
Richter Harding's page

Organized Play Member. 172 posts (352 including aliases). 9 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 21 Organized Play characters. 9 aliases.

Silver Crusade

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Are we going full Battletech Dark age now? Because I love that noise.

Silver Crusade

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Can you have a single character that basically has 4 'bloodlines' or for more thematic sake, 4 dragon bloodlines and 4 different breath weapons.

Race ; Human
Bloodline 1 : Dragon, Blue : Dragon spit and Dragon prince ancestry feat
Bloodline 2 : Barbarian : Dragon Instinct, Red, Dragon rage breath
Bloodline 3 : Sorceror Dedication : Green Dragon, Advanced bloodline : Breath weapon
Bloodline 4 : Dragon Disciple Dedication : White Dragon : Dragon Disciple Breath.

The Reason why I ask if this can work is due to the wording in the first part of the
Dragon disciple Dedication ;

'You choose to study or worship one type of dragon, and your focus grants you a measure of its power. Choose one color of dragon when you select this feat; if you are a sorcerer with the draconic bloodline, this must be the same type as your bloodline'

We do not need to hold to this rule because we are technically not a sorcerer.
And then in the last part ;

'Special You can't select another dedication feat until you have gained two other feats from the dragon disciple archetype. If you later take the sorcerer archetype, you must choose the draconic bloodline.'

Due to this wording, I am assuming the restriction would only come into play if we were to take the Sorcerer dedication after we take Dragon Disciple, because we took it in this order, this rule has no effect either.

This is incredibly specific and does not come together until level 16 at the earliest.

But can it be done?

Silver Crusade

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I am not going to lie, but my hype thrusters are blasting straight to plaid.

Silver Crusade

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BigNorseWolf wrote:

I believe the attempt in saying that X option is bad is trying to get the powers that be to make x option better.

I don't think a good case is being made for it however. Whatever the OP is experiencing locally or mathing out doesn't seem to match actual play experience. The mathematical assumptions are taken at a small sample size of levels, and only take assumptions favorable to one side.

Whining on the forums is silly and does not work, I am reasonable enough to know this.

Hammerjack showed some solid math that shows that ranged will pull ahead of melee but that melee also benefits much more from combined arms.

The Argument being made afterward was solid but my point still somewhat stands somewhat, ranged pulls ahead but jolly cooperation helps melee much more than it does ranged, allowing them to outperform ranged with teamwork.

Nevertheless, Hammerjack convinced me in the end so I stopped partaking.

This is what general discussion is for, asked a question, we discussed, got a satisfying answer.


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Male Android Soldier 2, Hp : 20, Sp : 13/18, RP : 5, EAC : 16, KAC : 18, fort +5, Ref +3, Will +3 (+2 android resistances) , Initiative +3, Perception : +8, speed : 30 feet.

Beaudy here,

Gonna play with my new level 2 soldier

Silver Crusade

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Nimor Starseeker wrote:
Haste circuit is only for light and heavy armor, not power armor. CRB 206.

My gratitude, an edit has been made.

Silver Crusade

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This is what the main discussion was about.

But if I am understanding this correctly, you are saying that Power armor is subject to all negative effects regarding movement but none of the positives.

So the power armor counts as part of the creature only when it regards debuffs but when it comes to buffs it's suddenly a no go zone.

Either it works on both side of the spectrum or none.

The other meaning I can understand from this is that you are saying that powered armor just replaces a set amount of statistics of the PC and that these can be modified after the fact,

wich is a conclusion we reached here.

Macaroune said wrote:
Similarly, I don't think that the ability...unavailable, sure that fly speed will work on Power Armor.

I completely agree with that the intention was for the armor to be able to fly yes, that is indeed common sense.

But due to the way the ability and the FAQ are currently worded, it cannot function, while you can obviously adjust this in a home campaign, Society with power armor is still rather Borked.

Silver Crusade

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Pantshandshake wrote:
Yeah, you're 100% correct. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid when we didn't have the FAQ answers.

We tried my friend, but apparently paizo thinks differently.

Aside from this sillyness though, they literally wrote down that any effect that modifies a power armors speed does not function.

Note the usage of the word 'effect' here, this causes it to include ANYTHING, class features, scenario effects, the works.

The prototype armor mechanic can cause their power armor to grant the character a fly speed, but this FAQ establishes that a power armor's speed overwrites the PC's, so you cannot use the class feature while using the class feature.

Might want to errata that in COM right away, probably so that it says that your armor gains a fly speed instead, but that adjusts the speed so that doesn't work.

Meanwhile the power armor jockey increase a power armor's base land speed by 10, which once again does not work now.

Silver Crusade

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My thanks to Pantshandshake for compressing my post.

So it would come down to the power armor just replacing a set number of statistics of your character while magic and specifically worded abilities and equipment that come after you don the armor would function.

If I understand this correctly I would agree it is the best solution.

As for an argument as to why haste would work but speed suspension and the blitz soldier ability would not.

External effects could modify your speed because they come after the armor, blitz and speed suspension would not work because they already applied to your character and so would be counted as your 'normal speed'.

To quote the section itself.

Rather than using your normal speed, the powered armor has a maximum land speed of its own. In some cases, powered armor has additional movement types as well.

This is also supported by one of the newer archetypes granting a movement speed boost that only functions in powered armor.

Silver Crusade

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BigNorseWolf wrote:
Richter Harding wrote:

So if it's just equipment you wear does this mean any movement altering effect after the armor do work? Because that would make this a lot easier,

If you go by the most literal reading the rules for power armor do state that the only things replaced are : Strength and base land speed, but a halflings little strix wings lifting a large suit of power armor kinda snap the supsension of disbelief in half.

Before going down that rabbit hole, consider that if the armor replaces your movement, and you have a fly speed of 30, and the armor has a fly speed of "baby grand piano" that while in the armor you have a fly speed of baby grand piano

That's actually one of the biggest questions I have, do activated features overwrite the armor? So normally you have no fly speed, but you activate your gravity harness, defy gravity, fly etc.

You normally do not have access to this form of movement but does outside interference grant you the ability to do so? Wich essentially boils down to, is your armor a seperate entity and those effects do not function or it is just armor and those effects function as normal.

Depending on the answer being just armor and no other questions are needed or, those effects do not work. But if those effects do not work, does this mean for example that touch spells don't work.

Silver Crusade

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Seeing as the bear is very underrepresented, especially in pfs, will there be more bear related options in second edition?

Will the Tyranny of the dinosaurs and great cats finally end?
Does the grizzly reign of the bears finally begin?

Wil we finally get a Bear equivalent of the warcat?
Are there going to be different bestiary bears aside from the last printed bear with the advanced template stapled to it?(why does a polar bear need 13 charisma?!)

Roar with me brothers and sisters! Bears will not remain silent forever!

Silver Crusade

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So now that we got ultimate wilderness and bestiary 5 a while back I would have liked to see some more bear options.

But woe is me, the new bear is literally a dire bear with advanced taped on to it! I look toward ultimate wilderness and we finally get a large bear companion! Wich is still weaker than a big cat in most ways, while cats get another unique specimen.

Not even after eight years do we get a fantastical bear of huge size, meanwhile those kittenhoarding litterboxlovers can prance around the demented offspring of a Tiger and a cantaloupe!

Even the Shifter with all of it's problems has bias towards Cats?!

I sense claws for alarm here, this kind of favoritism is both unbearable and insuffurable!


Except pandas though, nasty blighters they are.

Silver Crusade

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My god, they are changing, evolving...soon we cannot tell the spammers from the posters.

I think it's time for Exterminatus, or at least ask the Aboleths for another meteor.

Silver Crusade

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Dear Mark,

I recently gained acces to an apparatus of the crab at reduced cost, but how does it work in combat when piloting it?

Do you use the stats as is, does it count as an object for the purposes of energy and ranged attacks?
Or things like a treants double damage vs objects?
Can it make saving throws due to being piloted or does it get it's own saving throws because it's a magic item?
Does it have a strength score for the purpose of breaking doors and the like?
Are enemies considered to have line of effect from you when you are piloting it?
Can it be broken with a strength check?
What is it's size for the purpose of animating it

It's a fun item to use but there are a lot of things that are not clear about it, wich is a shame because driving a tank around is a picture I cannot get out of my head, especially for a tech obsessed alchemist.

Silver Crusade

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Trax, the Azurite sage:

Name: Trax, The Azurite Sage
Alignment: Lawful Good
Race: Human, Shoanti
Class: Crossblooded Bloodrager 5/Dragon Disciple 7
Description: Trax was part of the Sun clan until his village was raided by Drow looking for slaves, they corrupted his draconic blood with demonic influence through fleshwarp mutations and only his innate arcane gift allowed him to survive. His wife, newborn son and even original name are distant but painful shadows of his past.

Trax is a man of large stature, befitting his draconic heritage are cloudy blue scales and a large armoured underjaw, his fingers and toes are tipped with black claws and he has striking gold eyes.
He mostly wears a polished mithril half-plate with dark blue robes underneath and the symbol of apsu is hammered into the chestguard.

Becoming an expert in Draconic and Planer lore as well as scriptures to first get rid of his demonic mutations, he has since mastered and embraced the advantages they give.

He worships Apsu, the Waybringer due to feeling a kinship and fascination with dragons, wich is what allowed the Diamond sage to bring him into the fold.

With everyone clear of mind before finishing off Aryana Tahari, they all agreed Trax deserved to stand among them and by taking the up the mantle of the Azurite Sage, Trax understood that, like the Waybringer says : 'every day, is a new beginning'.

Silver Crusade

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Where Mammoths dare not thread

During a certain encounter against several giant creatures, my bloodrager used quickened true strike together with rovagug's fury.

Basically this would be a guarenteed trip against all of them...if I didn't roll a 1, wich I did..

Goodbye rage rounds and goodbye all my happiness.

The Gm played it as a large chunk of the wasteland flipping over, in the opposite direction of the actual combat.....

Silver Crusade

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Hi Mark,

Adding to my previous post, what of the situation that the familiar
does not get replaced but is upgraded instead, the same creature gaining
a new shape without being able to change back?

If the familiar had an archetype, would it transform into the improved familiar and automatically retrain all it's replaced 'class' features, or would it remain an archetyped non-improved familiar because because it cannot upgrade due to not having the 'class' feature that it requires to be replaced?

Silver Crusade

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Hi Mark,

Currently running into a bit of a discussion with my lodge about archetyped familiars, I know that improved familiars cannot be some archetypes and that familiars that have the change shape ability need all their forms to be capable of taking the archetype.

But what about class archetypes that gain either the improved familiar feat or use the wording 'as if she gained the improved familiar feat' and do not gain the change shape ability.

As a sidenote, this is meant for pathfinder society

The archetypes in question are :
The Asmodean Advocate Cleric from the Dirty tactics toolbox
The Bonded Investigator from Inner Sea Intrigue
The Demon-sworn Witch from Heroes of the Darklands
The Egorian Academy Infernal Binder Wizard from the Inner Sea primer
The Pact Wizard from the Familiar Folio
The Tinkerer Alchemist from Inner Sea Intrigue

And the familiar archetypes in question are :
Figment, Infiltrator, Mascot, Mauler, Pilferer, Protector
and the Valet.

Are these class archetypes forced to retrain/multiclass if they want to keep a archetyped familiar, are they able to keep the new familiar archetyped or can they choose to not have their familiar upgrade into a improved familiar so that they can keep the playstyle they want to use.

Silver Crusade

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Isabelle Lee wrote:
Richter Harding wrote:
Theres some massive hilarious orc weapons in here, but only one of them is actually called an orc weapon, paizo really wants me to play a half-orc archer instead of a barbarian.
I think you've got the wrong Armory, friend. ^_^

AAAAAAAAAAAAH, I thought every new thing nowadays had exactly the same name as the original!

Scarab Sages

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To AbadarCorp,

I recently bought one of your newly released logic amplifiers, but it appears to be working to well! I cannot stop reciting complex mathematical formulea constantly and while they are for useful purposes, they are starting to be a nuisance for my daily life. It is really difficult to stay on friendly t3rms with allies when you c0nst4ntly spout c0de 1n th311

the transmission is suddenly overwritten by a large influx of binary data, completely valid binary in fact

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Liberty's Edge

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An imposing figure patrols the hallways, his Serrated Black armor clearly marks him to be a Hellknight of the Order of the Scourge.
He pays no heed to the many confused gazes aimed at him as he walks towards the briefing area.

As there is currently a briefing taking place, he sits down to await his time.
He retrieves a book from his satchel, it is a large tome that appears to be a compendium on the City of Almas, including it's laws and registered officials.

He sighs as his sunken green eyes begin to read through the tome with a dejected look on his face.

Silver Crusade

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Playing a Druid in pathfinder society atm and there have been lots of situations where this spell just flatout broke encounters.

A lot of people at my tables including gm's are often struck silent by it.

Should I stop using it entirely? Or take the stance that I am allowed to use it so I should?

Silver Crusade

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When that very same gnome gunslinger gets put into the same room as the greedy doctor, Gets bribed for 50 gold to leave him alone, then gives that same doctor the same 50 gold to bribe him back.

Playing a gnome has so far, has been an enlightening experience.

Silver Crusade

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Just read up on the ancestor summoner archetype.
I am now going to make a dwarf spiritualist : Dwarsef Orestar, together with his sta-eidolon : sky seeker.

chapter 1 : eidolon blood
chapter 2 : Munchkin tendency
chapter 3 : Numerian Crusaders
chapter 4 : Adamantine is unbreakable

Release dates forthcoming 'Menacing'

Silver Crusade

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Construct Rider isnt leagal sadly, playing an inevitable summoner catches the vibe of a constructed eidolon, not exactly what I am going for but it's an option.

Silver Crusade

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Is the reliquarian occultist archetype depending on it's wisdom for mental focus and intelligence for spellcasting or do both key of wisdom.

If it is a case of the latter, will this be reflected in later errata or the Pfs campaign clarifications?

Silver Crusade

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Cant wait for this to come out, I freaking love dragons.

I have fourteen thumbs crossed for an Apsu specific paladin archetype.

Silver Crusade

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Actually put some though in this one.

Name : Ardor, Might of Unity
Alignment : Neutral Good

Domains : Strength, Liberation, Community, Protection, Good
Subdomains : Resolve, Freedom, Family, Purity, Friendship

Worshippers : Farmers, City Guards, Fathers
Symbol : Two hands in a firm handshake with a shield as a backdrop

Garb : No specific code, but encourages to at least wear light armor whenever possible.

Favored Weapon : Heavy shield

Ethos : Protect those you care for, their lives and their freedom and encourage others to do the same, without them you are less than nothing.

Herald : A knight in blemished grey armor who appears to settlements that are in danger or assists those that stand against impossible odds with utter determination.

Silver Crusade

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In the last year or two the druid got a plethora of different options focusing on more varied types of wildshaping, we got oozes, vermin, plants and heck even giants!

Is it then odd of me to wonder why there has not been an archetype focused on elemental wildshaping yet?

It is probably one of the few flavor pieces the druid is missing and I sometimes just wonder why it is missing at all.

Silver Crusade

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You need the draconic bloodline, dragon disciple works for crossblooded sorcerors, as the blood of dragons ability doesn't specifically note draconic bloodline. You need the draconic bloodline if you go crossblooded, but both get the increase I think

Silver Crusade

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At the start of my pfs career I made the grandest decision to take 20 on opening a door, with no lock.

And it had a necromancer with a mountain of corpses behind it.

Nearly killed my whole party with it, including some veteran gm's, almost 1.5 years later and they still won't let me live it down.

Silver Crusade

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I think the friction comes more from me as a person than anything else, I am what you call extremely explosive, and tend to overpower everyone else at the table, i've talked to one of my fellow players about this and am going to keep it in and try to put that energy into my character instead.

I am also what is know as a 'tactical genius' 'cough'took twen'cough'door no lock'cough' and my lodge knows how that ended...

Silver Crusade

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First thing I have to not is that this is in regards to Society play.
People at my local lodge have apparently been complaining that he bulldozes everything.

Apologies for the messy presentation, first time posting a character.

Rook : Level 9 Crossblooded Rageshaper bloodrager
Half-Orc, Silver Crusade

Str :22-26 while raging
Dex :12
Con :14-18 while raging
Int : 8
Wis :10
Cha :14

Hp : 94-112 while raging Dr : 1/-
Ac : 23-21 while raging
Initiative + 5
Fort : 13-15 while raging
ref : 9
Will : 10

Bab +9

Attacks while raging : +16/+11 +3 greatsword 2d6+27 17-20 or 2 claws +13/+13 2d6+16

Feats : Power attack, Reckless Rage, Iron will, Improved Initiative, Additional traits, Abberant tumor : hedgehog, Improved critical : Greatsword, toughness

Traits : Third eye, blighted physiology, fate's favored, affable

Special : 30 ft cone breathweapon 9d6 fire damage Dc18 reflex for half once per day
Abberant reach : reach increased by 5 while raging
Draconic Claws

Spells Lvl 1 : 3/d : Enlarge person, shield, expeditious retreat,
Cheetach sprint, touch of the sea, Monkey fish
Lvl 2 : 2/d : Scorching Ray, Iron skin, Mirror image, False Life
See invisability.

gear : +1 Furious Greatsword, +2 breastplate, Cloak of resist +3
Bracers of many Garments, Ring of protection +1, Jingasafortunate
,Headband of alluring charisma +2, 16074 gold

Is he that strong?

Liberty's Edge

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So would it be fair that so far there are no reasons to not include the feral child archetype? You are not allowed to make a character below the minimum age anyway.
And considering the...other things I have seen so far, its is quite puzzling.

Liberty's Edge

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Oh bother

Liberty's Edge

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I use a metal klar wich is in the heavy blades group and get slashing grace with it.
But it counts as a light spiked shield, the spiked shield being in the close weapon group, does that mean I can use slashing grace with a klar and get the benefit of close-weapon mastery from brawler?

Or do my dreams of a Dex-based brawler go down the sink?