank Fighting allows you to ignore the cover provided by allies if you're attacking past them with a reach weapon. It's a 3rd party feat that's listed in the d20pfsrd, and I can't remember what book/publisher.
Maneth Lemthot
Slayer 6
Str 11
Dex 19
Con 11
Int 16
Wis 17
Cha 17
Favored Class: Human alternate 1 / 6 Slayer Talent
Skills 6+3+1 (Class, int, human)
Perception 6
Acrobatics 6
Sense Motive 6
Stealth 6
Survival 6
Bluff 6
Intimidate 6
Heal 6
Disable Device 6
Climb 2
Swim 2
Ride 2
Feats 4
H Combat Expertise
1 Gang Up
3 Exotic Weapon Proficiency Scorpion Whip
4s Weapon Finesse
5 Rank Fighting
6s Two-weapon Fighting
6s Improved Two Weapon Fighting
Slayer Talents
2 Trapfinding
4 Finesse Rogue
6 Ranger Combat TWF
6b Ranger Combat TWF
I have a player who, due to background reasons is a two weapon wielder ranger. How does he cast spells during combat while wielding the two weapons? He's asking me if there's any feat, trait, or rule that will let him cast without having to use a move action to sheath his weapon. He's not trying to cast and attack or anything. I'm inclined to say that he can hold both weapons in one hand while he casts as a free action. But I'm not sure if that's too useful or something for reasons I can't think of right now. Any advice/help as far as what the rules say about this?
Howdy. I've got a theologian fire cleric, and I'm looking at metamagic feats to apply to fireball to keep it relevant throughout the levels. It just kinda fits with my character, and I've read it's possible to keep it a decent spell for higher slots with metamagic.
I'm currently 5th level, and a human. These are the feats I've chosen so far:
1 Spell Focus (Evocation)
H Spell Specialization (Burning Hands) --- That'll obviously change when I'm able
3 Combat Casting
5 Selective Spell (We're adventuring in a small small crypt, and figure this is gonna be necessary for both fireball, and making burning hands more useful for the lower level spell slots)
I also picked Fireball as my intensified spell for the theologian ability.
Any advice on future level feats? I was thinking of the following progression.
7 - Additional traits (To get magical lineage, my DM didn't allow traits at 1st level)
9 - Burning Spell
11 - Greater Spell Focus
13 - Maximize Spell
15 - Spell Perfection (Fireball)
17 - Spell Penetration
19 - Greater Spell Penetration
We haven't played yet since leveling up, so even the level 5 choice is still up for change. Any advice on feat choices, and how to stack them onto fireball at what levels would be appreciated!
We're doing a one shot adventure this weekend. Two characters, 15th level using gestalt rules. One's a two-handed fighter/armiger. She's using a fauchard, wall shield, and full plate. I've never played a character at this level, and am curious what magic gear folks would recommend. What enhancement level for armor, weapon, and shield? As well as what rings/wondrous items? We're going on a dragon hunt, most likely against a white.
Any advice is appreciated!
So, the monks unarmed strikes are treated as a manufactured weapons. MW Transformation let's you turn a regular weapon to a MW weapon. It doesnt seem right to me but why doesn't it work?
I'm sure this has been asked before but what are the three most common energy types? I know fire is the most common but what about the other two? I am going to get resistance to at least two types, possibly three and want to know what would serve me best.
I'm sure this has been asked before but what are the three most common energy types? I know fire is the most common but what about the other two? I am going to get resistance to at least two types, possibly three and want to know what would serve me best.
Howdy. I'm looking for a simple set of paper miniatures / tokens to use in my game. I'm fine with, and would actually prefer, if they were just flat instead of something you have to fold and glue/tape to get to stand up. A bunch of flat squares with pictures on them, with larger squares for larger critters. Anyone know where I can buy such a thing? If not, what's a good source of a variety of printable paper miniatures that do need to be glued/taped to stand up?
I'm going to be starting the Wrath of The Righteous AP tomorrow. My group may have 5 characters. Do I need to do anything to increase the challenge and XP a bit to keep them on track? Or should they be fine as is?
So, what do you consider, in general, MUST HAVE gear at first level? Not weapons and armor, because that's going to vary vastly between classes and builds. I'm talking about the extra stuff. Assuming you have a GM that does require you to have food and water, what would you pick at first level, that still leaves you some coin for combat gear?
Howdy! I'm playing an armiger in a campaign, and was wondering if anyone had any advice for a cool 'build' or idea for the character. RP wise, he's a large son of a smith who has always been the protective type. Looking out for the safety of his little friends more than bashing in the heads of the guys messing with them.
His stats are (we rolled, I got lucky)
Str 18
Dex 14
Con 20
Int 12
Wis 14
Cha 11
1st level feat Endurance (So he can sleep in medium armor. Our GM has caught us unarmored many times in past campaigns, so I'm paranoid now that I'm playing a heavy armor guy)
I gave up the first feat and skill point to have another +2 to stats, which I assigned to strength. I figured I was seriously looking at weapon focus as a feat, and a +2 to strength is superior to weapon focus, except where weapon focus is a pre-req for another feat you want. Might not have been the best choice, but I just couldn't resist the opportunity to have a 18 str and 20 con.
I'd appreciate feat and talent ideas, as well as combat tactics. So far, in the one session I've played this character, I've just stood there and attacked. My biggest contribution has been the +4 to AC I've granted my adjacent allies.
I'm not the biggest min/maxer but, I feel I've already picked what some might decide is a sub-optimal class, and made a RP choice in giving up the extra feat and skill, and choosing endurance as his one feat. Now I want combat effectiveness :)
Thanks for any advice you can give!
Howdy. My group plays Pathfinder in a modified Forgotten Realms setting. Does anyone know any published 3.5 adventures set in the underdark? Preferably something big. That'll start them off lower level, then advance to fairly high level. Any advice would be appreciated!
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I know what happens when you mix a bag of hold, and a portable hole. But what happens if you put a bag in a bag. Or, a bag in a handy haversack (which functions like a bag)? I haven't found anything to say something bad happens. So, I'd think it just stores the bag. Now, it seems reasonable that you'd have to pull the second bag out to access anything in it but, am I missing anything that says this won't work?
37 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Answered in the FAQ.
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I think the term 'Arcane Spellcaster Level' deserves a FAQ entry since it is undefined. With the new guidelines, I thought I'd post a FAQ that I hope will be answered.
For the feat Improved Familiar, the table refers to an 'Arcane Spellcaster Level'. Seeing as some familiar abilities are based off class level, some off character level, and the fact that 'Arcane Spellcaster Level' isn't an explained term, I'd like to request that the developers define the term. Is it just an odd way of saying class level? Is it arcane caster level? Is it something different?
Howdy. I was wondering if the addition of the optional feat, Improved Caster Level, from the Complete Advanced Feats guide changes the general consensus on the Mystic Theurge not really being worth going that route.
The feat in question improves a character's caster level by +4, up to character level. So, while you'll still be a bit behind on getting new spells, and increases on the number of spells per day, if you take the feat at first level, you'll never be behind in caster level.
I really like the idea of casting both cleric and wizard spells, and plan to take the class just for cool factor. I'm curious though on the opinions of others on the board of the prestige class with this additional 3rd party feat.
Howdy. I'm making a two weapon fighter for a friend of mine. She's not great with the rules, so she says what character she wants to play, and I do my best to make an effective one.
In our campaign, we're allowed to use the Advanced Feats guide. It's a 3rd party book of a bunch of feats. Two of them are Lighten Weapon, and Improved Lighten Weapon. Lighten weapon allows you to use a weapon as if it were one category smaller, but with a -2 penalty to attack. Ie. a large two handed is usable as a medium two handed, a medium two handed can be used as a medium one handed, and medium one handed as a light. Improved needs a BAB of +6, and eliminates the -2.
I'm wondering, does anyone think it would be worth it, or at least not horribly damaging to survivability, if she had this feat for the scimitar. It would let her off hand be a standard medium scimitar, while her main would be a large scimitar doing 2d6 points of damage.
We're starting an undead themed campaign soon. I'm curious as to what might be the most effective undead hunter. Paladin? Cleric? Maybe Oracle or Inquisitor? If anyone has any advice, I'd appreciate it. This is being run in a modified Forgotten Realms setting. No talents. Other than that, mostly just normal Pathfinder rules, with all official books available.
I'm working on a custom race. They have, in my mind, the ability to assume a specific humanoid form (elf, dwarf, human) etc... This form is determined at birth and doesn't change, and they can assume it with no time limits per day. It's a large race though, and the lesser change shape says it has to be the same size. I was wondering if adding +1 to the point cost might seem reasonable to make the change to it being the proper size for the race chosen.
The second form they can take is that of an animal. Again, only one shape, determined at birth (character creation). Any advice on the cost for this ability?
Forgive my ignorance but, I read MAD and SAD as descriptors, or possibly acronyms, on a few posts. Could anyone clue the clueless in on what the heck they mean??
Does taking an attack of opportunity with an attack/action that would normally provoke, do so during the AoO?
For example, you have the feats necessary to allow you to threaten with a bow. You take the AoO that was provoked, but there's someone at melee with you. Do they get to attack you after you're done with your attack?
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Howdy. Sorry if I missed this in the book, but it's a lot to go through, and I haven't found it yet. How many improvements can you put per hex? I would assume one but, it seems a bit weird. One farm per hex? It's nearly 95 square miles. That's more than 60,000 acres. A HUGE farm by today's standards, where we have massive tractors and such to work insanely large plots of land.
Even if you can only have one farm per hex. What about having a farm, canal, aqueduct, and road? Does a settlement take up the whole hex? I mean, a settlement with 1 district, which is what you begin with, takes up like .7 square miles. Do you really have to go out and conquer another hex if you want to build a farm for your tiny settlement?
I'm not griping or complaining, just asking if these questions are answered in the rules somewhere that I just missed. I figure they have to be, and I've just glossed over them the past half dozen times I've looked. Anyone able to point out an answer?
So, someone in the rules forum mentioned the lyre of building in regards to building things with the downtime rules. SKR referenced a Lyre thread, and saying it sounded fair the amount of labor it produced. Not sure what thread specifically he meant, or what calculations, but I found one on the products page.
Swashbucklersdc wrote:
I found a reference you can use in the mean time; according to the follower section on page 80, 2 followers working one day equal one point of Labor. Using that number, you can approximate that one Labor equals 16 man-hours. It is also stated that you can spend extra Labor to complete buildings quicker on page 92. Using these two points in combination, a Lyre of Building generates (100 men x 3days x 8 hours=2400 man-hours/16 man-hours) 150 Labor per 30 minutes of being played.
So, I didn't look it up, but seems like good math to me. As others said, the lyre could be very overpowered and/or unbalancing. I was thinking something along the following modifications might be helpful.
First off, the lyre requires the player either make a Knowledge (Engineering) check at DC 15 after the first half hour, and every half hour afterwards. This is to represent the player having to know the plans for the building being constructed. He cannot take 10 on this roll. Failing by less than 5 means that the player realizes their mistake, and stops playing (and construction) in time to keep any damage from being done. Failing by more than 5 means the player is unaware of flaws for that half hour. At the start of the next half hour, before checking for continuing playing, they can try a DC 10 check to notice something's not right, and stop playing. Otherwise, they continue on as normal. If they make multiple mistakes, the check to notice the problem get's a cumulative +1 bonus for every failed check. This represents the structure going more and more out of line with the plans. Not sure on the exact penalties, but errors in the building would require goods/labor/GP/etc... to fix.
The Perform check would be made every half hour, instead of every hour. It would also increase by 5 for every check after the first. This represents the strain of continuing to play for a long period, non stop, and "willing" the magic to build. Again, no take 10.
Finally, while the lyre provides a great deal of labor building, it doesn't help with funneling the massive amounts of materials to the construction site. Doing 2400 man hours of work in 30 minutes would require a massive flow of materials that normally wouldn't be needed. So, you still have to supply 1/2 the normal labor cost, up to the settlement limit, to represent workers bringing load after load of stuff to the site where the magic can use it to do it's thing. This let's the lyre reduce labor costs by 1/2, still useful, and probably the most useful part on large projects, speeds things up immensely.
Also, the lyre states that if they fail the check, the player stops and cannot play the lyre again for one week. I'd clarify/add onto that statement. Once the player stops, for whatever reason, they cannot play that lyre again for one week for any building. Also, no building can be affected by a lyre more than once per week, as far as the construction effect is concerned.
I think this would make the lyre far less over powered, and still be pretty darn useful. Any thoughts?
Does perfect balance not help you if you're wielding a one handed weapon as a light weapon as allowed by improved balance? Seems silly it doesn't improve the attack at all. But that seems to be what it says.
Howdy. I have a cohort that I'd like to make Large. I know enlarge person can be made permanent, but it's not really a great increase. Don't get me wrong, for a level 1 spell it's fine, but I want a full increase with all normal benefits. Not the limited benefits given by a permanent enlarge person. I can't remember any spell or magic item that would do this. Is there such a thing?
This is a custom item for my campaign where the characters are in control of a couple towns. My character is an undead lord cleric, and I'm sorta converting everyone to worship my deity, so undead things doing day to day chores sorta fits. I came up with this as an idea for pest control. Wasn't sure what to suggest as the cost. I sent it to my GM to look over, but was curious what other people's thoughts were. There's a cauldron that let's you create 12 HD worth of regular zombies, but has a material component cost, and they're permanent zombies. I added the 24 hour part both to limit power, it's to clear pests not conquer with, but also because I liked the idea of the town pest control guy having to raise up his minions with a song every morning before going out to deal with Mrs NPC's critter problem :)
So, any suggestions on cost for the item?
The flute of undead swarm creation allows the user to raise 12 HD worth of swarms as fast zombies per day. At the end of the day (24 hours after raising) the magic leaves the swarms, and they return to their normal dead state. The user/controller must keep the flute in his possession for the duration of the effect, or else the swarms become uncontrolled for 1d4 rounds before the magic dissipates. If the original controller regains the flute during this time, the swarm returns to his control, and will stay in they're undead state until the 24 hour mark as normal.
Once used to raise a particular swarm, that flute can only raise more of that same type of swarm until the 24 hour period is over. ie a flute is used to raise 1 swarm of bats, taking 3 HD away. Within the 24 hour period measured from the first raising, the user could raise up to 3 more swarms of bats, going up to the 12 HD limit, but could not raise a swarm of rats, spiders, etc...
A person may only use 1 flute at a time. Attempting to use another one negates the first one as if he'd lost the flute, but with no chance of regaining control of the swarm before it dissipates.
Howdy. I had an idea for an armored powerhouse. High ac, DR, able to take some punishment. I like the armored fighter archetype. Especially it's stacking with adamantine DR. But I know a fighter had to be able to dish out damage or else he's not much use. Any advice on feats and tactics? He's going to be human and I rolled 18 17 17 13 13 10 as the stats, and is starting at 5th level. Any advice would be appreciated.
If you turned a dragon into a juju zombie, it would retain pretty much all of its abilities right? The juju template doesn't seem to take much away.
Howdy! My current character is a 5th level undead lord cleric. My DM allows skeletal champions and juju zombies as a companion. Currently, the companion is a 2nd level bow using ranger. He's pretty effective now, but I worry about the level difference. Since he's a variant undead, he can only be 1/2 my level. For now, it's just a couple of levels, but I'm concerned about how helpful he'll continue to be. When we're 10th level, and he's only 5th for example, or endgame when the difference is even more.
What level do you think I should start looking into just getting a standard skeleton? Finding a monster with hit die equal to my level, and using it. Then upgrading every level or two when the opportunity arises.
Howdy. I can't seem to find how to figure/calculate the DC for crafting a magical weapon or armor. I can figure out the DC for a special property easy enough, but what's the DC of a basic +# bonus?
Howdy. I was wondering, is there a rule about unintelligent undead using magical items? Now, common sense tells me things that need command words or actions to use are out, but the item in question, HORSESHOES OF SPEED, do not require anything more than being affixed to the hooves. Now, it does say affixed to the animals hooves. The argument could be made that being undead, it's no longer an animal. Other than that however, is there anything saying a skeletal horse wouldn't benefit from having these things slapped on it's hooves?
Howdy. I was curious. All the abilities that state they're used for/with animal companions, familiars, eidolons (and whatever else is specifically mentioned), should they also work with an undead companion, like what the Undead Lord archetype gets? I would say yes, but wasn't sure if there were any official thoughts on this?
Howdy. My group has recently taken over a town. I'd like to create a magical map to view what's going on inside the town and surrounding area. Sorta like a satellite view. Broad overview, then the ability to focus in on an area. Any advice on what spells something like that might use? I know this is going to be DM decision territory, but I do better with my DM if I have a well thought out plan to begin with, rather than a vague, can I do this somehow?
Howdy. Had two questions regarding create demiplane.
First off, if you create your demiplane, and someone uses magic to travel to it, where do they appear? Just anywhere randomly in the plane? Wondering, since this makes creating defenses or fortresses in it a bit more difficult.
Second, is there any way to increase the DC of the dispel check? I'd like to make it as hard as I can to dispel the plane, if I create it and go through the trouble of making it permanent.
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Howdy! I'm part of a group playing an evilish (kinda up for debate on some characters) campaign where we're all worshipers of the god of the undead. Not really relevant why, but we're currently creating a monastery dedicated to the god, where undeath can be researched, and his monks can reside and contemplate the perfection of undeath.
I'm trying to create an archetype of monk to go with this theme. Hungry ghost is neat and all, but I'm looking for something that's MORE undead themed. Maybe even replacing the 20th level ability with one that turns him into either one of the intelligent undead, or possibly a unique intelligent undead. Anyone have any advice? Tips? Possibly a whole archetype waiting in the wings to be delivered into my lap??? I'll post mine up here once I'm past the initial brainstorming and hmm stages.
Thanks for anything you can give!
While playing in my current campaign, an evil one, I got curious about something. At what level, roughly, could a character walk through an average village/small town of a couple hundred, slaughtering inhabitants, without any real fear of reprisal? I know there are various factors that might influence what level it is per class, but I was just wondering about a general range. Near 10th level or so? 15th? Am I shooting too high, and a 6th level player could lay waste to ye olde local village?
Howdy. My party is now in the process of building a monastery. In hopes of speeding things up, and making things cheaper, I'm investigating magical items to assist. So far, I'm looking at creating/acquired a Lyre of Bulding, as well as creating some Amulets of Command Undead (they're evil characters, and a bunch of skeletons could be cheap basic labor). Any other item suggestions? Either already existing, or something I could create with Craft Wonderous Item?
Howdy. Looking for some advice. How big would you guys make an orc tribe? I'm talking adults, children, combatants and non-combatants. A hundred, two hundred? I'm writing a story / campaign and don't want to say "There's ten thousand orcs" and have that be some insane number, but I also don't want to put so little down that the local city guard could stomp the threat down on their own.
Hi. I'm sure this has been asked before, but I wasn't able to find it. Does the DR from adamantine armor stack with the 19th level Armor Mastery fighter ability?
I'm curious as to what uncontrolled undead do. Say you've reached your max with animate dead, then create more. Spell says they become uncontrolled. What does that mean? Do they just stand there, only reacting when attacked? Do they go on killing sprees, attacking any non-undead in sight? Do they just follow their last commands? I'm curious, both for animate dead, and the command undead feat.
So, I'm pre-planning for my group, and eventually I'm really liking the idea of having our own permanent demiplane as our base of operations. I'm curious, how do other people travel there. It says certain spells work, but do they just say "CharacterX's plane" when using the spells? Do they have to know it's name, do they have to do some kind of research? Wondering for security issues. Since the spell doesn't make you aware when someone enters your plane, I'm curious as to ways of securing it.
16 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
Hi. Undead master feat, from Ultimate Magic, reads
PRD wrote: Undead Master
You can marshal vast armies of the undead to serve you.
Prerequisites: Spell focus (necromancy), the ability to cast animate dead or command undead.
Benefit: When you cast animate dead or use the Command Undead feat, you are considered to be four levels higher when determining the number of Hit Dice you animate. When you cast command undead, your duration is doubled.
Command undead feat does not allow you to animate undead, just control it. So, unless something is very off, the feat allows the number of undead you can create and control to be counted as 4 levels higher for that spell and/or feat, right? Maybe a FAQ to show proper wording would be nice?
Howdy. Making a dhampir undead lord, and am looking for some advice. He's starting at 3rd level, with the following stats (before racial modifiers)
Str 10
Dex 10
Con 15
Int 12
Wis 15
Cha 17
He gets command undead for free, and I figure I'll need selective channel, to keep from killing any party memebers I might have. I'm looking for advice on my second feat, advice on some tactics I might use, maybe what sort of undead companion to get. Also, I'll have 3000 gp for gear, advice on what items to get would be nice too. I'm just kinda curious what the folks on here can turn out, and if it'll be a ton better than what I'd choose.
So, I rolled up a new character, got a few great scores, some good ones, then some rotten ones. I decided to go fighter, since our group needed one, and placed the really bad scores in intelligence and charisma. His int is 8, charisma is 5. His wisdom is decent at 13. I'm curious how to play him. I've never put a lot of thought into how to RP out the lower mental scores, but really want to try it this time. I know he's not smart, so clever ideas and plans are out. It's mostly the charisma that's kinda stumping me on how to play. He's N/G in alignment, and due to past problems, the DM stipulated our party background is we were childhood friends, and we have to get along. So, what sort of personality would you guys play this hulking fighter as?
Piecemeal armor from Ultimate Combat.
So, looking at this system, I gotta wonder, if used, why anyone would buy full plate armor.
FP armor Cost 1500gp AC +9 Max Dex +1 Skill Check -6 Spell 35 Weight 50
plate torso Cost 200gp AC +6 Max Dex +3 Skill Check -4 Spell 35 Weight 30
Scale leg Cost 10 AC +1 Max Dex +3 Skill Check -2 Spell 15 Weight 10
Scale arm Cost 10 AC +1 Max Dex +3 Skill Check -2 Spell 25 Weight 5
Suit bonus AC +1 Spell +5
Total Cost 220 AC +9 Max Dex +3 Skill -4 Spell 40 Weight 45
Am I missing something in the rules? Or is this much better than FP for wayy less? I mean, if you're casting arcane spells, you're probably not wearing full plate to begin with, so spell check isn't a problem. Even if you DON'T have a bonus to dex better than +1 it's still worth it to save on the cost. So, like I said, am I missing something in the rules?
I'm reluctant to use the term tank, but in effect that's what I'd like to play for my next pathfinder character. I'm thinking the armor master fighter archetype might be a good way to go. It might not be the best type of fighter, but it sounds interesting, and the group I play with could use someone capable of standing up and taking a lot of punishment, either through HP or AC. Anyone have any advice on feats, or even a different class?
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I was curious. My synthesist was just killed by wights. Their negative levels got me. But, afterwards, I remembered the FAQ stating that ability damage was done to the eidolon, not the summoner, when it was active. So, would the negative levels just affect the eidolon, killing/banishing it when the negative levels equaled it's hit die? It seems like it would work the same as ability damage to me.. I don't think this will save my character, though it might, since once he died, the game kinda stopped for the night. But even if it doesn't, I'm curious, and if it is the case, this might need to be added to the FAQ.
Not a major thing, but something my group noticed last night. An empty flask weighs 1 1/2 lbs. A full flask of acid weighs 1 lb, alchemists fire 1 lb, holy water 1 lb. So, should the weight of the empty flask be maybe 1/2 lb? That's what our DM ruled last night, but we thought it should be pointed out as a possible error.
Hi. Regular enlarge person isn't as good as a full size increase according to the table in the bestiary guide. As a first level spell though, that's to be expected. What I want to do in game is`research a new, higher level, "improved enlarge person" spell that really does increase a full size category with all benefits and negatives that goes along with it, and that can be made permanent. There's not a lot of rules for spell creation, mostly just the part about level and research cost. What would you guys consider that spell to be levelwise? Just curious, might help with my DM if I have a suggestion and reasoning beforehand.
Claws (Ex): An eidolon has a pair of vicious claws at the
end of its limbs, giving it two claw attacks. These attacks
are primary attacks. The claws deal 1d4 points of damage
(1d6 if Large, 1d8 if Huge). The eidolon must have the
limbs evolution to take this evolution. This evolution can
only be applied to the limbs (legs) evolution once This
evolution can be selected more than once, but the eidolon
must possess an equal number of the limbs evolution.
That's the text on the Claws evolution. I'd always pictured my bipedal eidolon's claws being on his hands. What does the specification of it only being applied to the legs once mean? Is that for quadrupeds, with 4 legs, they can only have claws on one set? And does this mean I can have 2 claw attacks with my eidolon's hands, and 2 claw attacks with my eidolon's feet?
Hi. Tried to find if this was allowed per the basic rules or not, and didn't see anything. I like the effects of 2 wondrous items, both amulets. Could I use one of the amulets, and make/have made a set of say, gloves/gauntlets with the abilities of the second amulet? Just curious if there's an existing item, could you have the same thing made in a different form. Thanks!