RigaMortus's page
Organized Play Member. 90 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.

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I have a question as to when you make the 12 consecutive Fly checks when attempting the Hurricane Queen…
An aerokineticist must fly around the entire perimeter of the Eye of Abendego without stopping, while succeeding at a series of 12 consecutive DC 40 Fly checks. If successful, she can learn the hurricane queen wild talent. If she fails two or fewer checks, she takes 50d6 points of bludgeoning damage from the hurricane’s galeforce winds. If she fails three or more checks, she must succeed at a DC 25 Reflex save or be pulled into the Eye of Abendego, never to return.
I can see 1 of 3 ways you can interpret this as to at what point you are making these rolls.
1) You enter the Hurricane and before you even get started with flying around it, you make all 12 rolls at once.
2) You take your first move action (Fly 60 feet, or even 120 on a double move), then make your first DC 40 Fly check… Take your second move, then make your Fly check… Do this 12 times in a row (thus taking 12 consecutive rounds or basically 72 seconds)… then assuming you succeeded, continue your long journey around the Hurricane…
3) Make your first DC 40 Fly check, move around perimeter of Hurricane for 30 degrees… Repeat process by takes a Fly check before (or after?) every 30 degrees you move around the Hurricane… 12 checks x 30 degrees = 360 degree circle completed…
Which of these is the correct interpretation of how/when you’d be making those DC 40 Fly checks?

It seems like the argument is whether the gaseous shape still in the form of a creature (like an air elemental) or is a cloud (like obscuring mist)...
But I'm not sure if "insubstantial" needs its own mechanical descriptor... If you're looking at gaseous form the wording is "insubstantial, misty, and translucent"... So do we also need to define what "misty" and "translucent" means in game terms as well? No, I think we can all look at those words and know what they mean w/o needing an in-game definition for them...
Translucent means its not invisible... Like a pain of glass, it is near-invisible, you can see through it, but you can still see the object/creature itself...
Misty is the form or shape... as if the creature was a mist or fog or a gas or hazy or cloud-like...
Insubstantial is lacking substance... I mean, you could argue misty and insubstantial are redundant here, meaning the same thing... Just means its not a solid... is a mist or gas...
It goes NOT make you incorporeal, that has a specific in-game definition and how that state of being interacts with things around it.
Ok so what if I was a Fire Kineticist and used Kinetic Blade on my sword, which deals my Kinetic Blast damage (Fire)... Could I then use Blistering Feint and deal fire damage with my weapon (the sword) which is now "enchanted" with Fire damage?
Lets say I had the following build
Race: Ifrit
Class: Wizard 5 (minimum needed to pull off)
1) Combat Expertise
3) Improved Feint
5b) Craft Wand
5) Blistering Feint
(I don’t think these feats are needed but I added them in case it helped the case):
7) Catch Off-Guard
9) Improvisational Focus (Combat)
So at level 5 I craft a Wand of Fireball which at that level would deal 5d6 damage. I “wield” the wand as a melee weapon (for its unintended purpose = improvised).
Can I use Blistering Feint to do a feint on an enemy and if successful deal fire damage from the wand, which is an improvised weapon (which I can be proficient with if need be with later levels/feats). The wand deals fire damage of 5d6 as stated above.
Blistering Feint
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on feint checks made while wielding a weapon that deals fire damage. Anytime you successfully feint a creature while using such a weapon, you may deal its fire damage to the enemy.
Thank you for crushing my dreams lol

Not sure if this build works the way I think it might, but I wanted to see if these class features, feats, etc interact like I think they do...
So we're taking Fighter (Weapon Master) 3 to get Weapon Master class feature early to qualify for Ricochet Toss (Weapon Mastery) feat.
We're using a Throwing Shield
We're taking the Rogue (Scout) to at least level 4 for the ability to make their attack deal sneak attack damage.
The build would like something like this:
Fighter (Weapon Master) 3 / Rogue (Scout) 4
Lvl 1) Quick Draw
Fighter Lvl 1) Point Blank Shot
Fighter Lvl 2) Precise Shot
Lvl 3) Quick Stow
Lvl 5) Accomplished Sneak Attacker
Lvl 7) Ricochet Toss (Weapon Mastery)
Comes online at level 7
So the idea is to charge at an opponent and use your free action from the Throwing Shield (which, since it is a free action I assume you can do during the charge or after) and qualify for Sneak Attack from Scout. Ricochet Shot is of course for the shield to return instantly (as opposed to the end of your round as something like a Returning Shield would do, or the Brawler (Shield Expert) feature would do).
Also since this is a free action (this is the theorycraft part) to throw the Throwing Shield, you could technically get "infinite" attacks with Sneak Attack on each one, since you did perform a Scout Charge in the same round.
The Quick Stow feat *might* not be necessary, but I added it to counter the argument that the Throwing Shield says you need to "unclasp and throw" as the free action, meaning if you can't do both, you can't use the ability...
Scout Charge > Free Action unclasp and throw Throwing Shield at enemy (which can be done in the middle of your charge sine it is a free action), make attack roll, apply sneak attack (since you charged as Scout), shield returns after the attack, Quick Stow - Rinse and Repeat as free actions.
.seth wrote: i like a rime metamagic frostbite with the enforcer feat.
Enforcer only works w melee attacks that deal non-lethal

Air Blast
Confused on how Kinetic Blasts interact with Damage Resistance and Spell Resistance… Let’s take an Air Kineticist with Air Blast as an example…
Your Kinetic Blast is a Spell-Like Ability.
Under Spell-Like Abilities:
Quote: Spell-like abilities are subject to spell resistance and dispel magic. They do not function in areas where magic is suppressed or negated, such as an antimagic field. Spell-like abilities cannot be used to counterspell, nor can they be counterspelled. Then you have the description of the Kinetics Blast ability, which in part reads:
Quote: As a standard action, the kineticist can unleash a kinetic blast at a single target up to a range of 30 feet. She must have at least one hand free to aim the blast (or one prehensile appendage, if she doesn’t have hands). All damage from a kinetic blast is treated as magic for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction
So taking these two rules into consideration, one would assume using a Standard Action to activate your Kinetic Blast spell-like ability for Air Blast, that would be a “magic” attack and be subject to Spell Resistance but overcome anything with DR/Magic…
But then I found:
Quote: Physical blasts are ranged attacks that deal an amount of damage equal to 1d6+1 + the kineticist’s Constitution modifier, increasing by 1d6+1 for every 2 kineticist levels beyond 1st. Spell resistance doesn’t apply against physical blasts.
So now I am confused…
Is an Air Blast considered magic or not? Does it bypass DR/Magic? Does it count as “magic”? Does it have to beat SR?
My mind can’t square that this ability is both “treated as magic for bypassing damage reduction” and also “Spell Resistance does not apply against physical blasts”.
How can both be true? Either it’s considered magic and follows the rules of magic (both positive and negative) or it’s not…
I don't own any 2E books yet, so my learning of PF2E is limited to what I can find online...
Does 2E have any sort of natural healing, similar to 1E? In 1E you healed your character level in HP over night w an 8 hour rest... Is there something similar in PF2E?
The closest thing I found was Medicine checks or treat wounds which takes 10 minutes to heal a person you are treating, and you can do it once an hour... Is this what players are supposed to be using to heal at the end of their day/over night (assuming no access to magical healing)?
If there IS natural healing, can someone quote the rule for me?
Another question while I am thinking of it...
I read about the dying condition and being wounded... and like most effects in game they have degrees (Dying 1, Dying 2... Wounded 1, Wounded 2)... but I couldn't find out what effects the wounded condition does to a character...
Thank you
As the title asks...
If I have 2nd level Wizard spells and cast Spectral Hand, can I use my Kinetic Blast through the Spectral Hand?
Same question for Hand's Detachment... IF my Hand is detached and moving around by itself, can I fire my Kinetic Blast through that (detached) hand?

Diego Rossi wrote: Both reading are valid, one work with the rules, one go against the rules. What do you think is the one we should use?
Note that Overrun isn't one of the actions listed in the Actions In Combat table. So we only have the phrase:
"As a standard action, taken during your move or as part of a charge,"
So it can mean:
"As a standard action, taken during your move" + "As a standard action, taken ... as part of a charge,"
"As a standard action, taken during your move" + (separate statement) "as part of a charge," without any requirement to take a standard action.
The first version don't work with the rules, the second work with them.
The only logic conclusion is that the second version is what the developers mean.
Another hole in your logic: you assume that you are overrunning someone to attack him. Actually in the real word you try to overrun someone to attack the guy behind him, not to attack him.
Read this:
PRD wrote:
Moving Through a Square
Overrun: During your movement, you can attempt to move through a square occupied by an opponent (see Overrun).
That is your goal, to move trough the first creature square.
This is all well and good for the basic general default rules of how Overrun works... However the OP is citing a class ability which trumps the general rule... In fact, it makes it a FREE action instead of a Standard action so we take that out of the equation all together:
Breaker Momentum (Ex)
At 2nd level, when a siegebreaker successfully bull rushes a foe, he can attempt an overrun combat maneuver check against that foe as a free action.
What happens if I have Alchemist Tumor Familiar as well as the Swarm Monger's Fecund Familiar... And the Tumor Familiar is attached to me, but then becomes a swarm while it is attached to me as a tumor?

I never really liked the Tumor Familiar alchemist discovery. It never appealed to me before. Didn’t seem like there was much gain to acquire one and burn a Discovery on it. Recently I re-examined it and came up with a few cool (I think) character concepts. I wanted to put them out there incase it inspired others, or maybe someone can expand upon it and post a build. Also, I’m not sure if some of these concepts work rules-wise so please correct where you might see an error.
1) Alchemist 2 / Paladin X w Tumor Familiar. Take Improved Familiar and select Beheaded. Take Evolved Familiar (Reach) so it has a 5 ft reach. Now you are a “cursed” Paladin or a Paladin w a horrible secret. An extra head protruding from your chest (that can now threaten and attack w its 5 ft reach). Flavor wise this could be a curse put upon you, maybe a cajoined twin, etc. Extra scary when it detaches and attack on its own…
2) Similar build to above except we’re mostly going to try and capitalize on the Fast Healing 5. Perhaps an Oradin build w a dip into Alchemist for Tumor Familiar. Have the familiar cast Shield Otger on you, while you do same to your party. Now you take some of the party’s damage, your familiar takes some of yours, it Fast Heals 5 of it. There are ways to get your familiar to cast spells or obtain feats that allows them to do so (Beast Bond Witch).
3) This option I am most interested in… Vivisectionist 2 / Rogue X… You can go straight alchemist I just went Viv to not lose Sneak Attack… Pick a Diminutive sized Familiar (this is important) and get Evolved Familiar (Reach) for the 5 ft reach. We’re going to make the familiar a Valet familiar so it shares Teamwork Feats. We pick up Overwhelm which gives both myself and my Familiar flanking as long as one of us threatens an enemy that is 2 size categories bigger. Since our Familiar is diminutive that means Medium size or bigger enemies we always threaten. Take Outflank for the +4 to hit. Take Feint Partner and Improved Feint Partner - Familiar Feints (using your skill ranks), you get AoO w Sneak Attack. Take Paired Opportunist and that’s +4 to the AoO and +4 because you’re still Outflanking them.
As the title suggests...
Recently been trying to make a Fear/Intimidate build and reading up on those effects... Intimidate isn't specifically called out as a fear effect, but there is an FAQ which clarifies it is...
So that got me thinking, shouldn't that also mean Bluff and Diplomacy should be considered as a Charm or Compulsion effects?
Each skill (Intimidate, Bluff, Diplomacy) messes w the target's emotions and cause them to react in a specific way out of fear, coercion, deception, friendliness, etc.
Thanks for these suggestions, exactly what I was looking for...
I'm looking for feats, class features, talents, traits, racial features, spells, etc. that affect Stealth checks... Some examples:
Roll Stealth twice and take highest result.
Can always Take 10 on Stealth.
Use Stealth in place of X skill.
Use X skill in place of Stealth.
Stuff like that... Not just static bonuses (Gain +2 to Stealth)...
Looking to see if there was any rules, feats, class abilities that replace an attack roll (BAB + Strength or Dexterity) with a skill roll instead? Something such as using your Stealth skill check to make a melee attack (as an example).
In 3.5 the Oriental Adventures rules had Iajitsu Focus which was a skill check Samurai class could make (in certain conditions) in place of their usual BAB melee attack.
Does anyone know if the Fighter (Archer alternate class) trick shot ability of doing a Ranged Sunder uses the DEX bonus of a bow (since you're using a bow) or if you still use your STR bonus since it is a Combat Maneuver. Ranged Sunder doesn't say either way... It does NOT say to substitute DEX for STR for the trick shot, so I would think you'd go by whatever the default mechanic is and your CMB is BAB + STR +other modifiers... However, the default of using a Bow attack is to use DEX. So which general vs specific trumps the other? Does CMB rules trump the fact that you are using a Bow or does the fact that you are using a Bow which is a DEX based attack trump the CMB rules/formula???
Reksew_Trebla wrote: Please note: this is a very specific version of Batman, that only has 4 major appearances so far, those being Batman: Arkham Asylum, Batman: Arkham City, Batman: Arkham Origins, and Batman: Arkham Knight.
I unfortunately never got a chance to finish Origins, as my PS3 broke, and only recently got a PS4, so I haven’t yet had a chance to play Knight, but I can look up how he plays easily on wikis.
Anyways, I was wondering how you would build this version of Batman. I’m thinking he would have levels of the prestige class Sleepless Detective, since one of its abilities is the ability to recreate a scene from the recent past to learn information, which Batman does with his batsuit in the games.
Any help would be appreciated.
Use the Vigilante class
Making a Gnome Arcanist w 15 point buy. Want to maximize main spell-casting attribute to 18 (after racial attribute points are assigned).
Looking for a way to give Gnome +2 Int (instead of Cha) or change Arcanist primary attribute for casting to Cha (instead of Int).
Perhaps an alternate Gnome racial feature or subtype? Or some feat/trait/class feature that makes Charisma a main spell casting attribute for Arcanist.
zza ni wrote: meta magic rod?
an unsworn shaman should be able to change his hex daily. so that mean he can pick the secret hex and change it on a daily basis - different metamagic each day.
not the same as a brawler's feat on the fly but still..
This might be what I’m looking for... changing it daily is good enough... thank you for the suggestion
I'm trying to see if there is a spell, feat, class feature, etc. that can give you access to meta-magic feats, at least temporarily. Similar to how the Brawler can use a move action and gain access to a combat feat. I'd like the ability to use this spell/class feature and gain temporary access to one meta-magic feat, then change it up when I need to.
The only thing I can think of would be to maybe use a Hero point to gain access to a (meta-magic) feat but that wouldn't last very long and isn't something I could continuously use w/o burning through all my Hero Points.
Any ideas?
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As for selling a ship... Roll xd4 (where X = BP cost of ship) and multiply by 1,000 cr...
What about movement speed due to size? In PF if you were a small race you often had a 20 ft movement.
I like the simplicity of removing the size modifiers even if it doesn't make sense that a small creature would have an easier time hitting a colossal one...
ShroudedInLight wrote:
Attacks w/ Mutagen: +7 Claw (1d6+5), +7 Claw (1d6+5), +7 Bite (1d8+5), +5 Hoof (1d4+2), +5 Hoof (1d4+2), +7 Gore (1d6+5)
How are you obtaining all those attacks?

I know there are a lot of threads on Rake, I did do a search beforehand, but there are some questions I have that I don't see answers for, and a lot of the answers to how Pounce/Grab/Rake work don't seem to have a consensus. So looking for some advice, mostly on Rake...
I know Animal Companions and the actual animal from the Bestiary are often different from one another, different states, etc. So I am specifically asking about the "Cat, Big" animal companion (not the Tiger out of the Bestiary and no Eidilons)...
On the "Cat, Big" stat block entry, it lists the special attack of Rake as "Rake (1d6)". Yet when you look up the Rake ability the example for the format is "rake (2 claws +8, 1d4+2)"...
1) Is Rake a rolled attack or just automatic bonus damage?
2) Do I add bonus strength damage to the 1d6?
3) Do I get 2 Rake attacks or just 1? It only has it listed once, but a "Cat, Big" would have 2 hind claws.
4) If my claw damage increases (such as from Improved Natural Attack) does the Rake damage also increase to match the Claw damage?
How I believe Pounce/Grab/Rake interact (correct me where I might be wrong):
Cat, Big Pounces and gets full attack.
Cat, Big rolls for Bite, Claw, Claw (in whatever order)
If any attack hits, you get a free Grapple attempt via Grab.
If you successfully Grapple off the Pounce/Grab you WOULD get Rake because of Pounce. Normally you'd need to already start the turn Grappled, but Pounce overrides this.
If you Pounce, do you get all of your attacks even if you successfully Grapple (Grab) with the first attack? It seems like you would from what I have read.
I don't think you can, but I have seen several builds that rely on using Combat Trick multiple times to pick up feats. So I don't think these builds I am seeing are legit.
I question it because of this line:
A rogue cannot select an individual talent more than once.
Just looking for confirmation... If you CAN select this specific talent (Combat Trick) more than once, can someone cite the rule for me?
So just because I am a "Fighter" class, doesn't that mean I am limited to fighting and only fighting?
If I was a Cleric or Rogue, could I not fight? Do I have to dip 1 level into Fighter in order to "fight"?
lol this is a silly thread/topic...
I see.
Any idea why the level 7 version of "Cat, big" has pounce and grab added as special attacks, and not the level 1 version?
Do I have to select them as feats as they companion levels up in order to obtain them? Or is this a special attack they somehow get for free at some point?
The fact that it shows a level 1 version vs a level 7 version w/o explaining how/when they get the special attacks is throwing me off.
Why does the (Lunar) Oracle Primal Companion Revelation specifically state Tiger as an option, rather than "Cat, big"?

Been awhile since I played a Druid or any class that had an Animal Companion for that matter...
So I've been intrigued with the Oracle class lately, they have a lot of flexibility, and I thought about a Lunar Oracle w/ an animal companion.
But I am confused on what type animal companion I am using for the stat block? Is it the one listed in the Bestiary or is the one listed under the Druid's Animal Companions?
So for example, this is listed for the Oracle:
Primal Companion (Ex): You gain the service of a faithful animal of the night. You can select from a bear, boar, crocodile, shark, tiger, or wolf. This animal functions as a druid's animal companion, using your oracle level as your effective druid level.
I am interested in starting with a Tiger. So do I use the Tiger from the Bestiary?
It states to use the druid's animal companion, but they do not have an actual tiger listed. The closest they have is "Cat, big" with Lion or Tiger as an example.
So I am OK with using that, but the # do not match... The Bestiary gives the Tiger Grab, Rake and Pounce, but the Druid AC listing omits the grab and pounce ability (until level 7). Also, the damage on the claws and bite are lower than the default Tiger in the Bestiary...
So I am OK with starting out with a "newbie" Tiger, maybe they do not get all the cool abilities from the get-go or higher damage. I get that you have to level it up. But it isn't exactly clear when abilities like Grab and Pounce get activated? Do I assume level 7 as it says in the Druid AC stat block? Do they just automatically get them at that level? Where does it state this? Do I need to burn a feats for them as they level up? If so, why am I not burning a feat for Rake?
Need help/advice on where to start with my Animal Companion. Thank you.
Looking for feats, spells, class abilities, etc. that allow you either automatically crit (preferably) or at the very least automatically confirm a crit.
Can be anything Paizo or 3rd party is fine too
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I am looking for alternate ways to either summon, call or create a weapon out of thin air. Specifically, a musket (one used by a Gunslinger). I am looking for class dips, feats, spells, etc. that might accomplish this.
So far I have only found Call Weaponry, which is in 3rd party Ultimate Psionics book. It is a psionic power for certain classes.
I also found Summon Weapon, also in a 3rd party book ("101 1st level spells" by Rite Publishing) which is a 1st level Sorcerer/Wizard spell.
Trying to avoid 3rd party material if I can help it. Looking for Paizo-specific ways to do this.
Any thoughts/ideas?
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It says it kills creatures whose HD is lower than 3...
Assume a Crab Swarm, which is a 7 HD creature... But individually the crabs can't be more than 3 HD...
The wording on Cloudkill specifies creatures that are in it, a swarm is made up of individual creatures... So how would this be ruled?
Still looking for advice on this
If a character has water walk cast, and is fighting a creature on the surface of water (say a lake)... Can the creature grab the water walking character, and force it under water, or does water walk prevent you from re-submerging? Would it matter if you were standing during the grapple (as opposed to prone, where your feet aren't on the liquid surface).
I am just wondering based on:
"If the spell is cast underwater (or while the subjects are partially or wholly submerged in whatever liquid they are in), the subjects are borne toward the surface at 60 feet per round until they can stand on it."
I'd think if the spell is strong enough to force you to the surface at 60 feet/round, it'd be strong enough to prevent someone from forcing you back down.
Lastly, could you argue at least for some sort of check to prevent being moved into a "hazardous" location (under water)?
I don't know... The trait comes out and point blank changes the normal flanking rules.
Normal flanking conditions:
1) Melee attack
2) Threatening opponent
3) Opposite side of creatures (presumable in melee reach)
Swarm flanking conditions:
1) Two Ratfolk share same square
2) Attack same opponent
If those two conditions are met, it is "as if they were in two opposite squares".
To me, Swarm trait changes the conditions of flanking. Old conditions to flank don't matter, Swarming overrides them.
I'm not sure about melee only...
The wording suggests that melee attacks gain a +2 flanking bonus. But what is flanking?
When in doubt about whether two characters flank an opponent in the middle, trace an imaginary line between the two attackers' centers. If the line passes through opposite borders of the opponent's space (including corners of those borders), then the opponent is flanked.
So if I am 20 feet away from an enemy, my ally is opposite enemy, also 20 feet away, we meet the conditions of the imaginary line crossing the opposite borders.
The only condition that "forces" this to be melee is the additional condition of needing to be threatening the opponent (which you can only do with melee weapons, barring any special feats.
Swarming breaks these rules, making the new condition of flanking as "occupying the same square" and "attack the same foe". Specific bests general.
Can two Rogue Ratfolk, that are swarming, deal Sneak Attack damage to a target within 30 feet? It seems the only two conditions that must be met are to stand in the same square (Swarming) and attack the same target. Nothing about threatening...
Thanks Aboniks, exactly what I am looking for...
Do you think, if the person leaves u/h and then re-enters, will Dispel Magic go off again?
The question was about the difference between dispelling and counter spelling... Not countering and counter spelling. Might be the same semantically, or not... The rules often use specific verbiage for a reason.
So if Hallow is a 24 hour cast time, how does the opponent counter (or counter spell it) as it is being cast!
This would make them Medium sized creatures. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work by RAW...
I am looking for advice...
Teleport clearly says "Range: Personal and Touch"... So you are saying it is NOT a touch spell?
However, I will concede... I did not notice that it was Will negates (object) only... Thanks for pointing that out...
The instantaneous part has nothing to do with it going off immediately when you cast the spell. Take a look at Cure Light Wounds... It is also Range: Touch and Duration: Instantaneous. CLW doesn't go off as soon as you cast it, it goes off as soon as you touch something after you cast it (you can cast and touch as one action per spell casting rules or hold the charge).
Anyway, it's moot, Will negates is object only...
I'm sorry Rynjin, I am not sure that answered any of my questions...

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So the easiest way for me to ask this question is to set up the scenario, explain how I think it would work out, and have people comment if it is accurate or if it doesn't work out, explain to me why...
First I want to define if Teleport is considered a "touch spell". The Range on Teleport says "Personal and Touch". To me, I believe that qualifies Teleport as BOTH a range "personal" spell AND a range "touch" spell.
Assuming I am correct so far, the scene...
PC Witch character has a bat familiar. He casts Teleport spell and wants to deliver the touch spell through his bat familiar, but he wants to hold the charge for several rounds/minutes/hours/what have you. So long as bat familiar does not touch something inadvertently AND the Witch doesn't cast another Spell/Hex while holding the charge, I believe this is fine. Bat flutters around a structure (castle/keep) waiting for a particular individual (the BBEG) to emerge. After X amount of time lapses, BBEG exits his home. Bat flies down and attempts a touch attack. Assuming he hits, Teleport gets discharged and BBEG (assuming he's unwilling) also gets to make a Will save. Assuming the Will save fails, Teleport goes off, BBEG and the Witch (the caster) Teleport to desired location. Bat gets left behind.
Also assume BBEG does NOT have any anti-teleport magic up (such as Dimensional Anchor).
Is this scenario accurate on how it could play out? Any rule I am missing as to why this tactic would not work?
So, can you stack the +Dex from Weapon Finesse, Agile Maneuvers, and Fury's Fall on a Trip Combat Maneuver?
This is why I think Weapon Finesse applies Dex instead of Str for CMB.
CMB = Base attack bonus + Strength modifier + special size modifier
Performing a combat maneuver: When you attempt to perform a combat maneuver, make an attack roll and add your CMB in place of your normal attack bonus.
Weapon Finesse: you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls.

I am a little confused on how a Hex is applied via Hex Strike. After successfully hitting with an Unarmed Strike, does the Hex you choose automatically apply (via Swift Action) OR does the opponent still get the save involved againt the Hex?
Benefit: When you gain this feat, choose one hex that you can use to affect no more than one opponent. If you make a successful unarmed strike against an opponent, in addition to dealing your unarmed strike damage, you can use a swift action to deliver the effects of the chosen hex to that opponent. Doing so does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
So lets say I took the Slumber Hex (for example).
The "effects" of the Slumber Hex are:
Effect: A witch can cause a creature within 30 feet to fall into a deep, magical sleep, as per the spell sleep. The creature receives a Will save to negate the effect. If the save fails, the creature falls asleep for a number of rounds equal to the witch’s level.
This hex can affect a creature of any HD. The creature will not wake due to noise or light, but others can rouse it with a standard action. This hex ends immediately if the creature takes damage. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this hex again for 1 day.
If Hex Strike allows me to apply the "effects" of the Hex, it appears (to me) that the Will save is part of the Hex effect, so the creature still gets the save? Which would make this feat a little weaker than I first thought...
So what's the true way this applies?
Ross Byers wrote: RigaMortus wrote: Why not place the sword more than 10 feet away? A portable hole is only 10 feet deep. But is it 10 feet long? Or 10 feet wide?
How is Dispel Magic treated if assigned to a Hallowed area? If a creature in the Hallowed area triggers the Dispel Magic, does the Dispel Magic go off each round until the creature leaves the area? Or does it go off just once, and if the creature leaves and re-enters it goes off again?
Do you have to choose the specific effect of the Dispel Magic, or are they both in effect (Targetted Dispel vs Counterspell Dispel)? In other words, if creature enters the area, is it hit with BOTH a targetted Dispel AND will be subject to Counterspells if it attempts to cast? Or is it one or the other?