
Robb Lukasik's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 36 posts (889 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.


Scarab Sages

I currently use google docs to track. Thinking about switching to this site for that purpose:

It's also the easiest place to find a list of set minis that I know of, currently.

Scarab Sages

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I would like to see (more) flip mats that combine with existing ones. Being able to add on to Hill Country or Falls & Rapids would be awesome.

Scarab Sages

replied Marc.

Scarab Sages

I can probably lend you some if you promise to mail them back when you are done.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey Jon you might want to merge this thread into official feedback, or reference it if not.

Gencon Society GM Shout Outs

Needless to say my experience was excellent.

The Sagamore is a great room with thick carpeting at all. I'm fairly hard of hearing and had very little difficulty hearing any one. That's not my experience in some of the other rooms.

Negative Feed Back: The only complaint I have is that there is not a 1:00 AM-6:00 AM time slot. I realize that is probably not likely to happen, but one can hope.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Wanted to say thanks again to my two great Society GMs.

Something must have slipped through the cracks and my Friday morning 8:00 am slot for We Be Goblins Too didn't have a GM scheduled for it. Cody from Texas ran a fine game on short notice. The game started a little late, and I think the conclusion chewed up at least half of his 1 hour lunch break before he was due to run the next slot. Cody was also more than happy to help me get my chronicle replaced after it accidentally got used as a napkin when a spill happened later that night. Cody, you went above and beyond man. I hope you were able to get seated at the Saturday special.

Chris from San Diego ran the Saturday night special for my home group, and it was an absolutey glorious. You did an awesome job bringing the NPCs to life, and we were intensely delighted with the conclusion.
We'll be buzzing about that one for a good long while.

Both of you were amazing and a credit to the Society. Hope I get you next year.

Scarab Sages

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nogoodscallywag wrote:

Wes, well said.

I hope fellow con-goers feel welcome and know the entire state isn't represented by the government currently in power.

Most Hoosiers no longer support Mike Pence as governor: Recent Poll

I will stand up for anyone I see being discriminated or harassed, especially at Gencon. Fortunately that has never been my experience in Indianapolis.

Scarab Sages

Thanks Sarah. If you check out the second email I sent on 8/14 I had narrowed down the anomaly to a different set of charges.

I just sent a new email with those details. I'd prefer to carry on there.
Some time after the holiday weekend. =p

Scarab Sages

I sent an email on 7/25 about a credit card charge that I couldn't match up to my orders.

Emailed again on 8/14 after getting no response.

Still have not heard anything back.

I understand cs is backed up, but I'm wondering if the emails were even received.

Scarab Sages

Congrats Steve. I always enjoy reading your helpful and honest comments.

Scarab Sages

Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:
...make no mistake, they are, in my opinion, the finest overall producer of RPG material in the business with the exception of Paizo itself.


Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dr. Johnny Fever wrote:

Skeets, your point is understandable.

...but it's also a matter of perspective. Offer the HL files as a for sure thing and I'll do my part of the heavy lifting, right here...

....At this point, check the hours spent at cost for HL file creation, markup with your desired profit percentage, and post for purchase on the website....

...Slumbering Tsar was a particularly expensive learning lesson for us. We kept thinking 'somebody will eventually have to create HL files for this thing, right?' Well, it never happened, we never ran it and now we're gun shy of it happening again.

I'll just comment as someone who helped FGG with Herolab files for ToHC, and Rappan Athuk. They are not at all easy to create 'correctly', and many many hundreds of work hours go into them.

If it were just a matter of putting in a few weekends I'm sure there would be Slumbering Tsar Herolab files. I'd guesstimate somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,000 work hours to convert it cover to cover.

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

Hey, Tacticslion agreed with me so at least I'm not alone.

Let me rephrase. For those with a writing related disability, rogue is one of the most frequently misspelled words that is commonly used in D&D and around the Paizo boards on a daily basis.

My main point was that while shaming someone (by replacing their avatar image) might be effective, there are nicer ways to point out harmless mistakes.

I'm suggesting their are more compassionate ways to correct someone, whether the problem is due to disability, or just plain ignorance.

That's my last word on the subject. I'll let the smurfs take it from here.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I thought the series ended the only way it could have ended.

Ka is a wheel after all.

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Rogue is probably one of the toughest words for those with dyslexia. I'm glad you feel superior if it's not a problem for you.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It's a total bummer to purchase a $50+ book and have it arrive damaged.

My Slumbering Tsar arrived with a ripple in the cover.
My Rappan Athuk arrived with a ripped cover (Bill replaced for me).
Razor Coast arrived in perfect condition.

I will gladly pay a little extra in shipping to ensure a mint copy gets delivered the first time.

Scarab Sages

Space Rangers 2 may be the pinnacle of 'old school' feel explore/trade space games.

Scarab Sages

Thank you for recording.

Scarab Sages

Thanks guys and gal, that was a ton of fun to watch.

Scarab Sages

I'm a big fan of FGG going full color. Hope this trend continues.

I realize this is probably not in demand, but I would really like to see a Razor Coast coloring book, like you did for Slumbering Tsar and S&W.

My kids and wife love them!

Scarab Sages

Many of the RA critters are from ToHC, therefore both references get cited.

Scarab Sages

I wonder what the Digital Frogs could be working on next. =p

Scarab Sages

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If you missed out on the RA kick starter, you can now purchase the Herolab files HERE

Scarab Sages

There are games in NW Indiana, but that seems to be the opposite direction.

Scarab Sages

mach1.9pants wrote:

I use HL for making PCs, what are these files going to give me and how do I get them 'up on the screen'?</EDIT>

The stock files give you one of each npc and creature on the corresponding level.

If you just want new options for making PCs, just make sure Rappan Athuk is checked in your source list. (appears when you create a new hero) That will give you access to all the custom feats from the book, items, and I think you'll also be able to access a few custom prestige classes. (Disciple of Orcus) and such.

Scarab Sages

TwoWolves wrote:

For those asking about the use of HeroLab files: if no one uses a computer at the table, yeah, it's not as useful. If you do, then the ability to one-click buffs and conditions is incredible, especially at high levels with tons of status effects and spell buffs. It speeds things up tremendously!

When I GM I like to print out my NPCs and critters so I can mark off Hit Points, cross off spells, and otherwise avoid writing in the book.

Scarab Sages

mach1.9pants wrote:
So how do I access the Herolab RA info? I am a HL n00b.

If you want a single creature, create a new character. Choose background -> race and type Rappan Athuk in the search field. This will show you a list of all the new races/creature types included in RA.

Otherwise there is a separate file for each level that includes all NPCs and Critters (Not including standard Bestiary entries.) The installer puts these in your data set root folder. I've got mine set to a custom path, but the files are named like this.

FGG Rappan Athuk Level 1.stock
FGG Rappan Athuk Level 2.stock
FGG Rappan Athuk Level 2b.stock
FGG Rappan Athuk Level 3.stock
FGG Rappan Athuk Level 3a.stock
FGG Rappan Athuk Level 3b.stock

Scarab Sages

Squeatus wrote:

Had a little trouble with my hero lab import, getting bootstrap errors for one of the Things.

Specifically, "Thing 'rRARakSamr' - Boostrap thing 'fUncanConc' does not exist" is preventing me from loading Hero Lab in anything but safe mode, so I have to remove the RA third party update to start up Hero Lab with all my other options.

Additionally, text description and the file name are "Rappen Athuk" as well -- this seems to be entirely cosmetic but figured I'd point it out.

Going to try and import again, but if that fails, is there a good place to go for help collecting errors and squashing them?

The bootstrap errors seem to creep up, even after multiple tests. All the same we want the data set to be clean and error free.

If you have errors with the Herolab files feel free to email me.

I only deal with the Herolab stuff, so for any other problems you can email Bill.

Scarab Sages

In case anyone missed the email Herolab files have been released!

Scarab Sages

I was going to say the books that I've seen are all signed x/500, not SW or PF.

Scarab Sages

The Herolab files have not been released yet. I had the pleasure of helping to create them, and can't wait to see the finished product myself.

Unfortunately there are a number of options and creative liberties that were not initially compatible with Herolab, or just required a lot of extra time to deal with.

I can't provide a release date yet, but I don't think it will be too long.

Scarab Sages

*best Doc Brown*

Scarab Sages

I have seen and held the book, and the book is good.

Scarab Sages

Project funded!

Scarab Sages

Gencon 2007 planted the seed that made me a huge Pathfinder fan.

Thank goodness they didn't decide to call the brand Renaissance Realms!