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ArchSage20 wrote:
Reziburno25 wrote:
I love metamorph type of using aspects like growing fleshbows or boneblades to claws, with its subclasses being like ozoomorph(acutral one) or void creature so more of blue mage type. If was made I rather it have no link to druid, no wildshape as wildshape is druid thing.

yep me too the idea of having a character who can just change his body as he feels like sounds great

its sounds like being a weird mix between a martial and a caster, you use supernatural powers to alter yourself but you fight with your body

Yep its martial mainly with damage enchancer coming from its aspects, it chimeric state would be like a rage allowing it shift into orgin form to be able to use aspect granted from its origin like void creature might grant negative healing as first aspect then later level grant its second of negative damage that could even damage undead since be closer to void than a undead creature. It likely start with 2 out of 4 aspects and can swap them durning daily prep with class feats giving more to list, its origin apsects kept seperate. I think it could do with pestilance aspect at 1st that could allow modify it chimeric state to allow it turn into pests in chimeric state and for state last longer as means of inflitration and scouting but probally give 10m or 1h frequncy to play off as putting stress on you.

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I love metamorph type of using aspects like growing fleshbows or boneblades to claws, with its subclasses being like ozoomorph(acutral one) or void creature so more of blue mage type. If was made I rather it have no link to druid, no wildshape as wildshape is druid thing.

This is martial dedication similar in line to halycon speaker being more for casters.

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Also speaking of anyone found good ideas to incentives enemy to go after you, since good champs can trigger their reaction easily, evil ones on other hand have to get them to strike us.

Problem with Iron Command is weak againist enemies immune to mental damage. But that generally normal thing evil champions are bit screwed against undead but you could probally always go Aasmir or take smite evil(no requirement to be good).

I'm pretty sure their more spell attacks but yeah question is what tradition would you go as witch opens up alot of them compared to wizard we get better return, probally if you go forensic methodlogy could use familar to help with battle medicine so not only be good spell archer but also good healer, skill user and decent damage.

Pretty much unless Gm says so then only Two kobold heritages, Dragonic bloodline or Dragonic Instinct can make it common for themselves. But only kobolds who get much out of it.

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Yeah seems generally only subtle for kobolds to go in and even then you want to be neither barbarian or dragonic sorcerer going into it.

Im guessing both this and magus will probally be 2 slot casters, but yeah a eidolon be let down if just as strong as regular animal companion, since should be where most of class features dip into.

So from what it looks it's mainly usable for dragonic or spirit barbarian. Where you the barbarian are surronded by enemies or charged them so when you enter rage they roll fortitude basic save. Best example is your spirit barbarian charges into horde of undead and rages causes them to all be hit with weakness.

Possibly since it made for non dragonic sorcerers to use since both arcane and occult dont get much out of it.

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This is homebrew I made up making drow as uncommon elven heritage, for people to play as their weapons are slighty different due most having access to them already.

Pdf linked below to googledocs with all its heritage feats.


Lichdom is poor man road to Undeath, where end goal is being left as bony skeleton capable of casting and with your mind. Why stop at binding your soul to gem when you could just bind to your own downside being not being able revive if gets destoyed or you could bind your soul to construct, slipt up into fragments or bind it to land. Normal lichdom is choice for those desperate who feel their time running out or looking for quick power increase.

Remember undeath is a logical and albiet extremly selfish act if you care about your own existence then right choice to go through because upon death whatever goes to Heaven, Maelstorm. Hell etc isn't you, whats their is shattered soul carrying nothing left of you.

Mindless undead such as zombies and skeletons contain small fracture of soul(so doesnt effect anything other that causing the petetioner slight bit of pain), now vamps, ghosts, ghouls, liches and such they have their souls in their body. Being undead naturally gives them hatered for life I think or addication dependent upon type but ones with souls can't switch out from being evil but ardous task.

True also dedication benfits you more if go into from Primal or Divine caster as dragon barbarian and sorcerer get not much out of it(if going in with another caster you might wanna dedicate into sorcerer for dragon claws to give your normal claws elemental damage). Since one of feat adds 10 spells (cantrip + 1-9 spell levels) to your spell list but thing is majority of are on arcane and occult list(6 aren't on either divine or primal, while 1 isn't on either arcane or occult list).

Yep remember scales of dragon, too bad doesn't scale at higher levels making AC part worthless then, but at low levels it fine, what you really want is +3 resistance bringing your dedication from 10 resistance at 20th level to 13.

Agree Cannialism should be same ancestery only eating other sapient ancesteries should be have it own name since word is whole different.

Thats kind of problem when humans can mate with anything ingame which is downright stupid. Also funny that people think genocide my own ancestry or town fine but caniablism is extreme not mass killing is most extreme.

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You know it werid that Pharsma freaks out about undead yet allows Daemons to get away with not only destorying souls and consuming them but wanting to end all life.

On another note lichdom is not the endgoal but more of a deadend necromancers take if their old or desperate to extend their life. Better binding your soul to your body instead retaining your flesh and form or body hopping. Also necromancy about life and death creating undead is just one means, true goal is creating life not just manipulating it form.

Although one thing that annoying is even if were speaking of gishes people just want rehash the old stuff of skald, magus or bloodrager and not something new. Like if for example pazio gonna release another four classes in a batch then I want atleast 1-2 of them to be new and not just reprinting old stuff.

How would delayed profiency add up in that point thing? so trained in weapons from 1-6, expert from 7-14, then master 15 onwards, while magic trained be from 1-8, expert from 9-16, then master 17 onwards?

Im guessing class paths would add to aspect choice like level 1 might have choose 1-2 from out of 5 choices then path might add some by default or with feat like if ozoomorph returns we get ozoo and aberreant style choices from it, then say level 8 class feat might give different wing choices.

Like sort choices I find would things like shooting spikes from our back, biological arments like bone blades or bows, acid spit, having goat head growing out of body(funny), living tail with on mind that feasts on attacks, our stomach that opens up with sharp teeth along it, a tail blade, weirds senses you name it.

Also thoughts for alternative gish type class what do you's think of one that gains their own magic from strike to cast. So their spells are sort of focus spells that powered by harnessing energy from enemies. They have their own cantrips not getting regular ones that that require cost other than action.

The way swashbucklers build their panche except you can gain more so think of they as weird focus martial.

Im generally perfer using normal profiency scales so expert at 5th level for weapons, at 7th for magic, 13th for master weapons and 15th for master casting. With 2 spell slot casting so your half caster and 8hp.

So at 5th level you be around 40 or more HP, expert weaponry, trained magic, 2 1st level slots, 2nd level slots and 1 3rd level slot, as well as starting expert in fortitude and will but trained in reflex and perception and light armor(subject to change). The class pretty much gear for either at range tossing odd spell or cantrip or as secondary striker applying your weapon with your magic stances and focus spells since you wont get any legendary.

If scaling too close then we can both expert and master back by to levels to 7 and 9 for expert and 15 and 17 for master.

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1e Shifter was pretty much diet druid which is why it failed so badly as class, I think partial transformations/aspects should be their from get go while turning into bear like with wildshape should not be their, as wildshape is druid type where they mimic a monster while we take on parts of their forms while blending them with others.

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Well simple first we move well away from shifter being related to druid so no wildshape or wild empathy good?. Now wild morph is bit good to build chasis and if anyone remembers adaptive shifter that can be base chasis of new class. I think paths of it could be where your shifting originate from like ozoomorph due to abberants messing with you or lab accident, a feral/primal one would be more druidish one, Darkling one would a shadow path a shifter who hunts in the shadows, Forged is a shifter who body slow adapting to become more machine. As a shifter we are chimeric horror whether our power blessing or curse we use it.

As for profiencies
Being a full martial, it could be possibly to have buy in focus feat but you won't start with any. We start with Morphic Trance like barbarian rage but less restricive where our shifter path, features and feat give us more optitions in it.

So at 1st level this sort what look like this isn't including any other features we may add to it.

*8 HP/Level
*Trained in Perception
*Trained in Simple Weapons - and probally either Martial or just a few others.
*Expert in Fortitude and Will, Trained in Reflex.
*Trained in Light Armor - Paths may or may not give more.
*Trained in Class DC, [Tradition] Spell Attacks & DCs.
*3 or 5 Cantrips.
* 2 Spell Slots per level (1 of highest level on odd levels, 2 of highest level on even levels) So at first level 1 1st level spell slot, at 2nd level 2 1st level spell slots.

When we get to level 20th should look like this.

*We have 160 HP from our class without counting in Con Modifier.
*Expert in Perception.
*Master in Simple Weapons plus anything else if class originally gave us.
*Master in Fortitude and Will, Expert in Reflex.
*Either Expert or Master in Light Armor maybe latter?
*Master in Class DC, [Tradition] Spell Attacks & DCs.
*19 Spell Slots in total, 2 spell slots of 1-9th and 1 10th level spell slot.

So would at 20th level them having 2 spell slots in 1-9 and 1 10th level spell slot do? Should they get expert in weaponry at 5th or 7th level since casting expert will then either 7th or 9th level.

If they get expert weaponry at 5th level then be master at 13th
but if they expert weaponry at 7th then be master at 15th?

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As for focus spells could call them Blade Arts, doing stuff like variant of mirror image, igniting your weapon etc.

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Think rotuine for that is Leap(forces you out of stance), Flurry, Enter stance and repeat.

Could choose 'Beckoner' as the name calling forth summon(focus spell) to back up their eidolon in combat, while they also chant hymns(unquie cantrips) to cause various effects like soulish wind damaging enemies in area, or one that provides summon vigor or maybe you want to just use spirit blast.

Yeah I think something like Minor Spirit as focus spell could work for it if go occult tradition for summoner, so you can summon special minions like blade spirit, darkling, guardian spirits etcs each with own ulities.

I think we should nail down concepts of what we want for summoner since still only dicussion.

Although choose 18th level feat just to replace your basic edge and give up master hunter just to replace with another basic edge seems extremly weak for that feat level.

Manifold trades out your master hunter benfit for second basic benfit.

Instead of getting master hunter part of flurry you get basic part and extra damage from precision.

Maybe change Intimadion skill to path skill with gunslinger getting crafting, ronin probally society and mercanary intimdation and some class feats to build upon it.

Edit: Also honed tech class feature says lightning reflexs instead of draw.
Edit2: Also for three paths maybe throw in some minor fluff about them in their area about what they are etc.

Im guessing the main class feats/theme of different paths of Drifter would be tricks like swordish ones for vagebond, western style ones for gunslinger and bounty tricks for bounty hunter.

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Paladins came from 12 knights that supported Charlmenge, their postion was considered above knight. Whole them being bastion of honour and good came only recently.

I rather summoner not be caster but be focus caster same with Kineticists
Summoner being occult one while other being primal. For kineticists I think player should have two major choices at character creation their path(probally kineticist knight and two other types) and their primary element(Aero, Pyro, Aether, Hydro, Geo).

Summoners path be more focused on what Edilion would be(so list of sort of animal companion types spefic to them) and probally focus spell that can do summoning.

Now medium or occultist class which ever chosen to come back can full the gap for prepared occult caster.

We also need to cover spantanous primal and (possibly arcanist)arcane casters.

Also for rest of occult class I rather the be buried into other classes maybe one could be lodged into investigator to give occult methology which is a nice trope making them occultist focus caster of martial bend.

Edit: Also noted that if counted unchain and chained as one and other class PF1 had 40 class so for PF2 20-25 would be best.
10 full casters

Alot of what people are suggestion should just be subsumed into other classes.

Theses classes are what should brought back.

Kineticist: They can work and fufill a primal focus caster.
Summoner: Either subsuming some of occult class making them occult focus caster centred around abilties and their edilion.

Shifter: Martial class of it with focus being Adaptive shifter archetype of 1e.

Magus: Probally rename it and make all traditions or just keeping arcane turning into sword dancer where focuses on using stances and elemental abilties like making flames shoot out of sword, probally allow it get multiclass or lesser version of spellslots.

Tatican/Commander/Warcheif/Knight: Whatever it name it martial version of bard focusing commanding and assisting the battle as well as social fields outside of combat.

Gunslinger: Comsumed into drifter type trickster class as path focuses on trickery and skill.

Would Geomancer, Hydromancer and Aeromancer parts of kineticist only do bludgeon damage or would they do acid, cold and electric cause seem weird to have only Pyromancer and Aethermancer deal unique damage.

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Heres first two for lawful and good.

Good:"I will assist others and stand up for those in need even if they are outsiders, who I may not even know, even if may come at cost and will not benefit me, because I do such things since it right thing to do."

Lawful:"I will put affairs of community over those of myself, binding myself to duty and responsibility I swear to uphold, whether they be my family, my companions or my nation of which I will do so with a sense of loyalty and honor."

Rather see them as occult focus caster, so no spell slots they form pact or whatever we call it with spirits and get one form(this would be like your type of champion, racket, order etc) each spirit would give it own things but probally have anthema. Main thing is they always on the field either in tiny familar like form or shifted into their combat form, if they die the summoner can recall them. The theme is summoner offers part of their soul or allows them to leech which has their essence flow into them, the spirit on other hand is granted flesh. So it be suped up animal companion in a way, they always be given their own unquie monsters to summon as minions for ulitity or combat usage.

Difference between them and witch of 2e would be their 'familiar'/companion is one who they formed the pact with, they wouldn't get spell slots but instead rely on lesser summons, focus spells and their spirit to do damage.

divine abilties part is mainly for rasied by society background, their skill being medicine makes sense as they need to care for themselves and not be reliant on divine magic. So you either gain Con or Int plus free boost, medicine skill and assurance of it and laws of morality or radihum lore

Guessing for battleform abilties you want it changed from this is only attack you can make to this is only strike you can make.

Hope they fix disarm to make success acturally useful, not just end on start of your enemy turn. Change -2 to hit from it to requiring interact to readjust your weapon.

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Well reason to change wizard is cause its 2e, traditions of the old can die in bonfire.

Yeah proper taunting is incenvising the enemy to go for you, but they still have choice of not doing so.

Lost Omens ancesteries stuff that are problem such as ancient elf need to be reworded moved from a heritage to first level feat with only getting it at first level and having age as prequsition, leshy seed pod need proper wording, Iruxi needs actual feat and not half that don't work do to errata change, mainly wording clarfication and grammer.

Bringing back versaility to cantrips like predigitous, aswell as buffing others up to electric arc standard.

Yeah those jumps are usually only if jump into chasm or something and not up and down on same terrain.

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