Villamar Koth

Raul "Wulfgars" Moura da Silva's page

Goblin Squad Member. **** Pathfinder Society GM. 151 posts (234 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 16 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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I would like to try something.....

Can we organize, if it´s possible, a compilation of old Scenarios , of Tier 1-3 , that can be easily "integrated" into the Season 5 Thematic and/or General Region ?

I´m not talking of "adaptation" of those , i´m talking of Scenarios , played as they are , minus the Season 5 Faction Goals , that could work for this. Like 2-08 , that is played in this general Area ,but unfortunetely it´s Tier 7-11.

Can anyone organize/do/give ideas?
I think it would be an awesome help to the GM´s trying to Organize tables/slots with the Season 5 only in mind ( thus not having to explain further more regions , motivations , etc , and still having a "feel" of the "General Flavour" of the Year of the Demon), and that could thru this, mitigate the possible lack of low Tier scenarios in their Regions/Store/whatever...

I´ve played a lot of old scenarios already , but i must confess , i don´t remember many that could serve the purpose....

Grand Lodge

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99% of my PC´s are fighters , so.... YUPIIII

Grand Lodge 4/5

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The discussion on what the Boon should be ( race or another) and the system thru wich give them ( personnally i think a merit method is the best) , will be , as always , long.
So let me just say , on behalf of all the Organizers/GM/Players from far away places that don´t have the means ( financial or otherwise) to attend the BIG CON´s , THANK YOU for at least giving us the chance to get this Boons that otherwise we would never get , not because we aren´t good players , but because we simply are from outside the "major playing centers ".
As to the new tool you have, it seems awesome , and the benefits could be great for your "thought process" in the future , besides the chance to get instant access and feedback to data from the Campaign ( wich , let´s face it , you MUST have).

Grand Lodge 4/5

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I did a small "memorial" to them:

Memorial of Fallen Pathfinders from Pathfinder Lodge Portugal.

And i thought of something like this , to give players:

Badge of Durvin Gest.

Sovereign Court

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I would like to submit my Lvl 2 Human Paladin to play in 4-07 Severing Ties.
I´m from Portugal , so the hour isn´t a problem between us , and i´ll be attending PAIZOCON UK this year.
I´m obliged to inform you , that i´m a GM , and VC for Portugal.
Hope to make it into the game , since i have so few chances to play.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Thanks for your words Mike.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Great service also from PFS in recognizing , and rewarding the efforts of their "workers".

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

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Sim , pretendo jogar , e não estou em nenhuma guida.

Yes , i´ll be playing , and no, i´m not in any Guild.

Grand Lodge

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Personally, i think the current 32 page format was great, and it´s a shame to see it go away...
I would prefer a solution less "radical" , with maybe 2x64 pages and 2x32 pages modules each year.
Because "big adventures" are great, but there is always a need for short stories. And please don´t throw at me the scenarios of PFS , because i´m a PFS organizer , and like them , BUT for that purpose , not for "one-shot" adventures.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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This saturday morning we had our regular bi-weekly public games , with 3 tables.

In the afternoon, we had our Second "Begginners Day" event had 4 new players into PFS (and PATHFINDER), and 8 others regular players.
We had 3 tables running PFS scenarios.

Go to Photo 1.

Go to Photo 2.

Go to Photo 3.

Go to Photo 4.

Go to Photo 5.

The third "Begginners Day" event will be on February 16th at 14.00h.
Besides that , we will keep playing bi-weekly, on saturday mornings , free for all to enter, but with regular groups.

Our venue adress is:
Centro Comercial Crystal Park
Tropical Burger
Rua Dom Manuel II, 81
Porto, Porto 4050-345

Grand Lodge 4/5

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I´m happy to inform that we will be running our first PFS event in Lisboa , with GM Edeldhur next saturday , 12th January 2013.
It will start at 17.00H and the venue adress is:

Alvaláxia Shopping e Lazer - Complexo XXI
Rua Francisco Stromp
1º piso, in front of Cervejaria Nacional

Grand Lodge 4/5

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This saturday we had our regular bi-weekly public games , with three tables.
Go to Photo.